The Village of Shorewood Hills 810 Shorewood Boulevard - Madison, WI 53705-2115 - Phone: 608-267-2680 - Fax: 608-266-5929 - VOlume 86 number 10 InsIde T THIS hIs IIssue INSIDE SSUE Page2–3 Page 2-3 Highlights Highlights from from the the September 16, 2013 August 19, 2013 Board Board Meeting; Fall Leaf Meeting Pickup; Tax Bill Page 4 Safety4Tips for Driving Page Near the School; Crossing Letter from the City of Guard Wanted; Village Madison Fire Department Bulletin Opt-Out Page 5 Page 5 Shorewood Hills Energy Efficiency/Energy Community League Conservation Seminar; Bulletin Help Raise the Bear Upcoming Block Parties Page 7 Immunization Clinic Insert Grass Clippings Shorewood Hillsand Brush Thanks for the Flowers Community League Bulletin S ECONDsTreeT UNIVERSITY AVENUE TRAFFIC STUDY WORKSHOP sTaTe Parade Your input County is needed regarding University Avenue solutions The Dane Fire Chiefs Association sponsorsanda possible parade each year to at alleviate problems all modes of transportation face on this street. The Village the beginning of Fire Prevention Week. On Sunday, October 6, at 1:00 pm, Fire is hosting a vehicles second workshop on Thursday, September 2013 from Department from all over Dane County will start 12, at Library Mall6:00 and pm to 8:00 pm at the Village Hall. head up State Street to the Capitol Square. Please plan to attend this important meeting that will seek input from ShoreIn lightHills of the change and of service forowners the Shorewood Fire Department, the wood residents business regardingHills University Avenue. The has decided that our fire department will lead the parade ChiefsAssociation meeting will begin at 6:00 pm and consist of an open house with a formal this year. presentation at 6:30 pm of alternatives to deal with various problems facing pedestrians, bikes, buses and cars. Participation from the attendees will be Thefireengines,laddertrucksandotherapparatuswillsitontheSquareuntil requested. 3:00 pm after the parade to give you a great opportunity to get an up close look continued on page 3 andtalktothefirefighters. CALENDAR OF EVENTS All events will be at the Village Hall unless otherwise noted*** SEPTEMBER calendar Of eVenTs 2 Village Offices Closed Due to the Labor Day Holiday All events will be at the Village Hall unless otherwise noted*** 3 Refuse & Recycling Pickup due to Labor Day Holiday 4 Personnel Committee ................................................................. 5:30 pm OcTOber 9 2 Personnel MunicipalCommittee Court (Traffic) .......................................................... 5:00 .................................................................... 7:00 pm am 9 8 Recreation Parks Committee ........................................................................ 5:30 Committee ..................................................................7:00 pm pm 9 8 Service Public Works Committee (preconstruction walk of 2014 road Committee ........................................................................8:00 pm Projects – Committee will meet following the walk) ......... 5:30 9 Personnel Committee .................................................................... 7:00 pm am 10 Plan Commission ....................................................................... 7:00 pm 9 Finance Committee .......................................................................5:30 pm 10 Services Committee ................................................................... 7:00 pm 14 MunicipalCourt(Traffic)..............................................................5:00 pm 10 Recreation Committee ............................................................... 8:00 pm 14 Parks Committee ...........................................................................5:30 pm 11 Finance Committee .................................................................... 5:30 pm Works Committee ..............................................................7:00 pm 12 14 Public University Ave Traffic Study Workshop ................. 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm 15 Plan Commission ..........................................................................7:00 pm 16 Board of Trustees ....................................................................... 7:00 pm 21 Board of Trustees ..........................................................................7:00 pm 18 MG&E Energy Fair ................................................. 