3/10/2014 How to Conduct a Tabletop Exercise Deonna S. Johnson, Emergency Management Coordinator Milwaukee County Emergency Management, 2014 AGENDA What is an Exercise 8-Exercise Design Steps Purpose of Exercising Evaluation Types of Exercises Sample TTX Common Exercise Types Resources 1 3/10/2014 What is an Exercise It is a focused practice activity Paces the participants in a simulated situation; and Requires them to function in the capacity that would be expected of them in a real event. "We did not anticipate that airliners would be commandeered and turned into guided missiles; but the fact that we practiced for other kinds of disasters made us far more prepared to handle a catastrophe that nobody envisioned." —Rudolph W. Giuliani, former mayor of New York City Purpose of Exercising To create a learning environment for the validation of current emergency operations plan, polices and procedures. Clarify roles and responsibilities Improve coordination and communication Identify gaps 2 3/10/2014 Types of Exercises Discussion-based Exercises Provide a forum for discussing or developing plans and procedures. Operations-based Exercises Deployment of resources and personnel. Typically focus on strategic and POLICY-ORIENTED issues. Execution of plans, policies, agreements and procedures. DOES NOT INVOLVE deployment of resources. Identify resource gaps in an operational environment 3 Common Exercises Tabletop Exercise A facilitated discussion utilizing a scenario in an informal low stress environment. Functional Exercise A fully simulated interactive exercise that validates the coordination, command and control between various multi-agency coordination centers. No deployment of actual resources. Highly stressful environment. Full-Scale Exercise A multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional activity involving actual deployment of resources in a coordinated response, as if a real incident had occurred. 3 3/10/2014 Design an Exercise: 8 Step Process Assess needs Define scope Write a statement of purpose Define objectives Compose a narrative Write major and detailed events List expected actions Prepare messages Step 1: Assess Needs Establishes the reason (s) or need (s) to do an exercise while defining areas to be exercised Review your Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) 4 3/10/2014 List the various hazards in your community Airplane Crash Winter Storm Drought Tornado Epidemic (biological attack/outbreak) Sustained power failure Fire/Firestorm Flood Train derailment Hostage/Shooting Hazardous material spill/release Workplace Violence Drought Terrorism WHAT SECONDARY EFFECTS FROM THOSE HAZARDS ARE LIKELY TO IMPACT YOUR ORGANIZATION? Communication system breakdown Power outages Transportation blockages Business interruptions Mass evacuations/displaced population Overwhelmed medical services Other 5 3/10/2014 Ranking your Hazards What are the highest priority hazards? Consider such factors as: Frequency of occurrence Relative likelihood of occurrence Magnitude and intensity Location (affecting critical areas or infrastructure) #1 Priority hazard: #2 Priority hazard: #3 Priority hazard: Step 2: Define the Scope 5 key elements of scope Type of emergency Usually limited to one major Location Specific place where hazard could realistically occur Functions List the operations that the participants will practice. Clear & narrowly defined Participants Who needs to be involved? Decision makers Exercise type TTX, FX, or FSX 6 3/10/2014 Step 3: Write a Statement of Purpose Broad statement of the exercise goal Clarifies for the chief executive and potential participants why the exercise is being conducted. Purpose Statement Example “The purpose of the proposed________(enter exercise type such as tabletop) exercise is to improve _____, _______, and ______ (enter the operations or functions from the exercise scope) by involving ____, ______, and _____ (enter individuals by position) from _____, _____, and ____ (enter organization names) in a simulated _____ (enter hazard) at _____ (enter location).” 7 3/10/2014 Step 4: Define Objectives An objective is a description of the performance you expect from participants to demonstrate competence. More specific than purpose statement Provide a framework for scenario development Provide exercise evaluation criteria No more than 10 objectives (depending on size) SMART Objectives Discuss the process and tools used to provide overall management and coordination of emergency public information and warnings. http://www.fema.gov/core-capabilities 8 3/10/2014 Step 5: Compose a Narrative A scenario is the story line that drives an exercise Today is Wednesday, March 5, 11:00am. Narrative: National Weather Service issued a tornado warning for Happy County from 7:30am until 8:45am. Reports of rotation and funnel clouds, destructive hail, deadly lightning and heavy rain, have been received with this storm. Due to an unusual warm front lingering in the area, temperature is currently 72 degrees and the predicted high is 84 degrees. The tornado touched West Corners, Central City and East Grove around 7:50am. Scenario cont. At 8:30am, facilities management for Happy County Courthouse initiated a damage assessment process and found the building sustained severe damage to the internal and external portions of the facility. Additionally, assessments indicate that the facility has undertaken approximately 8 inches of water in the basement. Facilities management is currently assessing other county facilities. Utility providers are estimating about 75, 000 customers are without power, including Happy County Courthouse. 