Guildford Adult IJS Open Competition th st 18 -‐ 21 May 2015 CLOSING DATE 14th APRIL 2015 AT 5.PM Event being held at: Guildford Spectrum Parkway Guildford Surrey GU1 1UP (60x 30m, air-‐conditioned and heated) Guildford Ice Figure Skating Club Competition Regulations The Competition will take place at Guildford Spectrum, Parkway, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1UP on 18th 19th 20th & 21st May 2015. 1. All competitors are required to be Eligible skaters as defined by NISA and may only skate within the events for which they are qualified by age and standard. The Competition will be held in accordance with NISA under Permit, (applied for), and it is a requirement that all competitors are a member of NISA. Skaters who have not paid their NISA membership at the time of the draw will not be entered into the draw and therefore will be unable to participate in the competition. All participants must quote their NISA membership number on the entry form or the entry cannot be accepted. 2. NISA licensed coaches wishing to enter skaters into any IJS events must have attended the relevant discipline specific IJS seminar at the Coaches Conference either in 2012, 2013 or 2014 to be awarded accreditation Any coach who has not yet attended the Coaches Conference may not now be accredited - Any IJS seminar prior to 2012 has now expired. A field moves seminar also must have been completed prior to the date of the competition – this however may have been completed prior to attendance of the Coaches Conference. If the coach named on the application form has not done so, the skater will be given the opportunity to name another coach or remove the coach’s name from their entry. It is important that the correct information is provided by the coach as entry forms submitted with incorrect information will be returned without being accepted for the competition. 3. The competitions will be open to all NISA members and the number of entrants in each will be limited. If any of the categories are oversubscribed they may be divided using date of birth at the discretion of the Organising th Committee and the Referee. Age and Standard are as at closing date – 14 April 2015. 4. Entries to all competitions will be treated strictly on a first received basis per event. In competitions with only one competitor, the OC / the Referee may require that the skater should skate to standard. The competitor will be given the opportunity to withdraw or skate as preferred. Any competitor affected will be notified following the closing date. 5. The official entry forms must be used and sent together with a planned programme element sheet, which is required for all skaters. Please complete this (elements and timings) even if the elements and order are subject to change. Entries will not be accepted without this, resulting in the application form being returned to the skater without it being registered for the event. Each event entered must be submitted with an entry form and Programme Content Sheet. 6. Standards in all events refer to NISA National Tests and these must be attained by the closing date. The test standards will be strictly adhered to, and if this changes prior to the closing date, notification to the competition organiser is required immediately to [email protected] Test passes do not automatically give the right for entry to be accepted to the new standard/level attained in particular if the event is already at the maximum number of competitors. Skaters moving up to a higher level following a test pass prior to the closing date will be considered as entered as at the date of request NOT at the original entry date. 7. Music must be submitted on CD and be clearly marked with the competitor’s name, competition and length of programme. There should only be one piece of music on the CD. The music on the CDs must be music format playable on a CD player. A back-up of the music is recommended and must be with the Coach at ice level. 8. The use of video equipment or photography is not permitted at any time. The committee reserves the right to confiscate any offending equipment, returning it only at the end of the event. 9. An official photographer and videographer will be present during the event. All competitors consent to being photographed and videoed and that any images may be used by NISA and GIFSC. The club are copyright owners of the event and all rights are reserved. Flash Photography is strictly forbidden during the event. 10. Entry Fees are £50 per skater per event. Please note that all entry fees are non refundable after the closing date. 11. Cheque / Postal Order Entries: The appropriate fee must accompany the entry form along with a stamped addressed envelope if wishing to receive confirmation by post. Cheques/P.O’s should be made payable to GIFSC and crossed. Please print the competitor’s name and event on the reverse of all cheques. Please do not send cash in the post. Should a cheque be returned by the bank, the entry will not be accepted until the fee has been received by another means, including an administration fee of £15 to cover bank charges. Skaters will not be accepted or entered into the competition until the correct fee has been received. Please note that the event fee does not guarantee acceptance of entry. 12. E-mail Entries: The official entry forms must be used and sent together with the Planned Programme Content Sheet by PDF to [email protected] The entry will only be processed when the bank transfer has arrived. Please note that the arrival of the bank transfer fee does not guarantee acceptance of entry. ACCOUNT DETAILS Bank: LLOYDS TSB BANK PLC Account Name: Guildford Ice Figure Skating Club Sort Code: 77-‐95-‐02 Account Number: 20146460 Reference: Competitor’s name 13. Postal Entries: The official entry forms must be used and sent together with the Planned Programme Content Sheet to: Mrs Rosie Poulios, 15 Fenby Close, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 6RP. th 14. The closing date for entries is Tuesday 14 April 2015 at 5.00pm. If confirmation of receipt of application is required by post, please include a SAE with the entry form, this will be for receipt of application not for receipt of entry. Please ensure entry is posted in good time as proof of postage does not imply receipt. Postage must be correct; notification of a letter at the post office will not be collected and hence the skater not accepted into the competition. 