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm 23 Finance Committee (tentative) ......................................................5:30 pm 25 Finance Committee .................................................................... 5:30 pm nOVember OCTOBER 4 Special Board Meeting (Budget Presentation) ..............................7:00 pm 9 14 14 14 15 21 23 5 11 11 11 12 18 Finance Committee 5:30 pm Immunization Clinic.................................................................... ..................................7:30-9:00 am & 4:30-6:00 pm Municipal Court (Traffic) .......................................................... 5:00 pm MunicipalCourt(Traffic)..............................................................5:00 pm Parks Committee Committee...........................................................................5:30 ........................................................................ 5:30 pm Parks pm Public Works Committee ........................................................... 7:00 pm Public Works Committee ..............................................................7:00 pm Plan Commission Commission ..........................................................................7:00 ....................................................................... 7:00 pm Plan pm Board of Trustees ....................................................................... 7:00 pm Board of Trustees ..........................................................................7:00 pm Finance Committee (tentative) ................................................... 5:30 pm ** The calendar includes all meetings and dates submitted at the time of publication. publication ***Meeting Meetingdates/times dates/timesare aresubject subjectto tochange. change. Check with the Village Hall or the committee chair. *** chair. OcTOber--OnCTOBER OVember2013 2013 SEPTEMBER Page 6 Page 6 Garden Club News; Labor Day Holiday/Refuse New Volunteers Needed Pickup; Lawn Mowing/ (July 4); Second Chance Leaf Raking Database Apartment Project Appeal for Donations; Gallery 800 Page 7 UBD Dog Complaints; OcTOber 2013 VIllage bulleTIn OcTOber 2013 Page 2 hIghlIghTs frOm The sePTember 16, 2013 meeTIng Of The bOard Of TrusTees (Complete detailed minutes will be available on our website or at the Village Hall) Attendance – All trustees were present. Consent Agenda – In an effort to expedite meetings, items on the consent agenda are considered as a group and are adopted with one motion. Any Board member may unilaterally remove an item from the consent agenda if he or she believes the item needs discussion. Consent agenda items included approval of the August 19, 2013,regularandclosedsessionBoardmeetingminutes;streetusepermitsfortheHuffin’forHabitatRun Walk and two block parties in September. Consider request for partial reimbursement for computer damage possibly attributed to street construction vibrations – The Village Board indicated that the failure of the League of Women Voters computer cannot be positively traced to the street reconstruction project and that if there was any liability it would be to the contractor. There are many businesses on Marshall Court with computers and there were no other complaints. The Board offered to provide some publicity to the League of Women Voters and the services they provide including the Village candidates forum in the hope that it may increase voluntary donations. Consider recommendation of Recreation Committee to devote a portion of the Fire/DPW Building for use as a book exchange library – The Board discussed this matter with Santhia Brandt who is a member of the Recreation Committee and is spearheading the idea. Overall the Board felt it was a very good idea to put in the queue, but that the building would be occupied with interns until minimally next June and some of the equipment most likely longer. It was also possible the library could be an interim use as long as there was an awareness that longer-term plans for reuse may or may not be able to include a library. The Fire Department andEMSAssociationswillalsolikelyremainactiveandspaceforthemwillneedtobemaintainedasafirst priority. Planning for how such a library would be staffed with volunteers, access issues and generally how it will work could continue to be worked upon. Consider hire of part-time police officer – The Board approved the hire based on a Personnel Committee recommendation. Consider recommendation of Recreation Committee to retain services of Kristin Bodurtha to