BC 400 MPSR Page 1 of 18 January 2014 ! ! THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA L’EGLISE UNIE DU CANADA BC CONFERENCE Ministry Profile and Search Report (BC 400 MPSR) for Fernie Pastoral Charge Knox Kootenay Presbytery British Columbia Conference May 10 2015 201 2nd Ave Fernie BC V0B1M0 Recommendation: We request the BC Conference approve a call for up to a three year, 50% part-time solo ministry position to be filled through call, appointment or settlement. Report prepared by the Knox Ministry Profile and Search Committee: Judy Harrold (Chair), Ev Cutts, Adele Jakubec, Leslie Siska, Bruce Elson (sec) Supporting Documents follow: 1. Demographic, Financial and Community Profile 2. Ministry and Mission Profile 3. Ministry Position Description Appendix A: Fernie Community Profile Appendix B: Knox Resources Profile Appendix C: Recent Pastoral Charge History BC 400 MPSR January 2014 Page 2 of 18 ! ! THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA L’EGLISE UNIE DU CANADA BC CONFERENCE Demographic, Financial, and Community Profile Note: For guidelines and strategies, please consult the BC Conference Ministry Profile and Search Resource Package. PART A: ABOUT OUR PEOPLE: (Multi-point Local Ministry Units will complete Part A, B and C for each congregation) ! Number of congregations: “X” 1 € 2 €3 € NA (e.g. for Outreach Ministries) Congregation A ________ Knox __________ (Name of Congregation) We think of ourselves MAINLY as: ( # on roll) € Rural € Remote € Urban Most of us live (check only one): ___22______ “X” Small town € Inner City € In apartments _20-25___________ (Avg. Sunday attendance) € Suburban € Other ________________ “X” In single-family homes € In retirement homes € In long-term care homes € On working farms € On rural retirement properties € Other ________________ The rest of us live (check all that apply): € In apartments € In single-family homes € In retirement homes € In long-term care homes € On working farms € On rural retirement properties “X” Other __Condo’s______________ Our congregation includes (these numbers don’t need to be exact, rather it should give an approximation) Infants and pre-school _3________ Young adults (20-30) __6_______ Children (5-12) Adults - (35-50) Young retirees (51-64)_6_______ Older Retirees (65-70) _1____ Most of us…: (choose one) _______ _1_______ Teens (13-19) _________ Adults- (51+) _18_______ Seniors (over 70) _12_____ BC 400 MPSR January 2014 Page 3 of 18 ! ! € Grew up in this area € Moved to this area for work € Moved here to be close to family or other resources “X” Moved here for other reasons Many of us work (or used to work) in the following industries or sectors: (check all that apply) “X” Health or social services “X” Education € Manufacturing € Agriculture and food production “X” Tourism/Hospitality “X” Environment Technology “X” Mining/Forestry “X” Government “X” Other: Engineering: € Transportation “X” Retail € Information Our congregation is like: (choose one that best applies) “X” A big family where we all know each other; € A medium sized church where we recognize each other but may not know each other well; € A big church with lots of staff, where small groups of people are close to one another based on common interests. € Other description: Our heritage as a local ministry unit : (check one that best applies): “X” Has its roots as a Methodist/Congregationalist/Presbyterian/Local Union/Aboriginal congregation prior to Union in 1925; OR, Began between 1925 and 1945. between 1945 and 1965. between 1965 and 2000. After 2000. We think of our local ministry unit as in the following way: (choose one that best applies): € We have a new vision and are really excited; still working out how to live into that vision € We are clear about our vision and purpose and have/are developing the skills and gifts to bring it about; we are excited and optimistic about our vision. “X” Our congregation is changing and it is clear that we can no longer continue as we have been. We have some anxiety and either have a rough idea or don’t know how to go forward. We believe that we have a future but can’t quite see it. € We see that the ministry within this community is probably winding down after many positive and productive years of faithful ministry, mission and service; we want to celebrate what we have been as we intentionally and graciously end this ministry. BC 