Alkara Ave, Lara, Victoria 3212 Telephone: 03 5282 8988 Lara Secondary College Page 2 Issue 8 - 2015 CYBER CATS REPOPRT College Calendar May Hello I’m Eden and this is Shikara. On Thursday the 23rd of April, 25 Year 7 students got the opportunity to go to the Geelong Simonds Stadium to go to Cyber Cats. We met two Geelong Cats players Cameron Delaney and Corey Enright. 18th STUDENT FREE DAY— Whole School PD Day 19th Year 8 Term 2 Sport—Football, Netball and Badminton 19th GPAC Take Over—Year 10 CS, Year 11 & 12 VCE Drama We also had about 15-20 minutes to take photos and talk to the players. 20th Almost halfway through the day there was a police officer Robbie Noggler. He came and talked to us about grooming, sexting, pornography, cyber bullying and the law for an hour or so. Year 10 Outdoor Ed—3 day Overnight Hike, Cape Otway to Johanna Beach 20th Top Arts Excursion—Year 11 Studio Arts, Ian Potter National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 21st Our group of Eden, Shikara, Bec and Jade picked ‘Bystanders’ and we did it based on a girl getting bullied, while the bystander just sits there and watches her being bullied, online, in pain. Jade was the victim, Bec was the bully, Eden was the bystander and I, Shikara, was the narrator. Year 10PP Immigration Museum Excursion, Melbourne 21st ELO Great Outdoors Orienteering, You Yangs We made the video until 2.50pm and then we did one more survey. By the time we finished it, it was time to come back to school. 22nd The Big Issue, Senior Applied Learning— Melbourne The Cyber Cats is about teaching children to be safe online and to put a stop to cyber bullying. At the start of the day we got given an iPad each to do a survey on ourselves. Then after that the Cats players did a little text role play. It was about a boy just talking to another 13 year old boy randomly and giving out all his details. About near the end of the day we got in groups and we picked topics like bystanders and consequences. We then made an iMovie. Overall, the day was fabulous and people learnt a lot of things about how to be safe online. 1.30pm—3.15pm 22nd Year 7 Science Excursion—Melbourne Museum and Royal Botanical Gardens 9.00am – 3.15pm Shikara & Eden Upcoming Events MAY ‘Like’ us on Facebook! 26th Connnections Community Sports Leadership—Etihad Stadium. 28th Applied Learning PDS Fitness—Mini Golf Fundraiser at A Maze’N Games. 28th Year 9 Cybershorts, Cyberbullying Presentation 12.00pm—1.15pm. We’ve recently created a Lara Secondary College official Facebook page. ‘Like’ us to keep in touch with some of the fantastic events happening at our college and to celebrate the achievements of our students. Sascha Foster (ICT Admin Leader) Alkara Ave, Lara, Victoria 3212 Telephone: 03 5282 8988 Lara Secondary College Page 3 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Issue 8 - 2015 ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS’ REPORT STAFFING CHANGES This week we welcome to our school a new member of staff, Mr Murray Kidd. Mr Kidd is a highly experienced teacher of Science and Physics and brings with him further skills and qualities which will enhance our work in ensuring that we focus closely on supporting students in their literacy development across all areas of the curriculum. Ms Gunning had a fitting farewell on Friday – her work also celebrated at assembly by the Year 12 Physics students. We wish her well in her new role at Deakin University. We also welcome back Mr Galtry from his leave and acknowledge the excellent work of Ms Kelsey Lucas who has done a superb job in Mr Galtry’s absence. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DAY FOR STAFF A reminder that next Monday, May 18th is a student free day to enable teaching staff to further their work on ensuring high quality instruction in every classroom. We are very fortunate to have secured the services of Janelle Wills from the Marzano Institute in Brisbane. The day will be used to enhance the work that we have already started in 2015, in Robert Marzano’s Art and Science of Teaching framework. This aligns to and enhances our Professional Learning Community work, adding to the rigour of our work to always ensure we maximize student learning outcomes. Our support staff will be engaged in team development with consultant Greg Sperling. We welcome Greg back to Lara Secondary in a very different role to his original position as our inaugural Principal. LARA SECONDARY COLLEGE ACKNOWELDGED FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE This week, Faye Smith, (Assistant Principal) and I presented at the South Western Principals’ Conference at Etihad Stadium in Melbourne. The invitation to present, as the only Year 7 – 12 school, was