develop a plan for a playground area in the Post Farm Park in an amount not to exceed $1,000 – Discussions about the possible development of a playground in the Post Farm Park have been ongoing over the past year. With the pool, tennis courts and gardens in the vicinity, as well the new apartments and Ronald McDonald House on Marshall Court, it could be a nice addition to the Park. The Parks and Recreation Committees have takenalookatthisidea.TheParksCommitteedidn’twanttotakethelead,butwereokaywiththeconcept. Both committees seemed to like the idea of a more nature-based area. One of our recent seasonal Forestry employees (Kristen Boudertha) focused her capstone project at the UW School of Landscape Architecture on a comprehensive plan for the Post Farm Park and one of the themes is a nature-based recreation area. The Board was concerned that the project was somewhat open-ended with uncertainty about deliverables. The VillageAdministratorindicatedthathewouldworkontheideatofleshitoutmoreandcomebackwithsome more tangible options and potential costs for the Board to consider. Tree Carving Project Update – The carving is in place and looks great. The crew did a great job building the platform and getting the sculpture secured. The Village has received $7,058 in donations and total costs were $8,106 including donations of almost $1,300 from the Four Corners program for lumber. It is anticipated that Shorewood Hills League and/or Shorewood Hills Foundation will consider covering the remaining $1,047deficit.ThanksalsotoVillageresidentandownerofIdealBuilders,DaveMartin,forthelargein-kind donations and to MP-Squared for the low fee to do the structural engineering. Fire/EMS Transition Update – Fire/EMS Chief Anderson continues to work on the transition. All of the apparatus are being appraised before they are put out to bid. Fire pre-plans are being transferred to the City, alongwithKnoxBoxkeys,fireflowinformationandthelistgoeson.ChiefAndersonandAssistantChief continued on page 3 VIllage bulleTIn OcTOber 2013 Page 3 continued from page 2 Jerry Stein, on behalf of the Shorewood Hills Fire Department received a standing ovation at the recent Dane County Chiefs Association meeting. The Village FD/EMS will lead the Fire Prevention Week parade on the Square this year as a tribute to the department. Condemnation Status 3206 Oxford Road – This home is under repair orders issued by the Building Inspector. Personnel Committee – Mr. Imes reported the Committee will meet with employees October 2. Services Committee – Ms. Borisy-Rudin reported the Committee has met and is reviewing the Village equipment replacement plan and is also starting to discuss future facility uses. Finance Committee – Mr. Benforado reported the Committee has initiated work on the 2014 Village budgets. Public Works Committee – Ms. Center reported the Committee will walk the next street projects with residents of Wellesley and Dartmouth Roads on October 14. The Committee is also working through parking issues on Marshall Court. The Village code related to parking is in need of an update. Recreation Committee – Ms. Borisy-Rudin reported much of what is happening in that Committee was already discussed tonight. A new Ultimate Frisbee program is also being sponsored. Parks Committee – Mr. Rikkers reported the Committee is working on an emerald ash borer policy and plan. The Village has planned well and our forest is quite diverse with only 20% of the trees being ash. Adjourn – The meeting adjourned at about 9:00 pm. fall leaf PIckuP Tax bIll (address uPdaTes) The Public Works Crew will soon start seasonal leaf collection. With all the trees in Shorewood Hills, dealing with the leaves is a monumental task. The Village Crew uses a leaf picking machine to suck up leaves into a box truck for disposal. To assist the crew in their task: • Please do not bag leaves. Rake them to the curb, not into the street. • Leaf piles should be three feet from trees, poles, signs and mailboxes so that the vacuuming arm is not obstructed. • Please make sure that you keep all rocks, construction debris, soil and branches out of your leaf piles. Rocks, nails, dirt, etc. wreak havoc on the leaf picker and endanger the operators. • When picking up leaves, the crew makes an entire round of the Village from one end to the other (usually once a week). Special pickups are not possible. • Ifthecrewpicksupyourneighbors’leavesbutnot yours, the reason may be as simple as the box truck was full, a car was