IAWAHAR NAVODAYAVIDYALAYA,ZINCNAGAR, DIST.SUNDARGARH, ODISH A. 77 0072,PHONENO.06622.2TT756 Mobile No .9439733265/9437 531557/9439039520/ 97 77729590 TENDERNOTICE SealedTendersare invited from the Registeredand reputed films for supply of the followingitems to fawahar NavodayaVidyalaya,Zinc Nagar,Dist.Sundargarh,Odishaw.e.f. fune,20L5to April,20t6. The tender forms with other particularsf list of items can be obtainedin personfrom the Officeof the Principalfrom 10.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M.on all workingdaysw.e.f.26.05.2015to 17.O6.2OLS on paymentof Rs.100/- by cashor Rs.200/in the shapeof Bank Draft (ln caseof postalservice)in favour of Principal,INV,ZincNagar, Sundargarhpayable at SBI, Sargipali Branch [Code 3585). Completedtender forms alongwithEMD must be depositedup to 10.00 AM of 18.06.2015.VidyalayaPurchase AdvisoryCommitteeMeetingwill be held on 18.06.20!5 at 11.00 AM for openingof the Tenders.The Chairmanof the committeereservesthe right to accept/rejectthe tender in wholeor in part without assigningany reasonthereto.Any disputein this processwould be subjectto the Courtfurisdictionof the Sundargarh DistrictHeadquarter. Sl.No t 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 LL L2 13 L4 15 L6 Name of items Grocery/Mess Items Non-Ves.and Snacks Beddineitems & Uniform Footwear Student, Office & Computer Stationery Sportsarticles Electricalitems Buildine& PlumbineMaterials Utensils Toiletitems LaboratoryEquipment Washingand pressingof Uniform& Bedding materials Hair Cuttine Maintenanceof computersystem Medicine Stitchineof studentsUniforms Amount of Earnest Monev 10000.00 5000.00 5000.00 2000.00 5000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 1000.00 2000.00 2000.00 500.00 200.00 1000.00 1000.00 500.00 Registration of Firm / TIN / PAN / VAT Clearance certificate is not necessary for SI.No.02. 12. 13.16. i--F 'BSll$$lBrfllt ' s.q,ft./;.ru.v. v1-ffrrs / suruo*ncAnH .ltooJr u#{n/ onrssR
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