an acknowledgement once again of the work our school is undertaking in the development of an effective Professional Learning Community. We should all take great pride in this achievement, which is the result of work led by our Senior Leadership Team and passionately undertaken by each individual teacher in our school community to ensure that we are closely monitoring student learning and ensuring that all students are successful. ANNUAL REPORT 2014. Our Annual Report for 2014 is now complete and will be available on our school website after School Council ratification on May 28th. The report outlines our achievements in a new format with the inclusion of four sections: Student Achievement, Student Engagement, Student Wellbeing and Productivity. If you would like a hard copy of the report please don’t hesitate in contacting our office. Lyn Boyle Principal PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS It is always fabulous to catch up with families and share the success of their child, and discuss ways to further improve the outcomes for each student. If you were unable to attend the interviews during this time and would like the opportunity to speak to the staff, please contact the appropriate teacher and organise a meeting time so that this can take place. The opportunity to speak about the learning taking place is an invaluable discussion, and helps to provide ongoing and coordinated support for each student. UNIFORM A reminder for all families that students are expected to be wearing correct uniform to school. Staff have been discussing with the girls the appropriate length of their kilts being knee length or longer. Leggings or skins are not part of the Lara Secondary College uniform and should not be worn as an alternative to kilts or trousers. Socks are to be plain with no slogans or branding, and can be either black or white in colour. IMMUNISATIONS A number of the Year 10 students were not present for the immunisations due to sporting commitments. We have been able to organise a catch up session for those who were not immunised. This will take place on the 30th July, the same date as the immunisations for the Year 9 students, and the second round of immunisations for the Year 7’s. ART AND SCIENCE OF TEACHING Please remember that students are not required at school on Monday due to this being a staff professional development day. All staff will be involved so the office will not be manned on this day. YEAR 7 EXCURSION Next Friday, 22nd May, all Year 7 students will be attending the Melbourne Museum as part of their studies. Please ensure permission forms have been returned and any medical information updated for your child. [email protected] Alkara Ave, Lara, Victoria 3212 Telephone: 03 5282 8988 Lara Secondary College EXAMS Exams for students in Years 10 and 11 will begin on Friday, 5th June. School uniform must be worn and students should be fully prepared with the correct equipment as well as arriving to their exam 10 minutes prior to the starting time. More detailed information and the exam timetable for Year 10 and 11 students will be coming home in the next couple of weeks. Students in Year 9 will be having their exams in the week beginning Monday 8th June. Exams for Humanities and Science will take place in their class times. Their English exam will take place on Thursday 11th June from 12 pm – 1:15pm, and Maths will be Friday 12th June also from 12 pm – 1:15 pm. SCHOOL SORES (IMPETIGO) We have recently had students diagnosed with school sores, or Impetigo. School sores are highly contagious and do require medical treatment as they are an infection on the skin. They can present as ringworm. If you believe your child may have school sores please seek medical attention. If you would like more information about school sores, the following link to the Royal Children’s Hospital will help you; kidsinfo/fact_sheets/Impetigo_school_sores/ Tania O’Callaghan & Faye Smith [email protected] [email protected] 100th Anniversary of the Gallipoli Landing Page 4 Issue 8 - 2015 the Grand Bazaar were all highlights as the students, many of whom were on their first international trip, soaked in the country’s sights, tastes and smells. We then headed to the Gallipoli Peninsula, and saw a variety of War Memorials; The Turkish War Memorial, with a performance from the Turkish National Guard. The British War Memorial at Cape Helles, where soldiers were performing a dress rehearsal for the following day’s commemorations and to the Redoubt Cemetery, where many Australians were buried after the second battle of Krithia in 1915. One student from the small town of Dimboola, was able to visit the grave of a fallen soldier from his home-town, and a teacher