parked in front of the leaf pile or time ran out in the day. They will get back to your leaf pile as soon as possible. • The crew will pick up leaves until they are covered with snow or frozen to the ground. The Village has started collecting information in order to print property tax bills. Now is the time to make sure your mailing address is accurate. Thebestwaytodothisisbycheckinglastyear’s tax bill. If the address is incorrect or you are not sure what mailing address is being used, contact the Village Hall at 267-2680 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Village policy is to send the tax bill only to the property owner. Tax bills will not be sent to your financialinstitution. Any address changes must be received by mid-November before the tax bills are printed by Dane County. Village staff expects to send out tax bills to property owners in mid-December. VIllage bulleTIn OcTOber 2013 leTTer frOm The cITy Of madIsOn fIre deParTmenT Page 4 OctOber 2013 bulletin cOmmunity league news Calling all Ghosts, Gremlins and Goblins!!! annual shOrewOOd hIlls hallOween ParTy frIday, OcTOber 18, 2013 From 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm at the Community Center (901 Swarthmore Court) No charge for admission Pizza, ice cream and refreshments will be available for purchase Come in costume and ready to dance, eat and have a frightful good time! Bring you Mummy and Deaddy (no unsupervised children please!!) See you there—if you dare!! Volunteers interested in helping with the party, please call Jela Trask at 312-218-5808. Sponsored by the Shorewood Hills Community League. classified advertisements services Green Acres Lawn Service – Now is the time to sign up for lawn mowing, fertilizer and weed control programs, lawn aeration, shredded bark mulch sales and spreading, gutter and downspout cleaning, sidewalk and driveway edging, bush pruning and tree work. Free estimates, fully insured. Call Rob at 831-8050 or e-mail [email protected]. Guitar Lessons – Located in the Village. Over 15 years’ teaching experience. References upon request. Sign up now for a free interview lesson. Contact Aaron Katcher at 608-661-0226 or visit http://katcherinc. com for more information. Leaf Raking and Babysitting – Eran Sherman, 11 years old, is available for leaf raking and general fall yard cleanup $10 per hour. Babysitting $10 per hour. Very mature and responsible for his age (has two younger siblings and has babysat many times for other families). References available upon request. Please call 608-616-9595. Masquerade Masks for Halloween – Beautiful handmade Masquerade Masks by resident Jill Dutcher. These masks are works of art. Free home delivery to Village residents. Shop: The Conscious Carnivore – Healthfully raised; humanely treated; locally harvested; helpfully traded. Come by and say “hi” to your neighborhood butchers. Shorewood Village Shopping Center (down fromPenzey’s).9:30amto8pm,TuesdaythroughSunday.790-1418. Find our Facebook page for specials and classes! The League would like to acknowledge births and deaths of Village residents. Please help by notifying Susy Cranley at 695-7763 or [email protected]. Births and Birthdays Chloe Ane born July 27, 2013 (Sisters: Katell, Armelle and brother Guilhem) Parents: Cecile and Jean-Michel, last name Ane (1509 Wood Lane) Cameron Wayne DeVito born August 19, 2013 For sale Sue Jefferson “Your Neighbor and Neighborhood Realtor” “Ifyouhaveajobwithoutnoaggravations,youdon’thaveajob.” – Malcom Forbes Sue has these Village homes for sale: • 311 Topping Road - $499,000 • 3456CrestwoodDrive-SoldtoSue’sbuyer • 3520ToppingRoad-SoldtoSue’sbuyer Call Sue Jefferson of Stark Company Realtors, 608-279-3701, for all yourRealEstateneeds.“Trusted,Respected,Proven” For rent House for Rent on Circle Close. 4 bedrooms 2.5 baths. 