400 MPSR January 2014 Page 4 of 18 ! ! PART B: ABOUT OUR TANGIBLE ASSETS Governance structure: How many people are on your Governing Body? ___10__ (Plus committee members)_______ How many are typically present at a meeting of your Governing Body? ___9-10__________ Our Church Building(s): (include information for each building if more than one) We don’t have a church building. (if you check this one, please comment briefly on where you worship and what other spaces you use for your ministry.) Or “X” We have _1___ (how many) building(s). Our church building(s) are mostly: (choose one that best applies): € Newly built in the last 10 years. € Significantly renovated and . € Is doing pretty well given that it has served us for many years. Some repairs may need to be done, but nothing major. “X” Is in need of significant work or repairs in order to be used in the coming years. Sanctuary holds _200+_ people Are there meeting rooms? € Yes “X” No € Yes “X”No What are they used for? Is there a nursery? Are the nursery toys/furniture compliant with current safety standards? € Yes (there is a play table, child chairs& books etc at the front of the sanctuary) “X”€ No BC 400 MPSR January 2014 Page 5 of 18 ! ! Are there Sunday Schools rooms? “X”Yes € No How many? ___1____ Are they also multipurpose use? “X” Yes Are there activity rooms? (ie quilting, gym, library) € No “X” Yes € No Brief descriptions: The lower level (basement) is a large multi use space with a separate approved kitchen, two washrooms and separate storage rooms. There is a balcony in the sanctuary which is also used for various functions. Where is the office located for the minister? Front left of sanctuary beside choir loft. Describe it: A room 3.4m x 3.7m with a closet for storage. It contains a desk, 3 file cabinets, laptop computer, printer, modem, landline phone/answering machine and wall mounted bookshelves. The projector and supplies are stored in the closet. A space heater is also supplied. Is the building used by outside groups as well as ministry activities? “X” Yes € No Brief descriptions (tenants, occasional rentals, frequency of use): 1) Girl Guides – Monday to Thursday evenings except summer; 2) Mom’s & Tots - Monday mornings; 3) Active Meditation – Tuesday mornings & Friday afternoons – ending in May; 4) Dynamic life drawing - Wednesday evenings, ending in May; 5) Meditation – 6 weeks; 6) Special events – Art shows, Choir performances, theatre performances. Is there a photocopier in the church? “X” Yes € No Is internet provided at the church? Dial-up “X” Yes € No Is the church accessible (including for those with disabilities)? if yes € Yes Tell us how: (There is a stair climber for limited access to the sanctuary) Administrative Support: Is there support for administrative tasks (e.g. bulletin, scheduling, reception)? € Yes “X”€ No (volunteers can be arranged to help) If yes, how many hours per week? _______ “X”High Speed “X” No € BC 400 MPSR Page 6 of 18 January 2014 ! ! If yes, is this € paid or € volunteer or € other (please specify)? Ministry and Personnel Committee: How many members? __3_____ How often does the committee meet? __4 times/year and as needed_______ Has one or more of the committee members attended a M&P Committee Training event in the last three years? “X” Yes € No Who takes the service when your minister is away on holidays or study leave? Volunteers & guest speakers PART C: ABOUT OUR FINANCES The word or phrase that best describes our current financial situation is: Abundant Adequate Not meeting expenses but optimistic “X” Not meeting expenses and relying on bequests and reserves to fund operating budget. Other (describe) Our Revenue Sources are (please indicate approximate percentage of your current operating budget that comes from each source: Congregational givings ___66________ Congregational Fundraising Activities _9__________ Rental of building/services __7______ Bequests/Reserves/Investments __18___________ Other (please briefly describe): Our Financial Reserves: We have sufficient reserves in the bank that we could cover three months of expenses if we had an emergency. “X” Yes No Our Financial Accountability: Our financial statements are reviewed by an external person each year: “X” Yes: a formal third-party review. BC 400 MPSR January 2014 Page 7 of 18 ! ! No: (describe) Our financial statements from the last three years are