EARLY ONLINE RELEASE This is a PDF preprint of the manuscript that has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication. This pre-publication manuscript may be downloaded, distributed, and cited. Since it has not yet been formatted, copyedited, or proofread, there will be a lot of differences between this version and the final published version. The DOI for this manuscript is DOI:10.2151/jmsj.2015-028 The final manuscript after publication will replace the preliminary version at the above DOI once it is available. Reply to the comments of F. Fujibe on "Anthropogenic Heat Release: Estimation of Global Distribution and Possible Climate Effect" by Chen B. et al. Bing Chen1,2, Jian-Qi Zhao2, Liang-Fu Chen 1*, and Guang-Yu Shi2 1. The State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101,China 2. The State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China Key Words: Anthropogenic Heat Release(AHR), DMSP/OLS data, global distribution, climate change *Corresponding to: Prof. Chen L., [email protected] 1 Modern human society is based on vast consumption of energy resources. All the energy resources (such as fossil energy, nuclear energy, solar energy, and wind energy) consumed will eventually turn into anthropogenic heat release(AHR) into the atmosphere, breaking the energy balance of the Earth-atmosphere system. The previous research on climate change focused on climatic effect of greenhouse gases and aerosols, while the anthropogenic heat produced in the energy consumption process is ignored generally. Chen et al. (2014; hereafter C14) exploring possible climatic effect of AHR by application of Defense Meteorological Satellite Program’s Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) data. The distribution of AHR is difficult to measure accurately for regional scale, even more difficult for larger scale regions. The application of DMSP/OLS data to estimate global grid distribution of AHR can solve the difficulty in estimating large-scale high-precision grid distribution of AHR for climate models. Flanner (2009) estimated global distribution of AHR based on the population density, and showed that the flux of AHR is 8.1 W m-2 in Tokyo, and is 48 W m-2 in New York at 0.5°×0.5°resolution. Fujibe (2014; hereafter F14) commented that the C14’s result of AHR estimation in 2009 is unrealistically large. F14 also stated that regionally-averaged heat fluxes are sufficiently large (≈1 W m-2) in western Europe and eastern USA, according to Flanner(2009). From the statistics in 2009 by British Petroleum (2014; hereafter BP), the mean AHR fluxes are 1.12 W m-2 for UK, 1.15 W m-2 for Germany, 0.74 W m-2 for Italy, 1.68 W m-2 for Japan, 0.31 W m-2 for USA, 0.29 W m-2 for China, and 3.19 W m-2 for South-Korea. Actually, global land mean AHR flux is about 0.10 Wm-2. The actual scale for " regionally-averaged " should be quantified. Because in the concentrated regions, the AHR flux is much larger than average level. From the statistics by National Bureau of Statistics of China ( http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/ndsj/ ), the annual mean AHR fluxes in 2008 are more than 4 W m-2 for Beijing, more than 5 W m-2 for Tianjin, more than 16 W m-2 for Shanghai, and more than 100 W m-2 for Macau (Chen et al. 2011). The AHR is geographically concentrated and distributed, fundamentally correlating to the economical activities. The AHR concentrated in the economically developed areas is 2 much larger than an average value, reaching a large enough value that could affect regional climate; while in deserted areas, the flux of AHR is probably zero. In daytime of central Tokyo, the AHR flux typically exceeds 400 W m-2 with a maximum of 1590 W m-2 in winter (Ichinose et al. 1999). But in a larger scale, the mean flux of AHR may not seem so large. The scale in the grid of AHR is therefore very important for the research: the maximum value is larger for a smaller grid in a particular region. The results of global distribution of AHR in C14 with the grid resolution of 0.1°×0.1° seem a little different from Flanner's results (Flanner 2009), while they could be consistent with energy consumption statistics. F14's comment on C14 focuses on " AHR should be estimated to be constant as long as "Sum of Lights (SOL)" is unchanged. We can therefore conclude that the rapid increase of AHR described by C14 is unreliable ". F14's comment insists that if the SOL is unchanged, the AHR should be the same. The SOL is the total sum of lights of a country (http:// ngdc. noaa.gov /eog/dmsp/download _national_ trend.html), this means that the AHR could be changed if the SOL is unchanged; in some regions AHR is increased, while in some regions AHR is decreased, but the SOL could be the same. The detailed analysis of the estimating results of AHR by applying DMSP/OLS data are as follows. The DMSP/OLS data are closely correlated with economic development levels and energy consumption. Generally speaking, the areas where the value of DMSP/OLS data is large are often developed and crowded regions, with more energy consumption and anthropogenic heat emissions consequently(Chen et al. 2012; Chen and Shi 2012). In C14, the global grid distribution of AHR from 1992 to 2009 were estimated by using DMSP/OLS data and applied it in a global climate model to study the global climatic effect of AHR. The energy