Brain Fog: A Modern Epidemic 1 Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies

Brain Fog: A Modern Epidemic
Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies
for Brain Fog and Brain Health, November 2013
by Robin Murphy, ND
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Monday, October 7, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Brain Fog: Brain Facts
1. Physical Attributes
These facts will teach you interesting bits of information
about the physical make-up of the human brain.
1. Weight. The weight of the human brain is about 3 lbs.
2. Cerebrum. The cerebrum is the largest part of the
brain and makes up 85% of the brain’s weight.
3. Water. The brain is made up of about 75% water.
4. Neurons. Your brain consists of about 100 billion
5. Synapses. There are anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000
synapses for each neuron.
6. No pain. There are no pain receptors in the brain, so
the brain can feel no pain.
7. Blood vessels. There are 100,000 miles of blood
vessels in the brain.
8. Fat. The human brain is the fattest organ in the body
and may consists of at least 60% fat.
Monday, October 7, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Brain Fog: Brain Facts
3. Brain Function
From the invisible workings of the brain to more visible responses such as yawns or
intelligence, find out how the brain functions with these facts.
1. Oxygen. Your brain uses 20% of the total oxygen in your body.
2. Blood. As with oxygen, your brain uses 20% of the blood
circulating in your body.
3. Unconsciousness. If your brain loses blood for 8 to 10 seconds,
you will lose consciousness.
4. Wattage. While awake, your brain generates between 10 and
23 watts of power–or enough energy to power a light bulb.
5. Stress. Excessive stress has shown to "alter brain cells, brain
structure and brain function."
6. Love hormones and autism. Oxytocin, one of the hormones
responsible for triggering feelings of love in the brain, has
shown some benefits to helping control repetitive behaviors in
those with autism.
7. Food and intelligence. A study of one million students in New
York showed that students who ate lunches that did not include
artificial flavors, preservatives, and dyes did 14% better on IQ
tests than students who ate lunches with these additives.
Monday, October 7, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Brain Fog: A Modern Epidemic
Brain fog affects countless millions of people and
almost everyone experiences it from time to time.
Dizzy and Foggy feeling are some of the brain fog
It can include feeling spacey, confused, forgetful,
lost, tired, along with difficulty thinking,
concentrating, focussing, and completing tasks.
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Brain Fog: A Modern Epidemic
Clouding of consciousness, also known as mental fog, is
a term denoting an abnormality in the "overall level" of
consciousness that is less severe than a stupor or coma.
The sufferer experiences a subjective sensation of mental
clouding described as feeling "foggy".
Impaired energy production, allergies/sensitivities,
changes to "nutrition" or oxygen supply can profoundly
affect brain functioning and cause brain fog.
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Brain Fog: A Modern Epidemic
Short-Term Memory Problems using
incorrect words, forgetting names or forgetting
what’ s read or difficulty with word finding.
Trouble Concentrating. It becomes difficult
to stay on a topic as well as to process any kind
of information.
It is easy to get distracted (other thoughts
Feeling spacey, forgetful, lost, tired.
Disorientation lasting 30-60 seconds
*Inability to think clearly.’
Lack of focus.
Trouble learning new tasks (often in adults
and in children).
Trouble solving problems.
Decrease in creativity.
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Brain Fog: A Modern Epidemic
Brain fog can be caused by a wide range of "conditions"
Poor Diet, Acidity
Lack of Sleep
Psychological Stress
Medications, Drugs
Chronic Fatigue
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Disease Causes
Candida Overgrowth
Food Intolerances/Allergies
Nutrient Deficiencies
Mineral Imbalances
Problems with the endocrine system
Poor Oxygenation
Structural Misalignment
Electromagnetic Pollution
Chemo and Radiation Therapy
Lifestyle Causes
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Brain Fog: A Modern Epidemic
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Brain Fog: A Modern Epidemic
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Hahnemann’s Health Philosophy
He is likewise a preserver of health if he knows the
things that derange health and cause disease, and
how to remove them from a person.
Monday, October 7, 13
Hahnemann and Homeopathy
Hahnemann wrote in 1805:
"Aeskulap auf der Wagschale"
(Asclepius in the Balance)
Hahnemann wrote in 1805:
"We were never nearer the discovery of the science
of medicine than in the time of Hippocrates"
(Asclepius in the Balance)
Hahnemann used many herbs and tonics in his practice
before he discovered homeopathy. These were used as
mainly antidotes to toxics drugs and poisonings.
Coffee, Camphor, Vinegar, Charcoal, Brandy, etc.
