Serials (Choose 4) SER-‐‑1 Checkin Automatic sorting of new item records created at serials checkin When serials are checked in out of order, new item records are added also out of order. Staff members have to go back into the item summary and resort the items, though a sorting order has already been established. This sorting should be done automatically. SER-‐‑2 Checkin Ability to view both the order record and checkin card of the same bib record simultaneously. Add a feature that allows for the viewing of an order record and Checkin card of the same bib record simultaneously. Perhaps this could be created as an optional enhancement and be accomplished using a split screen (much the same way as you can view multiple bib records). SER-‐‑3 Checkin Feature that allows for Sierra box display font to be customized The Millennium font selection allowed the box display font to also be enlarged. In Sierra, there doesn'ʹt appear to be a way to increase the size of font with the box display. Add a feature that allows the font size in box display to be customized. SER-‐‑4 Checkin Allow a checkin enumeration no. 0 Currently when 0 is entered in the enumeration it does not show up in the checkin card view nor in the Webopac view. Provide the ability to be able to use 0 (zero) in a checkin box enumeration no. for items that produce a release no 0. SER-‐‑5 Checkin Add to the Checkin Mode the option to preview spine labels When staff print a label from a Checkin card, there isn'ʹt a preview option available and labels need to be printed one at a time. Create a feature whereby Checkin card labels may be previewed and modified before printing. Provide an additional feature that allows for the highlighting of a group of boxes on a Checkin card and the printing of a group of labels (with each label allowed to be previewed). SER-‐‑6 Checkin Automatically merge holdings when a missing issue is checked in When a late or missing issue arrives and is checked in, the holdings must be updated manually. It should automatically update, thereby accurately reflecting the library'ʹs holdings similar to the way the holdings are updated and merged when an 'ʹexpected'ʹ issue that fills a gap in holdings is checked in. SER-‐‑7 Claiming Provide a user defined Days Before Subsequent Claims field The interval after a serial claim is entered is determined by the journal frequency. However, the interval to re-‐‑claim an issue is not dependent on the frequency. It is a standard interval for all frequencies. Provide separate claim interval for re-‐‑claims, supplying default intervals that can be selected by the user. SER-‐‑8 Claiming Output claims in Excel format There is currently no option to output claims data to Excel. In addition to the available export of title and order number, provide the ability to output claim information including vendor title number, issues up for claim, number of claims, etc. in Excel format which would facilitate our claiming by email. SER-‐‑9 Claiming Track Serials Claiming Statistics by Vendor Provide the ability to track serials claiming statistics by providing a Vendor Statistics Report of activity and performance based on checkin card data with a focus on claim transaction of individual journal issues. This report should track how many claims are generated per year by vendor, how many claims are filled by vendor, and how many claims are outstanding by vendor. SER-‐‑10 OTHER Allow print template use with serial labels. We are in the process of updating our label printers from dot matrix to thermal. When we were unable to get the templates to work for checkin records, we sent in a call to III and got in reply that the system doesn'ʹt support printing serial labels to thermal printers. Serials labels have yet to be "ʺprint templatized"ʺ and are using the older development designed for tractor feed printers connected via LPT1. We need III to develop print templates for serial label printing. SER-‐‑11 OTHER Provide the ability to run Create Lists based on checkin box status and export this list In addition to the send claims to the 'ʹserial-‐‑claims-‐‑waiting-‐‑processing file'ʹ and the 'ʹsearch for late issues to claim'ʹ, provide the ability to retrieve an exportable list of checkin boxes with status of LATE(#) or CLAIM(#) for review of journal claims. SER-‐‑12 OTHER Display ordinal numbers in holdings as defined in MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data When the prescribed MARC 21 convention is used to indicate display of ordinal numbers, the system only generates a display of the cardinal number alone (without the 'ʹst'ʹ, 'ʹnd'ʹ, 'ʹrd'ʹ, etc.) Enable prescribed formatting. // See: // From MARC 21 Holdings: "ʺOrdinal Numbers -‐‑ To indicate that ordinal numbers should be displayed, a plus sign ( ) may be used preceding the caption. If no caption is entered, a plus sign may be recorded alone to indicate display of the corresponding 863 subfield as an ordinal number. / 853:03:(year)$b qtr. / 863 :41:.1$a1982$b1 / Display example: 1982:1st qtr. // 853:03:$a / 863:41:.1$a1 / Display example: 1st"ʺ
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