chaperone was able to pay his respects to many men that saved the life of his grandfather who was shot in this battle. It was a tremendously moving experience. It was also a beautiful day, and became very hard to picture that so much loss and death had occurred in a part of the world that was so serene; turquoise waters, green grass and blue sky interrupted only by ancient castle ruins and seaside views. The following day, the students visited a local Turkish School and met pen-pals that they had written to in the lead-up to the trip, students also met John Eren, the State member for Lara, and State Minister of Veteran’s Affairs, who also came out to visit the school. Students loved the opportunity to get a taste of school-life in another country. That night we left for the commemorative service. Students camped out under the stars, before we were shuttled down on buses to the heavily secured North Beach where the Dawn Service was held. To be part of 10,000 Australians and New Zealanders, was truly a memorable experience that I will simply never forget. I, with many others, felt very proud to be part of such a special occasion and you could feel a real connection to the land, in which so many Australian men had met their fate. As a Humanities teachers, it was also a very special experience to be able to see original trenches, the cliffside bunkers, and craters caused by shell blasts that dotted the landscape. We also attended the commemorative service at Lone Pine, with a few students having the opportunity to meet Prince Charles, Prince Harry and the Australian Prime Minister. Although the trip was a special occasion to mark the 100th year of the Gallipoli Landing, the Victorian and Federal Governments also run yearly competitions, where students are selected to travel to Turkey, France and Egypt to visit site’s of significance in the WW1 and WW2 campaigns. I highly encourage any student to apply (there are always positions for teachers as well) so that they can learn more and experience history firsthand. Please see me for more details. Recently, I was very privileged to attend this year’s 100th Anniversary of the Gallipoli Landing. I was chosen as 1 of 12 teacher chaperones from around Victoria, responsible for the health and safety of 80 students. The students represented the broad range of Victorians that were involved in World War One, with students from a variety of backgrounds. All students were carefully selected from more than 600 that entered the state-wide contest. Cheers, We arrived in Istanbul and had a whirlwind tour of an amazing city. The Blue Mosque, Hagia Sofia, The River Bosphorous and Alkara Ave, Lara, Victoria 3212 David Mitri Year 9 Program Leader Please click the link below to view a Live Interview on 25/4/15 at Gallipoli featuring Mr Mitri and student Andrew King from the Victoria Schools Group. Telephone: 03 5282 8988 Lara Secondary College Page 5 Issue 8 - 2015 SUCCESS PASS CHAMPIONS Year 7: Kiara M 7F, Reily G 7E Year 8: Rebecca J 8F, Jai B 8D Year 9: Jesse R 9D, Molly W 9C Year 10: Jaime- Lee McM 10P, Teagan S 10P Year 11: Kailey D 11A Year 12: John N 12C FLY BZ On Tuesday the 5th of May our senior students were visited by Australian rap group “Fly Bz”. The group members are uncle and nephew ‘Clik Fablice’ and ‘G-Storm’, who have called Australia home since 2007 when they came here as refugees. They use rap and hip-hop to tell their story, including times of immense struggle living in refugee camps in Tanzania and Burundi. They shared an important message with our students, that education and knowledge is powerful, and that no matter how we may appear on the outside, inside we are all the same. Many students remarked that the session helped them realise how fortunate they are to have the opportunities that they do from being able to grow up in Australia. The group will be appearing on the TV show ‘X-Factor’ in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for them! Hands On Learning On Friday May 8th the Hands On Learning (HOL) team met with Roger Fisher from Frankston High School to show him what the program is and how it runs. Roger had a glowing endorsement of the program and the students and staff involved. He also commented that “students really appear to be gaining a great deal from their exposure to the trade experiences”. The photographs are of the lockers at the gym and Rob working with Bailey D and Jonathan McQ on a new gate to allow the school mini bus to more easily access the garage area. The guys concreted, cut metal and designed the new gate. These are great examples of the benefits that both the school and the students get from the Hands On Learning program. Congratulations to Mark, Rob and the