this extension manual

Magento Email Marketing Extension
REVISION: MAY 25, 2015 (V1.8)
Nuntius – Magento Email Marketing by Licentia
About the extension ..................................................................................... 6
Compatability ...................................................................................................... 6
How to install ....................................................................................................... 6
After Instalattion .................................................................................................. 6
Integrate in your store .......................................................................................... 6
Introduction................................................................................................. 7
Extension Configuration ............................................................................... 8
Interests .................................................................................................... 11
Subscribers ............................................................................................... 12
Import subscribers ............................................................................................ 12
Add new ............................................................................................................ 13
Detailed information .......................................................................................... 14
Mass Actions ..................................................................................................... 14
Templates ................................................................................................. 16
Campaigns ................................................................................................ 17
New Campaign................................................................................................... 17
Reports .............................................................................................................. 23
Coupons .................................................................................................... 24
Widget ....................................................................................................... 25
Autoresponders ......................................................................................... 27
New Autoresponder ............................................................................................ 27
Autoresponder – Expected litefime Reached ....................................................... 29
Reminders ................................................................................................. 31
A/B Campaigns ......................................................................................... 33
Goals ......................................................................................................... 36
Reports ..................................................................................................... 38
Message errors .................................................................................................. 38
Basic Stats ........................................................................................................ 38
Coupons ............................................................................................................ 38
Campaigns Conversions ..................................................................................... 38
Segments Conversions ....................................................................................... 38
Customer Group Changes .................................................................................. 38
Campaigns Links ............................................................................................... 38
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Autoresponders Campaigns ............................................................................... 38
Transactional Emails .......................................................................................... 39
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Figure 5 - SMTP Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 7 - Configuration – Bounces .................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 8 - Configuration - Transactional Emails ................................................................................................ 9
Figure 9 - Configuration – Testing .................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 10 - Configuration – Import .................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 7 - Interests – List ................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 8 - Interests – Add ............................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 11 - Subscribers – Listing .................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 12 - Subscribers – Import .................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 13 - Subscribers – Add ........................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 14 - Subscribers - Info ......................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 15 - Senders – Listing .......................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 16 - Senders – Add .............................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 17 - Templates – Listing ...................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 18 - Templates – New.......................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 19 - Campaigns - List Empty ............................................................................................................... 17
Figure 20 - Campaigns – New – General ....................................................................................................... 18
Figure 21 - Campaigns – Recurring ................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 22 - Campaigns – Content ................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 23 - Campaigns – Added ..................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 24 - Campaigns - List Running ............................................................................................................ 22
Figure 25 - Campaigns – Edit ......................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 26 - Campaigns - Reports Summary ................................................................................................... 23
Figure 27 - Coupons – Add ............................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 28 - Recommendation widget .............................................................................................................. 26
Figure 29 - Autoresponders – List................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 30 - Autoresponders – New ................................................................................................................. 28
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Figure 31 - Autoresponder – Settings ............................................................................................................. 29
Figure 32 - Reminders – New ......................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 33 - Reminders – List........................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 34 - Split Campaigns – Add ................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 35 - Split Campaigns - Sending test Options ....................................................................................... 35
Figure 36 - Split Campaigns – List .................................................................................................................. 35
Figure 37 - Goals - Add................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 38 - Goals – Listing .............................................................................................................................. 37
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This extension is compatible with Magento 1.5 and up. However, coupons integration only works with
versions 1.7+
1. Download the file from your order email
2. If you are using Magento Compiler, please disable it.
3. Unzip it and then upload the contents of the folder "nuntius" to your FTP server.
4. Clear your store cache
5. You may need to logout and login again in order to access some parts of the extension
6. If you were using Magento Compiler, you can now re-compile and enable
7. If you have any issue open a support ticket by sending an email to [email protected].
After a successful installation, go back to your store admin panel and you will see a new top menu
named "Email Marketing". After the initial setup, this is where you will be spending your time.
