Current strategies for the prehospital care of congestive heart failure Continuing Education

Continuing Education
Current strategies for the prehospital
care of congestive heart failure
by Bryan E. Bledsoe, DO, FACEP
Upon completion of this
article, the reader should
be able to:
Define congestive
heart failure
Distinguish between
right heart failure and
left heart failure
Distinguish between
congestive heart
failure and cardiogenic
Define cardiac output
and stroke volume.
Define preload and
Describe the
mechanisms the body
uses to maintain
adequate cardiac
Describe Starling’s
Law of the Heart.
Discuss the function
of BNP
List factors that can
lead to CHF
Describe pulmonary
List signs and
symptoms of CHF
detailing which are
primarily due to right
heart failure and
which are primarily
due to left heart failure
Discuss treatment
strategies for CHF in
the prehospital setting
Describe CPAP and
discuss its role in
prehospital care
Detail pharmacologic
therapy for CHF and
acute pulmonary
State the reason for
not administering
nitrates to persons
who have recently
taken erectile
photo by Kenny Navarro
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is
a frequently encountered emergency
in prehospital care. CHF occurs when
the heart becomes an ineffective pump.
More than three million Americans
have CHF and 400,000 new cases are
identified each year. With CHF, despite
failure of the heart to pump effectively,
it is still able to meet the metabolic
demands of the body. When the heart
cannot meet the metabolic demands
of the body, the condition is referred to
as cardiogenic shock. The difference
between these two conditions is
important to understand.
CHF is often classified as right
heart failure or left heart failure
depending on the ventricle involved.
With right heart failure, the right
ventricle becomes ineffective as a
forward pump and fluid accumulates
on the systemic circulation. With left
heart failure, the left ventricle becomes
ineffective as a forward pump and
fluid accumulates in the pulmonary
32 Texas EMS Magazine July/August 2008
circulation. In most patients there is a
combination of right heart failure and
left heart failure (biventricular failure).
In fact, the most common cause of
right ventricular failure is left ventricular
CHF can also be classified as
forward or backward heart failure.
Backward failure results from elevated
systemic venous pressure and
primarily involves the right ventricle.
Forward heart failure is due to reduced
forward flow into the aorta and
systemic arterial circulation.
We typically classify CHF as either
acute or chronic. Acute CHF develops
relatively rapidly. Chronic CHF is that
which develops over a longer period of
time. Treatment strategies differ based
upon whether CHF is acute or chronic.
The heart is a highly effective
pump. In a normal person, the heart
beats approximately 100,000 times a
day, which is 35 million times a year
or 2.5 million times in a lifetime. The
circulatory system is a closed system.
That means that the blood can only
pump out what is delivered to it. It
also means that the right ventricle
and left ventricle normally pump the
same amount of blood with each
contraction. The amount of blood
pumped by the heart in one minute is
called the cardiac output (CO). CO can
be defined as follows: Cardiac Output
(CO) = Stroke Volume (SV) × Pulse
Rate. The stroke volume (SV) is the
amount of blood pumped by the heart
with each beat. The pulse rate is the
number of times the heart beats per
minute. Thus, the amount of blood the
heart pumps is affected by the SV and
the pulse rate. To increase CO, the
body can increase the heart rate or
the SV. To decrease CO, the body can
decrease the heart rate or SV. Heart
rate is controlled by the brain.
There are several factors affecting
stroke volume. First, the heart can
only pump out the amount of blood it
receives from the venous system. This
is called the preload. If the preload
is decreased, there is less blood for
the heart to pump and cardiac output
falls. The most common reason for
a decreased preload is inadequate
fluid in the circulatory system (e.g.,
dehydration, blood loss, spinal injury,
anaphylaxis). The strength of the
ventricular contraction varies based
upon several conditions. For example,
the more the ventricle is stretched,
the stronger will be the subsequent
contraction. This phenomenon is
referred to as Starling’s Law of the
Heart. The most common cause of
ventricular stretch is increased preload.
Thus, as more blood is forced into the
ventricle and the more it is stretched,
the greater will be the force of the
subsequent contraction.
There are various factors and
substances that increase the strength
of the ventricular contraction. These
include such things as the hormones
epinephrine and norepinephrine. These
hormones are released by the adrenal
medulla glands in response to stress
(sympathetic stimulation). In addition,
it has been recently discovered that
the heart secretes hormones. These
hormones are referred to as natriuretic
peptides. Thus far, two peptides have
been identified:
• Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
is manufactured, stored, and
released by atrial muscle cells
in response to such things as
atrial dilation and sympathetic
stimulation. It primarily causes
a reduction in blood volume
resulting in decreased central
venous pressure (CVP), cardiac
output, and blood pressure.
• Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)
was initially discovered in the
brain. However, it is principally
secreted by the ventricles of the
heart in response to excessive
stretching of heart muscle cells.
It causes a reduction in blood
volume resulting in decreased
CVP, cardiac output and blood
BNP levels are elevated in
congestive heart failure (CHF)
and have become a marker for the
presence of CHF. BNP (marketed as
nesiritide) can be administered as a
treatment for acute decompensated
Thus, in times of increased
demand, various hormones, such as
epinephrine, norepinephrine and others
are increased to stimulate increased
cardiac contraction (inotropy). When
the heart starts to fail, natriuretic
peptides and other hormones are
Continuing Education
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Continuing Education
released to increase cardiac contractile
The final factor to affect stroke
volume is afterload. Afterload is the
pressure in the systemic arterial
system that the heart must overcome
before blood moves forward. Thus, the
greater the afterload, the less will be
the stroke volume. In adults, preload,
cardiac contractile force and afterload
can impact stroke volume. Children, on
the other hand, have very little capacity
to change their stroke volume. Instead,
they rely on changes in heart rate
(chronotropy) to regulate their cardiac
As discussed earlier, CHF occurs
when the heart becomes ineffective
as a forward pump. There are various
causes of this. First, the heart muscle
itself can become damaged through
myocardial infarction. When a part
of the heart is infarcted, the affected
muscle dies and is replaced by scar
tissue. Scar tissue cannot contract.
When enough of the ventricular mass
is affected, CHF occurs. When a large
percentage of the ventricular mass is
affected (usually > 40%), cardiogenic
shock develops. Other factors can
adversely affect the ability of the heart
to contract. Damage can occur from
various chemicals such as prolonged
exposure to alcohol or cocaine. Several
of the cancer chemotherapy agents
(e.g., adriomycin) are known to impair
cardiac function. While the causes of
CHF can be numerous, most, in fact
are due to hypertension and infarcts.
The signs and symptoms of
CHF can range from subtle to overt.
Generally, signs and symptoms
suggest which side of the heart is
involved. If the right ventricle fails,
blood will accumulate and pressures
34 Texas EMS Magazine July/August 2008
will increase in the venous system.
This causes edema of the legs and
feet (pre-sacral area in bed-bound
patients), distension of the jugular
veins, engorgement and enlargement
of the liver, and weight gain (due to
water gain). Generally, the pulse rate
will be increased to help compensate
for the fall in CO.
Failure of the left ventricle causes
accumulation of fluid in the pulmonary
system (pulmonary edema). Pulmonary
edema is the accumulation of fluids in
the spaces in the lungs outside of the
blood vessels. This results in dyspnea,
the inability to breathe while lying
flat (orthopnea), and abnormal lung
sounds (crackles or rales) from fluid
accumulation. As more of the lungs are
affected, hypoxemia will develop and
the patient will develop altered mental
status (e.g., agitation, confusion). If
untreated, this may progress to coma
and death.
Often times, CHF is detected
before it becomes severe and treated.
Various medications are used and
these tend to be quite effective. Initially,
a diuretic is prescribed to help promote
the elimination of water through the
kidneys. Usually, furosemide (Lasix)
or a similar loop diuretic is used. In
addition, many patients are started on
digoxin (Lanoxin). Digoxin is a cardiac
glycoside that increases the strength of
the cardiac contraction. Most patients
are also placed on a blood pressure
medication to counter some of the
other body systems involved in the
development of CHF. Most importantly,
patients are instructed to maintain a
careful diet. An increased intake of
sodium or a similar substance can
worsen the patient’s condition. People
will have various levels of chronic
CHF. These are best described by the
New York Heart Association’s grading
Continuing Education
system (see table).
Acute CHF can
develop in patients who
have chronic CHF or in
patients who have never
No limitation of physical activity. Ordinary physical
had it. Pulmonary edema
activity does not cause undue fatigue, palpitation, or
associated with CHF
dyspnea (shortness of breath).
can occur so quickly that
Slight limitation of physical activity. Comfortable
it is often called flash
at rest, but ordinary physical activity results in fatigue,
pulmonary edema. With
palpitation, or dyspnea.
acute CHF and pulmonary
edema, patients can
Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable
rapidly become hypoxic
at rest, but less than ordinary activity causes fatigue,
and deteriorate. Thus, it is
palpitation, or dyspnea.
essential that prehospital
Unable to carry out any physical activity without
personnel identify the
discomfort. Symptoms of cardiac insufficiency at rest.
problem early and provide
If any physical activity is undertaken, discomfort is
the necessary treatment.
