“For God and Country” GEORGE C. EVANS POST 103 “United We Stand” “The Leader Post”Post” April 2015 “The Leader JUNE, Editor: Harry Ciruli- 720-287-2139 [email protected] Website-www.legionpost103.org 2011 UPCOMING EVENTS: 4-9-2015- Bingo - Slammers Bingo Hall 4-16-2015- Bingo – Slammers Bingo Hall 4-23-2015- Bingo – Slammers Bingo Hall 4-30-2015- Bingo – Slammers Bingo Hall 5-4-2015- Officers Meeting, Buck Rec. Center, 6:30 PM 5-6-2014- General Membership Meeting, Buck Rec. Center, 7:00 PM 5-7-2015- Bingo – Slammers Bingo Hall 5-9-2015- Post Breakfast, Englewood Elks 5-9-2015- District 5 Convention, Commerce City, Post 151 5-14-2015- Bingo – Slammers Bingo Hall 5-21-2015- Bingo – Slammers Bingo Hall 5-28-2015- Bingo – Slammers Bingo Hall Englewood Elks- 3690 S. Jason St,, Englewood, CO Buck Rec. Center—2004 W. Powers Ave., Littleton, CO Slammers Bingo Hall-1884 S. Wadsworth-Lakewood, CO COMMANDER’S COMMENTS It’s Officially Spring-time in the Rockies. Great weather to date. In other words, time to turn on the sprinkler system, sharpen the lawnmower blades and enjoy the fresh air, Spring flowers & blossoming fruit trees; not to mention the start of Colorado Rockies Baseball & Golf, for some! As Always, time to spread some Patriotism too!! Be on the Look Out for Veterans. Now then, it bears repeating….Special Thanks to You ALL for What You Do and If you have Not Yet Renewed your Post 103 Membership, please do so now. Also, “Keep us Growing”. Thanks for your continuing Efforts, as we Grow & become a Stronger Community Support to our Veterans & Youth. 1 Food for Thought……We Need a Few Good Men to step Forward & Out of the Box to Help us with our Fundraising & Hospitality/Member Involvement Committee’s. Your Assistance, Ideas & Leadership can make a Difference. Become Involved!!! Likewise, We’re Recruiting Interested Legionnaires to Serve on & Provide Color Guard Duty on an, as needed basis. It’s Simple, not requiring much time. For further information, please contact either Adjutant Harry Ciruli and/or myself. Congratulations to Jonn Huggins. As a relatively New Legionnaire Member, Jonn became the 500th Geo. C. Evans Post 103 Member. Accordingly, he was presented with a Limited Edition Geo. C. Evans Post 103 Wall Clock. Jonn, going forward, no reason to be late. A big thank you goes out to our attending Legionnaires, Auxiliary & Sons of the American Legion members attending our March 14th Bi-monthly Post 103 Breakfast at Englewood Elks Lodge; 50+ attending. Be on the Look Out Soon for: our Newly Updated Geo. C. Evans Post 103 Tri-fold Brochure. Also, Post 103 Exec. Board will be working with our Post Home Host – Littleton Buck Rec. Center - in re-establishing the proper Flag Lighting improvement of the Facilities East side Flag Pole, as Serviced by Legionnaire & Auxiliary Members Jack & Ursula Pansini. Moving right along, regarding upcoming June 2015/2016 Election of Officers, Chaplain Mike Romero, assisted by Past Commander Bud Goodwin, the following Legionnaires have been nominated: Commander – Richard Callan, 1st Vice Cmdr. – Roger Masse, 2nd Vice Cmdr. – Bill Brudwick, Adjutant – Harry Ciruli, Finance Officer – Wayne Arguello, Service Officer – Fred Himelspach, Chaplain – Mike Romero, Judge Advocate/Historian – Gene Foyle, Sergeantat-Arms – Rip Hobson, and AVHG – Harry Giglio. Officer Nominations remain Open for Others, which will again be requested/solicited at our May 6th General Membership Meeting. With Honor to God & Service to our Veterans, Families & America’s Youth, Lynn E. Peterson Commander [email protected] 720-841-5079 General Meeting Minutes Meeting was graveled to order at 1900 hrs. 2 Acknowledgement of Past Commanders: Dean Casey, Pat Callahan , Bud Goodwin, Mike Romero, Rich Carlson and Ed Pietsch. Thanks to one and all for fulfilling this vital role! Adjutant Harry Ciruli declared that there was a quorum present. Officers Reports Harry Ciruli – Adjutant: Presently we have totaling 505 Post 103 members, of which 455 have paid their dues, and we have 24 members in the SAL 103 Squadron. Importantly, We are required to show proof that all members were honorably discharged I also need them in case a member’s family can’t find it for their loved ones funeral. I have 145 at present on file. Please call me to confirm that you have your DD214 on file. My phone No. is 720-287-2139. If there are any address