If you have your newsletter subscription form on the left sidebar, the replacement should occur automatically. If you have placed it elsewhere, you may need to change it, if you want to use "Interests". If you
do not want to use "Interests", you can skip these instructions.
Here is the xml you need:
<reference name="left">
<block type="newsletter/subscribe" name="left.newsletter" template="nuntius/form.phtml">
<block type="nuntius/subscribe" template="nuntius/subscribe.phtml"
Change the value of the attribute "name" in the "reference" node to match your store.
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It's not all, but almost. After the installation you will be doing a lot of stuff inside the top menu "Email
There is a configuration section in "System/Configuration/Nuntius – Email Marketing".
These are the submenus you will find in the extension menu
Abandoned Cart Reminders
A/B Campaigns
Campaign Errors
Basic Stats
Campaign Conversions
Customer Group Changes
Autoresponders Campaigns
Campaigns Links
Let's take a closer look at each one.
Note: This extension supports Magna Customer Segmentation. You
will find references in this manual regarding segments and sending campaigns to segments. Segment options are only available when the Licentia
Magna Customer Segments is installed
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Before you can work with the extension, you must configure your SMTP server details. Go to "System/Configuration/Nuntius – Email Marketing".
You will see a few blocks.
Figure 1 - SMTP Configuration
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The first block, pictured above, is used to configure your SMTP server settings. Fill all fields accordingly. If you have any doubts about these fields, please ask your hosting/service provider. The "Custom Message Headers" field is not related to your hosting/service provider and should only be used by specialists. If
you don't know what Mail headers are, and their purpose, leave this field blank.
Figure 2 - Configuration – Bounces
This extension has support for email bouncing. This means, when you send a new campaign and
form some reason the recipient server rejects the message, you will now, and subscriber's bounces number
will be updated to reflect this situation.
Now, please read carefully. Do not, allow me to repeat, do not use a bounce email for anything else.
All emails in the bounce email inbox will be removed. Please create a new email account just for this purpose.
Figure 3 - Configuration - Transactional Emails
Transactional emails are your typical new order emails, comments, contact, etc. If you want, and we
recommend you to do so, because it will increase the probabilities of your email reach the recipient inbox,
you can enable this option and all emails sent by Magento will be sent using the SMTP server defined above.
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Figure 4 - Configuration – Testing
Before doing anything in this block, please make sure you have saved any previous changes you
This block allows you to test your settings. A new email will be sent to the specified above using your
SMTP settings. If you defined a Bounce Email, we will also try to connect to that inbox.
Insert an email in the text field ant then click "Test Now".
If everything went ok, you should see a green message on top. If not, you will see a red one. Please
analyze the message carefully and make the necessary changes to fix the errors. Error messages shown
here are the response by the SMTP server. If you have any questions regarding these messages please
contact your service/hosting provider.
Figure 5 - Configuration – Import
If you already use the Magento newsletter, you can import your existing subscribers to the new system. This process is only made once. Any future changes will be applied automatically.
Now that we already have our extension configured, let's dig deep.
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To manage interests navigate to "Email Marketing / Interests".
Interests are optional.
Figure 6 - Interests – List
To add new interests simply click on the "New Interest".
Figure 7 - Interests – Add
You will notice that you can have a Label per store view. This allows you to have the same interest in
multiple languages.
Choosing the option "Add Existing Subscribers" will force all your current subscribers to this Interest.
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To see all of your existing subscribers go to "Email Marketing/Subscribers".
If you have subscribers, your list will look something like this:
Figure 8 - Subscribers – Listing
ID – Subscriber internal ID
Customer – If the Subscriber is also a customer. If yes, you can click on the "Yes" to go to
the customer page
Name – Subscriber's Name
Email – Subscriber's Email
Status – Subscriber current status. There are two possible statuses. Active and Unsubscribed. The reason whey we keep unsubscribed records is in case the same user ever subscribes again. The previous data is not lost. You can always permanently remove the subscriber.
