Newsletter - Kidz Club Child Care & Educational Centre

Asthma Day
~ 5th
Mother's Day
~ 10th
Day of Families ~ 15th
Family Week
15th ~ 21st
National Reconciliation
Week 27th
May ~ 3rd
News from the
Kindy Room
Photo Page
We hope all the Mother’s from Kidz Club enjoyed their special Mother’s Day gifts made
by their children and that you had a wonderful day with your families. Don’t forget
there is still time to order our Entertainment Books for only $65. The entertainment
book provide amazing discounts to restaurants, attractions, cinemas and more. Part
proceeds from sales goes to our service to purchase new educational resources.
You may have seen that recently in the media there have been some significant
changes to the budget regarding childcare. Please note the changes will not be implemented until some time in the future and we will endeavor to keep you posted with
any updates.
This month we will be recognising the important cultural event Reconciliation Week.
The 2015 theme is “Its time to change it up”. The dates commemorate two significant
milestones in the reconciliation journey. The anniversaries of the successful 1967 referendum and the High Court of Mabo decision. The week is a time for all Australians to
learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and to explore how each
of us can join the National Reconciliation effort. Our centre will be focusing on offering
themed activities as part of our curriculum planning.
The aim of National Families Week 15-21 May 2015 is to celebrate the vital role that
families play in Australian society. The 2015 theme is 'Stronger Families, Stronger
Communities.' This year's theme highlights the important role families play as the central building block of our communities wellbeing which enhances family unity. Let’s
take the time to reflect on the critical role that families play in teaching, supporting and
nurturing children especially as they grow. National Families Week coincides with the
United Nations International Day of Families on 15 May.
Our service Philosophy and Policies have recently been reviewed. You will be able to
find a copy of these administration documents in the front foyer area, and are available
for perusal by parents. Our Philosophy outlines our beliefs and theories of teaching
that all Educators at the service follows. is a new family friendly resource to help new parents answer
childcare questions and better understand the benefits of the quality early childhood
education and care. It offers helpful tips for parents on early childhood development
and what to look for to ensure your child gets a quality early childhood education and
care and learning experience.
Thank You, Melva
Blossoming Butterflies
The Baby Room has been very busy preparing for Mother's Day. It has been an opportunity for all of us to reflect on how much our mothers do for us and support our every
need, especially as a very young baby. We hope all mothers and grandmothers had a
wonderful time on Sunday.
With autumn almost over and winter kicking in, many children were starting to notice
the changes taking part in our environment. Things like leaves changing colours, falling from the trees and lining our playground, the cooler weather, the clouds and rain
of recent times were all notable factors that the environment is a diverse, changing
source. Gardening is a great way for children to learn new skills and have fun. We
will be planting a variety of herbs for the children to freely explore by looking, feeling
and smelling, this supports the children’s learning and encourages them to be investi-
Photos of various
children for our
Mother’s Day
gators. The children are able to see how the plants grow, feel that the leaves are soft on
one side and rough on the other and are able to smell the different scents. These will
also be used in our cooking within the kitchen and the room. The children will engage
with sensory exploration with handshands-on experiences by feeling and smelling the ingredients while cooking. It will be very exciting!
Many changes have been occurring in the baby room for families recently. Congratulations to the children that have graduated and will be graduating during this month
to the Toddler Room, we wish you well in your next stage of educational journey at
Kidz Club. We have a few mums that are pregnant and experiencing the joys of this
stage in life again. Congratulations to the Baines family on the birth of Ethan's little
brother, Ryan. If you have any questions or concerns about how your child is coping
with all these changes and any other issues please speak to us.
General House Keeping: Please clearly label all bottles, drink bottles and dummy's.
With the cooler weather approaching pack a warm jacket and beanie for outside play.
Terrific Turtle Toddlers
Mummy I love you for
all that you do,
I will kiss you and hug
you ,
cause you love me too
You feed me and need
me to teach you to
play ,
Our curriculum is displayed on the board in the Toddler Room.
What a busy month its going to be in the Toddler Room. We are talking about our
Families and we are displaying a lot of visual pictures around the room. Thank you
for bringing in your photos for us to display as the children are really enjoying seeing
themselves on the wall. Throughout the month of May we have celebrated Mother's
Day, we hope all the special mums out there got spoilt with love and happiness. The
children really enjoyed making their gifts for their special mum. Art and craft activities the children will be experiencing relating back to "Families" are using paper
plates with different facial expressions, reading a story about different families and
cultures, making finger family puppets, providing free easel painting so the children
can paint their family, hand painting and so much more. We look forward to teaching
your child about families and different cultures. Feel free to add any ideas to our program we always like your input. Thank you so much for bringing in your family
photo it is appreciated. It links back to Outcome 2: Children are connected with and
contribute to their world.