The signs and
Table 1. New York Heart Association CHF Functional Classifications
symptoms of CHF can
vary based upon which
Suggestive Medications:
side of the heart is principally involved.
• Digoxin (Lanoxin)
As mentioned previously, most
• Furosemide (Lasix)
patients will have some combination
• Bumetanide (Bumex)
of biventricular failure and will exhibit
• ACE inhibitor (Vasotec, Zestril)
mixed signs and symptoms. Signs and
• Warfarin (Coumadin)
symptoms of CHF include:
(particularly with atrial
Historical findings:
• Anxiety
• Long-acting nitrates (Isordil)
• Weakness
• Home oxygen
• Lightheadedness
Physical Examination Findings:
• Malaise
• Tachycardia (highly correlated
• Nausea
with CHF)
• Dyspnea at rest
• Peripheral edema (highly
• Dyspnea on exertion
correlated with CHF)
• Orthopnea (inability to breathe
• Jugular venous distension
lying down)
(highly correlated with CHF)
• Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
• Tachypnea
(spells of dyspnea at night)
• Rales, crackles
• Cough
• Diaphoresis
Past Medical History:
The various findings seen in
congestive heart failure all point to
• Hypertension
failure of the heart as an effective
• Angina pectoris
forward pump. As CHF worsens,
• Alcohol abuse
oxygen delivery to essential tissues,
• Valvular heart disease
such as the brain, declines and
• Prior myocardial infarction
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Continuing Education
the patient becomes symptomatic
exhibiting confusion, malaise and
agitation. When oxygen delivery begins
to fall, the condition is emergent.
Prehospital treatment strategies should
be directed at correcting hypoxemia
and then administering medications to
improve cardiac output.
Over the last few years, there have
been significant changes in the way
CHF and acute pulmonary edema
are treated. For years, the mainstay
of CHF and acute pulmonary edema
were morphine and a diuretic. Now,
these agents are contraindicated.
For example, in a Cleveland study,
the administration of morphine to
patients with acute decompensated
CHF resulted in an increased need
for mechanical ventilation, longer
hospitalization, more ICU admissions,
and higher mortality.1 Furosemide
(Lasix), a potent diuretic, has been
widely used in the treatment of CHF
and acute pulmonary edema despite
limited studies on its effectiveness.
Studies have associated diuretic
therapy for acute CHF with short-term
adverse clinical outcomes, particularly
at high doses, raising concerns for
its toxicity.2 Some harmful effects
of furosemide have been identified.
Furthermore, most CHF patients are
already taking furosemide and bolus
administration seems to have little
Current strategies in the prehospital
treatment of CHF and acute pulmonary
edema include correction of hypoxemia
and administration of medications
to improve cardiac output. As soon
as patient contact is made, EMS
personnel should immediately begin
the administration of 100 percent
oxygen via a non-rebreather mask. This
36 Texas EMS Magazine July/August 2008
will maximize oxygen concentration and
fully saturate circulating hemoglobin.
After the mask is placed, monitors
should be applied (e.g., 12-lead
ECG, pulse oximetry, capnography,
noninvasive blood pressure). A
saline lock should be started. If IV
access is not readily attainable, and
the patient is in extremis, consider
placing an intraosseous (IO) needle.
For patients who have moderate to
severe pulmonary edema, noninvasive
ventilations should be started. In
the prehospital setting this is best
performed with continuous-positive
airway pressure (CPAP). CPAP
increases airway pressures and is
effective in treating hypoxemia and
pulmonary edema. CPAP is probably
the single most important change in
CHF treatment developed over the last
few decades. It decreases the need for
endotracheal intubation and is highly
effective.4 CPAP is easy to administer
and can be performed by EMT-Basics
with appropriate training.
The pharmacologic treatment of
CHF and acute pulmonary edema
primarily involves the use of nitrates.
Nitrates, the most common of
which is nitroglycerin (NTG), are
vasodilators—primarily venous. NTG
reduces myocardial work. Current
strategies in the management of CHF
call for more aggressive dosing of
NTG. In fact, hypertensive patients
with CHF (systolic blood pressure >
180 mm Hg) should generally receive
three tablets or sprays of 0.4 mg NTG
initially. CHF patients with a systolic
blood pressure between140-180 mm
Hg should receive two tablets or sprays
of 0.4 mg NTG initially. Normotensive
patients (systolic blood pressure
between 90-140 mm Hg) should
receive one tablet or spray of 0.4 mg
NTG. Nitroglycerin should be repeated
every 3-5 minutes if the systolic blood
pressure remains greater than 100 mm
Hg. ALS personnel should consider
using intravenous NTG if allowed
by local protocols. IV NTG is more
predictable and effective. Topical NTG
should only be used as a last resort
(patient on CPAP who does not tolerate
sublingual NTG). Absorption of NTG in
the paste form is often unreliable and
unpredictable in the emergency setting.