HOL team. IMPACT OF VIDEO GAMING We believe that a positive collaboration between parents/ carers, students and Lara Secondary College greatly enhances every student’s opportunity to realise their potential both academically and in their own personal growth. Digital technology has changed the landscape in which your sons and daughters are growing up both at home and at school; mobile phones, internet, social media and video gaming to name a few. The potential negative impacts of video gaming on your child’s education can often be overlooked. Education about these negatives impacts are important to understand from a teacher, student and parent perspective. The flyer advertised is an opportunity for you to learn more about the impacts of excessive video gaming and also what you can do at home to help. We would encourage you to book your spot and attend this presentation. Ben Johnson – Leading Teacher – Developing Positive Behaviours Please see Flyer on Page 10. Alkara Ave, Lara, Victoria 3212 Telephone: 03 5282 8988 Lara Secondary College UPSTART COMPETITION 2015 The Upstart Challenge is open for all students and staff from Years 7-12. This was promoted by Mr Thompson last Friday at assembly. For younger students this project introduces them to entrepreneurial thinking and to inspiring mentors from the community. Competition opens / rotational workshop 20th May -4.00pm 5.30pm at Skilled Stadium Teams can be two or three people Teams can include school staff and students from the same or different schools. Teams can enter multiple ideas or be a part of several teams Entries need to be: _ A written entry (500 words); or a _ Three (3) minute video (preferred) A panel of judges evaluate the ideas submitted and select a minimum of 12 winning teams Top 12 teams receives a $300 cash prize and go into the final Page 6 Issue 8 - 2015 LIBRARY NEWS Some new books (Traditional Format) The Chelyabinsk meteor in 2013 caused more damage, shock and injury than any other meteor impact in recorded history. Go to : to register your interest. If you would like to be involved, please contact Mr Thompson [email protected] In Molecules the author goes beyond the 118 elements in the periodic table to explore, through fascinating stories and stunning photographic Imagery, what he considers to be the most essential and interesting of the millions of possible chemical bonds. The Disappearing Spoon and other true tales of madness, love, and the history of the world from the periodic table of the elements The periodic table is a crowning scientific achievement, but it’s also a treasure trove of passion, adventure, betrayal, and obsession. Alkara Ave, Lara, Victoria 3212 Telephone: 03 5282 8988 Lara Secondary College Contains envelopes and pockets with removable archival documents and samples. Contents include: The periodic table -Hydrogen -- Alkali metals -Alkaline Earth metals -Transition metals -Ordinary metals -Metalloids -- Nonmentals - Halogens -- Nobel gases -Lanthanides -- Actinides -Man-made Page 7 Issue 8 - 2015 I really enjoyed the writing workshop. I had a chance to tell a story using my knowledge and things I learnt during the workshop. Christine I. 10P Elements Vault has a copy of the letter Albert Einstein sent to President Roosevelt regarding the potential use of uranium as a powerful weapon! Maggie C. 10P We already have one registered student who has read 15 books this year and met the Challenge! Any student who’d like to participate in this year’s Challenge can come to the library to register. Year 7 to 9 students need to read 10 or more books from the Challenge List, year 10 students 5 or more. Students who complete the Challenge will be given a special treat at the end of the year. GRLC ANZAC writing workshop Year 10 Peoples and Places class had a guest speaker (Librarian Frances Grant) from the Geelong Regional Library. The lady spoke about WWI, she asked us questions such as : Why did we think the war happened? What caused the war to start? What teams were fighting? It was a great learning experience and a fun class. Then before the session ended, we were asked to write a letter, pretending we were a soldier or a nurse, to a loved one back home. If we wrote a great letter it would be published on the Geelong Regional Library website. Teagan S. 10P Alkara Ave, Lara, Victoria 3212 Emily C. 10P Telephone: 03 5282 8988 Lara Secondary College Page 8 Issue 8 - 2015 Recommended Reading The Candlestone ; 2 by Bryan Davis is a terrific book in the “Dragons In Our Midst” series. Brandon M. 8F Tigers’s Curse ; 1 by Colleen Houck was a very good book based in India about 2 princes who had been turned into tigers. It is an action-romance with the love triangle between