available upon request. “X” Yes No, but available on our website No Our Statistics from the last five years of submissions to the United Church of Canada show: Line # in Current the year 2015 Yearbook 20 20-25 One year ago 2014 Two years ago 2013 Four years ago 2011 Five years ago 2010 25 # attending Sunday 20 23 22 worship # of regular givers 18 30 35 30 47 58 $ expended for 40 55,008 71,935 49,254 54,508 pastoral charge operations # households under 5 36 36 64 65 62 pastoral care Note: Year 2012 is “MIA” hence year 2010 has been provided. In January 2014, Knox became a one point charge separating from Grasmere, so financials reflect that change. We also went to 50% part time ministry. Households under pastoral care in 2013 and earlier were actually total individuals attending periodically not households. PART D: ABOUT OUR COMMUNITY This is what we love about our community. This is what makes it unique. Nestled in the Rocky Mountains, Fernie is an outdoor paradise for locals and tourists from all over the world. Many people live in Fernie for the quality of life that we have here. With nature all around us, clean air and water, all the amenities most people need and the ability to walk just about anywhere you need to go appeals to many. The friendliness of the people and the sense of community they have is an added bonus for all! An international ski destination mountain (Fernie Alpine Resort) is 10 minutes from the down town. The Elk River flowing through the town is an international trout fly fishery. Additional winter sports such as Nordic skiing, cat skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, skating and hockey are basically out the backdoor. Additional summer activities include golfing, swimming, tennis, mountain bike/hiking trail systems throughout the valley, boating on Lake Koocanusa 35 minutes away, and camping. Hunting is also very popular as the valley is full of wildlife including big game. BC 400 MPSR Page 8 of 18 January 2014 ! ! The City has a very active arts & culture community with an art co-op, art station (a converted train station from the early 1900’s).Visiting musicians come through on a regular basis along with our own home grown talent. There are many special events throughout the year including the Wapiti weekend musical festival held in August. There are many fine restaurants offering a variety of international cuisine, an excellent aquatic center, a 2 screen movie theatre offering the latest releases, hockey and curling arenas and community centre. The community clubs are very active including the Rotary and Lions clubs. The USA border is only a 30 minute drive providing a gateway to many more opportunities for shopping, sporting activities and arts and entertainment. Fernie’s climate is classified as that of an “interior rain forest” hence the abundance of snow in the winter and rain in the “shoulder seasons”. The vegetation is abundant with old growth cedar forests minutes away. The summers are spectacular. There is a Fernie expression – “people come for the winter but stay for the summers”. The current population of Fernie itself is about 4500. There is a large population of young people/families who live here for the life style. A comment around town is there is a “pregnancy epidemic” which has persisted for many years! The younger population in particular grows significantly in the winter with the influx of youth from around Canada and the world. The three economic, demographic or political challenges or characteristics facing our area are: -Coal mining is the highest employment industry in our area. Depending on the price the coal is selling at, the amount needed by other countries and the cost effectiveness of extracting our coal in relation to other competing countries all dictate the number of people employed in the area mines. -The amount of snow we receive in the winter has a huge impact on our renowned local ski hill and the economy of the businesses in our town. If the snow is good the town is filled with tourists who spend money at local businesses. If the snow is minimal, we have less tourists. Our main tourist base comes from Alberta so the Alberta economy affects us in a huge way. Many of the Albertans have second homes here. There are also many tourists from all over Canada and the world including pretty much every country in Europe, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and