The Collect for Sunday 29 March St Mary & St Nicholas with All Saints, Leatherhead Churchwarden: Sue Roberts Almighty and everlasting God, who in your tender love towards the human race sent your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to take upon him our flesh and to suffer death upon the cross: grant that we may follow the example of his patience and humility, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Psalm 31: 9-16 Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 50: 4-9a Sunday 29 March 2015 Palm Sunday New Testament Reading: Philippians 2: 5-11 Gospel Reading: Mark 11: 1-11 SERVICES Parish Church 8.00 10.30 Holy Communion Revd Dr Kuhan Satkunanayagam Parish Communion with Holy Baptism Revd Dr Kuhan Satkunanayagam Graham Pountney & team Reading: Peter Leith Intercessions: Anne Thomson 11.45am Coffee time 12.30 6.30 Holy Baptism Revd Dr Kuhan Satkunanayagam Taizé Prayers Round the Cross Nicky Osborne Sunday 5 April: Easter Sunday Churchwarden: Sue Roberts/BillPeetz 7.00 Striking the New Fire Parish Church followed by breakfast in the Parish Hall 8.00 Said Holy Communion 10.30 Easter all-age Communion 6.30 Choral Evensong Parish Church Parish Church Parish Church Parish Website: email: [email protected] [email protected] HOLY WEEK SERVICES Monday 7.30pm Bring & Share Lent Groups Supper (Parish Church Hall) Tuesday 7.30pm Reflection including Miriam’s Well (Parish Church) Wednesday 7.30pm Reflection including Elijah and Exodus (Parish Church) Maundy Thursday 11am Diocesan Chrism Eucharist – Blessing of the Oils and Renewal of Vows (Clergy, Lay Ministers, Churchwardens, PCC members) all welcome to the Cathedral 6pm-8pm Seder Meal – Sara Alston will lead us through how a modern-day Jewish family celebrates Passover with the symbolic foods and ritual (not a full meal) (Parish Church) Good Friday 2pm The Last Hour (Parish Church) EASTER HOLIDAY DATES Parent & Toddler Group’s new term begins on Wednesday 15 April. Children’s Church meets next on Sunday 19 April. Look forward to seeing you after the holidays! EASTER FLOWERS The flower team will be decorating the church for Easter on Saturday 4 April from 9.30 am. If you would like to help decorate the church please come and join our friendly team on the Saturday morning. Refreshments will be available. Donations towards the Easter Lilies would be welcome. Please put cash or a cheque, payable to Mrs E Meikle, in an envelope labelled ‘Church Flower Fund’ and place in the blue box just inside the North door. SISTERS’ GET-TOGETHER Saturday 11 April at 8.30am Parish Church Hall Coffee, croissants and chat and guest speaker, Jane Haslam talking about personal Health and Safety ‘Why we do the daft things we do!’ Donations welcome, to cover costs please. Everyone welcome and please bring a friend too. CHURCHYARD WORKING PARTY Saturday 11 April from 9am If you are able to join us, we’d be very pleased to see you on Saturday 11 April, any time from 9am to 12 noon. Frank Haslam TREASURER WANTED for Mothers’ Union, Diocese of Guildford Starting soon, 4 – 6 days per month, Honorarium offered. More details from MU Office: St Michael’s Church, Dartmouth Avenue, Sheerwater, GU21 5PJ, tel: 01932 352680 [email protected] or please speak to Sheila Sutherland. PARISH ELECTORAL ROLL 2015 To be able to vote at our Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 29 April you need to be on our Parish Electoral Roll. It also helps in the administration of the Parish. If you are unsure whether you are on our Parish Electoral Roll please contact me. There is a copy in the Parish Office, from where an application form can be collected if required. PLEASE RETURN FORMS BY 14 April. Frank Haslam, Electoral Roll Officer L379341 WHOLLY BEADERS Change of date for April meeting Wholly Beaders normally meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in the Reeves room of the Parish Church Hall. However, in April we shall be meeting on Wednesday 15th April - not the first Wednesday. We shall be finishing spirals and flowery hangers or do bring along your own projects to work on. Newcomers are always welcome to come and join in or just to take a look and have a coffee and chat. LEATHERHEAD DEANERY OPEN MEETING Thursday 23 April at 7.30pm St Nicolas Church, Great Bookham All in the Deanery are invited to an open meeting and Eucharist with Rt Revd Andrew Watson, Bishop of Guildford - please come along to warmly welcome Bishop Andrew. FOR YOUR PRAYER DIARY THIS WEEK Holy Week services A restful Easter holiday 2nd SUNDAY LUNCH Sunday 12 April at 12.30pm Parish Church Hall If you would be having lunch on your own, why not join us for company and roast dinner? Please book a place by Friday 10 April (friends welcome as long as booking made). Sheila Cole 01372 205720 Monday 30 March Memorial service for Keith Bartley (Parish Church)
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