English user manual

Step-by-step guide for KLineMaster Activation
and driver installation (XP/Vista/Seven/8)
Screenshots below have been made in a french version of Windows Seven but as the buttons’ location are the same, you should
be able to follow instructions easily. Please inform us about any difficulties.
harness connector
KlineMaster Box
LED / Status
Suzuki 6-pin SDS
USB socket
Box Activation
The box is shipped in a desactivated state and requires an activation process before usage. It should not be connected to any
motorcycle until activation done.
Befor proceeding with activation, contact us to inform us that you well received the product. You will then receive the
activation firmware file (.enc.hex) by email. Then, follow the steps below :
Connect the USB cable to the KlineMaster box and to computer. The status LED should blink continously (try to not
directly look at this powerful LED).
Wait few seconds to allow Windows detection of the hardware
Launch the update software called « PIC32_SDS_UBL.exe » and click onto « connect ». The software should indicate
« Device connected (SN : xxxx) » with xxxx corresponding to your serial number
Click onto « Load Firmware » and choose the .enc.hex file received by email (check that the name matchs with your
serial number). « Hex file loaded successfully » message shoud appear.
Click « Program », « Erasing flash » is displayed followed by « Flash Erased » after few seconds
Then, wait for « Programming done. >> UNPLUG USB<< » message
Disconnect your KLineMaster from USB port and close the update software. KLineMaster is now ready
Go to the driver installation chapter if not yet done
Drivers installation
Launch DPInst.exe from the « Drivers » path and click Yes if you get the prompt below :
Click « Next » (« Suivant » in french).
Wait for the drivers installation
Under Vista/Seven/8, if you get the prompt below, choose the second option to tell Windows to install the driver
Wait for the window below. It indicates the end of drivers installation
Now try to plug the KLineMaster to the computer’s USB port. The status LED should blink about 5 seconds, then goes
off.. It then blinks every 4 seconds. If the status LED is still blinking after 5 seconds, you must proceed with steps in the
activation chapter.
Windows should detect the hardware and configure its drivers
When you have a message indicating the end of driver installation, your KLineMaster is ready for usage on this
If you want, you may check the presence of « PC Diagnosis System Device » line into the hardware manager of
If not yet done, install and run Suzuki Diagnosis System software (Read this software’s user manual for more