Emails Sent – The number of emails sent to that specific subscriber
Emails Views – The number of email views from the subscriber
Bounces – The number of message that could not be delivered to the subscriber. If this
number is high, the email account may not be in use anymore. You can unsubscribe the user.
Conversions – The number of purchases the subscriber has made after click on a campaign
email link.
Conv. Amount – The amount spent by this subscriber in order made after clicking in a campaign email link
If you previous used another platform to send email, you can import your current subscriber list into
the extension.
Click on the "Import Subscribers" button.
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Figure 9 - Subscribers – Import
Please remember that the file to import must be a CSV file, utf8 encoded. These are the columns
available for import
store_id – The id of the Store View
firstname – Subscriber First name
lastname – Subscriber Last Name
email – Subscriber Email
status – Subscriber Status
The field separator is used to specify which character separates columns in your file.
Click import. After a successfully import, you will be redirected back to your subscribers listing.
To add a new subscriber click on the top right button "Add New"
You will be redirected to a page with a forma like this:
Figure 10 - Subscribers – Add
This form is straightforward. Insert all required data and then click "Save".
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You can see detailed information about a specific subscriber by click on the row he is. You will go to
the edit page, but you will also see two new tabs on the left side.
Conversions – Detailed information about all conversion this subscriber has
Emails Sent – A list of all emails sent to this subscriber
Figure 11 - Subscribers - Info
When in your subscribers listing, you have the possibility to perform mass action on multiple subscribers. These actions are:
Unsubscribe – Will mark current subscriber status as 'unsubscribed'. No emails will be sent
to him
Subscribe – Mark status as 'active'.
Delete – Will delete a subscriber and all information related to him, including, conversions
details, emails, stats, etc. Please note that this information was collected by the extension
and in no way deleting a subscriber will delete any other store data not directly related to this
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You must configure at least one sender before sending emails. This is a simple step, so let's do it
right now.
Go to "Email Marketing/Senders".
Figure 12 - Senders – Listing
You should see an empty table, but if you already have senders, you will see a list.
To add a new, click on the "Add Sender" button and you will see a form like this:
Figure 13 - Senders – Add
Although in theory you can define any email as a sender, we strongly recommend you to use an
email from your domain configured in your SMTP server, otherwise your email will most likely be considered
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This extension supports templates, and they are very easy to use.
Go to "Email Marketing/Templates" and you will see a list of your current templates.
Figure 14 - Templates – Listing
To add a new, click "Add Template".
Figure 15 - Templates – New
Now, when you creating/editing a campaign, autoresponder, A/B campaign or reminder you will have
the possibility to load this template into the editor.
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Campaigns are a very powerful tool to engage your customers. This extension makes sure that happens.
To list your campaigns go to "Email Marketing/Campaigns". You will see an empty table like this:
Figure 16 - Campaigns - List Empty
As you can see there are no campaigns, but we will change that in just a bit. First let's see what all
those columns are.
ID – Internal ID.
Campaign Name – Campaign Internal Name. This is not the message subject.
Deploy Date/Next Run – The date when the campaign will be sent, or sent again, for recurring campaigns
Status – Current Campaign Status
Stand By – The default status. Is waiting for the deploy date to arrive.
Running – The deployment process has already begun, and the campaign is running.
Finished – Campaign sent and won't be sent again, even for recurring.
Last Run – Last time this campaign was sent. This column is useful for recurring campaigns,
where you can keep track of sending.
Conversions – The amount this campaign has generated in sales.
Sent – The number of messages sent/the total number of messages in this campaign
U. Views – Unique campaign views
U. Clicks – Unique campaigns clicks
View – A link to see campaign stats
To add a new campaign, click on the "New Campaign" button. You will see a form like this:
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Figure 17 - Campaigns – New – General
General tab:
Internal Name – A name for internal campaign identification
Sender – Campaign Sender
Subject – Message Subject
Interests – Subscribers Interests
Subscribers Segments – For which segments will this campaign be sent
Multiple Segments behavior
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Sending Options tab:
Dynamic deployment – Used to dynamically send email campaigns to each subscriber taking in consideration previous campaigns and openings.