9 3/10/2014 Step 6: Writing Major Events Major events are big problems resulting from the emergency. The courthouse is without power and 8 inches of water in basement Preliminary estimates show 75,000 customers without power. Step 7: List Expected Actions Expected actions are the actions or decisions that you want participants to carry out in order to demonstrate competence. TYPES OF ACTIONS Verification Gather or verify information Consideration Consider info, discuss among players, negotiate, consult plan. Deferral Defer action to later, put action on priority list Decision Deploy or deny resources 10 3/10/2014 Step 8: Problem Statements/Messages A tabletop can succeed with just a few carefully written messages or problem statements. Usually directed to a single person or organization, although others may be invited to join in the discussion. Typically proceeds the narrative with questions. Message Example 1. What are facilities management initial notifications and how are those notifications made? 2. Who are you required to notify at this point in the incident and how are you making these notifications? 11 3/10/2014 Applying the Design Steps 8 Step Process will be used to create your situation manual “SITMAN”. The “SITMAN” is what the participants will refer to throughout the exercise. This is a summary of everything—it provides a synopsis of the exercise. HOW A TABLETOP WORKS 12 3/10/2014 Facilities and Materials Identify exercise participants “Players” Operations Center or conference facility Materials: Emergency plans Maps Other references Arrange room in small groups or a U-shaped layout KEY ACTIONS Set the stage Involve everyone Focus on in-depth problem solving 13 3/10/2014 Facilitating the Exercise Strategies for setting the stage Welcome Briefing Narrative Ice breaker Facilitating the Exercise Strategies for involving everyone Organize messages Encourage Elicit-do not provide- solutions Eye contact Reinforcement Redirect if necessary 14 3/10/2014 Tips for Facilitators Keep discussion focused on how critical tasks would be performed Always remain neutral, objective, and fair Record all ideas and facts Allow real situations to be used as examples Players should speak to each other, not you Do not allow the group to transfer ownership of the process, problem, or recommendation to you Honor break, lunch, and quitting times SAMPLE TABLETOP 15 3/10/2014 Tabletop Agenda 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:10 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Registration Module 1: Warning Module 2: Response Break Hot Wash/Debrief WELCOME Tabletop Exercise Introductions Name, Agency, Title, Role Roles and Responsibilities Participants (Players) Representatives at the table and participate in discussion Observers Support the participants but do not participate in the discussion 16 3/10/2014 Exercise Rules Respond based on your knowledge of current plans and capabilities Make your best decision based on the circumstances presented. Varying viewpoints, even disagreements are expected. Stress-free environment. Sample TTX Exercise Objectives Public Information & Warning Discuss your protocol for managing emergency public information and warnings and how emergency warnings will be conducted. Operational Communications Discuss how immediate incident alert & notifications will be conducted. Critical Transportation (Citizen Evacuation & Shelter-inPlace) Describe how activation of evacuation and/or shelter-in-place protection operations will be conducted. 17 3/10/2014 Module 1: Scenario March 5, 10:00am – The tornado produced severe thunderstorms and heavy rain in Happy County and a flash flood resulted. Within 3 hours, 6 to 9 inches of water were reported. Happy County Courthouse and the adjacent medical examiner’s building have reported that their facilities have undertaken approximately 8 inches of water in their basements. Key Issues 8 inches of water reported in Courthouse and Medical Examiner’s Office 18 3/10/2014 Module 1: Questions 1. Who would be the incident commander (leader) for this incident? 2. What are your immediate, intermediate and long term priorities? 3. Who are you required to notify at this point in the incident and how are you making these notifications? Module 2: SCENARIO cont. A fire has resulted due to lightning striking Happy County Courthouse and an evacuation has been ordered. Medical Examiner’s Office is evacuating due to uprooted trees destroying windows and a loss of power. 19 3/10/2014 SCENARIO cont. Happy County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has been activated. 75,000 customers without power within the County. County Executive is proclaiming a State of Emergency for Happy County. Key Issues Courthouse fire and evacuation Medical Examiner’s office evacuation Power outages throughout County 20 3/10/2014 Module 2: Questions 1. What agency plans do you have to support this incident? 2. How are you communicating with onsite and offsite employees? 3. What message/s are you directing to the public? Wrap-Up Activities Participants and observers complete feedback forms that should solicit, at a minimum: Improvements to future exercises Level of satisfaction Conducting a debriefing or Hot Wash Planners should address comments from feedback forms in future exercises 21 3/10/2014 22 3/10/2014 training.fema.gov/IS/crslist.aspx www.llis.dhs.gov/hseep www.county.milwaukee.gov/emergencymanagement emergencymanagement.wi.gov/training/exercises.asp Tabletop Resources, 2014 23
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