We welcome all children from the Baby Room that are moving up to the Toddler
Room. We like to make the transition a smooth process and settle the children into
the room. Communication books and nappies are located on the bench please place
them in the correct basket. Each toddler parent has a family tray please check regularly for information regarding your child's development. Feel free to discuss any
issues with Toddler Educators regarding development, toilet training, sleeping, separation as we are more happy to help you.
Keen Kittens Kindy
Play based curriculum.
Play has many definitions in the dictionary, to describe the word, it is important to take into account the main characteristics:
Play is pleasurable
Play is spontaneous
Play is freely chosen by the player
Play is actively engaging, Garvey (1977)
The role of play in the Early Years, according to Smidt, “Play is trying to solve a problem they set themselves, exploring
and experiencing something that interests or concerns or excites them, expressing and communicating their feelings related
to their experiences and remember play is always purposeful for the child”.
How does a play based curriculum look in the Kindy Room?
Children are offered a rich environment
They are able to explore materials
Children relate socially with peers
Children solve problems moving from support to independence
Children develop language skills in a friendly environment
Children use symbols as forms of representation– from learning through the senses to development of abstract thought
Children will practise, develop and master skills across all aspects of development and learning, Play England ( 2007).
“Learning takes place as children interact with educators and other children as they work together in partnership.” (EYLF,2009p45)
Community Events
When: Sunday 17 May
Time: 12pm – 2pm
$5 per family
Book a 30 minute track session
for children 5 - 12 years.
Bikes and helmets supplied
or BYO.
Other activities include:
• crafts
face painting
Bookings essential by calling
8397 7249 or
email: [email protected].
Food for Thought Quiz Night
Lohri Mela Indian Festival 18th
of June
19th June 2015
Whale Playtime Victor Harbour
Holden Hill Community Centre
8397 7249
Sunday 31st May
Light Square Adelaide
Something on Saturdays Adelaide
Festival Centre
May 2 –5 September
Sustainability News
Keep your eye out for
the exciting new
changes happening
outside at Kidz Club.
Daniel, our resident
gardener is potting
new herbs and seed-
lings in partnership
with the children. The
children love watching
the seeds develop.
As all the colours of
Autumn can now be
seen please encour-
age your child to
bring in an Autumn
leaf for our season
Karate Classes with the
Kindy children to promote
discipline and
self esteem.
Ghana Have Some Fun
Jonas teaches the children
some songs and gets them
up and dancing to African
Photo Page
Professional Development
Staff recently participated in Fire Safety and Warden Training, the session was very interactive as staff
learnt how to extinguish a small fire and we reviewed all our emergency procedures as your children’s
safety is extremely important to us.
Coming up we have educators booked in to attend the following workshops:-
First Aid Training as a centre incorporating the following to meet the necessary requirements
Anaphylaxis, Asthma and Epi-Pen training Dates 25th & 26th May
Holistic Planning, Tuesday 23rd June Gowrie Training
Behaviour Guidance, 7th July Gowrie Training
Environment & Sustainability ,18th August Gowrie Training
Reggio Emilia, 22nd September Gowrie Training
Cultural Competence, 20th October Gowrie Training
Creating Spaces that inspire indoor and outdoor environments
2nd November, Tintiger Arts Carly
Nutrition Australia
Educator Corner
providing training
for long day care
cooks. Aurora and
We would like to welcome
the following staff members who have joined our
team Kathy and Karl.
We would like to say farewell to Alana who will be
leaving us shortly to have
her baby we wish her a
safe arrival and hope to
see her back with us again
through out the June/July
Margarita will be
Marita will be returning
August from maternity
leave. Her twin girls will be
attending Kidz Club on
Marita’s working days.
Blossoming Butterflies:-
attending on 21st
Kylie Hobbs 13/7—
July workshops on
The following educators
will be taking annual leave
Menu planning for
allergies and
Keen Kittens Kindy Room:
Flor 15/6—19/6/15
Healthy eating and
menu planning.
Thank you for taking the time to read our centre
newsletter. Please remember our door is always
open and that we value family participation across
all aspects of our program.
Until next time.
Melva and all the Educators at Kidz Club
Excuse the mess ….
The children are making