Recurring Campaign – If this campaign should run more then once.
Deploy Date – Date when this campaign should be sent
More on Recurring campaigns
If you change the option "Recurring" to other than "No" new options will appear. Something like this:
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Figure 18 - Campaigns – Recurring
In this example we choose "Daily", but selecting any other option will give you a similar result.
Unique recipient – Select this option if you don't want this campaign to be sent to the same
recipient more then once. This is especially useful when sending for segments.
Run Around – At what time should the campaign run
First Run – The date this campaign should first run
End Date – The last date this campaign should be sent
Running Times – How many times should this campaign run
Content Tab:
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Figure 19 - Campaigns – Content
If you have a template for this campaign, you can load it from the "Load Template" block. Simply
choose the desired template and then click "Load Template".
This extension adds a few new variables to the defaults ones by Magento. Click on the variables button the see them.
The unsubscription link is mandatory in all campaigns.
Now that we have everything filed, let's click "Save".
Figure 20 - Campaigns – Added
You should see the new campaign success message, along with the campaign itself in the listing.
The "Sent" column is very important because it will tell you how the current status of your sending. If
you have thousands of subscribers, the system will break them in small lists and send a batch every five
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Also if the emails sent don't correspond to the number of emails supposed to be sent, you will find in
that column a link to manually fix the situation, either by trying again or removing the message.
Figure 21 - Campaigns - List Running
Now that the campaign is saved, click on it to enter edit mode, and to see what new tabs where added.
Figure 22 - Campaigns – Edit
As you can see a few tabs where added to the left column.
Children Campaigns – This Option is only available if your campaign is recurring and lists all
campaigns sent.
Reminder Queue – Only available if your campaign has reminders.
Reminder Sent – Lists all reminders campaigns sent.
Conversions – This tab lists all conversions made trough this campaign
Links – Lists all campaign links and each link conversion
Messages Archive – Lists all messages sent by this campaign
Messages Queue – Lists all messages yet to send by this campaign
Messages Errors – Lists all errors occurred when sending messages. You also have the option in this tab to try and send the message again or delete it.
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This extension provides you with a series of reports that allow you to take key decisions based on
that data.
When you are in your campaigns list, click on the last column "View" link to open the report for that
campaign. All information provided by reports is real time.
Figure 23 - Campaigns - Reports Summary
In the first page you will find a summary for your campaign and how did it do. Key information like
conversions, opens, clicks and opt-outs are present in this panel.
You can also find in the left tabs more information regarding the campaign. Information like countries, cities, applications, links and dates.
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This extension allows you to directly integrate your coupon generation by sending to each recipient a
new coupon generated automatically.
Coupons integration works on campaigns, reminders and autoresponders.
Before using this tool, you must have a "Shopping Cart Promo Rule".
When in your editor, click on the "Insert widget" button and then choose "Email Marketing – Coupon
Code List". A window like this will appear
Figure 24 - Coupons – Add
In the first field, please select the promo rule to be used by the widget. Filling the remaining fields
should be easy, as they are the same option as the default in Magento.
Only the last field is new. The "Force Email Match" option will only allow coupon usage if the email
order is the same as the recipient for the message. Ex. If you send a campaign to [email protected] with a
coupon code, only a customer with this email will be able to use that coupon code.
New codes are generated for each campaign, so you can use the same promo rule for multiple campaigns. Coupons can only be used once.
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This extension also provides a widget that can be used to display products to users, subscribe to
Newsletter or not, that are based on each customer activity.
The existing options are:
Products Attributes
Lists products viewed by the customer that share the most viewed layered attribute.
