Limnol. Oceanogr., 35(4), 1990, 830-839 Q 1990, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Type of suspended clay influences lake productivity phytoplankton community response to phosphorus and loading Benjamin E. Cuker Center for Marine and Environmental Studies, Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia 23668 Phumelele T. Gama and JoAnn A4. Burkholder Botany Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh 27695-76 12 Abstract The effects on phytoplankton and limnetics of two different types of suspended sediments and their interactions with P loading were tested in a small North Carolina Piedmont lake. Limnocorrals were used in a complete, triplicated six-treatment, blocked design. Treatments were loaded with P, kaolinitic clay (K), K+P, montmorillonitic clay (M), and M+P. A4 caused more turbidity and stayed in suspension longer than K. Consequently, the light-dependent parameters, net community productivity (NCP), chlorophyll concentration, and algal density were lowest in the M and highest in the P treatment. Combined P and clay loading promoted clearing for both sediments and mitigated their effects on algal densities and NCP. Flagellated algae and nonfilamentous cyanophytes dominated the control community. The P treatment had blooms ofAnabaena. Without fertilization, both clays resulted in sparse, flagellate-dominated communities. The M+P community, like that of the P treatment, was dominated by Anabaena, but total algal densities were suppressed. In contrast, the K-t-P community lacked Anabaena and was similar to the control in algal quantity and composition. Various mineral substances cause turbidity in lakes, including clays of distinct mineralogies from eroding soils, resuspended bottom sediments, glacial flours, and calcite precipitates. It is unlikely that such a heterogeneous array could exert uniform influences on lacustrine systems. Differential composition of suspensions may be a source of some of the conflict among investigators’ of the effects of mineral turbidity. Some studies show mineral turbidity to favor flagellated algae at the expense of filamentous blue-greens (Hergenrader and Hammer 1971; Avnimelech et al. 1982; Cuker 1987), yet other contrasting reports link blooms of these filamentous blue-greens to loading with suspended clays (Carriker and Taylor 1984; Hart 1987). The effects of mineral turbidity Acknowledgments Much of this work was done under U.S. EPA grant R8 133 15-O1-Oto B. Cuker while he and P. Gama were at Shaw University. We thank the following: The City of Raleigh which owns the lake and provided use of facilities under the direction of J. Connors; L. Gama and L. Hudson for field and laboratory assistance; L. Shurtleff who trained P. Gama in algal taxonomy; S. Weed of the North Carolina State University Soils Department for determination of clay mineralogy; S. Mozley, R. Jordan, P. Jumars, and three anonymous reviewers. on grazing zooplankton are also controversial. Suspended sediments provide refuge from visual predators and can interfere with zooplankton feeding (McCabe and O’Brien 1983). Organic molecules adsorbed on the surface of clay particles can provide nourishment to grazing zooplankton (Arruda et al. 1983; Gliwicz 1986; Hart 1988). Distinguishing among suspension materials may clarify some of these conflicting reports. Laboratory studies, including early experimental turbidity work on zooplankton (Robinson 19 5 7) and other research on clayP interactions (Chiou and Boyd 1974), linked the action of suspended clays with their mineral composition. Using three different suspended sediments in laboratory cultures, Soballe and Threlkeld ( 198 8) found algal flocculation to depend on mineralogy and concentrations of both sediment and cells. Large tank experiments by Threlkeld and Soballe (1988) definitively ranked the three minerals according to turbidity per unit of mass (sihca > kaolin > bentonite), but they were unable to trace unequivocally the manifestation of these differences in the biota. Our study is the first to compare the effects of different clays with an in situ experiment. Soils of the southeastern U.S. are domi- 830 Algae, P, and two clays nated by kaolinite, which is typically red from a coating of iron oxide. Kaolinite is a 1 : 1 (Al : Si) clay of large particle size (0. l5 .O ,um). Other soils in this region are formed from Triassic Basin sediments that are mostly yellow-brown montmorillonite, which is a 2 : 1 (Si : Al : Si) small-particle (0.01-2.0 pm) clay (Buckman and Brady 1969). Lakes in the region are often turbid from either or both types of clay. We compared influences of kaolinitic and montmorillonitic sediments on the pelagic environment, phytoplankton community structure and net community