consumption statistics of all the countries provided by BP and the stable light data from the DMSP/OLS Nighttime Lights version 4 Time Series (http://ngdc. noaa.gov/eog/ dmsp/download V4composites.html) were applied to the research. For the analysis presented in this work, continuous stable light data from 1992 to 2012 from DMSP satellites including the following six satellites: F10(1992–1994), F12(1994–1999), F14(1997–2003), F15(2000–2007), 3 F16(2004–2009) and F18(2010-2012). The AHR flux Qa in various regions could be obtained by the equation Qa energy consumption[J] . The mean AHR flux for all the main countries time[s] area[m 2 ] including South Korea, Italy, Germany, UK, Japan, France, Spain, USA, India, and China from 1992 to 2012 was obtained from the statistics of energy consumption by BP. The data of "National trends with intercalibrated DMSP stable light" (http://ngdc.noaa.gov/eog/dmsp/download_national_trend.html), the sum of DMSP/OLS data for a nation, provide annual records of SOL in each country since 1992. Considering the possible difference in the sensors of different satellites, the relationship between the mean AHR flux and the mean SOL were analyzed separately. The correlation coefficient(R) produced by the linear regression between the stable light data from 6 satellites and the AHR flux data are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Linear correlation between the AHR flux and the mean SOL of the main countries (including South Korea, Italy, Germany, UK, Japan, France, Spain, USA, India, and China) by 6 satellites from 1992 to 2012. Satellite R F10 0.86 F12 0.85 F14 0.83 F15 0.81 F16 0.79 F18 0.72 Just as Table 1 shows, closely positive correlation is found between AHR and mean SOL. The results indicate that the DMSP/OLS data is quite closely correlated with AHR flux. That means that the regions where the DMSP/OLS data are large are probably populated and developed regions areas, with more energy consumption and 4 anthropogenic heat. The global mean AHR statistically obtained from BP (BP, 2014) and the fitting results by DMSP/OLS data from 1992 to 2012 are shown in Fig.1. The fitting results are almost consistent with the global mean AHR, and the correlation coefficient is 0.81. From Fig.1, we can see that since the results of DMSP/OLS data is almost consistent with global energy consumption, the results of energy consumption statistics and fitting results are almost the same. The error in the estimating results by DMSP/OLS data is generally within 12% . Fig.1 The global mean AHR statistically obtained from BP (in Black) and estimated global mean AHR from DMSP/OLS (in red) between 1992 and 2012. All the results suggest that since the DMSP/OLS data is almost consistent with global energy consumption and AHR, the results seem quite credible upon the global scale. Figure 2 shows the discrepancy of the global distribution of AHR between the year 2009(Fig.3 in C14) and 2000 (Fig.2 in C14) by DMSP/OLS data. 5 Fig.2 Discrepancy of global distribution of AHR between 2009 and 2000 by DMSP/OLS data (resolution: 0.1°×0.1°,unit: W m-2). From Fig.2, the AHR in Europe, South Asian, South America, and East Asia increases generally between 2000 and 2009. The increasing trend is more obvious in East China, India and European countries, while the decreasing trend is found in the regions including Central and Eastern part of USA, East Russia, and Central India. Additionally, the changing trend seems not significant in some countries such as USA, South Korea, Japan, Germany, and Spain. The AHR increased in some regions of these countries, while it decreased in some other regions. That is the probable reason the SOL in some countries seems changed a little. That is consistent with the fact that the energy consumption in these regions was found to have changed a little. And yet there is no denying that some mistake may occur in the Fig.3 of C14; the increasing trend should not be shown so obviously. The possible cause for this is that some mistakes occur in displaying colors with the same color bar in Figs. 2 and 3 of C14. It may be the main comment that F14 focused on. Due to the high-precision grid and unique ability to detect low levels of visible and near-infrared radiance at night, the DMSP/OLS data provides an effective way to estimate large-scale and high-resolution distribution of AHR. Above all, the results of 6 global distribution of AHR by applying DMSP/OLS data is generally consistent with energy consumption statistics, while errors occur inevitably. This method provide us a new way to obtain credible large-scale continuous high-precision grid distribution of AHR, which is very important for the research of AHR in climate models. Acknowledgement This work was supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant NO.2013M541077);the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41130528); National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 4150050215, 41305004 and 41271542); The Chinese Academy of Sciences Strategic Prior Research Program (Grant NO. XDA05040204); The National Basic Research Development Program of China(Grant No.2011CB9520 01); and Open Project for 2014 of the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The mean SOL for all the countries was obtained using by Arc GIS. 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