If a customer sees a lot of Nokia smartphones, recommended products will include
all Nokia products
Related Products From Last Completed Order
Lists all products that are related with products in last order. If I bought a
smartphone and that smartphone had related products, those products will be displayed
Related Products From Previous Completed Orders
Products In Abandoned Cart
Lists products in abandoned cart
Categories Views
The same as above, but for all previous orders
Lists products from the most viewed categories
Wishlist Items
Lists products in the customer whishlist
Product Views
Recent Added
Lists most viewed products from customer
Lists most recent added products
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Figure 25 - Recommendation widget
Note regarding performance: This extension uses Magento log to select the appropriate products for
each customer for the options: Product Attributes and Product Views. If you have large tables with
millions of records, page loading may be affected. If you see that happening, one option is to increase cache lifetime.
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Autoresponders are a great tool to use for customer engagement.
To list your autoresponders, go to "Email Marketing/Autoresponders". You will see a list like this:
Figure 26 - Autoresponders – List
ID – The internal ID
Event – The event that will trigger the email
Name – Autoresponder name
Sends – The number of times this event was triggered
Conversions – The number of conversions
Conv. Amount – The amount for the conversions
Is Active? – If the autoresponder is active or not
From Date – The initial date
To Date – The end date
Campaigns – View Autoresponder Campaigns
Queue – View Campaigns in queue
To add a new autoresponder click "New Autoresponder". You will see a new page with a select
menu with the following options:
Campaign - Open
Campaign - Clicked Any Campaign Link
Campaign - Clicked Specific Campaign Link
Search - New
Product - New Tag
Product - New Review
Product - New Review on a Bought Product
Product - Expected Lifespan reached (before)
Sales - New Abandoned Cart Appears
Customer – Signup
Customer - Anniversary
Customer - Login
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Customer - Last Activity
Order – Status changes (all status available)
Order - New Order
Order - Bought Specific Product
In this example, will pick the "Search - New" option, but the usage principle is the same for everyone.
Figure 27 - Autoresponders – New
Send Only Once - Will only send one email to the same subscriber for this event.
Cancellation triggers – These are the events available that will cancel any schedule campaign for an
autoresponder if before the campaign is sent, the selected event(s) occur.
Schedule Emails – Select the emails to be sent for the autoresponder. Note that the Template comes
from "Email marketing/Templates". The last column is the campaign subject.
Skip Days – If the deploy date is on one of the selected days, push the deployment day to the next
Assign customer Segment – This will assign the subscriber to a segment
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Figure 28 - Autoresponder – Settings
Name – Autoresponder Name
Sender – Autoresponder Sender
Segment – Only send if the subscriber is from this segment
Interests – Send only to subscribers with selected interests
Customer Groups – Send only to specified subscribers in customer groups
This is a special and important event. What happens when the product the customer bought, reaches the expected lifetime cycle?
If he bought a tonner, that tonner will eventually end.
With this autoresponder you can automate the send of emails to get the customer to re-buy.
The product lifespan is defined by product in days. In the plugin configuration you can define the attribute that holds the lifespan value.
Please note that the specified value will be ignored as soon the customer makes two purchases of
the same product. In that case, the value used will be the timespan between purchases and not the specified
value for the product.
This way we make sure we increase the changes of conversion.
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You can specify the products for this autoresponder or categories.
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Reminders are sent after a specific campaign. To add a new reminder, we must have a campaign
first in order to associate it.
To see existing Reminders go to "Email Marketing/Reminders". The list is empty now, so let's add a
First you need to enter campaign edit mode. This means you need to choose a campaign and edit it.
You will see a button their with the label "+ Reminder". Note that recurring campaign can not have Reminders.
Figure 29 - Reminders – New
Internal Name – it's the reminder name
Active – Reminder Status
Subject – Message subject. Note that you can use the original campaign subject by using
the tag {{subject}}. The reminder subject can be something like: Re: {{subject}}
Send to subscribers that – This options filters subscribers that should receive the reminder.
Send after X days – How many days after the campaign deployment should the reminder be
Segment – Send only to subscribers in this segment
Message – Here too, you can use the {{message}} tag to display the original message
After adding the reminder, lets see how our Reminder list looks like
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Figure 30 - Reminders – List
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Splits campaigns, or A/B campaigns are a great way to test subscriber's receptivity to a campaign.
