However, in a fallen world we live with both. And we need a faith to match. A I cannot remember a more beautiful walk with Christ must incorporate all of spring. The wildflowers, especially the life. It cannot simply be operative when bluebonnets, were magnificent. The life is spring-like. On the other hand, it weather was mild and just be evident, the skies blue. Then, in “A walk with Christ must cannot or called upon, when incorporate all of life.” one evening, the spring life throws us a changed. Hail started hailstorm. Our faith was meant to be falling on our house one Saturday lived in the spring and the winter, in the night. It didn’t come straight down, it pleasure and the pain, in the clear skies came in sideways, accompanied by sixtyand in the storms. miles-per-hour winds. In a few short minutes the roof was battered. The trees That is the faith that Jesus talked lost all their leaves and the garden was about and trained his disciples for. As we wiped clean to the soil. The woodwork continue our study of the book of Luke, was in tatters and the car was puckered we will look at the stories that shaped the with dents. Kim and I stood in the early disciples as they were called to live by light of the next morning stunned at the faith in an up-and-down world. We are changes a small storm had made. A doing this because Jesus has called us to couple of hours changed everything. live fully and faithfully in the same up-and -down world. Join me every Sunday for Life by its very nature is a combination the journey! of beautiful springs and hailstorms. All of us could do without the hailstorms. Full~Pastor Larry time spring would be our preference. NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER Thursday, May 7, 2015 Join us for a service of prayer, scripture, music and contemplation. 5:30—7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Our theme for 2015 is Lord, Hear Our Cry, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities and men. To further highlight our theme, we’ve chosen I Kings 8:28 as our Scripture for this year: “Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.” NEW M S U N D A Y M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I SENIOR SUNDAY (3) MOTHER’S DAY (10) STEPHEN MINISTRY SUNDAY (17) 8:15 Traditional Worship Service 9:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:30 Contemporary Worship Service (Fellowship Hall) 9:30 AdventureLand, Kidz Inc. & Club 45 9:30 Adult Sunday School 11:00 Traditional Worship Service 11:00 MS & HS Student Small Groups 11:00 AdventureLand, Kidz Inc. & Club 45 11:00 Adult Sunday School 12:00 Children’s Ministry Leader Mtg (24) 7:00 Middle School Ice Cream Olympics ( 3) 6:00 Speaker Susie Davis (17) MEMORIAL DAY—OFFICE CLOSED (25) 7:00 Men’s Bible Fellowship (NO 25) 9:00 LCCPreschool (NO 25) 1:30 Finance & Budget Mtg (18) 3:00 Stephen Ministry Leaders (4) 6:30 Two-Way Prayer (Quiet Time Practice) (NO 25) 7:30 9:00 10:00 12:00 6:00 6:00 6:15 7:00 9:00 9:45 1:00 1:15 4:30 5:00 5:30 5:30 7:00 7:00 7:00 Functional Fitness LCCPreschool Prayer & Transformation Caring for Caregivers (12,26) AWANA (LAST 12) Single & Parenting (LAST 12) Christian Assertiveness (beg 19) Stepping into Freedom LCCPreschool GRADUATION (20) Women’s Weds AM Study Senior Adult Ministry Team Mtg (20) LCCP Advisory Cmte Mtg (6) Stephen Ministry Supervision (13,27) Handbells (6) Handbells (13,20,27) CHURCH SUPPER (6) MS & HS Student Worship Chancel Choir Mission Cmte Mtg (6) 7:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 3:00 5:30 5:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 Functional Fitness LCCPreschool GRADUATION (21) CBS (LAST 7) Music & Message Longhorn Village (28) Vista Oaks/Summit Bible Study (14,28) PRAYER SERVICE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE (7) Women’s Thurs Eve Study Elder Council Mtg (21) Prison Ministry Team Mtg (21) 9:00 9:30 10:00 12:00 LCCPreschool (LAST 15) Prayer Group Women’s Ministry Mtg (8) LCCP Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (29) 6:00 2nd Saturday Date Nite (9) S A T 2 Stephen Ministers are the “After People.” They are with you after the personal relationship has crashed; after the retirement or relocation; after the loss of a loved one...the list goes on and on. A Stephen Minister is your own confidential listener and will meet with you on a weekly basis for as long as the difficulty exists. A call to Pastor Brent in the church office is the first