even some from the Middle East and Asia and of course the USA. -The proportion of people who live here on a full time basis compared to the amount of part time vacationers who own property in our town. Although the vacationers or non-residents are welcome to our town and keep it vibrant, the cost of housing is driven by the non resident market, making affordable housing very difficult for those that work here. A lot of the non residents do participate in the community; however, in some areas of the city there are a lot of empty houses during the week or “shoulder” seasons. Here are two or three websites that offer detailed information about our community: 1) 2) 3) 4) City of Fernie website. www.fernie.ca Fernie Chamber of Commerce. www.ferniechamber.com Fernie Tourism. www.tourismfernie.com Fernie Alpine Resort. www.skifernie.com BC 400 MPSR Page 9 of 18 January 2014 ! ! Other faith communities represented in our community/region are: United Church of Canada-Knox United Catholic Church Anglican Church Lutheran Church Mountainside Community Church ( Baptist) Trinity Pentecostal Salvation Army Jehovah's Witnesses Good News Congregational Church We have close ties with the following faith communities: Anglican Church. In addition our minister participates in the Ministerial association that meets once a month representing the Anglican Church, Mountainside Community Church (Baptist), Trinity Pentecostal, Salvation Army, Catholic, Congregational. BC 400 MPSR Page 10 of 18 January 2014 ! ! Ministry and Mission Profile Website Address of Local Ministry Unit: www.knoxunitedferniebc.ca Brief Description of Local Ministry: Small but an active mature congregation. We hold several significant annul community events at the church as well as individuals participate in/support many community activities. Our Worship Style !The congregation at Knox enjoys a variety of Worship styles leaning more towards contemporary. We tend to be “an older” congregation so we also enjoy some traditions (for example Christmas Carols during Advent, Communion once a month). We are an open congregation and don’t mind stepping out of our comfort zone at times. Vision and Mission Statement: “Open to the Spirit, love and justice, united in our diversity, we live our faith serving each other and the wider community.” Category Title Community Outreach and Social Justice This is who we are as a Local Ministry Unit: We are currently doing the following in community outreach and social justice: help with the Salvation Army Kettle and Christmas hamper program, guest speakers from community helping groups, provide hot chocolate for the CPR Christmas Train event We have a specific goal related to community outreach and social justice as follows: “X” We do not have a specific goal related to community outreach Church Community and Neighbourhood and social justice. We are currently doing the following in the church community and neighbourhood: We have a specific goal related to the church community and neighbourhood as follows: “X”We do not have a specific goal related to the church community Faith Formation and Christian Education and neighbourhood. We are currently doing the following in faith formation and Christian education: We have a specific goal related to faith formation and Christian education as follows: BC 400 MPSR Page 11 of 18 January 2014 ! ! “X” We do not have a specific goal related to faith formation and Leadership Christian education. We are currently doing the following in Leadership: We have a specific goal related to Leadership as follows: “X” We do not have a specific goal related to Leadership. Pastoral Care We are currently doing the following in pastoral care: We have a specific goal related to pastoral care as follows: “X” We do not have a specific goal related to pastoral care. We have Spirituality and Self-Care within your Local Ministry Unit established a Pastoral Care committee recently We are currently doing the following in Spirituality and Self Care: We have a specific goal related to Spirituality and Self Care as follows: “X” We do not have a specific goal related Spirituality and Self Care. Worship We are currently doing the following in Worship: We have a specific goal related to Worship as follows: “X” We do not have a specific goal related to Worship. We do strive for weekly services Sept to May and bi weekly” gatherings” over