THE CONNECTION “Speaking & Living in-Christ through our Church, Community & World” April 14, 2015 Koenig Lane Chris an Church 908 Old Koenig Lane Aus n, TX 78756-1507 (512) 454-7679 Web: Email: [email protected] Newsle er Ar cles to: newsleƩ[email protected] Staff Members: Rev. Mark Friesen Senior Minister Home (512) 904-9173 Cell (903) 521-1566 mfriesen5@ausƟ Office Administrator Kim Benne (512) 454-7679 [email protected] newsleƩ[email protected] Choir Director Malinda Healy Pianist Lan Kratzke Nursery A endant Betsy Blackard Office Hours Mon. 9:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. Tues. 9:15 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Wed. 9:15 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Thurs. 9:15 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. • Closed on Na onal Holidays • Follows AISD’s Bad-weather policy Church Service Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Service: 10:45 a.m. Issue No. 783 Please Remember in Prayer: Recent: Fern Schwartz - Heart related issues. ...The Family and Loves Ones of Ezra Polter - a young man who tragically died in a car accident …Carole Merrenger - Scheduled for major surgery April 14th. Carole has been figh ng cancer for several years. (4/12) …Bill Purcell - Being tested for floa ng blood clots that may be causing his loss of eyesight in one eye (4/12) ...The Dick Mackin Family - His passing on (3/19) Please Con nue to Pray for: Joseph Amtower, Sabino Arredondo, Barbara Berryhill, Pat Chambers, Brynna Dunnam, Frances & Willard Dyer, Marjorie Farrer, Martha Flanagan, Frank Goldsmith, Esther Guerra, James Hinson, Drew Kruszynski, Chris an Legge, Kathy Logan, Marshall Logan, April Lozano, Jason Macanally, Dick Mackin’s family, Doreen Mar nez, Loraine McDee, Naomi McWilliams, Misha, Carol Mohn, Evangelin Montoya, Abby Morales, Betsy Nardi, Anthony Perez, Judy Phillips, Ms. Pokeet, Kate Safarick, Margaret Thompson, Marjorie Wood, Kellye Zachary and all of our loved ones in nursing homes and home bound. We will list all the names we receive in wri ng in the Newsle er. We appreciate all who put prayer concerns in wri ng so that the congrega on will be able to hear ALL concerns. If you wish to con nue with your loved one on the Prayer List, please give us an update within 2 months. Thank you for your help with this very important ministry! ATTENTION ALL There will be a MEETING on TONIGHT 6:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall Rev. Renee Hoke, our Bluebonnet Area Minister, will be a ending this informa ve mee ng to discuss the direc on we should take in moving forward and avenues available in our search process. Everyone’s par cipa on is GREATLY APPRECIATED! Sincerely, Daniel Stooksberry, AdministraƟve Board Chair GIVE A BIG KLCC WELCOME TO: Rev. Renee Hoke, Bluebonnet Area Minister KLCC is BLESSED to have Rev. Hoke share with us this SUNDAY, April 19th, in the absence of Pastor Mark who will be on vacaon in celebra on of Mara & Mark’s 23rd Wedding Anniversary. WELCOME Rev. Hoke! GROUP MEETINGS & EVENTS All church members and visitors are encouraged to join any group or event. All are welcome to come and BE a part in the Body of Christ! Group/Ac vity: Colores Pre-School Clergy Cluster TOPS Ber e Reese 100th Birthday Colores Preschool TOPS Earth Day Fun mers Date: April 14th - 16th April 14th April 15th April 19th April 21st - 23rd April 22nd April 22nd April 27th Time: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. All Day 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. All Day 11:15 a.m. Loca on: Nursery Hyde Park Chris an Church Fellowship Hall Park Bend Healthcare Center Nursery Fellowship Hall Everywhere Luby’s on Steck Avenue ELDER SUPPORT Ma Healy ~ April 13 - April 19 Pam Best ~ April 20 - April 26 Malinda Healy ~ April 27 - May 3 These Elders will be available to assist in providing pastoral support to any person who is in need and/or is unable to contact Pastor Mark or the Church Office in a mely fashion. We are very fortunate to have Elders who take their CALL to be an Elder very seriously and are willing to serve our Church Family in this capacity. If you cannot reach one of these Elders quickly, Fun mers Mee ng Monday, April 27th Luby’s on