productivity (NCP), emphasizing differential response to P loading under the two types of clay. We postulated that the smaller montmorillonite particles would yield more turbidity per unit of mass, scatter more light, and stay in suspension longer (Terwindt 1977). From this assumption, we predicted lower NCP with montmorillonite than kaolinite. Kaolinite favors flagellated and small cells at the expense of blue-green filaments (Cuker 1987). We tested whether blue-greens in the presence of montmorillonite would act similarly. We also tested whether community response to P fertilization was sensitive to the type of suspended clay. Materials and methods Experimental design and manipulation The study extended from 1 June-l 8 August 19 8 7 in Durant Lake, a small impoundment in the Piedmont of North Carolina (described by Cuker 1987). Limnocorrals were used in a complete, triplicated, six-treatment, blocked design. Treatments included loading with P, kaolinite (K), K+P, montmorillonite (M), and M+P, as well as controls (C). Treatments were compared nonparametrically (Hollander and Wolfe 19 7 3). Eighteen polyethylene limnocorrals (1 3-m3 cylinders, 2.25-m diam x 3 m deep, open to the sediments) were installed on 1 June by dropping the open bottoms through the water column. Steel rings enclosed in sleeves at the bottom of the limnocorrals were pressed into the sediment. Flotation came from foam-filled collars. Fish longer than 2 cm were eliminated with a cast net. Minnow traps set to capture the remaining juvenile fish were only marginally successful. To 831 standardize the fish effect, we added one medium (9-12-cm SL) bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) to each limnocorral on 15 July. Rotenone poisoning at the end of the experiment confirmed the presence of fish in all but two limnocorrals, one K and one K+P replicate. Loading rates were 3.3 mg P m-2 d-l and 100 g (dry mass) clay m-2 d-l. Batch additions were made 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) from 3 June to 18 August. Alone or in combination, clay slurries and phosporic acid were broadcast into the limnocorrals. The upper 0.5 m of each treatment (including the controls) was mixed with a paddle. Clay came from construction sites, kaolinite from within the lake’s watershed, and montmorillonite from just north of Durham, North Carolina. To maintain realistic conditions, we used natural soils of contrasting mineralogy rather than purified materials. Because natural soils are mixtures, we use the labels kaolinite or montmorillonite in this paper to denote the dominant mineral. Sampling and analysis - Chemical and physical analyses of the clay were performed by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and the North Carolina State University Soils Department. Light penetration was determined with a 20-cm black-andwhite Secchi disk and a LiCor 1000 data logger connected to a submersible spherical PAR quantum sensor (LiCor 193SA). Separate wet and dry sensor calibrations were used for the photometer readings. Secchi depth was measured three times a week before the manipulations. The light meter was used weekly on a day following manipulation. On 9 July, light was measured intensively over the first half of the solar day to monitor changes in light penetration related to solar angle. Temperature and oxygen were measured at 0.5-m increments with a YSI meter as part of the weekly estimate of NCP. NCP (pg O2 liter-’ h-l) was determined by the difference between dawn and afternoon oxygen profiles taken 1 d after manipulation. NCP estimates are conservative, not being corrected for loss of oxygen to the atmosphere. Water samples were taken with a PVC tube (3 m long, 5-cm diam) that delivered 832 Cuker et al. discrete upper (EPI, O-l.5 m) and lower (HYPO, 1.5-3.0 m) sections of the water column (Cuker 1987). Total P (TP) samples (collected on 9 June and 7 July) were digested with persulfate and autoclaved before spectrophotometry with citric acid-ammonium molybdate (Am. Public Health Assoc. 1976). A pH meter (Haake-Buchler) was used to test surface in situ waters and to determine acid-titrated alkalinity in the laboratory. Weekly Chl a samples were drawn onto replicate Gelman A-E glass-fiber filters and then frozen. The filters were ground in glass and extracted in 90% buffered acetone. Aftcr centrifugation, Chl a was determined on a Turner 110 fluorometer with acid correction for pheopigments (Strickland and Parsons 1972). Aliquots of fresh, whole water samples were measured for turbidity with the fluorometer set up and calibrated as by Cuker (1987). Separate EPI and HYPO integrated phytoplankton samples were collected at the middle (7 July) and end (11 August) of the study. One-liter samples