Russian Revolution Isabel Torralbo Talavera Background Russia was the largest regime (land and population) in Europe. Isabel Torralbo Talavera ECONOMY - SOCIETY - Weak, based on agriculture, slow industrial development opposite to others. Lack of social mobility (semi-feudal regime) Increase in industry creates low wages, child labor, miserable working conditions. Isabel Torralbo Talavera POLITICAL SITUATION 1894-Nicholas II, autocratic rule, poor decisions. Absolutism-repression of the czars; lack of enlightened ideas. Duma (congress) rarely met often disbanded by czars. Russification-forcing many nationalities of the empire to have the same language (Russian), customs, and traditions. Isabel Torralbo Talavera Several political parties – Democratic Constitutional Party (bourgois – Liberal) – Social – Revolutionary Party (peasant revolution) Esers – Russian Democratic Party (Marxist) 1912 Mensheviks Bolsheviks Isabel Torralbo Talavera Rasputin. Too much influence on royal family. Corrupt. Isabel Torralbo Talavera Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)-humiliating loss. “Bloody Sunday”-workers march peacefully, shot at. Isabel Torralbo Talavera Revolution of 1905 (fails). Soviets will appear (assemblies of soldiers, peasants and workers) Strikes, violence, demostrations…. Unfulfilled promises :universal sufrage, agricultural reform… Isabel Torralbo Talavera REVOLUTION 1917 Immediate Cause—World War I Russia’s poor showing (military disasters) Lack of supplies, millions in casualties, desertions … Revolution 1917 – Feb : bourgeois revolution – Provisional Government – October : Soviet Revolution Isabel Torralbo Talavera Events of Revolution February 1917 Social and economic crisis: inflation, lack of raw materials…. Military crisis Development 23rd February , big demonstration in Saint Petersburg “peace and bread” 25th General strike 26th soldiers refused to shoot at people. Motinies in the quarters 27th _ Provisional Governmenl Luov + Kerensky Isabel Torralbo Talavera March. Czar Nicholas abdicates Republic Lenin back from exile. Isabel Torralbo Talavera Provisional Government Kerensky and the Mensheviks (moderate) still support WWI crisis continued April thesis Lenin “All power for the soviets” - Condemns the Provisional Government as bourgeois and urges "no support" for it -Calls for a parliamentary republic not to be established and calls this a "retrograde step." He calls for "a republic of Soviets of Workers‘ -Asserts that Russia is "passing from the first stage of the revolution —which placed power in the hands of the bourgeoisie—to its second stage, which must place power in the hands of the proletariat and the poorest sections of the peasants. Isabel Torralbo Talavera TRUE OR FALSE? LENIN Lenin’s brother was hanged for plotting to kill the czar. Lenin was kicked out of college. Lenin was exiled to Siberia for three years Lenin was not his real name. Lenin was mummified following his death. Isabel Torralbo Talavera October / November Revolution The Bolsheviks with the “Red Guard” take the Winter Palace (October 1917) Provisional Government overthrown. A workers´government was proclaimed led by Lenin. The revolution has succeded. Isabel Torralbo Talavera First measures of the new government Treaty of BrestLitovsk—out of WWI. (very hard conditions for Russia) Isabel Torralbo Talavera Land was expropiated and divided up between the peasants Factories were taken over by workers´ comittees November 1917 Elections for the Constituent Assembly Isabel Torralbo Talavera PartyOt Votes Percent Deputies SocialistRevolutionary Party (SRs) 17,100,000 41.0 380 9,800,000 23.5 168 2,000,000 4.8 17 1,360,000 3.3 18 11,140,000 26.7 120 Bolsheviks Constitutional Democratic Party (Kadets) Mensheviks Others Isabel Torralbo Talavera Isabel Torralbo Talavera Civil war—Reds vs. Whites (19181921). Isabel Torralbo Talavera Civil War 1918 - 1921 Combatant: – Bolsheviks (Red Army) led by Trotski vs – Mix of liberals and supporters of Tsarism (White Army) Victory of the bosheviks: – Popular support – Lack of coordination among the different armies – Trotsky. Moscow capital (1918)—U.S.S.R. (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics 1922) Isabel Torralbo Talavera After Civil War 1922 Federal State: Union of Socialist Soviet Republics 1922 - Economy (1921-1928) NEP system of mixed economy which allowed private individuals to own small enterprises - 1924 Constitution – Supreme Soviet (legislative power) – Presidium ( head of State) – Council of Peolple´s Commissars (Government CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union (book Isabel Torralbo Talavera Isabel Torralbo Talavera After Lenin’s death power struggle Trotsky / Stalin Trotsky export the revolution Stalin “socialism in one country” Josef Stalin becomes the leader of the Soviet Union. Isabel Torralbo Talavera Forced Russia into a modern industrialized nation. Totalitarianism. 5 year plans—collective farms Purges out all his enemies. Isabel Torralbo Talavera USSR is a super power. Isabel Torralbo Talavera h?v=ZT2z0nrsQ8o What characters can you recognize in the video? What vision (good, bad…) does it give from each one of them? Give specific examples. Isabel Torralbo Talavera
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