International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences © 2015 Available online at ISSN 2251-838X / Vol, 9 (3): 413-417 Science Explorer Publications The study of al-yamini written by abd-aljabbar al-utbi and its interpretations Atefeh Zandi1, Babak Farzaneh2 1. Ph.D.student, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. 2. Professor,Department of Arabic Language and Literature, North Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. Corresponding Author : Atefeh Zandi ABSTRACT: The historical book of al-Yamini by AbūNaŞrMuhammad Bin Άbdal-jabbār-ial‛Utbioccupies has a primary position among general histories and Ghaznavi age dynastic.It is about praising conquerors and events in the Sāmānid dynasty and Ghaznavid dynastyperiod and political and cultural situations of Iran and other parts of the Islam world. In addition to this book being historically important, it also gained attention in terms of literary characteristics and has attracted a lot of exponents to its artifact and gorge.This article besides explaining the historical and literary importance of al-Yaminibook, reviews the depictionsof this book. Of course, the mainpurpose of those writings was depictions and literary elucidations, but among these depictions also, there are numerous valuable information in historical and geographical terms of Iran and lands around it. Keywords: Historiography, abd-aljabbar al-utbi,ghaznaviyan, al-yamini,prose INTRODUCTION In the Sāmānid and Ghaznavideras with the stunning boom of science and culture in different aspects, like historical writing, only a small number of classical historical artwork has remained from those eras. Some signs indicated that the books have not withstood the fights and wars and vengeances of the ruling families and rivals in the east and central part of Iran. For example SultānMaḥmūdal-Ghaznavi who tried more and more to strengthen his connection with the Abbasid caliphate from political legitimacy aspects, expanded the relentless struggle of the political opponents of the caliphate to the area of science and books and by “burning books”.it was a way of showing his loyalty to the Baghdād caliphate (Ibn al-Athir, 372/9). At the present moment, there’s no evidence to show that he and his ruling family efficiently supported the historical writing or not? The aggressive and dogmatic atmosphere of Khurāsān, especially the time when the alKiramiyya dominated on the pillars of Ghaznavi government is remarkable and reviewable (Bosworth, 1973, 186189; for more info. on al- Kiramiyya: Van Ess, 1980. 11ff.). Nonetheless, it’s obvious that historiography was an activity which allocated to bureaucrat level; although a type of historiography based on the city was mainstream that jurists and traditionalistscreate it and in these types of historical traces,there are brief references to the eventsbut political historiography was not the main goal of the author(Bosworth, 1973, 12, 13 ; Robinson, 59ff.). Literary and historical position of Al-Yamini book The al-Yamini book written by AbūNaŞrMuhammad Bin Άbd al- jabbār-ial-‛Utbi(1035 A.D) and is one of the most important works remaining from east of Iran in Sāmānid and Ghaznavid periods. al-‛Utbi wasfromAbūalHusain al-‛Utbi generation, the Sāmānid minister had risen from the bureaucrat ruling family. He closely saw a lot of events and happenings in the court as one of the high members ofSabuktagin’sand his son SultānMahmūd’scourt, he recorded valuable reports of the government’s situation and wars of SultānSabuktagin and SultānMatmūd and his son Masūd.( ‛Utbi, 2008, 210; Ibn al-Sāi, 2009, 228; Bartold, 1958, 19). In Bartold’s opinion, although he wrote this book in the homage of Mahmūd, but his book shines a light on the social situation of it(Bartold,19). In addition, al-Yaminibeing historically important, it’s also one of the best samples of bureaucrat historiography in literary terms and attracted attention of many exponents due to its artifact and gorge prose. Abstruse and complex Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (3), 413-417, 2015 expressions of al- Yamini, shows the authors efforts of how much dominance he has on Arabic language and it can be said that this issue shows a bit obscurity about his true purpose of writing this work: Isit historiography or “essay”? al-‛Utbi wrote this book by demand of crown prince SultānMahmūd(al-‛Utbi,2008,151, 209, 210; al-Thaālibi, 1983,4/ 458), and its name is a sign of the famous title of SuliānMahmūd al-Ghaznavi, “Yamin al-Dawla”( Khwārizmi, page [44]; al-Subki, 1991, 5/315). He wrote the al- Yamini history for this reason that“ Iraqi people benefit from a book on this subject in Arabic”(al-‛Utbi, 2008, 209, 210) ; and in Treadwell’s opinion, “his real audience was no doubt the caliphate court of Baghdādwhich in it held Mahmūd dear as a true united caliph against al Buya board of governors of Iraq”(vide: Meisami, 1999, 54). Half of this book is about Sāmānid history from decline to extinction and the other half are reports about the rise of power of Mahmūd, his fights, conquests and expeditions (al-‛Utbi, 2008, 204-210; Hiravi, 2001, 27). Ultimately the book ends with an epistolary in praising Amir Nasr Bin Sabuktagin(1020 A.D) (governor of Naysābūr and brother of Mahmūd) and a chapter about offending Amir Abdal-hassanal- Baġawi (1152 A.D), for the reason of al-‛Utbi’s suffering from him.(al-Hadi, 2008, 153).al- Yaminiconsists of valuable information about Abbasi Caliphs, Simjourids and Buwayhids and IlekKhanid (Qarakhanids) and local governments of Khurāsān like Farighouniyya and Ghouriyyaand Ghurjistan and Khwārizmshāhs(al-‛Utbi, 2008, 492-493,545- 553, 503-512, 581-584). al‛Utbihas also brought some topics about the social and religional situation of that period which are: al- Kiramiyya conspiracy, al-Ismāiliyya advertisement, story of some famous scholars’ life and Naysābūr’s famine and cultural situation of Ghazneh, the capital of Ghaznavids (id, 107- 131, 495-497, 577-580). In addition, it’s valuable geographical information, from east of Iran and India and Transoxiana has added to the importance of this book, as far as it is considered as a basic reference in history writing. (vide: al-Hadi, 2008, 172-173 ; Meisami, 1999,65) works like: Mujmal al-tawārikhwaal-qiŞaŞfrom an anonymous writer who introduced himself as the grandchild of Muhallab Bin Muhammad Bin Shadi; al-SiyaghLi ta’rikh-iNaysābūr written by Abd-al-Ghafiral-Farsi (9501-9910 A.D); ta’rikh-iHaratAbd-al-Rahmānal-Fami (1079-1151 A.D); ta’rikh-iBayhaķwritten by Ali Bin Zeyd al-Bayhaki (1170 A.D); al-Tadvin written by Abd- al-karimal-al-Rafeial-Ghazwini (1226 A.D); Mu'djam al-buldānwritten by YāķūtHamavi (1229 A.D); al-kamil written byIbn al-Athir (1233 A.D); Lubab al-albabwritten by MuhammadAwfi (1238 A.D);Ta’rikh-iDjihān-gushawritten by 'Ata'malikal-Djuwayni (1282 A.D); Wafayātal-ayān written by Ibn Khallikān (1282 A.D); al-Joghrafia written by Ali Maghribi (1286 A.D); Jāme al-tawāriḵwritten by Rašid-al-Din FażlAllāh'sHamadani (1318 A.D); ta’rikh-iGuzida written by hamdallāhMustawfi (1349 A.D); Siyara`lam al-nubala' written by al-Dhahabi (1347 A.D); Ŧabakāt al-shāfi‘iyya al-kubrā written by al-Subki (1369 A.D); al-ibar written by Ibn Khaldūn (1405 A.D); Sa'adatnamehwritten by Ghiyath al-din 'AliYazdi which is written between 1397 A.D till 1398 A.D; MujmalFasihiwritten by Fasihal-Khafi (alive in 1441 A.D); Simt al-Nujūm al-Avāliwritten by Abd al-Malik al-IŞāmi (1699 A.D). Al-‛Utbi reported the news and events till the death of Amir Naṣr,and ahir al-Dinal-Bayhaki (al-Șafadī, 2000, 21/84), wrote Mashāribal-TajāribwaGhawārib al-Gharā’ib following the text (al-Bayhaki, Ali, 1425, 70/1, 69; al-Hadi, 2008, 173). Although this book is now considered a missing work of al-Bayhaki, Narrations of this exists in alKamilIbn al-Athir and Mu'djam al-Udabā’YāKūt. Literary texts existing in this book, likeUrjūzes and elegiac poems, letters and technical prose, places this book among important works of Ghaznavi era works. AbūNaṣral-‛Utbi made a new style of historiography at that time which was a paradigm for writers in the successive centuries due to the use of literary arrays like rhyme, pun and of course redundancy and windiness,which is considered as the criticism of this book(ďayf,1/ 228,229). According To Abd al-Wahhabal-Subki’s:“Khwārizm people and its suburbs, have been more considered thanMaԽāmāt ofal-harirand they even memorize them”(al-Subki,1413,5/315). According to Ibn Tiķţaķā’s writing:“ the al- Yamīnībook which the author has written it for , Yamin