were preserved with acid Lugol’s solution, settled for 2 weeks, and concentrated by siphoning off the overlying water. Generally, 400 algal units per sample were counted with a hemacytometer at 400 x , with identifications to species in most cases. Results Light and temperature-Montmorillonite caused more turbidity per unit of mass than kaolinite (Fig. 1). By the second week, nephelometer turbidity units were -90 in the M and M+P and 20 in the Kand K+P treatments. As summer progressed, K and K+P treatments began to clear, with Secchi depths increasing from < 1 m to >2. Secchi depth for the M and M+P treatments remained < 0.5 m, with some clearing in the last few weeks. P fertilization of the clay treatments induced more rapid clearing, especially for M+P. Over the last 49 d, Secchi depth for M+P was 24% greater (P < 0.00 1, signed rank test) than for M, but in the K+P treatment, Secchi depth was only 7% greater (P < 0.009) than in the K treatment. The comparative abilities of the two clays to stay in suspension over the short term was tested by taking Secchi depths just before and after clay additions on 8 July. Before adding clay, means were 150 cm (SE = 35) for K and 26 cm (SE = 5) for M. Adding clay decreased them to 3 1 (SE = 2) and 18 cm (SE = 0), but both treatments returned to their prior levels after 2 d. Thus, in the 2 d between manipulations for this period in July, turbidity dropped by 5 times for K and only 0.3 times for M. Transparency of the C and P treatments increased in June and then declined in late July due to algal turbidity. The decline -was greater for P due to algal blooms in the second 5 weeks. Photometer results verified the Secchi depth pattern, yielding the following mean absorption coefficients for the second 5 weeks: C, 1.50; P, 1.75; K, 1.53; K+P, 1.42; M, 3.53; M+P, 3.14. Distribution of light (PAR) with depth and solar angle was examined on 9 July (Fig. 2). During these prebloom conditions, illumination patterns were similar in both the controls and the P treatment, with increasing penetration as the solar angle approached zenith. The angular effect was diminished by scattering in the K and M treatments. Intensive scattering in M created a narrow subsurface layer in which photon fluxes measured exceeded those taken in the air above. This physically impossible result reveals stratification of scatterers on a scale too small to resolve with the light path in the sensor and introduces an error of -6% in the measurements. Afternoon thermal profiles always indicated stratification of the lake and limnocorrals. Mixing of the entire water column by convective downwelling of eveningcooled surface waters was, however, often evident from profiles taken at dawn. M and M+P treatments had the strongest afternoon stratifications with significantly warmer afternoon surface temperatures (P < 0.00 1, Friedman test with time as blocks). Mean afternoon surface temperatures (“C, n = 7) were: C, 30.1 (SE = 0.8); P, 30.3 (SE = 0.7); K, 30.2 (SE = 0.7): K+P, 30.2 (SE = 0.7); M, 31.5 (SE = 0.9); M+P, 31.2 (SE = 0.8). pH, alkalinity, and TP-Mean surface pH (measured on 6 and 8 July) ranged from 6.5 to 7.4, but there was no significant difference Algae, P, and two clays -I--.............,.., 20 833 1.. 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 DAYS Fig. 1. Mean Secchi disk depth recorded over the course of the experiment. Limnocorrals were installed on day 0 (1 June). Secchi depths from the surrounding lake are indicated by dots in the control panel. Error bars are +l SD, n = 3. (P = 0.56, Friedman test) due to treatment. The pH was consistently highest in the P replicate that bloomed shortly after these measurements (-pH 8). Alkalinity deter- 8 9 10 11 12 minations from 21 July were not significantly different among treatments when all six treatments were compared (P > 0.05 for both EPI and HYPO, Kruskal-Wallis). 13 HOUR OF THE DAY Fig. 2. Penetration of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from sunrise to solar noon on 9 July. Data for K+P and M+P were essentially identical to the K and M treatments and are not displayed. 