Redlands Unified School District DISTRICT OVERVIEW 2013-2014 Our Mission Statement: Redlands Unified School District, as a unifying agent of several unique communities rich in local history, culture, and tradition, is committed to preparing students to become productive participants in a diverse, multi-cultural, democratic society through quality education, high expectations, flexible programs and innovative partnerships. Our students will be empowered with the knowledge and commitment necessary to confront the challenges of our changing world, as they become the leaders of the 21st century. Redlands Unified School District API Growth 840 824 792 800 760 By The Numbers ~ API Scores: 3 815 820 780 831 765 771 Number of RUSD schools over 800 800 in 2002 779 21 Number RUSD schools over 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 800 in 2013 Redlands Unified School District Redlands, California California Standardized Testing Information for Each School Site Elementary School 2013 Growth API 12 Year API Growth % Student Econ. Disad. % Student Eng. is 2nd Lang. % Students that are GATE Arroyo Verde Elementary 872 125 43 7 6 Bryn Mawr Elementary 893 145 57 9 6 Crafton Elementary 872 157 57 7 7 Cram Elementary 891 68 30 3 9 Franklin Elementary 850 141 85 11 10 Highland Grove Elementary 856 42* 59 11 6 Judson & Brown Elementary 875 68* 51 8 9 Kimberly Elementary 885 151 39 5 10 Kingsbury Elementary 858 172 74 19 6 Lugonia Elementary 809 208 89 24 1 Mariposa Elementary 937 91 23 4 14 McKinley Elementary 877 134 61 11 14 Mentone Elementary 865 141 77 11 3 Mission Elementary 813 32* 77 18 2 Smiley Elementary 880 101 48 9 6 Victoria Elementary 778 133 89 31 3 Middle2011 School 2013API Growth Year API % Student Student Eng. % Students Students Middle School Growth API Ten Year Growth %12Student Econ. Disad. % Student%Eng. is 2nd Lang. % API Growth Econ. Disad. is 2nd Lang. that are GATE that are GATE Beattie Middle School! School 821! 43 *! 45! 820 5! 17 41 47 5 15 Clement Middle School!766! School 25! 71! 10! 825 10 84 69 8 9 Cope 829! Cope Middle Middle School! School Moore Middle School! 834! Moore Middle School 79! 52! 16 103 57 8 14 129! 51! 8! 854 6! 854 149 55 7 16 13 Middle School 2011 Growth API Ten Year Growth %12 Student Econ. Disad. % Student%Eng. is 2nd Lang. % Comprehensive High School 2013API Growth Year API % Student Student Eng. % Students Students that are GATE API Growth Econ. Disad. is 2nd Lang. that are GATE Beattie Middle 43 *! Redlands High School! School 821! Clement Middle School!766! 25! Redlands East Valley High School Cope Middle School! 829! 79! Citrus Valley High School * School has not been open for 12 years 45! 71! 52! 5! 818 10! 810 8! 794 17 10 16 103 51 7 12 110 47 4 10 58* 47 6 10 Redlands Unified School District Overview Ethnicities Represented in RUSD 1% 1%3% 2% RUSD Economically Disadvantaged Student Percentage Students whose families are at or below 130% of the poverty level qualify as “economically disadvantaged”. 3% 46% 7% 3% Students at or below 130% qualify for free lunch and breakfast programs. Students between 131% - 185% of the poverty level qualify for the reduced priced lunch and breakfast programs. 34% Chinese White African American Asian Indian Other 46% Hispanic Filipino Other Asian Vietnamese 54% RUSD Second Languages Learners Twenty-one percent of the students in RUSD are English Language Learners. The following are the most prevalent home languages: 11% Not Ecconomically Disadvantaged Economically Disadvantaged 2% 5% 5% 3% 2% 3% District Economic Disadvantage Growth Percentage 60 69% 51.25 42.5 33.75 Spanish Korean Arabic Other Non-English Vietnamese Tagalog Indonesian Mandarin 25 1990 1995 2000 2005 2012 2013 Redlands Unified Schools at a Glance District Enrollment Numbers Number of Students 21200 20400 19600 18800 18000 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 School Year Contact RUSD The Redlands Unified School District offices are located at: 20 W. Lugonia Avenue Redlands, California 92374 909-307-5300 Our Web Site address is: The District Redlands Unified School District’s sixteen elementary schools serve kindergarten through fifth grade. Class sizes range from approximately 25:1 in grade 1-3; and 32:1 for all other grades. Four middle schools—Beattie, Cope, Clement and Moore—serve grades six, seven and eight. Grades nine through twelve are served by three comprehensive high schools: Redlands High School, Redlands East Valley High School, and Citrus Valley High School. School Boundaries Attendance area maps are available on the RUSD web site at (under School Information: School Boundaries) or through the Facility and Community Services Office at 748-6730. Please call to check on a specific address or to verify a school assignment. Boundaries are subject to change from year to year as enrollment growth occurs. RUSD Enrollment Center The Enrollment Center enrolls all new to the District students, Kinder through 12th Grade. Priority Kindergarten enrollment for the following school year usually takes place the end of March through April. The Enrollment Center is responsible for processing all new student enrollments, Kindergarten through 12th grade. Upon completion of the enrollment process, Enrollment Center Staff request cumulative record folders (cum files) and Special Education information for new students from their former schools. The Enrollment Center is located at: 7 W. Delaware Redlands, CA 92374 (909) 307-2470 FAX (909) 307-2471 Transfers Parents may apply for intra-district transfers for students to attend any school within the district. The district open enrollment period is January 15 to February 15 of each year, during which time parents may apply for a transfer. Transfers are granted based on the availability of space at the school requested. If more requests are received for a school than space available, transfers shall be determined by lottery. If granted, the school requested becomes the new home school. Parents are responsible for providing transportation, and the students must maintain good attendance, grades and school conduct. For more information, call Business Services at 748-6975.
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