the summer The latter coordinated by lay folk. BC 400 MPSR Page 12 of 18 January 2014 ! ! Ministry Position Description Closing Date: June 30, 2015 OR, There is no closing date. Position Title: Minister Position Profile: Full-time “X”Part-time: 28hrs/week from Sept 07/15 to May 22/16 corresponding to 50% of full time for a year; Benefits and salary spread over 12 months; vacation and study leave prorated at 50% of full time. On call for funerals of members in off months (time will be compensated). “X”Solo Team ministry (# of other Ministry Personnel): __ Position Summary: Provide congregational spiritual leadership; work with the Knox leadership to help develop programs and services to attract/interest/walk alongside with, unaffiliated young families and adults in their spiritual quest, be invested in the future of Knox and its sustainability, help lead us through how we become sustainable and fulfill our mission statement, develop and extend our pastoral care program. Accountable to: This position is accountable to the governing body of Knox United Church, through the Ministry and Personnel Committee. This position is accountable to BC Conference for oversight and discipline. This position has a relationship of support and collegiality with the members of their presbytery. Administration: Work with the Knox Board and all the committees and groups of the Church; attend church meetings as required; minimize administration and associated costs. Community Outreach and Social Justice: Be visible and active in the social and spiritual community of Fernie representing and promoting Knox; conduct services periodically at Rocky Mountain Village (senior’s home). Continuing Education: Participate in the local. regional and provincial courts of the United Church as required representing Knox; undertake studies/research to learn programs and approaches to present to the congregation for worship and study. Church Community and Neighbourhood: Work with the congregation to help fulfil our Mission Statement, providing leadership and assistance as required. Help us in our search for sustainability, to be open to change and responsive to the Holy Spirit as we transition to the future. BC 400 MPSR Page 13 of 18 January 2014 ! ! Faith Formation and Christian Education: Develop programs, activities, events, studies and opportunities for the entire congregation, both present and future and all ages, including children, to explore their relationship with the Holy Spirit. Assist in developing lay leadership. Leadership: Provide an enthusiastic, caring, joyful, thoughtful, participatory presence, working with the Knox congregation and the courts of the Church Pastoral Care: Work with, help train and develop members of the congregation for serving on the Pastoral Care committee in fulfilling its mandate. Maintain contact with the individuals of the congregation whether they are in crisis or not, and all the spiritual activities related to caring for the people of the congregation. Self Care: Look after yourself! Consult with M & P and/ or the Board to explore ways of dealing with the work load as it fluctuates throughout the year. Observe the allotted vacation and study leave. We want to help and assist. Worship: Surveys of our congregation have indicated the Sunday worship services are very important as well as the extra services on the Christian calendar. Encourage the music program and the use of instruments, be innovative but maintain a sense of traditional services & ritual on special occasions, use the projector and computer, involve the congregation and encourage lay leadership participation. Other Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Be invested in the future of the Knox congregation, proactive, innovative, and sensitive to the history of the congregation, as we seek to grow and reach out to the larger community, particularly the younger generation. Other “Preferred” Assets: Musically inclined, outgoing, compassionate, and flexible. Terms of Employment: • The United Church Manual, The United Church Employment Guidelines, the original Call/Appointment Form, and any relevant Provincial Legislation shall be used as terms of employment for this position. • Increments of salary and benefits, consistent with national United Church schedules, are to be determined by the Council, in consultation with the minister and the M&P