step to having your own, personal Stephen Minister to help you through a difficult time. The Lakeway Church accepts VISA and MasterCard for your donations and tithes? Contact Jill Osborne in the church office, 512-261-6331. (anyone over 60) UPCOMING EVENTS: Thursday, May 21 NATURAL BRIDGE WILDLIFE RANCH (near New Braunfels) A drive-through tour with a guide, to see and learn about animals from all over the world! Admission: Seniors $14.25 Lunch at Alpine Haus in New Braunfels Depart the church at 9:30 am Deadline for reservations Friday, May 15 Watch for more information about future events! Information and reservations in church office: 512-261-6331 or [email protected]. THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER is published monthly by THE LAKEWAY CHURCH 2203 Lakeway Blvd. Lakeway, TX 78734 512/261-6331 Editor: Nancy L. Keetch [email protected] Webmaster: Nancy L. Keetch [email protected] Deadline for copy: The Friday after the third Thursday of the month. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and/or space. © 2015 The Lakeway Church THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER MAY 2015 MUSIC NOTES The Chancel Choir presented our annual Choral Good Friday Tenebrae Service on Friday, April 3 in our Sanctuary. We combined our Chancel Choir with the Lake Travis United Methodist Church Adult Choir and had a unified choir of 64 voices accompanied by a chamber orchestra of 13 members. This meaningful and moving service has become a treasured tradition in the Lake Travis community and we had 401 persons worshiping in our Sanctuary on Good Friday. This service gives opportunity for each of us to remember and meditate on the terrible suffering and loving sacrifice Christ was willing to make for each one of us as He went to the cross to take away our sins. The Chancel Choir is growing! We have had four new members since January 1 and two folks who have sung with us before have returned for a total growth of six members. Why don’t you join us as well? If you have ever sung in a choir before, if you like to sing, but have never sung in a choir before, whether you can read music or not – come join us. We rehearse each anthem six weeks in advance of singing it in church and we have strong singers who can help you learn your part. We rehearse each Wednesday evening from 7:00 – 8:30 in the Choir Room. Come be a part of this exciting community of singers who want to praise God together! Our 8:15 & 11:00 Easter Sunday Worship was led by our Chancel Choir, our brass quintet, and For His Glory. They also led the beginning of the 9:30 Sanctuary Service. David Beussman and the Sanctuary Praise Band led the rest of that service. In addition, Justin Garrett and the Fellowship Hall Band led two fully-attended worship services at 9:30 & 11:00 on Easter. We had 1674 people attending The Lakeway Church in five excellent and celebrative services give their worship and praise to God on Resurrection Sunday! Christ Is Risen Indeed!! Your spiritual growth is of vital importance to our church. Whether you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith, or you’re a long-time follower of Christ, we want to do everything we can to help you on your spiritual journey. That’s why we need your help. We’re asking you to take an online survey that asks questions about your spiritual life and the role our church plays in it. Since the survey touches on a wide range of thought-provoking issues, you should anticipate needing 35 - 40 minutes to complete it. This survey is completely anonymous. An expert third-party research organization will compile your input with responses from others, so your survey will not be viewed individually. The Lakeway Church is unique in that we have such a wonderful, wide diversity among our members. It is very important for everyone to participate so that we can get the most accurate picture of where we are as a church. Thanks in advance for your time and contribution to this tool that will help us understand our church’s role in your spiritual life. Look for an instructional email on Saturday, May 9, the first day the survey will be live. It will be available for two weeks, through May 24. Please use this link to access the survey—and pass it along to all your friends who call The Lakeway Church their church home. THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER MAY 2015 3 GLOBAL OUTREACH REPORT Mark & Les Harper—Pro-Vision in Mozambique