3600. Available November 1. Contact Gail at (608) 225-2497 or gkonopbaker@gmail. com for more details. League Bulletin Advertising Policy The League Bulletin accepts ads from Village residents and businesses. The League does not accept non-resident commercial ads. Non-residents wishing to buy or rent homes in the Village may place ads for such if they provide a Village reference. Limit ads to 150 words or less. Commercial ads placed by residents and business within the Shorewood Hills Village limits are 50¢ per word. Other resident ads are 30¢ per word. Residents under the age of 18: 10¢ per word. Submit ads electronically by e-mail to: jela_98@ Make payment to the Shorewood Hills League. Deliver payment to the Village Hall, 810 Shorewood Blvd, Madison, WI 53705. The Bulletin is published monthly. Ads are due by the 15th of each month. The League is not responsible for, nor does it endorse, the services advertised. VIllage bulleTIn OcTOber 2013 garden club news October 10, 2013 Time: 7 p.m. Place: Home of Marilyn January, 3430 Crestwood Drive Topic: “All about Bogs and Wetlands” Diane Dempsy, GC member, is an ecologist, whose graduate thesis concerned bogs, lakes and wetlands. Shehasworkedasafisheriesbiologistandiscurrently teaching as a naturalist guide at the Arboretum. Bring a neighbor, and enjoy our kick-off program for the 2013/14 year. Enjoy the talk, followed by wine, nibbles and good conversation. The Cranberry Season is Ahead The Garden Club will again be selling fresh cranberries in November. These cranberries come directly from the grower, are larger than the typical grocery store variety, and are fresh, fresh, fresh! 1 lb bags cost $2.75, and a 5 lb box costs $10. Please call Georgene Stratman at 238-4860 to preorder, to ensure you get the quantity desired. Last day to pre-order is October 29. Cranberries will be on sale November 6, at the Village Hall until they run out.*Pre-orders will also be ready for pick-up that day. new VOlunTeers needed (fOr july 4Th) Did you enjoy this year’s July 4th celebration in the Village? Would you like to help with the celebration in the future? It takes a big effort from a number of volunteers to pull off the celebration every year. Most of those volunteers have come from the Shorewood Hills Fire Department and EMS Associations. Now that the Village will be contracting with the City of Madison for fireandEMSservices,thefutureofthetwoassociations is unclear. Volunteers from the community may need to stepuptofillthegaps. Inthepast,thefiredepartmentandonlythefiredepartment provided the personnel for everything related to the July 4th celebration. The only way someone could help was be on the fire department or part of the association. If we open things up to other Village residents, we will hopefully get the volunteers we need. continued on page 7 Page 6 secOnd chance aParTmenT PrOjecT aPPeal fOr dOnaTIOns The Village of Shorewood Hills has an opportunity to assist the family living in the Village of Shorewood Hills’ sponsored Second ChanceApartment.As the new school year begins, family members need school clothes. The family would appreciate any assistance we might be able to offer. If you would like to help out the family in this time of need, then please consider purchasing a gift card at a local department store (for example, Target, Shopko, orKohl’s)anddeliverthegiftcardtoGregLampe, thepointpersonfortheVillageofShorewoodHills’ Second Chance Apartment Project. Gift cards can be mailed to Greg (3121 Oxford Road) or dropped off at this home. Any donation will be greatly appreciated. Greg will arrange for the gift cards to be delivered to the family. Please contact Greg at 238-1012 or [email protected] with any questions. Thank you for considering this appeal! gallery 800 ubd Sally Bilder’s exhibit “Revered Landscapes: the LakeshorePreserve”willopenatGallery800UBD on Friday, October 4, between 5:00-9:00 pm. We know Sally as a long-time neighbor and a master gardener. She is more widely known for her work in watercolors and oil paintings. You will recognize some of the scenes. I invite you to take a virtual walk into her paintings. Sally will be present at the opening. Sally and her husband Richard represent a three generation family living in the Village. Their daughter Anne and her husband Johan den Boon and their children are living here too. “Explorations,Treks,andPhotographicDiscoveries” by photographer Rjurik Golubjatnikov (another longterm resident of the Village) closed on September 27, 2013. If you are interested in any of his work, you may contact him directly. VIllage bulleTIn OcTOber 2013 Page 7 ImmunIzaTIOn clInIc grass clIPPIngs and brush Home Health United (HHU) will be at the Village Hall on Tuesday, November 5, in the morning (7:30 am to 9:00 am) and afternoon (4:30 pm to 6:00 pm) as part of its series of Immunization Clinics in Dane County. The Village Crew does NOT collect grass clippings. Residents are encouraged to compost grass clippings at home or leave them on your lawn as green fertilizer. Alternatively, residents may transport the clippings themselves to the grass clippings pile (no bags please) in Dudley