and/or Email changes let me know. Also, Please get your renewal in ASAP. I urge you all to get me your DD214’s We can now use Square to pay dues or buy Hats and caps, etc. (Credit card). Rich Callan - 1st. Vice Commander: No report for Vice Commander for this month. Boys State: We now have 4 candidates, and possibly 3 more from Mountain Vista and 2 from Arapahoe High School." Roger Masse - 2nd. Vice Commander: I am starting to work on the Post picnic in July. The next Post breakfast and our last for the summer is May 9th. 2015 at Englewood Elks Club 9:00 AM. Oratorical: Meets once a month 1st. Saturday at Department, no meeting June or July. Financial Report – Wayne Arguello: Post finances are in great shape. Mike Romero- Chaplains’ REPORT: APRIL 2015 Danny Fountain, is now rehabilitating at home, his goal is to get well and strong enough to attend our Legion Bingos on Thursdays. Ray Pearson, is also at home, he and Eileen are under 24 hour care. Saturday, the 4th of April, Eileen was back in the hospital with fluid in her lungs. She is now being tested to find out what caused the fluid. 3 A “sympathy Card was mailed to the family of William G. Noell on 4-3-2015. Please keep those mentioned, in our thoughts and prayers. Please contact me at: 303-973-2493 or: [email protected] if you know of any member needing a visit or call. Lynn Peterson - Legion Baseball American Legion Baseball (ALB) and Colorado’s American Legion Baseball (CALB) Program has been very active & becoming busier by the week, with much Planning & Preparation underway. Team Registration & Scheduling Meeting set for April 12th & April 19th; with Summer Season League Play beginning in Late May. Visit www.calb.org for further details; and upcoming Team Game Schedules Posted in Late April. Plan to Attend our Sponsored Teams League Games this Summer. At the Post 103 level, with Executive Board Approval, we hope to Sponsor Three High School Baseball Programs, representing Eight Teams:: 1) Littleton High School Lions Legion B, C & D; 2) Heritage High School Eagles Legion B, C & D; and 3) Englewood High School Pirates Legion B & C Team(s). Sponsored Team Coaches are expected to attend our May 6th Monthly General Membership Meeting. At the State-level, in 2015 & 2016 Colorado will be Host to the American Legion Baseball Western Region 8 Tournament, to be held August 5 – 10, 2015 at Scott Carpenter Park, Boulder, CO. American Legion Post’s from throughout Colorado are expected to Assist with Manpower & Financial Needs. Help us out by possibly Volunteering in this Regional Tournament (Transportation/Driving, Catering, Concessions, Admission, etc.) OR Participating in (Golfer, Hole Sponsor/Attendant, Raffle/Silent Auction, etc)/Contributing (Donator) to one or more of the following Fundraiser Events: Two Golf Tournament’s (June 13th @ Raccoon Creek, Littleton, CO and July 12th @ Fox Hollow, Lakewood, CO ) & Two Colorado Rockies Games (Sunday, May 24th CR vs SF Giants & Sunday, June 21st (Fathers Day) CR vs Milwaukee Brewers). Flyers for these Fundraising Events are Available. Please Contact me for Details Now and Make your Reservations Soon!! Plan to Participate &/or Attend. NOTE: These Golf Tournament Fundraisers are in our Back Yard; they’re close to us in Littleton & Lakewood. Become a part of an Important Premiere Colorado American Legion Baseball Event. Sergeant-At-Arms- Rip Hobson: No Report. JAG –Gene Foyle: No Report. 4 AVHG- Harry Giglio Month of March had 17 services Rolling year we have had 208 total services for a total of 9812 team hours Jan-March have serviced 26 WW II, 14 Korea, 15 Vietnam, 1 Memorial service Bingo Manager – Ed Pietsch: We had a great month which was highlighted by the Slammer’s Bingo Hall large screen TV drawing at our last session in March. Our profit for the first quarter is slightly ahead of the same quarter last year when we had our best year ever. Thanks to all the members who come out and play or help each Thursday. The Bingo profits is our Post 103 primary fundraising activity and Bingo funds pay for most of the great programs that the Post is able to put on every year. We encourage you to join us and become a Bingo volunteer, have a great time with our friendly customers and enjoy working with your other Legion Family members. There are plenty of simple tasks that need to be accomplished each week. Volunteers should arrive