KOL KINLOSS NEWSLETTER OF FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE ויקרא Vayikra בס”ד Parshat Hachodesh 20/21 March 2015 Volume 19/Number 21 א׳ ניסן תשע׳׳ה Shabbat Rosh Chodesh commences at 5:59pm and terminates at 7:02pm. Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:00pm. Our Kehilla are delighted to welcome WILLIAM SHAWCROSS as a guest speaker, this morning. WWW.KINLOSS.ORG.UK SHABBAT AT KINLOSS HASHKAMA 7:45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, followed by Kiddush and a short shiur. William will be speaking in the Main Synagogue, at the conclusion of our Shabbat services. Kadimah Kinloss is delighted to invite the entire community to Kiddush in the Kinloss Suite. SHABBAT LEARNING AT KINLOSS Shabbat Morning MAIN SYNAGOGUE 9:00am led by Eli Sufrin. Kriat Hatorah by Leslie Rotenberg. Rabbi Lawrence will speak before Musaph. THE MINYAN 9:15am in the Nissan and Rifca Deal Hall. 8:30am: (Sephardi Synagogue) Kriat Hatorah by Rabbi Laitner. Mishnah Masechet Shabbat by Rabbi Heller. Devar Torah by Paul Turner. 8:45am (Deal Hall) Rambam: The Laws of Shabbat By Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum. Shabbat Afternoon 12:40pm: Early Mincha (Main Synagogue) 5:05pm: Daf Yomi shiur by Jeffrey Sagal. Between Mincha and Ma’ariv today, RABBI LAITNER will deliver a shiur on “Analysing pesukim of Maggid and why they are in the Hagadah.” in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash. All welcome. Mincha at 6:00pm, Ma’ariv at 7:02pm. SEPHARDI SERVICE 9:00am in the Sephardi Synagogue led by Rabbi Heller and Reuben Gorji. YOUTH SERVICE 9:45am in the Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash, led by our Youth Directors, Barry and Chaya Colman. 0 - 4 year olds with Sara Keen in the foyer of the Kinloss Suite. Reception up to School Year 2 with Natalie Sommer in the Avram Nemetnejad Room (2nd Floor). School Years 3 - 4 with Yehonatan Malachi in the 1st Floor Classrooms. School Years 5 - 6 with Jason Marantz in the 1st Floor Classrooms. Children’s Services from 0-School Year 4 will start at 10:45am. School Years 5 - 6 will start at 10:30am. All Services to be followed by a kiddush. ANIM ZEMIROT CLUB Come and learn to sing Anim Zemirot. Our Club meets every Shabbat at 10.15am in the Robing Room. Boys of 6 and over welcome. Led by Alan Rubenstein. SPONSORS NEEDED If you would like to sponsor a Kiddush or Kol Kinloss to mark a special occasion, or a yahrzeit, please call the Shul Office on 8346 8551, and we will be happy to assist you. BNEI AKIVA Bnei Akiva today from 3:30 5:00pm. This Shabbat, we complete week 7 of 70for70, a project of Jewish memorial and renewal using a book which was sent to all US members and is online at 70for70.com. During the week, the Kinloss early morning minyan’s Devar Halacha is being learned in memory of Miriam Singer z”l who was killed in 1944. During this week, we learned from Rabbi Aubrey Hersh about Jewish migration from east to west, how religion and science form the ‘great partnership’ from Rabbi Lord Sacks, the relevance of Judaism today from Rabbi Daniel Rowe, finding our Jewish voice in the Land of Israel by Ambassador Daniel Taub, the tenacity for truth of the prophet Yirmiyahu by Rabbanit Shani Taragin, thoughts about the future of Jews in Europe by Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt Child-friendly Service and the extraordinary activities of the remarkable, heroic, Sir Nicholas Winton who saved so many Jewish children. Child-friendly Service and Chicken Soup Kiddush www.70for70.com has further links and videos, as does the project’s Facebook andand Twitter feed. Thank you for Chicken Soup Kiddush learning and your participation in this powerful project. Mazaltov to the children in our community celebrating their birthdays this week: Rafael Ben-Soussan (9) Matti Blake (6) Oliver Blake (6) Elias Cohen (8) Danny Gershon (4) Jack Greenwold (10) Eden Hamburger (1) Yossi Hurst (10) Oliver Serruya (3) Robyn Wald (1) Max White (6) If you require help or support, please call Jennifer 020 8349 5263 on Mondays or Wednesdays, from 9:00am – 5:00pm, or email [email protected]. All messages treated in the strictest confidence. Please join us for a special child-friendly Friday night service on 30th November, with lots of singing and story time for younger children during the Maariv prayer. Mincha starts at 3.45pm. The service will take approximately 50 minutes, followed by a special chicken soup and child-friendly snacks Kiddush. Please join us for a special Chicken Soup Kiddush, Please join us for a20th special child-friendly Friday night this Friday night, March. After the services. Would you like to sponsor the Kiddush? If so, please service on 30th November, with lots of singing and contact the Shul office on 020 8346 8551 and we would Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat starts atthe6:00pm. be delightedchildren to hear fromduring you. story time for younger Maariv prayer. Mincha starts at 3.45pm. The service will take approximately 50 minutes, followed by a special chicken soup and