Kelsey, Ren and Kishan. It’s a great story line even if a little hard to get into at first. It’s good for people who like reading about gods and curses. Christine I. 9B Recent additions to our Digital Library Use your network login Easy to use Available 24/7 Variety of titles No overdues Spine Crackers Book Club Our next meeting will be on Friday the 5th of June. New members are always welcome. To coincide with the 100th anniversary of ANZAC we have all tried to read a war story, novel or factual book this semester. Currently we are all planning to read an eBook from OverDrive. Overdue Library Books Many traditional books are overdue from last term. If you spot any at home please remind students to pop them in their school bag and return them to the library. Many thanks. Ms Sartori Library Manager Alkara Ave, Lara, Victoria 3212 Telephone: 03 5282 8988 Lara Secondary College Page 9 Issue 8 - 2015 Careerspace 6 Chef Apprenticeship at Little River Hotel Ring Leanne or Kylie Trotter on 5283 1113 for details and to arrange a work trial. Email resume to [email protected] Where the Jobs Are STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) will be required in 75% of future jobs. The Global Picture Growth areas - green and sustainable energy, personal care. Bad News: Global unemployment rate 50%, 2 billion jobs will disappear in the next few years as “Mars” technology is put to work in everyday life eg 3D printing of prefabricated houses Youth - According to Brotherhood of St.Lawrence, 15-19 yo far less likely than 20-24 yo to find work and also more likely to exit (mostly due to cutbacks). Often courses chosen don’t lead to existing jobs. Yr 12 isn’t enough now for a good job, especially for girls. You must be prepared to do further education. An apprenticeship is a better outcome in many trades and industries than finishing year 12. At the National Level – Growth Areas - Health and Social Services, Education At a Regional Level Growth areas - Construction, education, agribusiness, property and business, health and community services, transport, warehousing and logistics. Job Shortages- almost half are in Health Care and Social Assistance The Career Interest Explorer - Australian Apprenticeships Pathways This is a new resource to help students identify career interests at a TAFE/apprenticeship/ traineeship level. Students can discover which of 7 work types they identify with, and then can search for related information. The resource aims to help students refine their thinking about potential career pathways. Go to Alkara Ave, Lara, Victoria 3212 Reminders UMAT Register by 5 June; Test Date: 29 July ‘At Monash’ Seminars – Law 13 May, Teaching 14 May, Health Science (Radiation Science, paramedics) 19 May, Nursing 26 May, Biomedical science, radiography, nutrition/ dietetics 27 May, Engineering 28 May. Focus on University of Melbourne - Biomedicine 14 May, Arts 20 May, Agriculture 21 May, Commerce 26 May, Environments 27 May, Science 2 June, Law 4 June, Engineering 11 June, IT 11 June, Music 24 June, and VCA 25 June (most 6.30-8.30pm). Register at: igIdeas EXPO – a design program held during Melbourne International Design Week, May 11-17. Universities, TAFEs and independent colleges at the Careers Expo on 14 May at Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre. See: Event details » Next Gen Youth Forum – Year 10-12s can get inspired by like-minded individuals wanting to make a difference. Speakers and workshops related to social justice and leadership. Friday 22 May at La Trobe University; Register interest at: [email protected]. CAREERS IN SPORTS MEDICINE – Students often wonder about careers in sports medicine. This is your chance to find out. Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre has the annual Careers in Sports Medicine Evening - an introduction to the world pf sports medicine for school students. Covers sports medicine, nutrition, podiatry, psychology, massage therapy, physiotherapy and exercise physiology. When: 7.15pm registration, 7.30-9pm, talks on Wed 27 May; Where: AAMI Park Stadium, 60 Olympic Blvd, Entrance F, Gate 4, Corporate Entrance, Olympic Room 2 (see: for map); Cost: $25 per student (parent/guardian no charge; Enquiries: [email protected]; Registrations (essential): http:// FOLIO PREPARATION COURSES – RMIT’s portfolio preparation courses are intensive practical courses in the holidays, designed to help those seeking entry to art, design and architecture courses to produce their best portfolio, as well as an overview of the industry and selection procedures. Up-coming courses: adobe illustrator and photoshop for fashion, Adobe InDesign for fashion, design jobs, portfolio preparation in 3D product design, graphic