Course Intro - Interaction Design & Technologies

Tabletop Computing 2015
CIU246, 7.5 ETCS
Course responsibles:
Morten Fjeld and Paweł Woźniak
Course Specifics
Course web page:
•  Lectures
–  Morten Fjeld
–  Paweł Woźniak
–  Khanh Duy Le
Systems, research, and evaluation
•  Guest lecture
–  Mohammad Obaid
Theme to be defined
•  Projects are done groupwise and run through the full course
•  Literature seminar, one presentation event
Participation, Deadlines,
Grading, and Credit Distribution
Participations and deadlines
•  To pass the course you must participate in all activities
•  Deadlines and important dates are given in the schedule of course web
Grading and credit distribution
•  The project counts for 60% of the course grade
Concept 15%, realization 15%, demo 15%, and project report 15%
Project report is graded based on fulfillment of “project report guidelines”
Project report is written and handed in groupwise using PingPong
0213, Project, 4,0 ECTS
•  The individual written essay counts for 40% of the course grade
Individual written essay is graded based on fulfillment of “home exam guidelines”
Individual written essay is handed in individually using PingPong
0113, Written and oral assignments, 3,5 ECTS
Wigdor, D., & Wixon, D. (2011). Brave NUI world:
designing natural user interfaces for touch and
gesture. Elsevier.
Paweł will give more info on when and how to use the
book during the project.
Forming Groups; Working in Groups
•  You will be assigned into groups of 4 or 5
•  Groups will be called Group 1, 2, 3 and 4
•  We will try to capture the background and skills
relevant for the course and suggest group
combinations during the first course week
•  To change group, please suggest who you can
swap with, so that this can be managed without
•  You will work in the same groups within the
project and within the literature seminar
Compulsory Lectured Literature
M. Fjeld, K. Lauche, M. Bichsel, F. Voorhorst, H. Krueger & M. Rauterberg (2002):
Physical and Virtual Tools: Activity Theory Applied to the Design of Groupware. In B.
A. Nardi & D. F. Redmiles (eds.) A Special Issue of Computer Supported Cooperative
Work (CSCW): Activity Theory and the Practice of Design, Volume 11 (1-2), pp. 153-180.
Christian Müller-Tomfelde and Morten Fjeld (2010): Introduction: A Short History of
Tabletop Research, Technologies, and Products. In Müller-Tomfelde, C. (ed.)
Tabletops – Horizontal Interactive Displays. Human Computer Interaction Series,
Springer Verlag, pp. 1-24.
Andreas Kunz and Morten Fjeld (2010): From Table–System to Tabletop: Integrating
Technology into Interactive Surfaces. In Müller-Tomfelde, C. (ed.) Tabletops –
Horizontal Interactive Displays. Human Computer Interaction Series, Springer, pp. 53-72.
Holz, C. and Baudisch, P. (2011): Understanding touch. In Proceedings of CHI 2011,
Vancouver, Canada, May 7-12, 2011, pp. 2501-2510.
Christian Müller-Tomfelde, Morten Fjeld (2012): Tabletops: Interactive Horizontal
Displays for Ubiquitous Computing. IEEE Computer, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 78-81.
Compulsory Seminar Literature, 1/2
Paper A:
Orit Shaer, Megan Strait, Consuelo Valdes, Taili Feng, Michael Lintz, and Heidi Wang.
2011. Enhancing genomic learning through tabletop interaction. In Proceedings of
the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '11). ACM,
Paper B:
Gang Hu, Derek Reilly, Mohammed Alnusayri, Ben Swinden, and Qigang Gao. 2014.
DT-DT: Top-down Human Activity Analysis for Interactive Surface Applications. In
Proceedings of ITS '14 ACM, New York, NY, USA, 167-176.
Paper C:
Orit Shaer, Ali Mazalek, Brygg Ullmer, and Miriam Konkel. 2013. From big data to
insights: opportunities and challenges for TEI in genomics. In Proc. TEI '13,109-116.
Paper D:
Apted, T., Collins, A. and Kay, J. Heuristics to support design of new software for
interaction at tabletops. In Proc. CHI '09, 2009.
Compulsory Seminar Literature, 2/2
Paper E:
Roberto Martínez Maldonado, Judy Kay, and Kalina Yacef. 2010. Collaborative concept
mapping at the tabletop. In ACM ITS '10, 207-210.
Paper F:
Uta Hinrichs and Sheelagh Carpendale. 2011. Gestures in the wild: studying multitouch gesture sequences on interactive tabletop exhibits. In Proceedings of the
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '11). ACM,
Paper G:
Halla B. Olafsdottir, Theophanis Tsandilas, and Caroline Appert. 2014. Prospective
motor control on tabletops: planning grasp for multitouch interaction. In
Proceedings of CHI '14. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2893-2902.
Paper H:
Nicolai Marquardt, Ricardo Jota, Saul Greenberg, and Joaquim A. Jorge. 2011. The
continuous interaction space: interaction techniques unifying touch and gesture on
and above a digital surface. In Proc. INTERACT’11, 461-476.
Themes and specifics will be introduced in course week 2
Will be done in groups (4-5 students per group)
Report will be done in groups and handed in groupwise
Project live demo will be done during the exam week
Those without past knowledge on project planning and
management (typically taught during Chalmers BSc-thesisproject), are expected to acquire basic knowledge on
project management necessary to function effectively
within their group.
•  Self-study crash-course on project management can be
found here:
Software and Hardware, 1/2
•  The following software has been installed
–  Microsoft Visual C# Express 2010
–  Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0
–  Microsoft® Surface® 2.0 SDK
•  Input Simulator to simulate touches and tags does not
work with student accounts due to Windows admin policy
•  Installation still in progress
–  Microsoft Expression Blend® 4
•  Software test installation on KG-237-09, Studio High
•  Software will be installed on a number of Student PCs at
Chalmers Lindholmen during course week 1
Software and Hardware, 2/2
Two SAMSUNG SUR40 Pixelsense devices are available
The devices are not online, and should not be connected
One device will be accessible at Kuggen High (or: Low)
The other device will be accessible at Visual Arena Lobby
Please follow “code of conduct” when using the devices
For the device at the Visual Arena, Lobby:
•  The use of this device is only possible in the hours
indicated in the course schedule
•  An access tag will be given to one group member per group
Course Representatives
Course representatives suggested by
Chalmers admin.:
•  Alma CA
•  Student 2
•  Student 3