child-friendly snacks Kiddush. Would you like to sponsor the Kiddush? If so, please contact the Shul office on 020 8346 8551 and we would be delighted to hear from you. The service will take approximately 50 minutes, followed by a Chicken Soup Kiddush. All welcome. KINLOSS SHABBAT LUNCHEON CLUB Shabbat Luncheon Club takes place this Shabbat, 21st March. Organised monthly by a team of Finchley Synagogue host families and attended by our Rabbis. Offering a warm, friendly atmosphere and a delicious meal for individuals and couples wanting some extra companionship on Shabbat To be included on the list, please call the shul office on 020 8346 8551, or speak to Jennifer Morris on 020 8349 5263. Some Thoughts on the Sidra BY RABBI DANIEL ROSELAAR VAYIKRA Virtually the whole of this week’s Torah reading deals with the theme of the sacrifices that were offered in Temple times. In many instances, one of the requirements of a sacrifice was that Semicha be performed before the animal was slaughtered. The idea of Semicha appears no less than eight times during the course of this sidra and means that that those responsible for bringing the sacrifice had to lay their hands on the animal’s head. The classical interpretation of Semicha is that it demonstrates the solemn intent of those offering the sacrifice. Furthermore, and particularly in the case of those sacrifices whose purpose was to achieve atonement for transgressions committed, it functioned to symbolically transfer guilt from the person bringing the sacrifice to the animal about to be sacrificed. When the person placed his hands on the sacrifice’s head he was supposed to be internalise the idea that what was about to happen to the animal should, by rights, happen to him. However, it is also possible to suggest an alternative explanation of Semicha as follows, though in order to do so, we must first clarify the meaning and purpose of the sacrifices, and then clarify certain particulars about how Semicha was effected. The English word “sacrifice” is an inadequate translation of the Hebrew term “Korban.” Whereas “sacrifice” denotes the concept of surrendering something for the sake of a more noble purpose, this is an idea that is entirely absent in the word “Korban.” “Korban” is related to the word “Karav” – something that is close, and implies that by bringing a Korban we are able to become closer to the Almighty. Indeed, the whole purpose of the “sacrifices” is to enable us to become closer to God. Reverting to the concept of Semicha, it is worthwhile noting that the Talmud (Chagigah 16b) establishes, based on the exposition of scriptural verses, that it must be performed with a person’s entire strength. It is not sufficient for the person bringing the sacrifice merely to lay his hands lightly on the animal’s head. Rather, he had to press down with as much force as he could muster. Bearing these facts in mind, the symbolism of Semicha becomes quite clear. Just as one who brings a Korban must use all his strength when he lays his hands on its head, so too a person who is attempting to become closer to God must endeavour to invest as much of his energy as possible into those endeavours. Vayikra Statistics The Book of Vayikra has 247 of the 613 mitzvot, Mitzvot: 16 of the 613 mitzvot, 11 positive and 5 negative which is more than 40% of the mitzvot in less than 15% of the content of the Torah. Verses: 111 (26th longest of the 54 Sidrot) The Book of Vayikra averages one mitzvah Words: 1673 (20th longest) every 3.5 verses (by comparison, Devarim Letters: 6222 (20th longest) has one mitzvah every 5 verses, Shemot one Haftarah: 34 verses (9th longest of the 80 Haftarot) per 11 verses, Bemidbar one per 25 verses and Bereishit one per 511 verses). Page No. SONCINO HERTZ ARTSCROLL Sidra 605 410 544 Rosh Chodesh Leyning 943 694 890 Maftir 386 253 348 Haftarah 1195 1001 1218 SEDER NIGHTS We have a number of host families who would be happy to offer Seder Night Hospitality. For further information, please speak to the Shul Office on 8346 8551. KINLOSS YOUTH Dear All, Thank you to Kobi Weiner and Nathaniel Carlebach, for Leining in the Youth Minyan this Shabbat. Learn2Lead next Tuesday, 7:30 - 9:00pm in the Avram Nemetnejad Room: Dugma and Community, with Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence. Club 78 - next Saturday, 28th March. 8:00 - 10:00pm (ish) Movie & Pizza, in the Avram Nemetnejad Room. Cost: £5 Wishing you Shabbat Shalom Chaz & Baz 07792 460091 [email protected] THANK YOU TO: * Security Team 7. If you have any queries please email [email protected] or speak to Martin Shiers on 07831 836 031. Pesach Security Rota - First Day: Teams 1 & 2, Second Day: Teams 3 & 4, 7th Day: Teams 5 & 6, 8th Day: Teams: 7 & 8. Jenny Sosnow’s Kiddush Team. * Erica Silas and Harry Daniel of our Welcoming Committee this Shabbat. * Sale of Chametz Rabbi Lawrence will be available for the sale of chametz at the following times: Thursday 26th March Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash After 1st Shacharit Friday 27th March Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash After 1st Shacharit Sunday 29th March Rabbi’s Office8:15am - 9:45am From Monday 30th March - Thursday 2nd April: Mornings Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash After 1st Shacharit After Ma’ariv Liora Graham Beit Hamidrash 7:30pm – 8:00pm Sale of Chametz forms are available from the Shul Office and also available for download from our website: http://kinloss.