834 Cuker et al. TOTAL PHOSPHORUS p g liter -1 (21 SE) 0 25 50 0 25 50 75 Fig. 3. Mean concentrations of TP from 9 June (stippled area) and 7 July (entire bar). Error bars are t-lSE,n=3. Among just the clay treatments, mean alkalinities (as mg CaCO, liter-l) were significantly lower (rank sums, uncorrected for multiple testing, P -=z0.05) for K (18-23) than for M (26-30). Both fertilization with P and the addition of clay increased TP in the water column (P = 0.002, for means of EPI and HYPO from 9 June and 7 July in one Friedman test, Fig. 3). All treatments, including unfertilized, 1501 3p I A HYPO loo accumulated TP over time. The clays alone contributed substantial TP; K having 2 times and A4 3 times the TP of the controls. Chlorophyll and NCP-In all treatments, Chl a concentrations declined over the first half and then recovered during the second half of the study (Fig. 4). Initially, HYPO values were twice those of the EPI in all treatments. In the second 5 weeks, the M and M+P treatments reversed this trend, with Chl concentrating in the EPI. This reversal was also seen in the two P replicates that bloomed, but not for either K or K-t P. Analysis of the grand means taken over the entire experiment revealed significant differences for the HYPO but not the EPI (HYPO, P = 0.007; EPI, P = 0.21; Friedman test with time as blocks). Effects of fertilization and clay loading were most evident in the last 5 weeks, with high levels of Chl developing in the P treatment, but in neither the K+ P nor the M+P treatments. NCP fluctuations tracked changes in Chl, with all treatments increasing after the midJuly minimum. NCP treatment means differed significantly (P < 0.0001, Friedman test with time as blocks). In comparison to C 0 EPI 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 DAYS Fig. 4. Mean concentrations of Chl a over the course of the experiment. Day 0 is 1 June. Error bars are -t 1 SE, n = 3. 835 Algae, P, and two clays 0 50 O2 j.q liter-’ h-’ (+ 1SE) 100 0 50 150 100 I24 HYPO 150 0 EPI 11 AUGUST w a K P 5 2 0 M M&P K K&P C P Fig. 6. Mean algal densities for all species combined from the end and middle of the experiment. Error bars are f 1 SE, II = 3. with time and sample depth as blocks). By August, algal density in the P treatment was 50 100 150 0 0 50 100 150 twice that of the control. All the clay treatPAR PERCENT OF INCIDENT (+- 1SE) ments had fewer algae than the control, with being twice as effective as Fig. 5. Grand means for NCP (0) and percent pen- montmorillonite etration of surface light (stippled area) vs. depth for 11 kaolinite in reducing algal numbers. P ferJune, 9, 16, 23, 30 July, and 6 August. Error bars are tilization increased algal densities for both +l SE. clays, but only in August for M+P. Assigning algal taxa to funtionally and taxonomthe controls the treatment grand means were: ically similar guilds aided analysis (Cuker P, 173%;M+P, 116%; K+P, 107%; K, 78%; 1987; Figs. 7 and 8). To compare the relative contribution of each guild within a it4, 65%. Treatment determined the pattern of productivity with depth (Fig. 5). In the treatment, we transformed the actual values P treatment, grand mean NCP peaked at 1 to proportions based on total algal counts m and remained positive down to the bot- or total biovolume for that treatment. EPI and HYPO estimates were combined to test tom. In the other treatments, NCP followed the depth profile of light. Consistent with treatment effects on guild representation the light conditions and Chl depth distri(Kruskal-Wallis test). butions, NCP in the M and M+P treatTreatment effects were significant (P < ments was concentrated in the first 50 cm 0.05) for numbers of filamentous blue-greens below the surface, with no production deep- and diatoms in both the July and August er than 1.5 m. Patterns for the less turbid samples (Figs. 7 and 8). Nonfilamentous K and K+ P treatments were similar to those blue-greens, euglenoids plus flagellated of the controls. greens (Euglenophyta and Chlorophyta), and Phytoplankton -The trend of increasing Chrysophyta showed significant differences Chl concentration in all treatments over the in July but not August. No significant treatsecond half of the experiment was supportment response was seen for unflagellated ed by algal counts and biovolume estimates greens or Cryptophyta in either month. for July and August (Fig. 6). Treatment efThe control community in July was domfects on both total algal density and biovolinated by nonfilamentous blue-greens ume were significant (P = 0.003 for density; (mostly Agmanellum sp.), flagellated greens P= 0.004 for biovolume, Friedman test (Chlamydomonas spp.), and euglenoids Cuker et al. 836 1 0 nfil fil CYA n fig fig CHL CRY DIN CHR DIA L--&Ln fil fil n flg fig CYA CHL CRY DIN CHR DIA Fig. 7. Mean densities of algal guilds from 7 July. CYA - Cyanophyta; nfil - nonfilamentous; fil- filamentous; CHL-Chlorophyta and Euglenophyta; nflg-nonflagellated; CRY-Cryptophyta; DIN-F’yrrhophyta; CHRChrysophyta; DIA-Bacillariophyta. Error bars are k 1 SE, IZ= 3. (Trachelomonas spp.). The green Kirchneriella lunaris, the chrysophytes Dinobryon cylindricum and Dinobryon bavaricum, and the dinoflagellate Peridinium pusilum were also abundant. In August, Euglena gracilis, Ankistrodesmus fusiformis, and Chrysosphaera paludosa were dominants. The P treatment was dominated by the filamentous blue-green