This Week at Holy Spirit SUNDAY, 5/17/2015 MONDAY, 5/18/2015 TUESDAY, 5/19/2015 SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:30, 8:45, 10:45 am 9:45 AM Faith Formation for Adults: CFL (MPR) 9:45 AM Faith Formation for Children, Youth, Sr. Hi 9:45 AM Fellowship & Hospitality (117/119) 3:00 PM Knitting in Faith (ASR) 7:00 7:00 7:00 PM Stephen Ministers (117/119, ASR) PM Finance Mission Team (Pr. Ric’s Office) PM Fly to ABE (Room 111) 11:00 7:00 WED. 5/20/2015 THURSDAY, 5/21/2015 AM Staff Meeting (117/119) PM Congregation Council Meeting (117/119) 10:45 AM NS Moving On Ceremony (WC / MPR) 11:00 AM Global Mission with Jacobsons (117/119) 7:00 PM CFL Board (117/119) 9:00 AM Last Day of Nursery School 10:00 AM North Brandywine Middle School Concert FRIDAY, 5/22/2015 SATURDAY, 5/23/2015 SUNDAY, 5/24/2015 9:00 AM Praise Band Rehearsal SUNDAY WORSHIP: 7:30, 8:45, 10:45 am 9:45 AM Faith Formation for Adults: CFL (MPR) 9:45 AM Pentecost Party-children, youth (downstairs) 9:45 AM Fellowship & Hospitality (117/119) HOLY HAPPENINGS Seventh Sunday of Easter May 17, 2015 www. 610-967-2220 We welcome all who worship with us today. Visitors are invited to sign the guest register in the Lobby. People at the Information Desk would like a chance to welcome guests. If you are interested in joining our family of faith, please talk with one of our Pastors or Jane Elliott, AIM. Today’s flowers are given to the Glory of God by Walt and Melanie Roetting. Children aren't just welcome, they are embraced. We know kids are in worship and make noise. The psalmist David said, “make a joyful noise to the Lord!” It’s great to hear all people respond during worship. If your child should need a break, there is child care available in room 110. Parents are always welcome to stay with their children there. Parents must sign children in and out of nursery care. Clipboards and Bible bags are available for children’s use during worship and can be found at the main entrance to the worship area. Members and guests are invited to sign the Friendship Register, pass it down the row for other worshippers to sign, and introduce yourself to those worshipping around you. Let your friends know about Holy Spirit by tweeting, checking in, Instagraming, etc. that you are here. Our congregation's hashtag is #LCHolySpirit. While you are on your phone or tablet, please make sure it is on silent so you do not disrupt our worship time together. Sunday, May 24th Remember to WEAR RED! ASR=All Saints Room WC=Worship Center L=Lobby MR=Music Room MPR = Multi-Purpose Room Prayer cards are available at the Information Desk should you need to request special prayer. Completed prayer cards may be given to a pastor for inclusion in the morning prayers. During the week, please notify the church office if you or a member of your family is hospitalized. SUNDAY MORNING FAITH FORMATION, 9:45am CFL This Week: Stephen Ministry in Action: Led by Kitti and Mike Berkheimer and Fran Derhammer and assisted by other Stephen Ministers, our Stephen Ministry Team will lead several small table discussions, which will allow participants to experience a typical training exercise. Come share in this fun, faith filled interactive experience that will give you new insights into this caring ministry. FELLOWSHIP & Room 117/119. Meet and greet sisters and brothers in Christ. Take time to relax and connect with your church family. All are welcome. Next Week: Year’s End Wrap-up and Ideas for Future CFL Programs: Our annual session offering attendees an opportunity to review the past year in the Center for Faith and Life, ask what we have learned (have we been true to our mission to deepen our faith?), and brainstorm new ideas for future programs. The Board considers this an important session for defining our agenda so that we may serve all. Join us! Three Year Olds: Four Year Olds: Kindergarten: First Grade: Second Grade: Third and Fourth Grade: Fifth Grade: Faith Formation for Children Daniel and the Lion’s Den Daniel and the Lion’s Den and Jonah and the Big Fish Daniel and the Lion’s Den Prayer Matthias the Apostle Matthias is