A peek into the lives of Les & Mark: We do not miss electricity, and have L.E.D lights working off batteries charged by solar panels on our roof, thanks to Mark’s excellent practical skills. Each morning, Les gets up early to read her Bible and pray before feeding and watering the pigs and dogs. Mark has his devotions, exercises and then waters our vegetables, or collects our drinking water if needed. We have running water from a solar pump from the neighboring Bethel Camp site, but this cannot be used for drinking so we fetch drinking water in containers from the local well/ water supply tank, as needed. The day’s program then begins – if it involves a church or orphan house building or water project, we will leave home around 6.30, but if it involves a mentoring appointment, we normally leave around 8.30. We live around 45min drive from town, but most of our mentees live in villages, some of them quite remotely situated. Some days we spend many hours in the car, and are thankful for Les’ little Suzuki 4x4, purchased from a retiring missionary. It is old but runs well and even has aircon! Some days, we have appointments with government representatives concerning the providing of care for the 20 orphans we mentor and disciple, or are involved in organizing materials or delivering food or school supplies needed by these children. Other days, we may help with a medical need of an orphan, one of the elderly widows, or the pastors or their wives, in one of the villages in our province. On other days, we spend time printing and binding the study materials we use for our training, or purchasing Bibles and food for upcoming courses. Admin and communication takes quite a bit of our time, Mark doing the filing and organizing and Les operating Quickbooks and updating our website ( The Pro-Vision website will soon also be available. One or two days a week, Les and Pastora Joana, from the Baptist church one village away from ours, spend all day working on Bible Study translations, first from English into Portuguese, and then from Portuguese into Changana. Once or twice a month, over weekends, we have Bible training for local churches. This is usually held in a local church, though we occasionally hire the Bethel Centre and bring many churches together for a combined training course. We take both these types of training further afield, as funds and time allow, using our outreach trailer for longer trips, about three times per year. We hope you have enjoyed catching a glimpse of what our everyday life looks like – thank you for the privilege of being able to serve the Lord in Mozambique in this way – we are truly blessed and happy in our work, and so appreciate your prayers and financial support. Love, Mark and Les Harper The Lakeway Church has a beautiful columbarium available to church members as a resting place for their departed loved ones AND as a quiet, contemplative garden in which to spend time with the Lord. The Memorial Garden has 936 spaces and 338 are still available for sale. Contact Jill Osborne in the church office for info. 4 THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER MAY 2015 FROM THE ELDER DESK The Elders continue to work on developing the five-year plan that will set the course of our work together. The target date to roll out the completed plan is August. In April we began a review of our mission statement and we are working with each of our major areas of ministry to assure that they are aligned with our stated purpose. planned is a Discipleship Pastor with an emphasis on young families. This job would oversee the discipleship area of our church, including Home Teams, Sunday School, mid-week studies, Women’s Ministry and Men’s Ministry. The Discipleship Pastor will also serve as the “Campus Pastor” for our Fellowship Hall services. Cris Faught will take the lead in this job search. In April and May, each of the staff members are receiving a 360 review and they are developing personal growth plans and setting goals for their ministry areas. Terri Seifert, along with Steve Merrick, has worked hard on this review plan that we have designed to be an annual review process. We continue to strive for excellence in the tech area of Sunday mornings. We’re not there yet, but we have made huge strides under the leadership of Terry Priestap and JR Taylor. In addition we are looking at staff additions for the future. One of the staff additions that is being Kent O’Brien is