You can list your existing splits campaigns by clicking "Email Marketing/A/B Campaigns".
To add a new click "Add Split Campaign"
A new page will be loaded with a select option. In this select you must choose what you want to test:
Sender + Subject + Message
Sender + Subject
Sender + Message
Subject + Message
After choosing an option, a new page will load with all the options. For this example we will choose
"Sender + Subject"
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Figure 31 - Split Campaigns – Add
Internal Name – Name to be used internally.
Active – Campaign status
Test Deploy Date – This is the date when the test campaign will be sent
Send General Campaign after X days – How any days after the test campaign should the
remaining emails be sent
Percentage Emails Send Test – What is the percentage of emails that should be sent in the
test campaign
How to determine the winner – How will the system know what version is the winner
Segment – Send only to subscribers from this segment
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Figure 32 - Split Campaigns - Sending test Options
Because when we created this campaign we said we want to test Sender and Subject, this tab has,
what is called, the version B for this campaign.
When sending the campaign, the message will be the same in version A and B, sender and subjects
will be different.
When we click "Save" we are redirected to our listing page with the record we just added.
Figure 33 - Split Campaigns – List
As stated by the picture above, we have three important columns that include results from both version A and B. Views, Clicks and Conversions. These values are real-time values. The last column will have a
link to the resulting campaign.
If you choose to manually determine the winner, you can edit the campaign and you will see two buttons:
1. Send Version A
2. Send Version B
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Goals are a way to define objectives and see how good are you doing.
Go to "Email Marketing/Goals" and you will see a list of current Goals and their status.
If you list is empty, click "Add Goal".
In the next page that loads you will have to define what type of goal do you want to track.
Here is a list of options:
Conversions - Global
Conversions - Segment
Conversions - Campaign
Views - Global
Views - Segment
Views - Campaign
Clicks - Global
Clicks - Segment
Clicks - Campaign
Subscribers - Global
Subscribers – Segment
If you choose an option that is not "Global", you will be able to define which Segment/Campaign
do you refer to.
In this example we choose "Conversions - Global"
Figure 34 - Goals - Add
Variation – The variation in relation to the existing value. Valid values: 19 - Expects final
number; +19 - Expects Final Number to be increased by 19; +20% - Expects Final Number
to be increased by 20%; -9 - Expects Final Number to be decreased by 9; -20% - Expects
Final Number to be decreased by 20%
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Name – Goal's Name
Description – Goal's Description
Start Date
End Date
After saving the goal we are redirected back to Goal's listing, and we can see the record we just
Figure 35 - Goals – Listing
Analyzing the above record, we are expected to reach an amount of 100€ in conversions by the end
of the month.
Original Value – The value before we define the goal. This value will be subtracted from the
current value in order to determine status.
Current Value – The current value for our goal. This value is updated on a daily basis, but
you can update it by clicking "Refresh Current Values". When the result column is "Running",
the current value progress background will change color based on progress.
Red => Low completion
Orange => Medium
Green => High
When the "Result" column is "Failed" the cell background will be black. If the Result is
"Accomplished" the background color will be dark green.
Expected Value – The value to achieve.
Result – The Goal Status
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Most of the information here can be viewed on a campaign basis or subscriber basis.
However it's important to have a global perspective.
This extension will try to delivery every message three times. If after three attempts it still can not be
delivered, they will be listed here, so you can decide what to do: Try Again or Delete It.
Every day the extension will save global values for:
Conversions Number
Conversions Amount
These values will be saved in history so you can have a global perspective of your performance.
In this report you can see what coupons have been generated by this extension and what coupons
have been used.
Lists all your conversions filterable per campaign
Lists all your conversions filterable per segment
Lists all group change from Segments, and gives you the possibility to manually revert any change
Lists all your campaigns links and gives information about conversions and clicks
Lists all campaigns created by autoresponders and gives some detailed information
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Lists all transactional emails sent by the extension.
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