design, interior decoration, photography and visual merchandising. Info: high_school_students. or ph: 9925 8111 Telephone: 03 5282 8988 Lara Secondary College VICTORIA UNIVERSITY (VU) – BE YOU AT VU – VU offers certificates, diplomas and degrees, mainly at the Footscray Park Campus. Year 10 and 11 students can find out about VU by attending Be You at VU. Take part in course and career specific workshops with current students and staff, and explore your passions, interests and options. Meet repres-entatives from each discipline area. When: 10am – 3pm, 8 July; Register and obtain more information: ENVIRONMENTAL AND MARINE CAREERS EXPO – Find out about career options in conservation and research and education, consider what school subjects could be helpful, and examine tertiary options. Also find out the latest information about career diversity, training and volunteer opportunities in the environmental and marine industry. When: Exhibitor times - 9.30am-5pm, Wed 24 June; Presentation times: 11am – 7pm (every 20 minutes); Where: Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, Cnr King and Flinders St; Cost: $20 before 4pm on 15 May, $25 after that; Bookings: 9923 5911, [email protected]; Info: SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY INFO NIGHTS – Are you looking for clarity in find-ing the next step forward in your career investigation? If so you could attend an Information Night at a Swinburne campus. When/Where: Croydon, 3-5pm, Tues 19 May; Wantirna 3-5pm, Wed 26 May; Hawthorn: 4.30-6.30pm, Tues 2 June. Register here. KEEPER/VET FOR A DAY – This program is running in the June/July holidays. Are you an aspiring zookeeper? Find out what it takes to care for an array of animals at Healesville Sanctuary and Werribee Open Range Zoo. Who: Years 7-12; When: Healesville – 30 June, 1, 7 and 8 July; Werribee – 30 June, 2, 6 and 8 July. Do you want to be a vet? Meet veterinary staff at Healesville – 1, 2, 8 & 9 July; Info: education/careers-programs; Bookings: 1300 966 784. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY UPDATE – La Trobe now has two Colleges – the College of Science, Health and Engineering, and the College of Arts, Social Science and Commerce. Among other things, this model allows collab- oration across disciplines. La Trobe is commencing to teach law in the JD in 2016. Work integrated learning is being used more often in the Arts, Social Science & Commerce College, with 22 subjects having this as part of the program. It is expected that this will continue expand. Under the world QS Rankings for universities, La Trobe ranks sixth in Australia for history teaching, seventh for sociology and ninth for communications and media studies. La Trobe is also in the top 100 universities in the world in these areas. It is also in the top 200 in linguistics, agriculture, psychology, account-ing and finance, education, law and politics. In the Times Higher Education rankings La Trobe is 75th in the world, up 25 on last year. Alkara Ave, Lara, Victoria 3212 Page 10 Issue 8 - 2015 The Aspire program is running again this year- applications open on 1 June and close on 31 August. More details later. SO YOU WANT TO STUDY ARCHITECTURE? If you want to become a qualified architect, you need to study at uni-versity for five years. Architecture degrees are offered at Deakin (Geelong), University of Melbourne, Monash (Caulfield) and RMIT. You will usually commence with a three-year Bachelor of Architectural Design and then complete a two-year Master of Architecture. Deakin uses the ATAR to select students (currently around 70.00), Melbourne requires students to first complete the three-year B. Environments (selected on ATAR, currently around 85.00), Monash selects students on the basis of their ATAR, a supplementary form and interview, and RMIT selects on ATAR, an information kit and interview. Although the required ATAR for Monash and RMIT are not specified as they also use other selection criteria, the ATAR required is high. An alternative qualification which you are encouraged to consider is the two-year Advanced Diploma of Building Design (Architectural) offered at several TAFE’s (The Gordon, Box Hill, Chisholm, Swinburne, RMIT). This qualification, while not qualifying you as an architect, gives graduates skills to work on designing quite major projects, up to three-stories high. Employment prospects are quite good. See: . Telephone: 03 5282 8988 Lara Secondary College Page 11 Issue 8 - 2015 Advertisements Alkara Ave, Lara, Victoria 3212 Telephone: 03 5282 8988 Lara Secondary College Page 8 Issue 8 - 2015 Advertisements Alkara Ave, Lara, Victoria 3212 Telephone: 03 5282 8988
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