Nitrates should not be used in
patients who have taken one of the
erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs.
Generally, you should avoid the
administration of NTG if the patient has
taken sudenafil (Viagra) or vardenafil
(Levitra) in the prior 24 hours or
tadalafil (Cialis) in the prior 48 hours.
Fatal hypotension has been reported
when NTG has been administered to
patients taking ED medications.
Following aggressive NTG therapy,
a second vasodilator is often added.
The most commonly used are the
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibitors. These include enalopril
(Vasotec) and captopril (Capoten).
Enalopril can be given intravenously.
There is probably still a limited role for
the loop diuretics such as furosemide
(Lasix) in patients who have
normotensive CHF and are already
taking oral diuretics.
The administration of BNP,
marketed as nesitiride (Natrecor),
can help improve cardiac output.
While commonly used in the hospital
setting, it is not frequently used in the
prehospital setting. Studies on the
effectiveness of nesitiride are mixed—
but certain patients seem to benefit
from administration.
Patients who remain anxious
after the correction of hypoxemia
might benefit from a small dose of a
benzodiazepine such as diazepam
(Valium), midazolam (Versed), or
lorazepam (Ativan). These drugs are
anxiolytics and more effective on
anxiety than morphine and do not have
the adverse vascular effects.
Patients with cardiogenic shock
(systolic blood pressure less than
90 mm Hg) should receive pressor
support (dobutamine or dopamine) and
transport. Remember these patients
may also be suffering acute coronary
syndrome (ACS). They should receive
aspirin and be transported, if possible,
to a hospital with invasive cardiology
Continuing Education
As we better understand the
pathophysiology of CHF, we will
develop strategies and treatments
to help correct the problem. The
development of CPAP has been one
of the most significant improvements
in CHF treatment in decades. Many
patients who were previously intubated
and placed on a ventilator are now
being managed without intubation
by CPAP. Many states and medical
directors have started to allow basic
EMTs, with additional training, to use
CPAP and nitrates. Because CHF
treatment is time-dependent, starting
appropriate treatment early can save
Unfortunately, many hospitals
do not have simple CPAP devices
(although ventilators can be used in a
CPAP mode). The transition to CPAP
is best performed as a system (EMS
and hospitals acquiring and introducing
the device at the same time). That will
assure that patients started on CPAP in
the field can continue the same care in
the hospital.
This discussion has been an
July/August 2008 Texas EMS Magazine 37
Continuing Education
overview of the current treatment of
CHF. There has been a significant
shift in strategy in regard to the
management of CHF and pulmonary
edema. Morphine should not be
used and furosemide (Lasix) should
be used judiciously. The mainstay
of therapy should be nitrates and
CPAP. This can be supplemented
with other vasodilators such as ACE
inhibitors.5 This presentation has been
for educational purposes only. EMS
personnel should always follow
local protocols in regard to actual
patient care issues.
1. Peacock WF, Hollander JE, Diercks
DB, Lopatin EF, Fonarow G, Emerman
CL. Morphine and outcomes in acute
38 Texas EMS Magazine July/August 2008
decompensated heart failure: an ADHERE
analysis. Emerg Med J. 2008;4:205-209.
2. Cotter G., Metzkor E., Kaluski
E., Faigenberg Z., Miller R., Simovitz
A., Shaham O., Marghitay D., Koren M., Blatt
A., et al: Randomised trial of high-dose
isosorbide dinitrate plus low-dose furosemide
versus high-dose furosemide plus low-dose
isosorbide dinitrate in severe pulmonary
edema. Lancet. 1998;351:389-393.
3. Hoffman JR, Reynolds S. Comparison
of nitroglycerin, morphine and furosemide in
treatment of presumed prehospital pulmonary
edema. Chest. 1987; 92:586-93.
4. Hubble MW, Richards ME, Jarvis R,
Millikan T, Young D. Effectiveness of prehospital
continuous positive airway pressure in the
management of acute pulmonary edema.
Prehosp Emerg Care. 2006;10:430-9.
5. Bledsoe BE, Porter RS, Cherry RA.
Paramedic Care: Principles and Practices,
Third Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Brady/
Pearson Education, 2009.
CHF Treatment Algorithm
Continuing Education
SBP > 100
SBP 90-100
SBP < 90
SBP > 180
SBP 140-180
SBP 100-140
SBP > 100
* - Dose = 0.4 mg sublingually
† - Do not administer if patient has taken Levitra, Viagra or Cialis on last 24 hours.
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