heading up a team that is looking at facility needs for the future. The hail damage accelerated some of the work and you will notice new roofs soon as a result of the storm You can overcome fear. Here’s living proof! A story of how God can take even the worst human tragedy and turn it into beauty...a story that took over thirty years to write...a story that will restore your hope and trust in God’s goodness. Susie Davis LIVE at The Lakeway Church! Sunday, May 17 ● 6:00 pm Coffee & desserts served Reservations required in the church office To set up your own FREE account at RNM, please fill out the form on the church website: Click on the RNM image in the right column on the home page. THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER MAY 2015 Sponsored by Austin Christian Fellowship, this speaker series is open to all Lake Travis Christian churches. 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 Halle Crone Collier Steele Ryan Caras Gary Gray Chuck Moreland Kevin Neri Molly English Chad Jacobs Carol Sanders Pat Gunderson Sterling DeGeest Elle Morgan Dorothy Glass Bob Neighbors Connie Grimes Curt Mager Wade Huber Edward Shelly Tim Dickinson Laurie Webber Bill Marquis Paul Dehnel Cindy Naylor Blake Welborn Bruce Wiepert Bill Clifton Thelma Gretzinger 1 2 3 3 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 10 11 12 Tom & Vickie Reeves Andy & Faith Hicks Ryan & Kahntineta Ford Mark & Heather Boccella Malcolm & Sandy Pigford Bruce & Karen McGraw John & Melinda Bily Jim & Irene Johnson Elizabeth & David Davis Jim & Dotty Hord Richard & Kelly Price David Moreno & Kat Young Jay & Linda Ousley Perry & Alex Whitman 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 Paula Faught Susan Stone Richard Hartmann Blake Kenyon Lee Schroer Laurel Den Hoed James Lanshe Andrew Muston Ashley Lepine Kathy Wilhelm Linda Woodhall Tracy Moulckers Kevin Donahue Chuck Grady Mona Yamasaki Kathryn Nolder Lila Taylor Jim Kennedy John Nielsen Emma Bradford Bob Swinney Jo Carlson Braddock Gotte Kelly Sykora Lindsey Vasut Howard Jordan Kevin Bench 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 14 14 14 14 17 19 20 20 21 22 22 22 24 24 Christi Crone Cooper McCollum Manny Vidal Dan Marcinek Kelly Larimore Barbara Cauley Fanna Loma Dickey Janet Wright Rodney Gamble Scott Balaguer Larry Oaks Van Hagye Sue Wilsey Tee Mitchell Gayle Vanden Branden Nelisa Heddin Danny Mansell Candy Reed Debbie Gamble Faith Freeman Sandi Metzger Lou Ann Dunn Marvin Hagan Bill Thomas Chelsea Livingston 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 Jack & Doris Besperka Ted & Paula Peterson Ben & Sylvia Kuenemann Dave & Linda DeOme Sam & Shelley Perez Harold & Betty Monzingo Bill & Linda Butin Kirby & Sunny Reed Normandie & Scott McClain Ronnie & Carolyn Henry Bob & Dianne Wesselhoft Byron & Lisa Walston John & Sylvia Brazell Bob & Dorothy Swinney Blake Frie Laurie Couch Jean Lockhart Kylie Wakefield Jodie Woods-Rossi Fish Jerald Patterson Sue Hicks Parker Wendel Patsy S. Brister Laney Thompson Diane Thompson Shari Mack Jack Cramer Joyce Dickinson Drake Ver Steeg Chrissy Abendschein Jaimie Flash B.J. Livingston Erica Perez Tom Alexander Joan Priestap Normandie McClain Mary Juan Harris Eddie May Britt Dawson 25 26 27 27 29 29 29 30 31 31 31 31 31 24 24 24 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 Avis Lee Kameron Smith Belinda Cornell Gracie Wargo Josh Hicks Ethan Willinger Haydon Ormes Polly Diebel Jon Graham Mark Poulos Linda Swan Cheryl Ferovick Mary Ann Deen Caroline Dilday Dallas Gorman Richard Davis Jessie Silianoff Carol Lee John Brodnax Barbara Brewer Terri Seifert Linda Gable Gayle Canada Lorie Stanley Diana & Eric Stromme Casey & Kelly Tomlinson Mike & Betty Ann Courtney Jud & Michele Wyatt Mike & Sharon Temple Bill & Jane Defoyd Steve & Marian Justiss Richard & Heather Ginsberg Keith & Pat Trecker Marvin & Georgia Hagan Milford & Avis Lee Buddy & Lynda King Guy & Sue Ellen Knolle THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER MAY 2015 OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Shoebox Ministry As part of TLC Global Ministry, we pack shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child in early November. Last year we were blessed to pack 1009 shoeboxes to send to needy children around the world. Besides the gifts, the children and their families were presented the Gospel in their own language and were given the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior! This