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ Sale-of-Chametz-Form-1.jpg The forms can be printed, filled out and scanned to [email protected] The Shul will be cleaned for Pesach week commencing 22nd March. Can all members with boxes and storage within the Shul please ensure that they have removed all chametz prior to Yomtov. It is your personal responsibility. Rabbi Roselaar’s shiurim on Monday morning & Thursday morning Rabbi Roselaar gives a shiur on Monday morning on Mishna - Massechet Sanhedrin and on Thursday morning on Rishon with Rashi. Womens Beit Midrash Elana Chesler Tuesday evening series on the Parsha, from 8:30-9:30pm. Open to ladies of all ages and learning levels. Free of charge. For more information, or to book Kollel events, please call Emma on 020 8349 5267, or email [email protected] Wednesday, 25th March Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence continues the series on Jewish Doors open 7:30pm, Teachings on Key Areas of event begins Public Policy. at 8:00pm. This week: Free of Prevention, Protection or Penalty: charge. What are our goals in managing crime and punishmment? For further information, please call the Shul Office on 020 8346 8551. THE KEHILLA WISHES “ חיים ארוכיםLONG LIFE” TO THE FOLLOWING WHO HAVE YAHRZEIT Saturday 21 March Joseph DavisWife Celia LevyFather Mia LyonsFather Norman MillerMother Alan TingerMother Sunday 22 March Barbara KlingerMother Stephen LandyFather Rachel Mockton Mother Hetty PhillipsHusband Fiszel SztokmanSister Millicent Villiers Brother Barry ZackonFather John ZuckerMother Monday 23 March Dinah ChowcatSister Sheila CohenFather Heather GrantMother Helena GrossFather Shoshana LaxMother Jill PivnikHusband Shirley WeinerMother Tuesday 24 March Rochelle Garfinkel Father Gerald GershonFather Raphael HarrisMother Geoffrey Morrow Mother Cheryl SpelmanMother Judith SusserFather Lesley WinstonMother Wednesday 25 March Muriel AltmanMother Amos AzizoffSister Malcolm Chaplin Mother Iran FarzanpourHusband Gerald LucasMother Nader Navazesh Father Hyman ValmanMother Thursday 26 March Fay AaronsMother Sheila FormanBrother Sylvia GoldSister David KarpFather Shirley KarpSister Shirley Weiner First husband Friday 27 March Valerie Alembick Manfred Landau Rhoda Robinson Husband Brother Sister The next Shared Reading Group will take place on on Monday 23rd March, 1:30-3:00pm, in Benchers cafe. For more information, please contact Kate Fulton at [email protected] SAVE THE DATE: Sacks Morasha School Annual Dinner - A night of music and art on Tuesday 16th June in the Kinloss Suite. Cost: £100 per person. Featuring Jerusalem Hassadna Conservatory Orchestra: http://www.jerusalemconservatory.org/ Further details from Sacks Morasha School: 020 3115 1900, or email [email protected] KINLOSS NOTICE BOARD One of our Youth, Josh Cavendish, recently ran in the Virgin London Marathon, to support Tzedek. He is aiming to raise £3000. To support Josh, please make donations at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JoshCavendish KINLOSS COMMUNITY CENTRE AND FINCHLEY SYNAGOGUE USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence (through the Shul Office): 020 8346 8551 Shimon Gillis, Community Manager: 020 8349 5264 Shul Office: 020 8346 8551 Kinloss Cares Careline: 020 8349 5263 Kinloss Community Educator and Yoetzet Halacha, Lauren Levin: 07540 461 557 SECURITY NOTICE Urgent Request for Male and Female Security Volunteers (aged 18-65) Shul members, PLEASE join our security rotas. Our Shul is one of the most visible, high profile buildings in London. The Community remains on a serious state of alert and we MUST provide a visible deterrent. You would only be required for one hour every eight weeks. Please email [email protected], or call Martin Shiers on 07831 836 031, to register your interest. CONDOLENCES TO: • Jacque Lee and Linda Lee on the loss of their father, Alfred Lee ע”ה • Ashley Brodin on the loss of his mother, Ann Brodin ע”ה TOMBSTONE CONSECRATIONS WEDS 25 MAR SUN 29 MAR SUN 19 APR MON 20 APR 12 noon at Bushey in memory of Joy Harris ע׳׳ה 10:30am at Bushey in memory of Michael Rein ע׳׳ה 9:30am at Bushey in memory of Miriam Abramoff ע׳׳ה 11:30am at Bushey in memory of Irene Davis ע׳׳ה SERVICES ( שבתsee front page) Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Shacharit 1 7:30am Shacharit 2 8:15am Sephardi Shacharit 8:00am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am 7:00am 8:00am 6:30am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am Mincha, 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00am 8:00am 6:45am Next Shabbat Mincha/ Kabbalat Shabbat 6:15pm followed by Ma’ariv Sun 6:00pm
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