Steck Avenue @ 11:15 a.m. April 19th is Ber e Reese’s 100th Birthday!!! A small group will be visi ng her right a er church with a small cake to give her personal birthday wishes. Please take me to send a card to her to recognize this special day: Beatrice Reese ~ Room 102 Park Bend Health Care Center 2122 Park Bend Drive Aus n, TX 78758 Reminder that the 2015 Bluebonnet Area / LRGVD Assembly is being held on Saturday, April 25th from 8:00 - 3:30 p.m. Registra on forms and agendas can be found in Fellowship Hall on the table near the Narthex and more informa on is available at h ps:// Thanks to so many who made KLCC’s Easter Celebra on special: ~Pastor Mark for memorable Maundy Thursday and Easter Services ~Malinda, Lan and the Choir for an outstanding job ~Pam Best for coordina ng the delicious breakfast and all those who contributed ~To Sherry Healy and everyone who helped fill Easter eggs to make the egg hunt such fun for all of the li le ones to enjoy ~The Peregrino’s for the Easter photos! More Easter photographs available on the church website at h p:// Renowned Author Diana Butler Bass speaking in Aus n April 26 Dr. Bass will be speaking at University Chris an Church (UCC), 2007 University Avenue in Aus n. The program is scheduled for 1:30 PM on Sunday, April 26, 2015, and the public is invited. She is the author of eight books, including most recently ChrisƟanity aŌer Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening. Her groundbreaking study of mainline vitality, ChrisƟanity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church Is Transforming the Faith was named one of the best religion books of the year by Publishers Weekly and Chris an Century, won the book of the year award from the Academy of Parish Clergy, and was featured in a cover story in USA Today. Dr. Bass’s appearance is sponsored by the Endowment for Crea ve Ministry, a program at UCC that promotes open dialogue on significant issues of interest to the general public as well as the religious community and Labyrinth, a progressive student ministry by the U.T. campus. Koenig Lane Chris an Church (Disciples of Christ) 908 Old Koenig Lane Aus n, Texas 78756-1507 Dear KLCC Congregation, My entire family and myself would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you for your outpouring of prayers, love, support, and most of all to Pastor Mark, and others too numerous to list who were always there to support us, and to help get us through the illness, and the loss of Dick Mackin, our dear husband, father, grandfather, and great grandfather, who will be forever loved, and greatly missed. It was a very hard, difficult time, but throughout it all, you all never let us forget that you were there for us. You all really made such a very difficult time easier to bear with all that you all have done. The many phone calls, cards, and visits, it all meant more to us than words can ever say. The dinner that was provided after the service was wonderful. We so appreciate all the ones who prepared the food, as well as the ones that set it all up, and served it. You all are truly the most loving, giving people anyone could ever hope to meet. God Bless You All, in all you do to show you that you really are Christians by your LOVE. Shirley Mackin & Family Thanks to all for your generous giving. For the first quarter of 2015, KLCC was able to donate the following special offerings: Hope Food Pantry $885 Disciples Mission Fund $155 Meals on Wheels $150 Safe Place $ 65 Caritas $ 75 EVENING OF HOPE: FEED YOUR NEIGHBOR, FEED YOUR SOUL Remember Hope Food Pantry Fundraiser on Sunday, May 17th at 5:30 p.m! Tarrytown United Methodist Church located at 2601 Exposi on Boulevard. Serving Schedule Sunday, April 19, 2015 Serving Schedule Sunday, April 26, 2015 Lay Leader: Gene Healy Elder: Pam Best Diaconates: Doreen Mar nez & Anthony Perez Communion Prep.: Sherri Tomasulo Greeters: Sherri Tomasulo & Doris Whiteside Serving Coffee: Ma Healy Lay Leader: Mara Friesen Elder: Malinda Healy Diaconates: Laurie Hayes & Buddy Barnes Communion Prep.: Michelle Healy Children’s Moment: Mary Ann Stooksberry Greeters: Pam Best & Barbara Dunnam Serving Coffee: Ma Healy
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