Committee. • The distribution of the part time hours is negotiable. BC 400 MPSR Page 14 of 18 January 2014 ! ! • Ordained/Diaconal/ Designated Lay Ministers are welcome to apply. • Required vacation and study leave is prorated at 50% as this is a 50% part time position (full time being 40 hours/week- 2080 hours per year). Vacation and study leave to be taken during the actual work period currently set at Sept 07/15 to May 22/16. Salary and benefits will be allocated over 12 months. • It is anticipated this will be a three year position with extension subject to circumstances at the time. • Moving costs and expenses incurred in performing the work of the Church will be reimbursed in accordance with the requirements of the United Church of Canada • Estimated breakdown of work week hours: o Worship planning, preparation, & delivery = 14 hours o Administration and meetings = 2.5 hours o Pastoral care = 5 hours o Christian Education = 4.5 hours o Community, Presbytery, & conference ministry = 2 hours APPENDIX A BC 400 MPSR Page 15 of 18 January 2014 ! ! FERNIE COMMUNITY PROFILE The!City!of!Fernie!is!nestled!in!the!South!East!corner!of!British!Columbia,!surrounded!by!the! majestic!Rocky!Mountains.!!Fernie!has!become!an!outdoor!paradise!for!both!tourists!and!locals.!! It!has!a!population!of!approximately!4500!people,!which!can!double!in!the!winter!months.!! There!is!also!a!population!of!roughly!2500!in!the!immediate!surrounding!area.! Five!kilometers!south!of!Fernie,!is!the!world!renowned!Fernie!Alpine!Resort.!!Fernie!receives!up# to!37!feet!of!snow!in!a!season,!and!attracts!a!wide!range!of!skiers!and!riders!from!around!the! globe.!Delivering!over!2500!acres!of!skiable!terrain,!142!named!runs,!5!alpine!bowls,!state!of! the!art!snowmaking!and!grooming!equipment,!and!an!exceptional!beginner’s!area,!Fernie!is!a! true!winter!playground!for!skiers!and!riders!of!all!levels.!Also!now!featuring!the!most!snow,! most!ski!runs,!and!biggest!vertical!in!the!Rockies! If!you!aren’t!afraid!of!heights!you!may!want! to!attempt!the!aerial!park!and!zip!line!located!up!at!the!ski!hill.!In!addition!to!the!ski!hill,!Fernie! has!many!walking!and!biking!paths.!It!is!a!natural!place!for!hunting,!fishing,!and!hiking.!Camping! at!the!lakes!is!a!half!to!three!quarters!of!an!hour!drive!away!from!Fernie!and!affords!the! ultimate!in!relaxation!and!fun.!!Fernie!has!an!indoor!swimming!pool,!ice!arena,!curling!arena,! community!centre,!tennis!courts,!and!several!parks.!!The!Fernie!Golf!Course!provides!a! challenging!course!and!has!absolutely!stunning!panoramic!views!of!the!surrounding!mountains.! There!is!also!a!dirt!bike!and!skateboard!park,!as!well!as!a!climbing!wall!available!for!those! interested.! ! The!swimming!pool!offers!many!courses!for!both!children!and!adults.!!There!is!a!wading!pool,! hot!pool,!swim!lanes!and!sauna!that!are!available!for!public!use.!!The!pool!is!the!home!of!the! Elk!Valley!Dolphin!Swim!Club.!!!A!new!water!park!has!been!completed!which!young!children!are! able!to!enjoy.! ! The!ice!arena!is!a!busy!place!during!the!winter.!!It!hosts!both!hockey!and!figure!skating!clubs.! Also!based!out!of!this!arena!is!the!Fernie!Ghostriders,!a!Junior!“B”!hockey!team!that!plays!in!an! international!league.!!During!the!summer!the!arena!hosts!other!activities!like!dry!land!training,! trade!fairs,!and!both!hockey!and!basketball!camps.!! ! Mining,!forestry,!healthcare,!social!services,!tourism!and!small!business!help!support!the! economy!of!this!area.!!!A!memorial!to!Fernie’s!mining!history!can!be!found!in!front!of!City!Hall! BC 400 MPSR Page 16 of 18 January 2014 ! ! in!the!form!of!a!small!walkway!and!garden.!!Small!town!life!with!easy!access!to!the!natural! surroundings!allow!for!friendship!and!great!lifestyle.! ! Fernie!is!pleased!to!offer!a!satellite!campus!of!the!College!of!the!Rockies!that!has!an!assortment! of!day!and!evening!courses,!both!for!general!interest!and!credits.!For!general!schooling!there!is! one!elementary,!one!secondary!school!as!well!as!a!private!school.! ! Our!Elk!Valley!Hospital!is!open!seven!days!a!week!with!a!full!time!emergency!department.!Our! doctors,!dentists,!chiropractors,!physiotherapists,!acupuncturists!as!well!as!alternative! medicines,!will!provide!you!with!excellent!service.!!Our!East!Kootenay!Regional!hospital!is! located!in!Cranbrook,!only!an!hour!away.!Cranbrook!health!services!also!supplies!many!more! back!up!services!to!the!Fernie!area!in!terms!of!community!services.!!!We!also!have!the!benefit! of!