year, 2015, we would like to again pack over 1000 shoeboxes with 1200 as our goal! We are blessed by a church family which supports and contributes generously to this ministry. This year, TLC Children’s Ministry would like to pack 1000 bars of soap and washcloths in plastic bags as a service project during Vacation Bible School in June. This project gives each of us a wonderful opportunity to contribute to VBS. During May, could/would you donate a box of quart-size plastic freezer bags, a bundle of washcloths or a package of bar soap? Or smaller amounts? We will place OCC bins in the Children’s Building, Fellowship Center and Narthex for easy drop-off. Melissa Alexander, Children’s Ministry Assistant, would also like for the children to write notes to put in each shoebox. If you have any old appropriate greeting cards, would you donate them, too? They will need a lot of help to prepare for packing 1200 shoeboxes! Heartfelt thank-you’s from your OCC team leaders, Andrea Bieberich, Sharon Killey and Alice Nelson. The Lakeway Church Short Term Mission OPPORTUNITIES Haiti Health Ministries June 2015 Mission Waco, Waco Tx Fall 2015 OMS Haiti OCT 17 TO 25 2015 Contact Steven Merrick: 512-784-6540 ([email protected]) or go to the church website: for more information. Deborah Bowman Cheryl Brown, Cheryl Danny & DeeDe Clayton Ron Cowles & Pat DeGroot-Cowles Kristin Cross-Willis Beth Everett Joy Essary Jeffrey & Aubrey Gotte, Braddock Tony Salinas & Jenifer Hwo, Lilianna Salinas Tom & Sonia Skowronek Carla Webb Robin Young THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER MAY 2015 7 CAMP KIDJAM Who: All current 2nd-4th graders (entering 3rd-5th grades in Fall 2015) Location: Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX Pricing: $269/child with a $50 deposit due at registration. Payment due in full June 1, 2015. Includes meals, lodging for 3 nights, basic activity fee, t-shirt and small group supplies (including evening snacks.) Additional snacks and souvenirs extra. TLC will provide transportation to and from the camp. Ratio is one leader to 7 samegender kids. Check out for more information or contact Melissa ([email protected]) for details. Registration forms available in Children’s Ministry or online at Summer Fun (18 months-5 years old) WHEN: TIME: WHO: COST: Fridays, June 12 & 19 9:00 am to 12:00 pm K through 5th grade $5 to cover lunch PROMOTION SUNDAY is JUNE 7 Congratulations to our 5th graders moving up to Middle School! 8 Jumpstart Kindergarten (for children entering Kindergarten in Fall 2015) May 3 is Senior Sunday We will pray for our LTHS graduating seniors during the 9:30 worship service in Fellowship Hall THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER MAY 2015 Summer XP (Formerly VBS) 2015 WE WANT KIDS TO MOVE IT! From here to there. From bored to passionate. From selfish to giving. From unfocused to wide awake. With MOVE! kids will be shown people in the Bible who changed direction and moved. And they all had one thing in common: somewhere along the way, they came face to face with Jesus. They discovered who He was. And once that happened, there was no standing still or going back. God moved toward us first. Now it’s our turn. MOVE! Register online NOW at When: June 22-26 Registration Deadline 9am-12pm June 5 Who: Ages (going into fall 2015) Kindergarten through 5th grade Volunteers: 6th graders through adults. Looking for: Please sign up online or contact Sean Reece to sign up & check availability. [email protected] Registration Team Decorations Team Prep Team (the week before) Games Leaders Craft Leaders Snack Team K-1st Lead Teacher 2-5th Faith Skills Lead Teachers (2) Small Group Leaders Photographer Video Tech Children’s Ministry is looking for volunteers to serve on Sunday mornings starting in August 2015 through August 2016. Volunteers serve twice per month at either the 9:30AM or 11:00AM service, so there is always an opportunity to worship. Small Group Leaders for all ages (Toddler through 5th grade) as well as Greeters are needed. We ask that you prayerfully consider serving our kids! Contact Pastor Sean at [email protected] or Melissa Alexander at [email protected] for details. Toddler Room (18 mos. – 3 ½ yrs. not potty-trained) 9:30AM on 2nd/4th Sundays 9:30AM on 5th Sundays 11:00AM on 1st/3rd Sundays 11:00AM on 2nd/4th Sundays 11:00AM on 5th Sundays Pre-K Room (3 ½ yrs. potty trained – 5 yrs. not yet in Kinder) 11:00AM