Davis Park (more commonly known as the “rock quarry”).Therearedesignatedspotsinthequarry for grass clippings, green vegetation and wood chips. The dumping of anything else in the quarry is PROHIBITED. Brush from tree trimming or removed invasive species like buckthorn should not be dumped in the quarry. Annualimmunizationisnecessarysincenewstrainsoftheflu appeareachyear.The2013-2014fluvaccinewillprotectagainst the four influenza viruses that research indicates will be most common during this season. OfficialsattheCenterforDiseaseControl(CDC)saythebest timetogetaflushotisOctoberthroughDecember.High-risk individuals should get their flu shot in October. Everyone is encouraged to get vaccinated to prevent becoming ill with influenza or transmitting it to others. If you do catch the flu, the vaccination should lessen your symptoms. The CDC recommends the following groups get vaccinated: • Those with chronic medical conditions and persons who live with or care for persons in the high-risk groups (like healthcare workers or primary care givers) • All children over 6 months old • Adults age 65 or over • Pregnant women Foracompletelistofclinicsandmoreinfluenzainformation,go to: hOme healTh unITed ImmunIzaTIOn clInIc Village Hall, Thursday, November 5, 2013 7:30 am to 9:00 am and 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm Flu Shots = $30 (or FluMist® Intranasal Spray = $32) Cash, check, VISA or MasterCard accepted. Medicare B and Medicaid may be accepted. Bring your insurance card and a photo ID. Not all Medicare Advantage Plans are accepted. Volunteers Needed – A couple of volunteers are needed to assist with collecting money and processing forms. If you are interested, please contact Terence at the Village Hall at 267-2680 or [email protected]. New Volunteers Needed (continued from page 6) Wouldyoubeinterestedinhelpingwiththeeggtoss,littlekids’ games, selling beverages, cleaning up the station, moving tables and chairs? Or helping with crowd control in a golf cart before the fireworks?Orevenhelpingtosetupthefireworksdisplay?We would like to start collecting names of interested residents now in preparation for next July 4th. Please send an e-mail to David Sykes at [email protected] and if possible include what July 4th activity or activities interest you most. Thank you! Throughout the spring, summer and fall the crew will chip brush left at the curbside of residences. The Village’s “chipper” can take branches up to 12 inches in diameter. For ease of pickup, resident should arrange the brush on their curb in such a way that the ends of the branches are all oriented in the same direction. Longer branches are easier for the crew to feed into the chipper, so residents do not needtocutbranchesdowntoanyspecificlength. Brush piles should be three feet from obstructions like trees, poles, signs and mailboxes. Village residents doing their own work are allowed to pile grass clippings / greens in the quarry and leave brush on the curbside for chipping. If you hire a contractor, like Green Acres, Barnes, Madison Tree Service, etc., to do your yard work, then the contractor is responsible for hauling the material out of the Village. Thanks fOr The flOwers For many years each spring, residents have been treatedtoawonderfuldisplayofflowersatthe home of Is Fine and his late wife Mary Graye. Located near the Highbury & Topping Roads intersection, they invited Village neighbors to walk their beautiful garden path. Each year they purchased and planted thousands of tulip bulbs from Holland to maintain and enhance their garden. Mr. Fine is moving out of the Village and we want to thank him for the generous gift for all of these years. VIllage bulleTIn OcTOber 2013 Village of Shorewood Hills 810 Shorewood Boulevard Madison, WI 53705-2115 Page 8 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MADISON, WI PERMIT 1288 Open House City of Madison Fire Station 9 201 N. Midvale Blvd. Saturday, October 5 9:00 am to 12:00 pm The Madison Fire Department is hosting an open house for Shorewood Hills residents at Fire Station 9. Youarewelcometostopatthestationtomeetthefirefightersandparamedics, ask any questions you have, and check out the vehicles and equipment. Editorial Staff: Karl Frantz, Administrator; Colleen Albrecht, Clerk; David Sykes, Web Manager. Contributors: Steve Davis, Madison Fire Chief; Greg Lampe, Second Chance; Joyce Bromley, Gallery 800 UBD; Jela Trask, League Bulletin.
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