(10 pt)¶ (10 pt)¶ PETAR PETRIĆ, Ph.D., Full Professor (10 pt, center) ¶ IVAN IVIĆ, Ph.D., Associate Professor (10 pt, center)¶ Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Rijeka (10 pt, center) ¶ (10 pt)¶ (10 pt)¶ (10 pt)¶ INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS AND A SAMPLE PAPER (12 pt, bold, capitals, center)¶ (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ 2 cm Space - 8 lines Papers should be written in English only. We will not correct your work, so double-check your spelling, syntax, composition and layout. Please, insert the summary of the paper on this position. (8 pt; indentation: left 2 cm) (8 pt) ¶ Key words: List 1-6 key words (8 pt) (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ INTRODUCTION (10 pt, bold, capitals) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ Papers are subject to the anonymous judgement of two independent referees, and will be classified in one of the following cathegories: Original scientific papers, Preliminary reports, Review, Conference papers, Technical papers. Papers without positive classification of the referees will not be published and included in programme. The scope of submitted text can not exceed more than 30 000 characters (15 pages), which are typed according to these instructions. (10 pt) (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ 1. INFORMATION (10 pt, bold, capitals) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ 1.1. Instructions (10 pt, bold) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ Use A4 Format (297 x 210 mm) ¶ Margins: top 5 cm, bottom 5 cm, left 4,4 cm, right 4,2 cm, gutter 0 cm, header 4 cm, footer 4 cm. Use one standard tab (1,27 cm) at the beginning of each paragraph.¶ The text should be written in Word (Windows) ¶ Font: Times New Roman, size 10, line spacing single. The text should be arranged according to these instructions. ¶ Text together with all supplements should be submitted per e-mail only ([email protected]). Use the surname of (first) author to identified your file (e.g. petric.doc). (10 pt) ¶ Title of the paper should be concise and informative (max.10 words) Text should be written in neuter gender, concisely and in correct orthography. The author is responsible for language-edit. Emphasis should be on results, their interpretations and conclusions. For already known data, experimental methods etc., sources should be mentioned. (10 pt) ¶ Figures, graphs and/or tables should be included in the text and prepared in this page setup (black and white). (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ Figure 1. Title of the figure (10 pt, bold) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ (8 pt) ¶ Source:xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx (8 pt) (10 pt) ¶ Referring: References should be quoted in the same order as they appear in the text. 1 (10 pt) ¶ 2.1.1. Subtitle (10 pt) (10 pt) ¶ Subtitle (10 pt, italics) (10 pt) ¶ (10 pt) ¶ REFERENCES (10 pt, bold) (8 PT) ¶ Examples of bibliography/references citation: Book: Kotler, P., Marketing Management; An Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, 1988. (8 pt) Journal article: Carland, J. W., White, L. R., “Valuing the Small Business”, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 18, October, 1980, 40-48 (8 pt) Paper in the proceedings: Abfalter, D., Pechlaner, H., “Culture Management in Tourist Destinations between Markets and Resarees”, in 16th Biennial International Congress Hotel and Tourism 2002, Proceedings, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija, October 2326, 2002, 263-274 1 Footnote text – Font:Times New Roman, size 8.
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