on 1st/3rd Sundays Kinder/1st Grade 9:30AM on 1st/3rd Sundays 11:00AM on 1st/3rd Sundays 11:00AM on 2nd/4th Sundays 2nd/3rd Grade 9:30AM on 1st/3rd Sundays 11:00AM on 1st/3rd Sundays 11:00AM on 2nd/4th Sundays Club 45 (4th/5th Grade) 9:30AM on 1st/3rd Sundays THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER MAY 2015 9:30AM on 2nd/4th Sundays 11:00AM on 1st/3rd Sundays 11:00AM on 2nd/4th Sundays Greeters 9:30AM on 1st/3rd Sundays 9:30AM on 2nd/4th Sundays 9:30AM on 5th Sundays 11:00AM on 1st/3rd Sundays 11:00AM on 2nd/4th Sundays 11:00AM on 5th Sundays 9 A paper copy of the monthly BIRTHDAYS and ANNIVERSARIES may be picked up at the information counter in the Narthex. WEEKDAY BIBLE STUDIES MEN’S MONDAY MORNINGS MEN’S MONDAY AM STUDY. Men's Monday Morning Bible Study is currently studying the book of Mark. All men are welcome; just bring your Bible! Fellowship time with coffee, breakfast tacos and donuts begins at 6:40 am; study begins at 7:00. For more information contact Doug Land at 512-940-6645 or [email protected]. WOMEN’S CBS Community Bible Study (CBS) women’s class is excited to be studying the book of Isaiah this coming Fall beginning September 10th. CBS is a worldwide Bible study that purposes to transform lives through indepth Bible study, discussions, teaching and commentaries. This fall we are excited to be adding an Hispanic-speaking discussion group. We also have children’s programs for ages birth-preK and homeschoolers K-8th grade. The class will meet at The Lakeway Church on Thursdays from 10 am to 12 noon. For more information contact Becky McBride @ [email protected]. TWO-WAY PRAYER God wants to hear from us; God wants to speak to us. The Two-Way Prayer Quiet Time group meets Monday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 in Room 203. Join this group at any time to learn prayer and meditation skills to accomplish this two-way communication. For more information, contact Drew Brooks at 512-417-2307 or [email protected]. BETH MOORE STUDY GROUP The Beth Moore study group has completed their latest study and will not meet again until the fall. For more information, please contact Terri Seifert at [email protected] or 512-261-6632. WOMEN’S WEDNESDAY MORNINGS The Wednesday morning women’s Bible study group meets in room 205 at 9:30 for fellowship, with study starting at 9:45, ending at 11:00. We are now studying the Gospel of John. Our wonderful group is growing! Please join us. For information, contact Sue Johnson at 512-217-8891 or [email protected]. WOMEN’S THURSDAY EVENINGS This group focuses on Bible study and praying together, meeting Thursdays from 6:30-8:00. This group is now studying Beth Moore’s Children of the Day: an in-depth study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. For information, contact Magan Lewis at [email protected]. PRAYER & TRANSFORMATION Go to a new level studying prayer as it relates to individual and corporate transformation. Book by Dutch Sheets is available at class for $14. Taught by Barbara Bucklin in Room 208 Tuesdays from 10 am to noon. THE LAKEWAY CHURCH GALLERY FEATURING ARTWORK BY LIBBY SMITH LIBBY SMITH and her husband built their home in Lakeway in 1987. Their two daughters graduated from Lake Travis ISD. Libby spent 19 years teaching in LTISD. After retiring, she joined the Lakeway Painters following a watercolor class with Johnnie Fields. The Lakeway Church Gallery is open for viewing during normal church working hours in the hallway of the Fellowship Center. If you wish to exhibit in The Lakeway Church Gallery, please contact Corinne McClaran, 512-261-6714 or [email protected]. 10 THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER MAY 2015 Tue/Thu—Functional Fitness @ 7:30 am $20 per quarter; info [email protected] CARING FOR CAREGIVERS (C4C) May 12 & 26 If you are helping care for one or more loved ones who are no longer able to care for themselves, please check out our CARING FOR CAREGIVERS group. Others, who have walked your path, may have information that will make your journey a bit easier. We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month from noon to 1:00 pm in Room 205 of the Fellowship Center. Do you have questions about the role of hospice in your loved one's future care? Come to CARING FOR CAREGIVERS on Tuesday, May 12, 12 noon - 1 pm when Resolutions Hospice will be speaking to our group."CARING FOR CAREGIVERS is a support group for men and women who have physical, legal