First United Methodist Church E-News June 18, 2015 Worship Summertime Renewal Revival Sundays in June and July - Combined Worship 10:00 We are going to continue celebrating revival time Sundays through the months of June and July. Each Sunday we will be singing favorite Contemporary Songs and Hymns with a full choir and praise band. Jim Gwaltney will be sharing his testimony. Pastor Leah will be preaching from Psalm 34:4 – Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Sunday School – 9:15am -- Worship: 10:00am Choir Members Needed – The Combined Service in June and July will feature a choir singing old time favorites. This is a great opportunity for those who attend the 9:00 service, but love to sing, to be a part of the choir. Please see Ernie Morrow, Choir Director if you are interested in singing. Children’s Ministry Kingdom Kids: Mondays Starting June 15th from 2:00pm-4:30pm. Children ages 5 years-5th grade will exploring the Gospel with Disney. Children will be experiencing bible stories through the use of Disney movies. This program is open to entire community. We will be taking Kingdom Kids on the road to the Boys and Girls Club at Franklin Elementary on Wednesdays from 2:00pm-4:30pm. Volunteers are need for both days. Let Samantha Chambers know if you can volunteer. Samantha’s number is: 817-888-6240. Vacation Bible School is August 2nd-5th. Mark your calendars now for Everest – Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power! Registration forms and volunteer sign-up sheets are available outside the Sanctuary and in front of the Church Office. Summer Children’s Sunday School – “Kids on a Mission”: This is just a reminder that our summer worship starts at 10:00am, therefore summer Sunday School will start at 9:15am. This summer will be titled "Kids on a Mission" and the kids will be learning and serving different missions in our church, community and world. We have some great things planned for the kids so I hope you will join us for Sunday school and bring a friend. We will meet in the Art Room unless told otherwise (there will be Sundays where we will be going out into our community, but I will let you know ahead of times if you need to be somewhere else. All classes will be combined and we will have a couple of teachers leading the Kids. It is going to be a great summer so hope you will join us Sunday at 9:15! Youth Ministry CTCYM coming to FUMC Hillsboro – July 12th-17th: First United Methodist Church Hillsboro will be hosting a 70 youth from around our conference as they come to Hillsboro to be the Hands and Feet of Christ. If you know of someone who needs work done to their home, please contact the church office. Local Mission Event – July 12th-July 15th: We will be doing local mission and ministry the week of July 12th. For students unable to attend the mission trip or those who want another opportunity to serve, we will be serving our neighbors right here. The youth will be hosting this event, but everyone in the church who wants to get involved, is invited to participate. More details to follow. Women’s Ministry Angels with Attitudes: A Women’s Bible Study is forming for the Summer. We will be looking at the women in the Bible who had more than just a little bit of attitude and did great things for God. Pastor Leah will be facilitating this class. June 15th, 2015 Mondays at 2:00 during Kingdom Kids Nursery will be provided. We will be starting with Eve. Read Genesis 3 to prepare. Prayer Shawl Ministry: A wonderful group of women who gather each week to work with their hands and spread joy and comfort of Christ through the gifts of Baby Blankets and Prayer Shawls. This group meets in the We Were Young Once Room in the FLC on Thursdays at 1:00pm. Ministry Opportunities Reminder of HIM Donations: Just a reminder to bring non-perishable food items that will be donated to the Hill Interfaith Ministries. This is an ongoing ministry opportunity to help fulfill the food needs of many members of our community. The little red wagon is anxiously waiting by the East entrance to the Family Life Center to be filled to the brim with your generosity. June Prayer Points Week 3 A few quotes to share… *Gratitude is our ability to see the grace of God, morning by morning, no matter what else greets us in the course of the day. ~Craig Barnes~ *Careful for nothing, prayerful for everything, thankful for anything. ~Dwight L. Moody~ *Prayer is the key that opens to us the treasures of God’s mercies and blessings. ~Henry Ward Beecher~ *Music is the perfect way to express our love and devotion to God. It is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us. ~Martin Luther~ *You can’t lead anyone else further that you have gone yourself. ~Gene Mauch~ *As we trust God to give us wisdom for today’s decisions, He will lead us a step at a time into what He wants us to be doing in the future. ~Theodore Epp~ * B-I-B-L-E Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. ~Anonymous~
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