ORDER OF WORSHIP Living in Ordinary Time: “The Sent Community” July 7, 2013 HWB = Hymnal: A Worship Book; STJ = Sing the Journey, STS = Sing the Story Praising God Gathering hymn: HWB 4, Unto thy temple, Lord, we come Prelude: “O day of peace” (Charles Callahan) Call to worship: HWB 681 STS 113 I will stand in the congregation HWB 49 From all that dwell below the skies Hearing the Word Children’s time Epistle reading: Galatians 6:7-16 Old Testament reading: Isaiah 66:10-14 HWB 100 Praise him, praise him! Gospel reading: Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 Sermon: “An Immigrant Mission” Responding HWB 407 We are people of God’s peace Offering our “First-fruits” In gratitude and worship, we offer the first and best of who we are and what we have, to be used for God’s mission in the world. [Deuteronomy 26:1-11] Offertory: “Andante” (Joseph Hector Fiocco) Doxology [stand if you are able . . . words below, music in HWB 48] Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below; Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit! Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Text: Thomas Ken, adapted. Gilbert Viera, 1978, reprinted under OneLicense.net A-701540 Prayers of the congregation when leader says, “In your mercy, Lord”. . . respond, “hear our prayer” Ending with the Lord’s Prayer . . . We go forth Announcements Benediction STJ 73 The Lord lift you up David Evans, sermon • Steve Shenk, worship leader • Judy Bomberger, music leader • John Fast, organ • Nathan May, Lucinda Swartzentruber, musicians • Nathan & Melodie May, children’s time • Shirley B. Yoder, Beth Krall, readers • Donna Shank, visuals • Pastors Ross Erb, Barbara Moyer Lehman, and Phil Kniss, post-service greeters Today’s speaker, David Evans, is a professor at Eastern Mennonite Seminary, where he trains ministers to bring news that not only sounds good, but also promotes peace. He is a member of the United Methodist Church as well as a former pastor and a community development professional. Dr. Evans is interested in untangling the web of church missions and nationalist allegiances as well as helping Christians understand the racial and religious cultures that have produced them. He is married to Faith Evans and father to his two sons, Isaac and Solomon. David would like to be known as someone who laughs often, lives with passion, and loves deeply. PARK VIEW MENNONITE CHURCH 1600 College Avenue • Harrisonburg, VA 22802 • (540)434-1604 [email protected] • www.pvmchurch.org • facebook.com/pvmchurch . . . a community of communities engaged in God’s mission Pastor: Phil Kniss Program & Support Staff: Judy Bomberger, music director Associate Pastors: John Fast, organist Barbara Moyer Lehman, nurture & pastoral care Karen Moshier-Shenk, choir dir. Ross Erb, children, youth & families Elders: Bonnie Stutzman, chair; Gloria Diener; Phil Jane Eanes, office administrator Joanne Gallardo, office assistant Helmuth, Shirley B. Yoder; Edgar Miller Warren Bock, lead custodian Congregational Chair: Ken Seitz Church Office Hours Open 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday (except 9-9:15 for morning prayers) Front office staffed by Jane Eanes 9-2, and Joanne Gallardo 2-5 Pastors’ days off: Monday for Phil and Ross, Friday for Barbara Vol. LVIV July 7, 2013 No. 27 WELCOME, VISITORS! – We’re glad you joined us in worship today. • A “Welcome Table” in the foyer has a lot of useful information. Fill out a visitor card and leave it there, or hand it to an usher, greeter, or pastor. • Nursery available for children age 3 and under. • Large print hymnals and bulletins on the table in the foyer. • Hearing assistance units are available at the sound booth. • Beverages are served in fellowship hall after the service. Please join us! • DVDs or CDs of the service available in the library to borrow or purchase. THIS MORNING AT PARK VIEW WORSHIP (9:30-10:45 a.m.) Infants- 3 years (combined nurseries for the summer, meeting in upstairs room) Helen Nafziger and Gloria Diener [Next week: Heather Benin and Kayla Leaman] FELLOWSHIP BREAK (15 min.) Beverages and visiting in fellowship hall. SUNDAY SCHOOL (11:00-12:00) Classes for all ages. Everyone welcome. Children’s Sunday School and nursery will resume in September Colloquy (Fireplace rm) – DVD: Christianity in America #5, “Homegrown Saints”: Myron Augsburger Elective class (Conf Rm) – Resumes in September Logos (Rm 3) – Sermon discussion: Ervin Stutzman Prayer – Prayer Room is available downstairs for silent meditation SALT (Rm 11) – “Temple Restored” Ezra 3:8-13: John Stahl Shalom (Rm 7) – Part 3 of 3, Memorable hymn stories: John Horst SupportNet.com (Rm 16) – Sermon discussion Yalla (Balcony) – Will resume in September THIS WEEK SUNDAY: PVMC Retreat registration begins during coffee time, foyer Monthly blood pressure checks, 10:45, library WEDNESDAY: Mennonite Women monthly meeting, 9 a.m., fireplace room MYF gathering at PVMC, 7 p.m. UPCOMING EVENTS JULY 24-26 Virginia Mennonite Conference Annual Assembly at EMHS AUGUST 18 School kit assembly 23-25 Save the date: PVMC weekend church retreat at Brethren Woods ANNOUNCEMENTS Pastoral whereabouts: Pastor Phil will be away on vacation from Friday through Sunday, July 12-14. As well, Pastor Ross will be away on vacation for the week of July 13-20. August retreat registration begins today. You will find a table set up in the foyer just outside the fellowship hall. Extra retreat brochures will be available and staff will be there to help answer questions and receive payments. There will also be sign-up sheets for the Saturday morning golf, bike ride, and a clean-up crew at the end. A staffed registration table will continue each week through August 18 to assist in this process. Also, online registration is now available! Visit www.surveymonkey.com/s/HYB6S8Q to quickly and easily complete your registration (Send payments to the church office.) Penny Power offerings: Our children will be collecting your coins for Penny Power each Sunday starting this week (through the end of September), and our total collection will go to MCC efforts to assist displaced people in war-town countries. Thanks for bringing your extra change for the children! Mennonite Women will meet Wednesday morning, July 10 at 9 a.m. Last names beginning with M-Z will provide the lunch. Many hands are needed to string school kits, knot comforts and quilt. Pastor Barbara Moyer Lehman will be sharing during our devotional period. School Kits: If you would prefer to fill a school kit bag(s) individually or as a family, help yourself to bags on the table in the foyer. Note the list of supplies needed. If the 120 bags on the table are filled, the goal of 1,500 for MCC will be met. The Adult Bible Study pupils booklets and Teachers guide for Spring 2013 (Beyond The Present Time) used by the SALT class have disappeared from Room 11. Another class wishes to use the material. Anyone knowing about this material please notify John Martin. Coffeehouse Fundraiser for Michaela Mast: Come and enjoy a night of music, dessert, and laughter, as well as details about Michaela Mast’s upcoming semester in Romania. Join us at 1592 CF Pours Drive (just off of Acorn Dr.) on July 16 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. If planning to attend, please RSVP at [email protected] or (540)246-1656. All are welcome! Patchwork Pantry is in need of volunteers to assist with the children's activities each Wednesday evening from 6:00-8:00pm at Community Mennonite Church. This program provides a space for the children while their parents are waiting to receive their food. It is a much needed service and a great way for families to participate in this community effort! If interested, contact Deena Gakos at (540) 236 8321 or [email protected] or Lynette Mast at (540) 810 2060 or [email protected]. Last Sunday: Worship attendance: 230; Faith Promise offering: $8,488.32
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