Kadamba Multi State Cooperative Housing Society Ltd

B . Re2lstered Po I
F. o. -1 H1J~/92/2nl:-- &1
0' rnm!.'nt of India
illi~(I') of griculturc
Dl'panntcnt f gri UItUI'
OPER 'I £ 0
.T ..
Krishi BlIa\ an.
W D~lhi.
Wh r a th Chief Promol r oj Kadamba Multi-State Co-opcrati e Housing ocie.' Ltd.
angli Alp lSI Floor. Vardhaman Plaza. Sangli KoLhapur ITighwaJ', again t hintamani Hall, angli
Di trict, angli - 416416 Maharasbtra had submltt d a prop sal for registr ti n f til prop d. ciety
unde the Multi tat Co perative S cielie
t. 200,- (M~
ct. 2002).
Whereas the folIo ing deficiencies were found in the applicati n ubmitted b th. S ciety:
a) The objective of the socie arast. Al be time of rcgu "ati TI, the objecti e ar to b
limited to certain x1.ent sin e the bye Jaws are
ndabl as the n eel arise from time to
. e based 011 the requirement
b) The roj ct report is not satisfactory. The projected financial statem nts have not included
profit appropriation a required ul 63 of the M
ct 2002. In th first year itself, it i
projected that the net profit after llleetin o the e pen iture is Rs. 961.25 lakhs and ther fore it
appears that the project r port has not b en pr pared on real'ty basi support d by fa ts and
c) In th membership lists of Mah rashtra & Go in man pIa es the addresses 0 member
have not been provided as re uir d tmder oml No. 1(5)(6 of the M
Act 2002. Without
this information, the genuinenes f the members cannot be verified. Fu h r. in the Ii t of
Goa, more than one lembcr bas been dr wn from the same family in the following cases :­
.No. 57 88
S. 0.5996
S. .61,95
S. .6263,65
No ad ress; S. as. 79 & 82.
d) Bye law N
37(A)( i) is in c ntravention to the proviso of ection 41(3) of M... C
e) Bye law 0.37(b)Wi is n ten istent with pr vision of ection 45 fthe M CS Act, 2002.
Vacancy arisin in the Board of Director~ has to be fille by election only as per the
pravi ion of the MSCS Act, 2002.
f) Appr val for the various commitpes propo ed in bye law
appro ed by the Central egistrar.
g) Bye law
h Bye law
o. 39(a)&(b) is not required
0.49 is ot con i t I1t with the provisi n of secli n 52 of the Act.
o. 57(1) is n t consi tent wi lh the pro iso of section 70(2) of the M C Act.
\\ herea undel tilt: pr vi::. i HI 1
2....'d :'.1-1.
t-.tU). 2015 to me 1 til d L:1L:nll:
Ii· ofe' n l1umb~1 dat d th
Whereas none appeared G r h\:arill c'
1\ i)
\ a
m nlion d in the notic dt.::!2.05.2015 and the 'lime \\
\1.:1. 2002 tll
liH PI' 1m r ill
n (PI' nunit. r r r orwl h(:' ·tn~ ( 11 _1-: 11
i ling
r p al i
ha\ ing d lici 'n
n01 ontestc I. llll: propo~cd ~c.:cid) in the nam\.:
Kadamba oJ i- 'tate o-opcralh II u'ing odet. Ltd., angli.
p 1 I 1001' Vardhamun Phutt.
angli Kolhapur Hi hwa) aoaiTl t hintamani 1 11, 'an ti Oi ·trict, an~Ji - 416416. 'laharashtl'a
oe n t me t the requirem nL- of the prO\ isiulls r th Multi tate
- p rath'c
ci tie A \, 20 2 and
rules mad hereun r and there]' r cannot be C II idered for re istratiOIl.
ccordingly. the proposal is return d herewith in original. Hoowcver. the ociet
submit a fre h propo al al1d the ame hall b
n. id red a. per the pr vi io s of M
M CS Rul s. 20 2 made th reu der.
Gi en L nder III haud an seal
EneI:- as above
2g ~May.
201 -.
Chie -Promoter ( hri Hin'"
. -·irtJaur ng Patil)
Kadamba Multi-State C -operative Hou ing Cle
Alp MaJwaddi Ta\- Kagal
District Kolhapur, Maharashtra.
Joint ccrctary to the Government of India
entral Regi frar of Co perativc Societi
Ltd ..