“STARS”!out!of!Calgary,!which!services!the!Elk!Valley.! Art!and!culture!are!very!important!here,!with!the!local!Arts!Council!being!very!active.!!The!Arts! Council!is!housed!in!the!old!CPR!train!station!and!holds!many!events!such!as!plays,!symphonies,! singers,!and!writers!conferences.!!There!is!always!a!feature!display!at!the!Arts!Station,!showing! painting,!pottery,!or!quilts.!!Artists!can!apply!to!become!members!of!a!storefront!artists!co\op.!! The!Fernie!Museum!has!found!a!new!home!in!the!downtown!area!and!is!very!popular!with! locals!and!tourists.! The!Rotary,!Lions,!Elks,!Legion!and!the!local!3300!Club!are!examples!of!some!of!the!active! service!clubs!in!town.! ! The!shopping!in!Fernie!is!better!than!in!the!average!small!town.!!We!have!everything!from! building!supply!stores,!groceries,!gear!and!equipment!shops!to!several!specialty!shops!that! appeal!to!tourists!and!locals!alike.!Many!people!live!in!Fernie!for!the!quality!of!life.!!With!nature! at!our!back!doorstep,!clean!air!and!water,!all!the!amenities!most!people!need,!the!ability!to! walk!to!just!about!anything!you!require!appeals!to!many.!The!people!who!live!here!on!a! permanent!basis!feel!like!they!are!really!blessed!and!those!who!visit!dream!of!the!day!they!can! call!Fernie!home.!!The!friendliness!of!the!people!and!the!sense!of!community!they!have!is!an! added!bonus.! ! BC 400 MPSR Page 17 of 18 January 2014 ! ! APPENDIX#B# KNOX#RESOURCES#PROFILE# Knox!United!Church!is!a!heritage!building!near!the!centre!of!Fernie’s!historic!downtown.!We! own!the!building!and!the!land!on!which!it!sits.!Our!Church!building!has!undergone!many! improvements!and!upgrades!over!the!past!few!years.!Our!front!doors!were!replaced!with! historic!replicas!to!help!make!our!church!welcoming!and!warmer.!The!kitchen!has!been! upgraded!to!a!health!certified!standard!making!it!suitable!for!rent!by!community!groups.!The! roof!has!been!replaced!and!the!sanctuary!has!undergone!a!renovation!and!redecorating.!New! furnaces!have!just!been!installed!and!will!contribute!to!the!warmth!and!comfort!of!all!areas!of! the!church.! ! There!is!an!office!adjacent!to!the!sanctuary!and!a!mezzanine!above!the!sanctuary!currently! houses!many!historical!photos!and!artefacts.!The!kitchen!is!located!in!the!lower!hall.!Our!lower! hall!is!used!by!the!Girl!Guides!several!nights!a!week.!!It!is!also!used!by!our!congregation!for!our! fund!raising!events,!and!is!available!to!other!community!groups!for!playgroups,!meetings,!etc.! ! We!currently!have!a!paid!custodian!whose!expenses!are!supported!by!our!UCW.!Two!volunteer! pianists!provide!wonderful!music!to!both!our!congregation!and!dedicated!choir.!Knox!United! Church!has!many!dedicated,!long\term!members!who!provide!a!consistent!financial!base,!as! well!as!time,!energy!and!commitment!to!the!work!of!the!Church.!!The!support!of!volunteers!in! all!aspects!of!our!life!is!one!of!the!strengths!of!our!Church.! ! Our!financial!contributions!are!received!by!PAR,!envelopes,!loose!offerings,!donations!and! building!rentals.!We!have!two!main!fund!raising!events!each!year!and!we!are!always!interested! in!other!fund!raising!opportunities.!! We!spend!the!majority!of!our!money!on!wages!for!the!Minister!and!upkeep!of!our!Church! building.!! ! ! ! BC 400 MPSR Page 18 of 18 January 2014 ! ! APPENDIX#C# RECENT#PASTORAL#CHARGE#HISTORY# Prior!to!2014!Knox!was!part!of!a!2\point!charge!called!the!“Elk!Valley!Pastoral!Charge”.!The! second!point!was!Grasmere!United!Church!in!a!very!small!rural!community!about!65!kilometres! west!and!south!of!Fernie.!!It!was!mutually!agreed!that!it!would!be!in!the!best!interests!of!each! congregation!if!the!Elk!Valley!Pastoral!Charge!was!dissolved!and!each!congregation!functioned! on!its!own.!This!was!approved!by!Presbytery!and!was!implemented!for!2014.!However,!both! congregations!were!interested!in!maintaining!a!relationship;!consequently,!Knox!continued!to! supply!ministerial!services!9!Sundays!a!year!plus!pastoral!care!as!needed.!In!exchange! Grasmere!continued!to!contribute!towards!the!cost!of!this!service.!!The!congregation!at! Grasmere!was!about!8.!The!congregation!continues!to!dwindle!and!they!have!decided!to!wait! and!see!how!things!are!going!for!them!as!to!whether!they!will!ask!for!support!from!Knox!in!the! immediate!future.! ! ! ! !
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