Chosen Bible Review CHRISTIAN MUSIC COFFEEHOUSE coming Saturday, June 6th, 7pm. Sign-up poster is in the Lobby. Limited seating available. Bring a dessert to share. EMMAUS HS STRING ENSEMBLE will present a concert on Friday, May 30th at 7 pm in the Nave. THE NORTH BRANDYWINE MIDDLE SCHOOL select choir, the MiniSingers, and 7th and 8th grade Symphonic Band would like to invite you to a concert of excellent music on THURSDAY, MAY 21st. NBMS is from the Coatesville Area School District in Coatesville, PA. We will be performing great choral works as well as classic concert band pieces for your entertainment. Concert begins at 10 AM in the Holy Spirit’s Nave. Both groups are directed by C. Douglas Ballard, a former member of LCHS. ARE YOU GETTING READY TO GRADUATE SOON? Let the church office know if you or your child is going to graduate this spring, or has graduated this past year, from high school, college, technical school, grad school or the like so we can be sure to invite you and honor you on Graduate Recognition Sunday, May 31. PRAYER CONCERNS Remember these members and friends of Holy Spirit in your prayers. Shut In/Homebound—prayers for God’s presence... Andy Beible, Dottie Blomster, Doris Boehmer, Betty Buehrle, Irene Davies, Phyllis Fenstermacher, Ray Karoly, Margaret Legenhausen, Christopher Limpar, Betty Meckley, Mae Rhode, Joy Robinson, Geno Ruggiero, Rose Salter, Glenn and Norine Shafer, Betty Sterner. In Times of Illness for God’s healing….Eric Arobone, Stephanie Ashford, Joan Beiler, Rodger Black, Ernst family, Carol Eroh, Cheryl and David Fatzinger, Carl Fellman, the family of Ginger Fishburn, Glenn Fretz, Larry Gilbert, Dick Giles, Doris Giles, Jack Harshey, Andrew James, family of Dave Jones, Gary Keiser, Don Krall, Chuck McClain, Bill Mudge, Mary Ellen Oberdorf, Jackson Pahr, Richard Pahr, Jarmila Petrulova, Judy Ponsor, Courtney Quinn, Kate Reynolds, Jane Richmond-Lauffer, Beth Roba, Joyce Rutherford, Aggie Sandum, Andrew Schaeffer, Robert Schaller, Vince Sileo, Heidi Slansky, Wilma Stewart, Stitt family, Lisa Storck, Ellen Tormann, Charlene Vavrina, Nancy Yablonski, Wendy Yoder, Pat Ziegler For support of our Lehigh Mission partners—Zion Lehigh Lutheran Church, Alburtis. The Prayer Chain is for the use and support of ALL people at Holy Spirit. If you have a prayer concern or you would like others to join you in prayer, please email the church office at [email protected] and your concern will be shared with members of the prayer chain. If you would like to join the prayer chain to pray for others, please contact the church office. In the Event of a Pastoral Emergency If, at any time, you find you are in emergency need of having a pastor contact you, please follow these steps: Call the office at 610-967-2220 and press #3 after the general announcement. If you, or a member of your family, are ever hospitalized, please let the pastors know by contacting the church office at 610-967-2220. The hospitals no longer notify the church due to HIPAA laws. TODAY’S WORSHIP LEADERS 8:45 10:45 Worship Coordinator Doreen Micheletti Crucifer Bob Mueller Acolytes Cole Scott, Brooke Transue Assisting Minister Bob Mueller Doreen Micheletti Reader Dave Evans Rick Doty Communion Assistants Ray and Jeannine Schumaker Jackie Leipert, Yvonne Gilbert Richard Micheletti, John Mosovsky Ushers Bill and Fran Derhammer Betty and Fred Schlerf Jim and Susann Madara Jeff Hartman, Jim McMenamin Greeters Fred and Betty Schlerf Marian Harrison Nursery Sherri Keegan Maddie Renfroe Information Desk Jackie Guignet Susann Madara Flower Delivery Patty Tachayapong Praise Band: Bob Schuchart, Joe Tobey, Frank Mattes, Chris Kline, Justin Schaffer, Larry Killingsworth Altar Guild: Barb Roba, Gloria Boyer, Robbie Flynn, Carol McKee, Kathy Schuessler, Betty Slaby 7:30 Worship Assistants: 1st Sunday: George Kirchner; 3rd Sunday: Judith Brndjar Pastor Ric Elliott Pastor Becca Middeke-Conlin Pastor Jim Bowers Jane Elliott, AIM Dick Giles Edie Gliem Karin Kahler Diane Keister Sharon MacCabe Alice Mudge Michael Roeder Bob Schuchart Financial Secretary [email protected] (ext. 111) [email