Abstract Title (Capitalize First Letter, Times New Roman Font, 16

Abstract Title (Capitalize First Letter, Times New Roman
Font, 16 Point, Centered, Bold)
Author Name 1,1* Author Name 2,2… (12 point, centered, bold, presenter’s name is
underlined and indicated by an asterisk)
Author’s affiliation and full address (11 point, centered, italicized)
Author’s affiliation and full address (11 point, centered, italicized)
Presenter’s e-mail address (11 point, centered, italicized)
Abstract (12 point, centered, bold)
The abstract should be a concise summary of your presentation. It should be typed
single-spaced in 12 point type Times New Roman, maximum 350 words (excluding
title and authors information), justified and should not contain any tables and figures.
Abstract should include the following headings, in bold:
Introduction: A brief statement of the study’s background and objectives
Methods: A brief statement of the methods used to accomplish the objectives (if
Results: A summary of the results
Conclusion: Significance of the results and implications of the study to its field /
community etc. Abbreviations may be used but must be spelled out in full at the first
mention followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
Keyword: A list of words or short phrases (maximum 5) that describe your study (12
point, Times New Roman, justified)