by 10 am if possible. Please consider joining us on any Thursday at the Slammers Bingo Hall which is located at 1884 South Wadsworth Boulevard (the northeast corner of Wadsworth and Jewell). Our session starts at 11:30 am and usually ends about 1:45 pm. We also have special occasions such as the TV drawing or “Must Go” days when we give away our Bingo Progressive Jackpot of more than $5,000 and the crowds are much larger than normal. We always can use extra hands on these days. If you have questions please call Ed Pietsch at 720-287-2108, Cal Wilson 303-470-7206 or our newest manager, Harry Ciruli at 720-287-2139. Service Officer – Pat Callahan The third quarter has come to an end – and a rather busy one it was. The third quarter report was submitted on April 1 reflecting an expenditure of $14,842.37 of our $20,000 grant. During the quarter 46 veterans were assisted with either rent/utility assistance (19) or food/transportation assistance (27). A request for a 5th advance of funds was submitted on Feb 28th but has yet been filled. The grant administrator has apologized citing problems at the accounting level. At this point in writing we have a mere $706.49 with which to assist needy veterans. Anyone needing assistance please call me at 303-770-2857, or e-mail at [email protected]. I may not know the answer but have sources that do. 5 At this writing the Post has in storage durable medical equipment in the form of wheelchairs, walkers, canes and, perhaps items that I am not aware of. Anyone needing any of this equipment or know of a veteran in such need, please call me at 303-770-2857. Arrangements will be made to make the item(s) available. Descendants of Veterans Scholarships – Ed Pietsch & Fred Himelspach The George C. Evans Post 103 American Legion Family will be awarding six $500 scholarships to descendants of veterans beginning this year. Who is eligible? All descendants of living or deceased members of the Post103 American Legion Family (American Legion, Ladies Auxiliary, Sons of American Legion). The sponsoring member’s membership must be or had been at least two years continuous service. The residence of the descendant can be anywhere in the United States. That means if you are a member of the Post, Auxiliary or SAL then your child, grandchild, great grandchild, stepchild, step grandchild, or step great grandchild is eligible to submit an application for one of these scholarships regardless of where they live. In addition to descendants of the George C. Evans Post 103 American Legion Family, other descendants of honorably discharged veteran who live within the Post 103 service area are eligible for the scholarships. Our Post service area is currently defined to include residences in the geographic area south of Hampden Ave (HWY 285), north of C470, west of I25 and east of C470. So if you have friends or neighbors who reside in our service area and are descendants of honorably discharged veterans they are also eligible to compete for these scholarships. The applicant must be a High School Senior who has a cumulative 2.5 grade point average in high school and plans to enroll in an institution of higher learning (vocational school, technical college, and 2-year or 4-year College). The scholarship recipients must use the scholarship within a year or it will be forfeited. Complete applications including all attachments (application form, essay, résumé, letter of recommendation and copy of DD214 or discharge document) must be received by May 1, 2015. A panel of Post 103 American Legion Family members will make the selections. Scholarship recipients will be notified by June 1, 2015. Application information can be obtained on the Post webpage (http://WWW.legionpost103.org) or by calling Ed Pietsch 720-287-2108 or Fred Himelspach at 303-798-5034. Please help us pass the word on this brand new scholarship opportunity. 