protected] (ext. 109) [email protected] (ext. 112) [email protected] (ext. 108) [email protected] (ext. 105) [email protected] (ext. 102) [email protected] (ext. 107) [email protected] (ext. 120) [email protected] (ext. 110) [email protected] (ext. 101) [email protected] [email protected] (ext. 104) [email protected] Weekend On-Call Schedule: May 16/17—Pastor Ric Elliott, 610-304-7924 May 23/24—Pastor Becca Middeke-Conlin, 203-915-7303 May 30/31—Pastor Becca Middeke-Conlin, 203-915-7303 FLY to ABE will be meeting on Monday, May 18 at 7 pm to discuss Finding Meaning in an Uncertain World by LeRoy Aden. Please sign up at the Event Sign-up Center in the Lobby. We will meet in room 117/119. PROJECT HELP team meeting for TODAY has been CANCELLED. Please plan to attend pre-trip work project on Saturday, June 13th. PROJECT HELP pre-trip Work Projects – all participants should plan to come to the Project Help pre-trip work projects at the Sixth Street Shelter (Allentown) on Saturday, June 13th. Meet at Holy Spirit at 8:30am or 6th Street Shelter at 9:00am. Back before 1pm. Bring water, gloves, work clothes, work shoes, and great attitudes. For additional information feel free to contact Chris Carter, 610-392-4965, [email protected]. COME JOIN US ON Thursday, June 18th at 10:00 am for the Muhlenberg Summer Theater performance of Grimm. In a world where the line between the story and reality is as thin as a golden thread, the Grimms are on a mission to protect all stories from unraveling. The performance combines puppetry, music, and magic. We receive a special non-profit group rate of $6 per ticket. A sign up sheet is located at the Event Sign Up Center. Prepay is required by Sunday, May 24th as only a limited number of tickets are available. Any questions, see Karin Kahler. VBS 2015 – G-Force: God’s Love in Action. VBS is scheduled for July 6 -9, 2015 from 9:15 – 12:00 pm. Registration and volunteer forms are available in the lobby and on the church website. Critical Need for Nursery Leaders and Group Leaders. Registration is filling up. VBS IS COLLECTING 20 oz soda bottles and empty toilet paper tubes. Donations can be placed in the bins in the MPR Lobby. MISS A SUNDAY AT WORSHIP but still want to worship? Check out LCHS’s YouTube page for sermons and the occasional other video. Sermons are normally posted on Monday mornings: SIMPLICITY IN GOD’S PRESENCE, an informal worship service of healing, wholeness and hope will be offered on the second Sunday in the month of June at 11:30 am in the All Saints Room and on the second Sunday in the months of September, December and March at 12:30 pm. UNLEASHED CONCERT given by Ken Medema on Saturday, May 30, 2:00-4:00 pm at Santander Arena, Reading. Across the years, Ken has shared his passion for learning and discovery through storytelling and music with an evergrowing circle of followers around the world. Ken has been performing for many different venues: churches, conventions, ELCA Youth Gatherings, colleges, corporations and more, for groups ranging from 50 to 50,000 people, always creating new songs for each group. Though blind from birth, Ken sees and hears with his heart and mind. He’s incredible! FLOWER DELIVERY DRIVERS NEEDED: Help is critically needed for flower delivery people. Each driver delivers about 2 or 3 times a year after the 10:45 Worship Service to hospitalized or home bound Holy Spirit members. To continue this ministry, we need your help. Contact Jeannine Schumaker at jmsgarden1@ or by calling 610-965-3075. VOLUNTEER DRIVER NEEDED for members who would like to attend church (8:45 am service) on Sunday, but can no longer drive. If you can help, please call the church office. TRICK OR TREAT? The Faith Formation for Children Mission Team is collecting new or gently used Halloween costumes to be distributed to children in Allentown this fall. So, as you are doing your spring cleaning, bring your costume donations to the labeled collection bin in the lobby throughout the month of May. CENTER FOR FAITH and LIFE would appreciate your ideas for presentation recommendations for CFL in the fall. Please contact Jane Elliott, AIM or John Mosovsky with your ideas. FREE CPR/AED Education: To meet standards for having an Automatic Electronic Defibrillator in the church, it is recommended that there is a corps of staff and members of the congregation who are educated in CPR and the use of the AED. A sign-up poster is available at the Event Sign-Up center in the Lobby with dates for scheduled classes. Please sign the poster and indicate the date of your availability for training. Nepal Earthquake Relief: Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) is working with Lutheran World Federation, Lutheran World Relief and the ACT Alliance who are on the ground providing immediate assistance to those whose lives have been devastated by the recent earthquake in Nepal. One hundred percent of every dollar designated to “Nepal Area Earthquake” through LDR will be used to help those impacted by the quake. Gifts may be given in one of two ways: 1) through the LDR website, and, 2) Gifts may be given through your offering envelope. Please designate “LDR Nepal Area Earthquake” on the Special Gifts line of your envelope. SUMMER BREAKFASTS will begin on Sunday, June 14. TABLE DISCUSSIONS will be held again this summer. Come and explore hot button topics and connect with fellow Holy Spirit folk around a meal and/or drink. We will be meeting at the Superior Restaurant on Main St., Emmaus on Wednesday, June 17, July 1 & 15, and August 5 & 19 at 6:30 pm. Join us to share appetizers, a drink and some great conversation on the Lutheran perspective on HOT button topics facilitated by Pr. Ric. All ages welcome - no need to find a babysitter. MARRIAGE RECOGNITION SUNDAY is June 14th at all three services. Come affirm and bless your marriage. SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE begins Sunday, June 14, 2015: 7:30 am Traditional Worship with Holy Communion 8:45 am Spirit Alive! Worship with Holy Communion (Child Care Available) 10:15 am Traditional / Blended Worship with Holy Communion MEET OUR MISSIONARIES FROM TANZANIA: Please join us on May 20th at 11:30 am in Room 117/119 to meet Dr. Mark and Linda Jacobson, our missionaries in Tanzania. They will be presenting highlights of their mission work and answering questions about how we can help. Please RSVP no later than Tuesday so we can order enough food for lunch! RSVP to Rick Doty at 484-225-2619 or email at [email protected]. FINANCE REPORT Operating Performance: In April revenues totaled $68,279 while expenses were $73,067, resulting in a deficit of $4,788 for the month. This was actually better than our expected deficit of $6,461. Revenue was assisted by the transfer of $3,213 from the building fund to cover the repair of heat pumps 3 & 4 and the water heater replacement in the furnace room. With this we were just $593 short of the revenue budget for the month. Expenses were $2,266 better than budget. Even though electricity expense ran $413 over budget, savings in building maintenance ($526), health and pension ($457), service contracts ($396), and other mission areas helped expenses come in lower than planned. Mainly because of last month’s surge, our pledge revenue year to date is still essentially on plan through April. Unpledged revenue is $5,798 or 15.1% behind at this point. Loose plate and non-member revenue is $1,448 or 24.1% under budget through April. Thrivent revenue was strong ($4,546) and beat budget in April, but we are still $1,567 behind our plan to date. Year to date we now have a surplus of $198. Our overall revenue is $305,992, down $2,419 to plan, while expenses are $305,794, up $6,652 to plan. So, while we are essentially at breakeven, we are still $9,071 behind where we hoped to be at the end of April. Available Operating Cash: Our available operating cash balance is $65,029. We began the year with $63,492. Available Capital Campaign Cash: Our cash balance in the capital campaign fund is $74,178. The December year-end was $21,809. Building Fund: We began the year with a balance of $35,509. The balance is now $13,844.
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