Anabaena wiscon- sinense. A nonfilamentous blue-green, Chroococcus minutus, codominated the EPI for both months, while Chlamydomonas (July) and Chrysosphaera paludosa (August) were abundant in the HYPO. High variance associated with the filamentous blue-greens in the P treatment is traceable to irruptive, out-of-phase blooming of A. wisconsinense in two of the three replicates. The Ana- 6 5 4 3 2 g - 1 0 - a 2 1 0 n fil fil CYA n flg flq CHL CRY DIN CHR DIA n fil fil CYA n flg flg CHL Fig. 8. As Fig. 7, but from 11 August. CRY DIN CHR DIA 837 Algae, P, and two clays baena-dominated replicate that bloomed first (in July) succeeded to dinoflagellates and nonfilamentous blue-greens in August. Composition of the replicate that did not bloom was similar to the others, but with fewer Anabaena. In the K treatment, nonfilamentous bluegreens (Chroococcus), dinoflagellates, and flagellated chrysophytes constituted most of the sparse July community. By August, euglenoids plus flagellated and nonflagellated greens replaced the dinoflagellates and chrysophytes. Oscillatoria angustissima, a filamentous blue-green, codominated in the HYPO during July. This alga was rare in the control and P treatments, but it and congenerics were common constituents of all the HYPO clay turbid trea’tments in July. K+P supported a denser and structurally different community than did K alone. During July, P. pusilum (EPI) and D. cylindricum (HYPO) were the dominants. Nonfila(Chroococcus, mentous blue-greens Aphanocapsa elachista, and Gloeotheca rupestris) were dominant at both depths in August. The few surviving algae of the M treatment were dominated by dinoflagellates (P. pusilum) in the EPI during both months. Filamentous blue-greens (Oscillatoria spp. and Spirulina) dominated the July HYPO, giving way to nonfilamentous blue-greens (Chroococcus) and flagellated greens (Chlamydomonas) in August. The M+P community was similar to the M community of July, but in August the two treatments diverged; in the M+P treatment, Anabaena dominated the EPI and codominated with diatoms (Synedra rumpens) in the HYPO. This result is in marked contrast to the K+P treatment, in which there was almost no Anabaena. Although Anabaena was of similar proportional importance in both P and M+P treatments, its density was fourfold less with the clay. Discussion Because the two clays differed so markedly in their abilities to sustain turbidity, it can be argued that the differences in their effects on other limnological parameters are simply a matter of scale. Montmorillonite would alter light-driven processes to a great- Table 1. Composition and properties of the two types of clay. Humics (% by volume) Cation exchange capacity (100 cme3) Base saturation (%) PH Total extractable P (ppm) Total N (ppm) K (pm-0 Montmorillonite (%) Kaolinite (%) Halloysite (%) Vermiculite (%) Gibbsite/goethite/hematite (%) Kaolinite Montmorillonite 0 13.9 90 6.6 3.2 18.5 51.9 0 75 0 15 10 0.1 4.7 40 5.0 1.4 9.4 55.2 50 25 25 0 0 er degree than kaolinite, but in the same way. By extension of this argument, only light attenuation needs to be considered in predicting community behavior of turbid systems; the type of suspended other material would be of little consequence. In support of the scale argument, thermal stratification, TP concentrations (Fig. 3), algal densities (Fig. 6), and some species shifts, such as that from Agmanellum to C. minutus, followed the turbidity gradient. The scale argument, however, does not predict the clay-P interaction, nor hold for NCP under simultaneous clay and P loading, nor explain the distribution of filamentous bluegreens. Although kaolinite contained twice the P of montmorillonite (Table I), because of its shorter residence time it contributed less TP to the water column (Fig. 3). Yet the greater TP sustained by montmorillonite was either insufficient to counter the comparatively greater negative impact of montmorillonite’s turbidity on NCP, or the clay-bound P was not readily available to the algae (sensu Fitzgerald 1970). That additional P fertilization boosted NCP and algal growth in both the K+P and M+P treatments indicates that neither of these clays caused productivity to be limited solely by light. Of the two, montmorillonite would have been predicted to be less sensitive to P fertilization. Its higher turbidity suggests stronger light limitation, and it is a better P sink than kaolinite (Edzwald et al. 1976), yet the M+P treatment was second only to the P treat- 838 Cuker et al. ment in productivity and by August had twice the algal density of the M treatment alone (Figs. 4 and 6). Despite relatively high productivity in M+ P, algal concentrations remained low. Sinking of algal-clay floes was a possible source of mortality. