3/25/2015 Joseph Klett Department of Sociology Yale University 493 College Street New Haven, CT 06511-8933 [email protected] | josephklett.com | (510) 502-4974 Education May 2015 Dissertation Committee Ph.D. Sociology, Yale University ‘The Social Life of Noise’ Ron Eyerman (Chair), Jeffrey Alexander, Phil Gorski, and Fred Wherry My dissertation concerns the social processes that produce noise over signal in different cultural organizations. I use ethnographic studies of music education classrooms and an audio engineering firm in the United States to describe this sonic phenomenon and to understand the relational practices and technologies that generate noise in interactive situations. 2010 M.Phil. Field Exam Readers Sociology, Yale University Environmental Sociology and Critical Theory Ron Eyerman and Phil Smith 2008 M.A. Sociology, Yale University 2006 B.A. Sociology (with highest distinction) and Music (minor), University of California, San Diego (cum laude) Areas of Research and Teaching Cultural sociology; Science & Technology Studies; Work & Organizational Culture; Art & Music; Design; Social Movements; Environmental Sociology; Social Theory; Qualitative Methods Publications Peer-reviewed Articles Klett, Joseph. 2014. ‘Sound on Sound: Situating Interaction in Sonic Object Settings’. Sociological Theory 32 (2): 147-161. Klett, Joseph and Alison Gerber. 2014. ‘The Meaning of Indeterminacy: Noise Music as Performance’. Cultural Sociology 8 (3): 275–290. Submitted Klett, Joseph. ‘Variations in Music Education Curriculum and the Organization of Listening’ (under review, American Sociological Review) Klett CV 2 Gerber, Alison and Joseph Klett. ‘The Teacher, the Artist, the Art Teacher’ (equal co-authorship; under review, Professions & Professionalism) Guhin, Jeffrey and Joseph Klett. ‘Coercion in Practice: Skills and Virtues in the Pedagogies of Liberal Education’ (equal co-authorship; under review, Theory & Society) In Preparation ‘The Deep Meaning of Noise in an Emerging Audio Platform’ (for Science, Technology & Human Values) Book Reviews Klett, Joseph. 2013. Review of ‘Lobbying for the Ear’ by Alexandra Supper in Dissertation Reviews, http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/5963 Klett, Joseph. 2009. Review of ‘Current of Music’ by Theodor W. Adorno in Canadian Journal of Sociology, Vol. 34 No. 4, Pp. 1165-1167 Awards and Honors 2011-2012 National Science Foundation, Dissertation Improvement Grant, Sociology 2012 Tilly Travel Grant, Social Science History Association Spring 2011 Graduate Exchange Scholar, Department of Sociology, Stanford University 2011 University Dissertation Fellowship, Yale University Fall 2011 Select participant, Incubator Breakfasts (with James Scott), Yale University 2009, 2010 George M. Camp Grant, Department of Sociology, Yale University 2008, 2010 Fellow, Konstanzer Meisterklasse, Konstanz University 2007-2014 Junior Fellow, Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University 2007-2012 Doctoral Fellowship, Yale University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 2006 Outstanding Academic Paper Award, Department of Sociology, University of California, San Diego Academic Work Experience 2014-2015 Visiting Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz, courses: “Contemporary Social Theory,” “Issues and Problems in American Society,” “Popular Music,” and “Sociology of Social Problems” Klett CV 3 2014 Adjunct Faculty, Fairfield University, course: “Introduction to Sociology” Fall 2013 Teaching Fellow, Yale University, course: “Public Health in America,” Dr. Naomi Rogers. Fall 2012 Teaching Fellow, Yale University, course: “New Haven and the American City,” Dr. Alan Plattus and Dr. Elihu Rubin. Fall 2011 Teaching Fellow, Yale University, course: “Urban Sociology,” Dr. Marcus Hunter. Fall 2010 Teaching Fellow, Yale University, course: “Social Movements,” Dr. Ron Eyerman. Spring 2010 Teaching Fellow, Yale University, course: “Sociology of Crime and Deviance,” Dr. Phil Smith. Fall 2009 Teaching Fellow, Yale University, course: “Foundations of Modern Social Thought,” Dr. Ivan Szelenyi. Certifications Winter 2011 Certificate of College Teaching Preparation (CTP), Yale University McDougal Teaching Center Research Assistance 2012 Research assistant for Dr. Ron Eyerman (Yale University), archival work and media analysis for forthcoming project on hurricane Katrina 2008-2009 Research assistant for Dr. Ron Eyerman (Yale University), archival work for forthcoming project on musician-activist Pete Seeger 2006 Laboratory assistant, departments of psychology and linguistics (University of California, San Diego), job duties included creation of psycho-linguistic experiments, running subjects, creation of subject schedules, and analysis of data from multiple experimental modules 2005 Research assistant for Dr. Gershon Shafir (University of California, San Diego), reading and time-line creation for conference and book National Insecurity and Human Rights Selected Presentations and Invited Commentary 2006-2007 ‘A Lossy Medium: Digitized Music and Consumer Meaning-Making’ at Honors Seminar Mini Conference, Department of Sociology, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA; and Center for Cultural Sociology Workshop, Yale University, New Haven, CT Klett CV 4 2007-2008 ‘The Ears Remain Open’ at Cold Utopias: New Perspectives on Postwar Musical Avant-Gardes, Department of Music, Yale University, New Haven, CT ; Center for Cultural Sociology Spring Conference, Yale University, New Haven, CT; and Konstanzer Meisterklasse, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany 2009 Invited comment on Guhin’s “Tabling Irony” at Comparative-Historical Workshop, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2009 ‘The Noise That Binds’ at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements, San Francisco, CA 2010 ‘The Meaning of Indeterminacy’ at “Bigger than Words, Wider than Pictures”: Noise, Affect, Politics, University of Salford and Islington Mill, Salford, UK 2011 ‘Negotiating Noise-Cancelling Technology’ at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Section on Environment & Technology, Las Vegas, NV 2011 Invited comment on Lampland’s “The Problem with Money” at Agrarian Studies Colloquium, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2011 ‘Noise and the Persistence of the ‘Black Box’ in Audio Engineering’ and ‘The Negotiation of “Noise” in Audio Engineering’ at Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, refereed panels, Boston, MA 2012 ‘Noise and the “Object” of Audio Engineering’ at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Section on Science, Knowledge and Technology, Denver, CO 2012 ‘”Personalized” Audio and the Changing Meaning of Noise’ at Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, refereed panel Displacement and Classification, Copenhagen, DK 2012 ‘Making Space for Sound Out of Place’ at Department of Sociology, Lunds University, SE; Sounders Workshop, Maastricht University, NL; and Center for Cultural Sociology Workshop, Yale University, New Haven, CT 2013 ‘”Good Noise” in Personalized Audio’ at Media Sociology Pre-conference, and ‘Making Space for Sound Out of Place’ at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Section on Theory, New York City, NY; and Sound Studies Colloquium, Whitney Humanities Center, New Haven, CT 2013 ‘Painting Primates’, refereed panel Animal Designs, and ‘Reflections on Space’ at Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, co-chaired panel Making Sense of Sound, San Diego, CA 2014 ‘The Reflective Algorithm’, invited presentation at Algorithmic Cultures conference, Konstanz University, Konstanz, DE Klett CV 5 Service 2014-present Editorial Committee Coordinator, Working Papers in Cultural Sociology 2013-present Participant, digitalSTS working group 2012-present Co-organizer, Work/Culture working group Occasional Referee 2013-present American Journal of Sociology, Cultural Sociology, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography Memberships American Sociological Association Sections: Organizations Occupations and Work, Communication and Information Technologies, Culture, Scientific Knowledge and Technology, Theory Social Science History Association Society for Social Studies of Science References Ron Eyerman Yale University Department of Sociology 493 College Street New Haven, CT 06511-8933 [email protected] Fred Wherry Yale University Department of Sociology 493 College Street New Haven, CT 06511-8933 [email protected] Jeffrey Alexander Yale University Department of Sociology 493 College Street New Haven, CT 06511-8933 [email protected] Kurt Schlichting Fairfield University Department of Sociology 1073 North Benson Road Fairfield, Connecticut 06824 [email protected] Phil Gorski Yale University Department of Sociology 493 College Street New Haven, CT 06511-8933 [email protected]
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