JOHN WESLEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH May 31, 2015 WE WELCOME YOU TO THIS SERVICE OF WORSHIP! WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK: Sunday, May 31: 9:00am - Adult Sunday School 10:00am - Worship & Children’s Sunday School 11:00am - 130th Anniversary Planning Meeting 5:00pm - Dinner and a Movie The altar flowers are presented to the Glory of God in loving memory of Betty C. and Joseph H. Brewton, and Benjamin E. Collins, Jr., given by their daughter. Let all our children sail into a wonderful Summer Sunday School exper ience. Be a part of sharing messages with themes such as “Caretakers” in June, “Never Too Young” in July, and “Favorite Bible Passages” in August. This year we need to recruit teachers for the Elementary Class, children completing grades K-4. Don’t miss your opportunity to help our children grow in wisdom and spirit this summer! If you have any questions or need Safe Sanctuary training or recertification, please see Sheila. PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY on the poster in front of the Sanctuary or place a note in the offering plate. LOOKING AHEAD NEXT WEEK: Sunday, June 7: 9:00am - Adult Sunday School 9:30am - Summer Choir Rehearsal 10:00am - Worship & Children’s Sunday School Wednesday, June 10: 8:00am - Men’s Breakfast 7:00pm - Trustees Children and Youth will continue collecting for I would like to teach and/or help with the Summer Sunday School ministry. Please contact: HONORING ALL GRADUATES! We welcome you to our worship service. If this is your first time worshiping with us we encourage you to sign the guest registry at the end of each pew and we invite you to become part of our family. If you have any questions or needs please contact the church office at 301 -733-0391. Please let the church office know if you have a student graduating from high school, a vocational program or college this year. We will recognize these students during the 10:00 a.m. Worship Service on June 21st. Please call the office or place this slip in the offering plate: GRADUATE’S NAME: _______________________________________________ is graduating or graduated from ______________________________________________ on__________________________ Name _____________________________________ by calling _______________________ as their June service project. Special Service on June 28, 2015 “The Gospel in Bluegrass – Part 2” We will be celebrating the gospel in music once again this year with the help of Pat Ricker and his musical friends. The service will focus on the “bluegrass sound” and will include hymns from our hymnal and other musical sources. The hills of Western Maryland provide a natural backdrop for the gospel bluegrass sound. This service will help us to worship the Lord with a touch of our cultural heritage. Invite your friends! I Sing the Mighty Power of God Words by Isaac Watts Tune: ELLACOMBE Choral Setting by Mark Patterson Sung by the Chancel Choir Text: I sing the mighty power of God that made the mountains rise, that spread the flowing seas abroad and built the lofty skies. I sing the wisdom that ordained the sun to rule the day; the moon shines full at God’s command, and all the stars obey. I sing the goodness of the Lord that filled the earth with food; God formed the creatures with his word and then pronounced them good. Lord, how thy wonders are displayed, where'er we turn our eyes, if we survey the ground we tread or gaze upon the skies. There's not a plant or flower below but makes thy glories known, and clouds arise and tempests blow, by order from thy throne; while all that borrows life from thee is ever in thy care, and everywhere that we can be, thou, God, are present there. Let ev’ry voice now join as one and let the song by raised. All heav’n above, all earth below, rejoice and sing God’s praise. Let timbrel, flute, and trumpet sound, let bells ring out this day. Forever let our music live to glorify God’s name! We sing the mighty Power of God!
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