ADMISSION APPLICATION FORM Islamabad Campus Fall 2015 Form No: 15 -___________________________________ Reg No ______________________________________ Section 1: Personal Data Name Mr/Miss/Mrs_____________________________________________________________________________ Gender: Male Female Marital Status: Single Married Date of Birth: D M Y CNIC_________________________________________ Domicile: Province ___________________________________District_________________________________ Nationality 1:__________________________________ Nationality 2:_________________________________ Tel: Mob __________________________Res______________________ Email______________________________ Current Address ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 4 Passport size photographs Permanent Address ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Father’s Name_________________________________________________________________CNIC_____________________________________ Guardian’s Name (If other than Father): _____________________________________________CNIC_____________________________________ Occupation: _____________________________________ Tel: Mob___________________________ Res:_______________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Designation (If employed): ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of the Organization________________________________________________________________________________________________ Disability (If any):_________________________________________________________ Special arrangements required for the admission test and to attend classes at the campus ___________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Status: Fresh Applicant Transfer Applicant Result Awaiting Applicant Iqra Graduate Program(s) Applied for: 1. _____________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________ MBA Morning MBA Evening Section 2: Academic Data Marks/CGPA Academic Qualification Board/University Year Obtained Total Complete/ Result Awaited SSC/O-Level HSSC/ A-Level________________ Bachelors: ____________________ Masters:_______________________ MS/MPhil:____________________ Entrance Exam (If taken) NTS-NAT/ GAT Subject/SAT/GRE/GMAT/Other______________ Marks/% Obtained Total Roll Number 5, Khayaban e Johar, H-9 Islamabad- 44000. UAN 111-264-264 Fax +92-(0)51-4438315 Website: Valid up to Page 1 of 3 Iqra Graduates/Ex-Students Campus: __________________________________ Program _______________________ Registration no ____________________________ Reason for leaving_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Transfer Applicant Institution attended:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Program_______________________________________CGPA:_______________Credit Hours Completed:__________________________ Reason for leaving_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Result Awaiting Applicant Awaiting Result of _________________________________________________________________,Roll Number________________________ Board/ University___________________________________________________________________________ Year________________________ I assure that I will meet the minimum eligibility criteria of the program I am applying for admission in. I understand that my admission will be cancelled if I fail to submit the result/ equivalence certificate with the required percentage/ GPA within time. Section 3: Emergency Contact Details Name of the Person _____________________________________________________CNIC___________________________________________ Relationship with the Applicant___________________________________Occupation_________________________________________ Tel: Mob_____________________________________ Res___________________________ Email_______________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 4: Document Checklist Please tick the appropriate box 4 passport size photographs A copy of your CNIC/ B Form and your father’s CNIC A copy of SSC mark sheet & Certificate/ O Level equivalence certificate A copy of HSSC mark sheet & Certificate/ A- Level equivalence certificate A copy of Bachelors Degree and Transcript/ Mark sheet A copy of Masters Degree and Transcript/ Mark sheet A copy of HEC Equivalence Certificate (For applicants with foreign degrees) A copy of Roll Number Slip (For result awaiting applicants) A copy of NTS NAT /SAT/ GAT Subject / GRE/ GMAT original score sheet Bank Draft Number___________________________________________ from ___________________________ Bank worth PKR 1500 (2000) for PhD, in favor of Iqra University Islamabad. (For applicants sending application forms through postal/ courier services) Section 5: Declaration I, ________________________________________________________ hereby affirm that I have fully read and understood the eligibility criteria of the program(s) I am applying for and found myself eligible to apply. I have also completely understood the fee structure of the concerned program(s). I further declare that I have not been expelled/ dismissed from any university and that the information / documents provided by me for the purpose of admission are truthful. If any document/ information is found fake or incorrect, the University reserves the right to dismiss my registration at any stage and cancel my obtained degree/ diploma at any point of time. Applicant’s Signature For Official Use Only Form submitted by hand by post online Documents Complete Pending _________________________ Form received by_____________________________________________________ Date ________________________ Receipt no________________________ Data entered by _____________________________________________________ Date _______________________ Entry Admission Approved Denied Complete Pending Pending Chairman of the Admission Committee ______________________________________ 5, Khayaban e Johar, H-9 Islamabad- 44000. UAN 111-264-264 Fax +92-(0)51-4438315 Website: Page 2 of 3 Eligibility Check and Program Selection (please tick the appropriate box) Programs Diploma Programs Fashion / Textile Design (DFD/DTD) Eligibility 1st Sem Charges 2nd Division in HSSC 76,500 Bachelor Programs Bachelor in Fashion Design (BFD) Bachelor in Textile Design (BTD) Bachelor in Media Studies (BMS) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science BS(CS) Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering BS(SE) Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication and Networks BS(TN) Bachelor of Science in Development Studies BS(DS) Bachelor of Science in International Relations BS(IR) Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences BS(Sc) Bachelor of Science in Economics BS(Eco) Bachelor of Business Administration BBA Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance BS(A&F) Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering (BEEE) 2nd Division in HSSC (FSc Level Maths is compulsory for CS, SE and TN) 60% marks in HSSC (Pre Eng) 76,500 76,500 76,500 73,200 73,200 68,100 61,500 61,500 61,500 61,500 76,500 76,500 85,100 Master Programs Master of Business Administration MBA 90 CrHr Master of Business Administration MBA 72 CrHr Master of Business Administration MBA 48 CrHr Master of Business Administration MBA 36 CrHr MSc Development Studies/ MSc International Relations 72 CrHr MSc Development Studies/ MSc International Relations 48 CrHr MSc Development Studies/ MSc International Relations 36 CrHr 2 yr Bachelors with 2nd Division 4 yr Bachelors with 2.5CGPA/2ndDiv BBA from other university, 2.5 CGPA BBA from IU 2 yr Bachelors with 2nd Div 4 yr Bachelors with 2.5 CGPA/2ndDiv 4 year Bachelors in DS/IR with 2.5CGPA 63,600 63,600 63,600 63,600 61,500 61,500 61,500 MS/ MPhil Programs Master of Science in Management Science Master of Science in Computer Science MS(CS) Master of Science in Software Engineering MS(SE) Master of Science in Telecommunication and Networks MS(TN) MPhil in International Development Studies MPhil(IDS) MPhil in International Relations MPhil(IR) 16 years of education in the specific or a relevant field with 2.50/4.00 CGPA or 2nd Division 50,700 50,700 50,700 50,700 45,300 45,300 18 yrs of education in the specific or a relevant field with 3.00/4.00 CGPA or 1st Division and thesis 37,800 37,800 37,800 PhD Programs PhD in Management Science PhD in Computer Sciences PhD in Telecommunication and Networks 5, Khayaban e Johar, H-9 Islamabad- 44000. UAN 111-264-264 Fax +92-(0)51-4438315 Website: Page 3 of 3
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