alDawlaSultānMahmūd, soīn of Sabuktagin, consists of a biography of a group of east land kings and phrases have been used in it that consist of high eloquence and if the owner of these phrases is not a sorcerer at least is an experienced writer and the Iranians are fascinated by it and try to seek it and I swear on my life that, is a book consisting of accurate wisdom and exquisite biography, accompanied by rhetorical techniques and types of eloquence”(Ibn Tiķţaķā, 1418,1/22). al-Yamini Depictions Understanding some subjects of the al-Yaminibook, without referring to dictionary and no awareness of the rhetorical techniques is impossible; numerous depicters tried, in addition to explaining words and expressions, to also explain the subjects in a simple prose. Every one of these Books written for the depiction of this book, have abundant literary values; these depictions in historical form, based on the year of death of the author are: 414 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (3), 413-417, 2015 Sharh-ial-Yamini written by Tajal-Din Issa Bin Mahfū Bin Tayyebal-Eṣfahāni'sal-Targhi( 1160-1218 A.D) famous by Ibn Mahfū, scholar, poet and syntactic (Ibn al-al-Sha''ar, 1990,5/471; Kahhaleh,8/31; Hādjdji Khalifa,1941,2/2052) which no copy has been identified yet, butal-Nağāti al-Naysābūri, has depiction in hand and quoted from it. From him also poeticalwork remains(vide: Karabulut, 2001,3/2334). Sharh-ial-Yamini written by Abū 'AbdallāhMuhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Sulaymanal-Zuhrial-Ishbili (1165A.D-1220 A.D)(al-Șafadi, 2000,2/ 75; al-Maķķari, 1968, 2/213), traditionalist,scholar,syntactic expert. He was the friend and retainer of YākūtHamavi, was in the search of hadith in Baghdad and Musil and Egypt and al-Sham and following the Attacks of the Mongolians, he passed away in Borujerd( Yāķūt, 1993,6/2391;Ibn Mustawfī, 1980, 90-89/1; al-Dhahabi,13/ 515). al-Yomni Fi Sharħ-ial-Yamini written by Majdal-Din, AbūMuhammad, Qāsim ibn husainal-KhwārizmiibnMuħammad, known as adr alAfāżilal-Taraefial-Khwārizmi (1220 A.D), as far as we know, the only person who has the depiction of his status and works, was Yāķūt in his book Mudjam al-Udabā ( Yāķūt, 1993,5/2191-2198). adr al-Afāżilhas recorded a number of words and unknown interpretations of the historical book ofalYaminiwith the sighting of numerous proverbs and has worked on cases of poems and prose in the al-Yomni book which by repeating them in similar works, the amount of promotion and frequency of words from Arabic can more or less be seen in those areas of the Islamic world, meaning Khwārizm and Transoxiana and an image of the Literary atmosphere of the author’s testament be obtained. In some cases he has used Persian words and expressions for explaining pieces of Arabic words and phrases which is considered important due to the understanding of the Persian Language in Khwārizm region in those days. On Khwārizmi’s stipulation, hisintention of writing this book was depicting strange and rare phrases and al- Yamini’s proverbs and also explains some declaration and names of places/ locations in order of al-iħāhwritten by al-Jawhari; in addition to depicting in simple and fluent prose, he corrected words that have been distorted and falsified in numerous copies of al- Yamini. Some literary and historical and geographical knowledge of this depiction are cited in references that is not in hand at the present moment, like: AkhbārWulātKurāsānwritten by al-Sallāmi(al-Thaālibi,1983, 4/108 ; also vide: Kazembeyki,2011,1-23) and al-taji written by al-Sābi (al-Thaālibi, 1983,1/30) and al-MawaĐie’wa al-Buldān written by Abū al-hasan Ali Bin Muhammadal-Omranial-Khwārizmi(al-Șafadi,2000,22/62)and Jamialughat al-'Arab or alJamia fi al-lughat written by Ghouri (Khwārizmi, 1990,1/ 189). This depiction has been cited by after depicters of this book like al-Nağāti al-Naysābūriin Basātin al-fuĐalā’andal-Maniniin al-Fathal-wahbias the most ancient depiction (vide: Article’s following). Versions: 1- version of “hamidyeh” library numbered 1004; 2- “Hamidyyah” version numbered 1168; 3- “Raisalkuttab” version numbered 857; 4- “Vali al-Din” version numbered 2432. The correction and research of this depiction is the subject of doctorate of the writer. Jawamiaal-fighar and Lawamiaal-fikar written by Majdal-DinFaĐlAllāh Bin Abdal-Hamidal-Kirmānī (1223 A.D)( Ibn al-Fuwaţi, 1996,4/ 491; al-Baghdādi, 1951,1/ 821). He brought a section of the historical book of al-Taji written by al-Saabi (fifth component) for the purpose of explaining al-‛Utbi’s statements in this depiction which doubles the importance of this depiction (Kazembeyki, 2010, 35). This book was written in one copy in Moharram month of 1214 A.D and its copy is available in Lalehli library in turkey under the number 2068(Kahhaleh,8/ 75). Basātīn al-fuĐalā’ and Rayahinal-uqalā’ written by Hamid al-Din Abū 'Abd-allāhMaħmūd Bin Omar al-Nağāti al-Naysābūrī, historian and syntactic expert (alive in 1337 A.D) (Kahhaleh,12/ 187; al-Zirikli, 2002,7/ 178). He wrote in the introduction of the book that: after reviewing 5 existing depictions on al-Yamini it’s concluded that a perfect, comprehensive depiction including important notes of past depictions is written for solving difficulties remaining from the text (al-Nağāti al-Naysābūrī, page [1,2]). He finishes this depiction in the year 1309 A.D in Tabriz, then he reads it for Ghotbal-Din Mahmūd Bin MasūdShirazi and adds to it by his demand and finishes it in the year 1321 A.D (HādjdjīKhalīfa, 1941,2/2052). 415 Intl. Res. J. Appl. Basic. Sci. Vol., 9 (3), 413-417, 2015 In this depiction,al-Nağāti al-Naysābūrīhas quoted other depicters’ opinions quite often and sometimes agrees and disagrees with it. Existed Versions: Melli library numbered 5088 and central library of Tehran university numbered 4813 (HādjdjīKhalīfa, 1941,2/ 2052; Brockelmann, 1943,I/ 383); and Majles library numbered 36781 and also in the large Islamic Encyclopedia center numbered 434288 Sharh-ial-Manbaji written by Izz al-DinMuhammad Bin Dāwūd Bin Ali al-Manbaji. The only reference from him and his work that is stated isMajma' al-Adab(vide: Ibn al-Fuwaţi, 1996,1/ 307). al-Fath al-wahbialāTa’rīkh-iAbīNaṣral-‛Utbi written by Shahab al-Din Abū al-Najāh (Abū al-Abbās) Ahmad Bin Ali Ibn Omar ad-Dimašqial-Manini(1678 A.D-1758A.D)was a famous scientist,scholar,poet,jurisconsult andtraditionalist (al-Muradi, 1988, 145-133/1, 324/2; Kahhaleh, 2/15). He was born in Manin village around Damascus and was also raised in that city and gained knowledge from numerous Sheikhs. He was one of the teachers in Umawimasjed and passed away in Damascus. al-Manini’s depiction is one of the most comprehensive depictions onal-Yamini. He wrote this depiction when he went to Istanbul on the demand of the Mufti of Osmani government. The depicterfinished his work in 1734 A.D and this book was printed in two copies in Cairo in 1881 A.D (Vandyke, 1896,1/ 374; al-Zirikli,2002,1/ 181; Durnighah, 75). Depiction of Ali Bin MuŞliħal-Samāni al-Kirmāni, which the summarized version of it exists in the Britain’s museum 549 (Brockelmann, 1943,I/ 383). Another depiction is also at hand which its writer is unidentifiable and copies of it are identified in Paris 6197 and Manchester 289 (Brockelmann, 1943,I/ 383). CONCLUSION al-Yaminī’s history or al-‛Utbi’s history is the most authentic history book of the Ghaznavi period and is considered the most important literary work due to having ornate and literary prose. The valuable geographical information of Iran and India and Transoxiana in this book adds to its importance. By checking and reviewing numerous depictions which is written about it, it is concluded that each of them consists of special privileges and characteristics, some like Basātin al-fuĐalā’ and al-Fath al-wahbiparaphrasal and descriptive, and others like al-Yomni acts as an Encyclopedia that not only is considered to demystify simple substances and compounds of al- Yamini history but is also considered an appropriate reference for different subjects and related to history and geography and Arabic and Iranian literature. And most important of all in some of these depictions there has been citations from references that are not available at the present time; but of course it has to be kept in mind that rarely a depiction solely exists that consists of all the aspects of the work, but among the depictions of al-Yamini that were available, this comprehensiveness might be found in the two depictions of alFath al-wahbiand al-Yomni. 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