Inspiring the Future Status Update - Health Education Kent, Surrey

Improving the Student voice in a health
ambassadorial role
Mike Bailey, Career Progression Programme Manager, HE
Madhu Meshram, Education & Training Facilitator, Career
Progression Programme, HE KSS
Lisa Stone, Senior Careers Advisor, Careers Department, HE
Oliver Hallam, Development Manager, Inspiring the Future
Session Outline
• Workshop Objectives
• Health Ambassador Quiz
• Overview of the Career Progression
Programme – Why are we promoting this work?
• Health Ambassadors – What are they? What
schemes exist?
• How to engage with young people
• Inspiring the Future overview
• Questions
Workshop Objectives
• To increase understanding and promote the role of
health ambassadors and the variety of
ambassador networks including Inspiring the
• Recruit volunteers to the Inspiring the Futures
• Identification of key national/regional drives,
issues and solutions that may feed into a regional
health ambassador strategy
• Promotion and signposting of medical, clinical and
non-clinical careers information
Careers and Health Ambassador
Career Progression Programme –
National, Regional and Local Drivers
HEE Widening Participation Strategy
HEE National Bands 1-4 Strategy
Career Progression Development Strategy 2014/
Career Progression Programme -Work
To Date
Careers Advice Workshops rolled out from September
Princes Trust Pre-employment programme rolled out with Medway
Community June 2014, BSUH and Sussex Community January 2015,
Thanet potentially March 2015
Education Business Partnership Pre-employment programmes for
college students studying health and social care related subjects rolling
out at Sussex Partnership Trust, Frimley Park and Western Sussex
from October 2014, also establishing ones with Western Sussex and
Sussex Partnership
12 organisations across KSS involved in Certificate of Fundamental
Care Pilot and fed into national work. Tailoring to GP surgeries.
Nationally roll out from April 2015
Working towards achieving 549 apprenticeship starts in 14/15
across KSS. Developing rotational apprenticeships across
health and social care rolled out from November 2014 in
each of the counties. Simulation Technician Apprenticeship
pilot rolled out from November 2014
Health Ambassador Programmes
Health Ambassadors act as role models to young
people, offering them the chance to find out as
much as possible about jobs and professions in
Stemnet – Stem Ambassadors
STEM Ambassadors use their enthusiasm and commitment to encourage
young people to enjoy STEM subjects.
If you are over the age of 17 with skills or interest in Science, Technology,
Engineering and/or Mathematics you can register as a STEM Ambassador.
The most important qualities in STEM Ambassadors are that they are
enthusiastic and positive role models for STEM subjects and associated
You can get involved by:
• giving careers talks or helping at careers fairs
• providing technical advice or practical support to STEM projects in the
• supporting projects in after-school STEM Clubs
• judging school STEM competitions
• speed networking with pupils, parents and teachers
• devising or delivering practical STEM experiments or demonstrations
• helping students with mock job interviews
Specialty Champions for Doctors
• Aims of the scheme
• Responding to feedback
• Champions survey identified only 57% satisfied with scheme in its
current form
• Developments
• Updated guidance
• Champion training via webinar planned for April 2015
• Collecting feedback from foundation doctors
• Champion contact details in secure area of STFS website
• Appeal for additional champions
• If you could give your younger self
one piece of advice- what would it
• What did you want to be when you
were 14?
• What is the best piece of advice
about work/ careers you have ever
5mins to
• Have a read of the hand-out on the tables
• In pairs/ small groups find two things that
you would do normally for a meeting/
presentation and two things that are
specific to engaging young people.
5mins to
Working together to help young people achieve their potential
What is Inspiring the Future?
Inspiring the Future is a FREE service
Employees from all sectors and professions from Apprentices to
CEOs pledge one hour a year to volunteer to go into state
schools and colleges to talk about their jobs, careers, and the
education routes they took
Signing up is quick and easy
Types of Events – Schools/Colleges use ITF for
Careers Networking
Careers Fair
We have signed up over 18,500 volunteers from 4,000 different organisations and our
growth is steadily rising
Over 7,500 teachers from more than 4,400 schools and colleges have already signed up, and
we have recently launched our Primary Futures campaign to primary schools
Over 68,000 invites have been sent from teachers to volunteers
School Teacher Cumulative Line Graph
Invite/Message Cumulative Line Graph
ITF – Rating by teachers & volunteers
Teachers responses to impact on students
Example of some of the Employers and Professional bodies signed up
Key Contacts
For any queries please contact:
Oliver Hallam
Business Development Manager
[email protected]
0203 206 0507
Building Health Ambassador Capacity
If we are looking to develop a Health Ambassador Strategy:
• What do we need to consider?
• What are some of the barriers to us increasing health
ambassador numbers and how may we get over these?
• How to we get more people on board?
• What advertising of these programmes would work well?
• Any thoughts on other initiatives we could develop to
complement health ambassador programmes?
HE KSS Contact Details
Mike Bailey, Career Progression Programme Manager
[email protected], Tel. 07714 917399
Lisa Stone, Senior Careers Adviser, [email protected]
Tel. 020 7415 3450
Madhu Meshram, Education & Training Facilitator Career
Progression, [email protected], Tel. 07730321898