or emotional responsibility in caring for a loved one—whether spouse, parent, sibling, adult child or minor child. Questions? Call Frieda—512-261-4240, Joyce—512-266-2948 or Beverly—512-743-3630. March 2015 2015 FINANCIAL: Tithes & Offerings Preschool Other Income Programs Surplus (Shortage) ATTENDANCE: Average Sunday Attendance $ 150,185 $ 408,110 62,640 187,361 3,832 7,779 (175,495) (504,611) $ 41,163 $ 98,639 March 2015 2015 750 716 GRIEF SHARE is for anyone coping with the loss of a loved one, at any stage of his/her journey from mourning to joy. The next Grief Share 13-week series will begin on September 15 through December 15 and meet every week on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm in Room 203. For more information, please contact Dorothy Moggio-DiBacco at 512-574-4685 or by email [email protected]. This on-going prayer list is for all our loved ones who need to be on our prayer list on a continuing basis. If you would like to put someone on this list, just call (261-6331) or email us at [email protected]. Please advise Pastor Brent when your loved one no longer needs to be listed. Bill & Pucci Allen at Home Jana Baker at Home Barb Brantner at Home O.W. & Bea Brauss at Longhorn Village My Brewer at Home Gerald & Carol Dallas at Home Madelyn Davis at Home Clara Drake at Brookdale: Lohman's Crossing Ray Dudley at Home Sue Eastman in Denver Herb Eddy at Grace House Verna Eddy at Home Jan Everett at Home Gene & Katie Gallimore at Home Jill Gaurity in Tyler The Gorman Family Symantha Higgins at Home Julie Howard at Home Jamie Lavender at Home THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER MAY 2015 Avis Lee at Park Manor John & Joyce Mansen at Longhorn Village Max Marks at Home Merrilyn Morse at Brookdale: Lakeway Tom Nixon at Longhorn Village Cathy Rogers at Home Ellen Shultz in Oregon 11 SUNDAYS: 8:15 am Traditional Service 9:30 am Contemporary Worship Service (Sanctuary) AdventureLand (Nursery, Toddler & Preschool) Contemporary Worship Service (Fellowship Hall) Kidz Inc. (Kinder—3rd grades) AdventureLand (Nursery, Toddler & Preschool) Club 45 (4th & 5th grades) Kidz Inc. (Kinder—3rd grades) Club 45 (4th & 5th grades) Student Sunday School Adult Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional Service THE LAKEWAY CHURCH 2203 Lakeway Blvd. Lakeway, TX 78734 11:00 am MS & HS Small Groups Wednesdays: Adult Sunday School 7:00 pm MS & HS Worship Services Thursdays: 5:30 pm Prayer Meeting The Lakeway Church Christian Preschool Phone: .............................................................. 512-261-6632 Terri L. Seifert ........................... Director of Preschool Ministries [email protected] Stephanie Hartmann ........... Asst Director of Preschool Ministries [email protected] Kelly Leonard ............................................ Preschool Associate [email protected] Larry Coulter .......................................................Senior Pastor [email protected] Brent Graham ................................................. Associate Pastor [email protected] Mark Savage-Rains .......................... Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Sean Reece .................................................... Children’s Pastor [email protected] Danny Hartmann .............................Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] Melissa Alexander ....................................... Children’s Assistant [email protected] Jill Osborne ....................................... Director of Administration [email protected] Rachel Sawyer ..................................... Administrative Assistant [email protected] Judy Teague ................................................. Church Secretary [email protected] Nancy L. Keetch.......................................................... Publicist [email protected] David Beussman ...............................Assistant Director of Music Justin Garrett ............................................... G2G Music Leader Vernon Moeller ....................................... Organist/Accompanist JR Taylor .............................................Audio/Visual Technician 2203 LAKEWAY BLVD. AUSTIN, TX 78734 WWW.LAKEWAYCHURCH.ORG Phone: .............................................................. 512-261-6331 Fax:.................................................................. 512-261-7099 ADMINISTRATION STAFF
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