Monday, October 7, 13
Hahnemann and Homeopathy
Asclepius in the Balance
Monday, October 7, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Detox Medicine
“Xenobiotics are a major cause of premature aging, allergies,
asthma, arthritis, many chronic diseases and premature death”
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All synthetic patented drugs and chemicals
All Synthetic chemicals,
pesticides, pollutants
All processed foods and drinks
All genetic-altered foods, drinks
All Vaccines,Allergy shots
All synthetic-additives,
preservatives, coloring agents
All genetic-altered-micro-organisms
All electromagnetic Smog, Radiation, etc.
All cosmetics-deodorants-detergents, etc.
Monday, October 7, 13
All synthetic-vitamins, minerals
Brain Fog: Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic Remedies for Brain Fog
BRAIN, general - acon., aeth., agar., ALUM., anac., apis, arg., ARG-N., ars.,
aur., AVEN., BAR-C., bapt., bell., bov., bry., bufo, calc., CADM-S., calc-f.,
calc-p., CANN-I., cann-s., CARC., caust., cic., cimic., COCC., CON., cob.,
croc., cupr., cycl., dulc., GELS., glon., HELL., helo., hydr-ac., HYOS., kalibr., KALI-P., laur., lach., laur., merc., naja, nat-s., nux-m., NUX-V., OP.,
PHOS., phys., pic-ac., pip-m., plb., plb-i., rat., sil., stram., sulph., syph., thuj.,
tub., verat-v., zinc., ziz.
FOG, brain, as if wrapped in a - cadm-s., cann-i., carc., cocc., gels.,
hell., kali-p. nux-v., op., petr., ph-ac.
CLOUDY, mind, (see Confusion, Dullness) - acon., AGAR., alum., am-m.,
ang., ant-t., ARG., ars., asar., aur., BELL., bov., BRY., CADM-S., CALC.,
camph., CANN-S., caps., carb-an., CARB-V., caust., cham., chin., cic.,
COCC., coff., CON., croc., dulc., GELS., graph., hell., HYOS., ign., ip.,
KALI-C., kali-p., kali-n., kreos., lach., LAUR., lyc., MAG-M., meny., merc.,
mez., mosch., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-m., NUX-V., OP., PETR., PH-AC.,
phos., PULS., RHEUM, rhod., RHUS-T., sabad., samb., sars., sec., SEP., SIL.,
spong., squil., STRAM., sul-ac., sulph., tarax., thuj., valer., VERAT., zinc.
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Brain Fog: Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic Remedies for Brain Fog
Constitutional Remedy
Cannabis Ind.
Nux Vomica
Kali Phos.
Cadmium Sulph.
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Brain Fog: A Modern Epidemic
Chemo brain is a common term
used by cancer survivors to describe
thinking and memory problems that
can occur after cancer treatment.
Chemo brain can also be called
chemo fog, cognitive changes or
cognitive dysfunction.
Cadmium Sulph. 30c
Activated Charcoal
Brain Detox Qigong
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Brain Fog: Supertonics
Natural Remedies for Brain Fog
Brain, fog, tonics - Ashwagandha. Bacopa.
Cacao. Charcoal. Chia seeds. Gingko. Gotu
kola. Green coffee. Green tea. Griffonia.
Gynostemma. Hemp. Hydrogen peroxide.
Indium. Matcha. Lemons. Mucuna. Rosemary
oil. Shilajit. Thyme. Walnuts. Watercress.
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Brain Fog: Brain SuperTonics
Bacopa Monnieri
Ginko biloba
Chia Seeds
Mucuna-DOLICHOS pruriens
Gotu Kola
Maca Root
Indium Sulphate
Hemp Seeds
Activated Charcoal
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Bacopa Monnieri
Brain Fog
Brain Tonic
Brain Diseases
Monday, October 7, 13
Lotus Health Institute
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
Brain Health: Homeopathy, Tonics and Qigong
Spiritual Awareness, Compassion
Sense of Well Being
Clearness of Mind
Improved Concentration
Brain Health
Improved Memory
Signs and Symptoms
Stronger Self
Improved Learning
Better Sleep and Dreams
More Creative
Healthy Nerves, Organs, Chakras, Meridians
Lotus Health Institute
Monday, October 7, 13
1. Brain Wave Qigong: Master Ilchi Lee
The founder of the Dahn Yoga movement, Master Ilchi Lee, has written a book
titled “Brain Wave Vibration.” In it he states that this exercise will improve
the intelligence and brain vitality of anyone who does the practice daily.
Head Motion Vibration
Move your head from side to side. It can be
done standing, sitting, or lying down.
It is designed to deliver vibrations directly to
your brain stem for immediate tension release
and deep relaxation.
Just three minutes will clear your head, enhance
your focus, and leave you feeling more
Monday, October 7, 13
Lotus Health Institute