15. All enquiries associated with your entry please email [email protected] th 16. Details of the draw and timetable will be posted on our website on Thursday 14 May 2015. 17. These competitions may be subject to doping control under NISA/ISU rules. 18. Presentations will take place at the end of skating each day, or at other such suitable points as time allows. Winners of an event are responsible for the safekeeping and return of the trophy and a declaration form signed accordingly. All trophies must be returned at the request of Guildford Ice Figure Skating Club. 19. Guildford Ice Figure Skating Club does not accept any responsibility for any loss of personal property or personal injury during this event. 20. All competitors must be ready to skate at least half an hour before the time stated on the timetable. 21. The organisers of the Competition: a) Retain the right to refuse entry without reason assigned b) Retain the right of decision on all matters, their decision being final. 22. The personal details supplied by competitors on the application form will be held on computer files and used for the purposes of organising timetables, running the competitions and calculation of results etc. ENTRY FORM GUILDFORD ADULT IJS OPEN 2015 18 – 21st MAY 2015 at GUILDFORD SPECTRUM th CLOSING DATE TUESDAY 14TH APRIL 2015 AT 5PM Please complete your details: Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________ Male/Female: ____________________________________________________________________ _______ Address 1: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address 2: ____________________________________________________________________________ Postcode: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone No: ____________________________________________________________________________ Email address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ st Age at 1 July 2014: th Age at 18 May 2015 NISA membership number: ____________________________________________________________________________ Club / Rink: ____________________________________________________________________________ Event Code: ____________________________________________________________________________ Please Select your Event EVENT CODE S1(M) EVENT SINGLES MASTERS S2(G)(Y) S2(G)(I) S2(G)(II) S3(S)(Y) S3(S)(I) S3(S)(II) S4(B)(Y) S4(B)(I) S4(B)(II) S5(P)(Y) S5(P)(I) S5(P)(II) SINGLES GOLD YOUNG ADULT SINGLES GOLD CLASS I SINGLES GOLD CLASS II SINGLES SILVER YOUNG ADULT SINGLE SILVER CLASS I SINGLE SILVER CLASS II SINGLE BRONZE YOUNG ADULT SINGLE BRONZE CLASS I SINGLE BRONZE CLASS II SINGLE PRE-‐BRONZE YOUNG ADULT SINGLE PRE-‐BRONZE CLASS I SINGLE BRONZE CLASS II PLEASE TICK Skating Qualifications Please complete the details below. Competitors must hold the minimum test standards for Elements or Free or have achieved a minimum IJS (TSS) Free Programme score. Please refer to the technical requirements for the event you are entering. NISA TEST PASSES Highest Level Date Passed Field Moves Elements Free IJS TSS Free Programme Score TSS Score Competition Date Please complete your Coaches details Licensed Coach Name: Coach NISA Membership Number: Date & Venue Field Moves Seminar attended: Date & Venue of IJS Seminar attended at the Coaches Conference: Discipline of IJS seminar: Coach contact details (telephone no. or email) Signature of licensed Coach: NISA licensed coaches wishing to enter skaters into any IJS events must have attended the relevant discipline specific IJS seminar at the Coaches Conference either in 2012, 2013 or 2014 to be awarded accreditation Any coach who has not yet attended the Coaches Conference may not now be accredited -‐ Any IJS seminar prior to 2012 has now expired. A field moves seminar also must have been completed prior to the date of the competition – this however may have been completed prior to attendance of the Coaches Conference. If the coach named on the application form has not done so, the skater will be given the opportunity to name another coach or remove the coach’s name from their entry.’ Payment Method and Enclosed Items Fee Cheque Enclosed Bank Transfer Programme Content Sheet Declaration I consent to the above information being stored on computer for the purpose of this competition. I accept that these competitions may be subject to doping control as recommended by the ISU and IOC. I consent to the competitor being photographed by the official photographer/videographer during this event. Signed _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Competitor GUILDFORD ADULT IJS OPEN 2015 Programme Content Sheet THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED NO LATER THAN 14 th APRIL 2015 Please fill in the elements sheet below. PLEASE USE THE OFFICIAL ELEMENT CODES as per ISU Communications If not completed correctly the entire entry form will be returned without being registered and NOT ACCEPTED. Rink / Club: Men Ladies Pre Bronze Bronze Silver Gold Masters Category: Competitor: ELEMENTS IN ORDER OF SKATING Time* Elements Free Programme 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 * Time during program Signature: ____________________________________Date: ___________________________________________ Entries by Post: Mrs Rosie Poulios, 15 Fenby Close, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 6RP Email Entries: By PDF to [email protected] PLEASE NOTE: INCOMPLETE ENTRY FORMS WILL BE RETURNED AND THE WHOLE ENTRY FORM WILL BE REJECTED WITHOUT THE SKATER BEING REGISTERED FOR THE COMPETITION “GIFSC” use only Date received Sequence No Payment enclosed Cheque No. BACS Cleared Comments
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