6 Historian - Gene Foyle: All photos were taken by Gene Foyle, thank you Gene. Nick Arceo, Squadron Commander [email protected] SAL – Nick Arceo: I am proud to announce our Squadron has now grown to 24 members! Thank you all! If you are interested in joining the Sons of American Legion, please see me for details. The Sons of the American Legion invites you to our annual Fund Raising Banquet to benefit the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation. This event will be hosted by the Lakewood SAL Squadron and Post 178, 1655 Simms St. Lakewood C . April 11, 2015. April is American Legion Children & Youth Month. Social hour 5-6 p.m. Dinner will be served at 6. There will also be a Silent auction of many fabulous items!! We are attempting to set our all time height for fund raising at this event! Please join us for a great time and fun! Remember our Golf Tournament Fundraiser will be held at Fox Hollow Saturday June 27, 2015. Proceeds will be used for hosting the American Legion Regional Baseball tournament to be held in Boulder Colorado. Please see me for details. Unfinished Business: None New Business For the Good of the Legion: A 50/50 drawing was held, and the lucky recipient was Charles Hatten. He donated his winnings to AVHG. A good choice and thanks Charles. The meeting was adjourned at 2010 hours followed by refreshments. 7 Janelle Rodriguez, President 720-207-8008 [email protected] American Legion Unit 103 Auxiliary meeting was opened at 7pm by President Janelle Rodriguez; we had 8 members in attendance. We have exceeded our membership goal set by Dept. so are hitting 112% for the year, again congrads are in order to everyone for sending their dues in! We discussed minutes sent out by Dept. from Mid-Year conference, Junior League Tshirt drive (Please see below for the website to order a great t-shirt and support their fundraising efforts!), and that Unit Reports for the year are due by April 15th, Darlene Romero and Janelle will be doing those this Tuesday evening, April 7th. Another item raised was about the Auxiliary Emergency Fund – if every auxiliary member in CO donated $1.00 that would be a $9000 contribution to the fund – I was asked to look further into this fund for information – it is for Auxiliary members that need emergency assistance, they can request via an application form up to $2400 in help. Please look at the website www.alaforveterans.org/Members/AuxiliaryEmergency-Fund/ for further information and we will discuss at the May meeting. Also it is that time again to be thinking of selling Poppies! We are scheduled to do so on Saturday, May 23 rd from 11am to 3pm at two different King Sooper’s stores – more details and a signup sheet will be available at the May 6th meeting, and please call or email me if you would like to help on this great project but will not be able to attend the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8pm. Janelle Rodriguez Auxiliary President Post 103 Spotlights: April Spotlight Fay Cunningham Army WW II 1942-1946 8 Basic Training- Fort Sill Oklahoma / Michigan State University School University of Maryland Mechanical Engineering Special Engineering Los Alamos Assist Chemist One of nine selected to go Oakridge Tennessee Special Engineering Section Trained as a shift Supervisor upgrade Uranium Was sent to MIT Boston Massachusetts Chemical Engineering Built a machine to reproduce Ceramic Crucibles Fay Cunningham joined the Manhattan Project in 1944 as a metallurgical engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cunningham and his team of engineers helped to develop a mechanized process for producing crucibles that were used in the separation of uranium and plutonium. After the war, Cunningham served as a radiation monitor for the nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll during Operation Crossroads. His job was to survey the radiological damage on navy ships that were positioned around the epicenter of the nuclear explosion. Cunningham recalls climbing cargo nets dangling from the bow of a ship while trying to hold on to a fifteen-pound Geiger counter. After Operation Crossroads, Cunningham returned to Michigan State and completed his degree in chemical Team Members for the Radiation Monitoring in the Marshal Islands 9 Boarded Various Ships to monitor levels of radiation from the different blast After the war went to Michigan State to finish Chemical Engineering Degree Met wife at Michigan State in Chemistry class Married for 67 years 2 children Retired after working 40 years for the Upjohn Company traveling and going to various places Retired Chemical Engineer who served in Civilian Conservation Corp CCC before the war Serve in the Army and the Manhattan Project in WWII Historical note Part of the project for Voices of Manhattan Project Atomic Heritage Foundation 10 11
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