News for the Knox Family THE FLOWERS ON THE COMMUNION TABLE are placed there there in memory of the Chancel Guild members who have passed away. THE SYMPATHY, LOVE AND PRAYERS of the congregation are extended to the family of Barbara Ruton who died this past week. THE REV. MIKE MARSDEN will be away attending the General Assembly of The Presbyterian Church in Canada being held in Vancouver, B.C., from June 4th to June 8th inclusive, REV. JAN HIEMINGA’S CAMINO WALK: Come and hear Rev. Jan speak about, and share pictures of his journey walking the Camino Trail. The event is taking place on FRIDAY, JUNE 12th at 7:00 p.m. and is sponsored by the Knox Knitters who will be serving refreshments. Please let us know if you plan to attend by adding your name to the list on the doors to the RGM Hall. THE KNOX LADIES’ CIRCLE is selling fall bulbs for spring bloom in the MacMillan Hall during Friendship Time. We will take orders from May 31 to June 28. Our supplier is Vesey's of P.E.I. who import the bulbs directly from Holland. All the proceeds will go to Knox. “CAMP IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD” (CYOB) at Knox Oakville this SUMMER! Looking for a fun week of activities this summer for your kids, or your grandkids while they’re visiting with you? You’re in LUCK! Camp Cairn (a camping ministry of the Presbyterian Church in Canada) will be hosting a week of high energy, fun, and faithfilled FULL DAY camp here at Knox Monday, July 20th - Friday, July 24th, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If the child in your life is between 4 and 12 years old, and isn’t allergic to FUN, then grab a registration form and sign them up today. The cost is $100 for the week ($85 for siblings). Spaces are LIMITED. For more information speak to Monika Platt or Zelda Samwell. SUMMER SUNDAYS: After a exciting year with the new YCW’s time to give our Sunday School teachers a well deserved break. This is a perfect opportunity for you to experience God’s Word through the eyes of our youngest members. If you are able to teach a Sunday over the summer, please sign up!! The lessons and available dates are posted on the CE office door. Talk to Zelda or Monika for any additional information. THANK YOU for your support of Pregnancy Support Services of Hamilton (PSSH) and the Formula 4 Hope. Please continue to pray for this ministry. This is the last week for the PSSH's Formula 4 Hope Campaign! Please fill your baby bottles supplied to you and return them next week. PSSH is a Christian ministry that needs your financial, volunteerism and prayerful support! You can make a difference: one bottle at a time, one life at a time. For more information about this ministry, please visit A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the Seniors’ Communion & Luncheon. It was another wonderful gathering thanks to each person who was there! MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES: Please take the time to read and review our updated list of current Ministry Opportunities at Knox which is posted outside of MacMillan Hall. Your participation in ministry is important to us! YOUNG CHILDREN IN WORSHIP: Today’s Story: “Pentecost” (Acts 2) “I Wonder” Questions: • I wonder what all these people will do now that they have the gift of the Holy Spirit? • I wonder what the Holy Spirit wants us to do with God’s gifts? •
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