Week 3 - ARK John Keats Academy

1st May 2015
Parent power
On the 28th and 29th of April this week our
school was inspected by two HMIs (Her
Majesty’s Inspectors) They came to investigate
the quality of education we provide, focussing
on the areas of:
Leadership and management
Behaviour and safety
Quality of teaching
Achievement of pupils
The quality of Early Years provision
The inspectors spent the two days in our classes
observing the teaching and learning across the
whole academy; meeting with Mr Collins, Ms
Reynecke and myself, representatives from our
Governing Body and Ark, a group of primary
and secondary parents and pupils; and lots of
time studying the pupils’ work and trawling
through data and paper work.
As I stated in assembly today and in a text you
received this week; the outcome remains
confidential until published, but we are very
happy with the judgement as we feel it reflects
the school very well. I will let you all know as
soon as I can and you will also be able to read
the report when it is published.
I just wanted to say again, that we are so proud
of your children and the inspectors said that
they were ‘delightful’. I was also incredibly
proud of the staff, who work so hard for your
children every single day, but really shone
during the inspection.
Ms Reynecke and Clare Wilson from Ark led a
parents’ workshop on helping to develop your
child’s talking at home. It was fabulous to have
so many parents at the workshop – some who
attended last year too! Well done to you all and
I hope you enjoyed it and found it useful. These
workshops are for all parents – whether your
child is a confident little chatter-box or a
reluctant speaker. If you would like us to
arrange a workshop on anything else to do with
your child’s education please do let me know
and we will try to organise it for you. The next
one in our dairy is on the Year 1 phonics
screening check.
Newsletter 1st May 2015
AJK Attendance
Important dates:
1st: Jeffers 99.6% (AGAIN!)
Monday 4th May: Bank holiday—school
closed all day
Wednesday 20th May at 8.40am: Parents’
meeting – Year 1 phonics test. All Year 1
parents must try to attend this very
important meeting or send a
Thursday 21st May (am): 100% attendance
trip to soft play at The Play Centre at
Edmonton Leisure. (The permission letter
will be sent out next week)
Friday 22nd May: last day of Summer Term
1. School closes for the half term holiday at
Monday 1st June: First day of Summer
Term 2 (Already!!!!!!!!!!)
Important future dates:
2nd: Carle 97.4%
3rd: Rosen 97%
4th: Donaldson 95%
Extra playtime for Jeffers Class – nearly 100%
but all above 95% so well done all!
Staff training day: Friday 26th June –
school closed
Ark School’s Music Gala: Tuesday 30th
Primary Sports day : Thursday 9th July
Reception graduation: Thursday 16th July
Whole primary seaside trip: Monday 20th
AJK Scholars of the Week
Definition of a scholar: a person who is highly educated or has an aptitude for study
Pupils chosen to be the scholar of the week are selected because they consistently demonstrate our KEATS values:
This week’s scholars of the week are:
Mik in Rosen Class
Jada in Carle Class
Michelle in Donaldson Class
Amy in Jeffers Class
Well done all of you for being AJK scholars of the week!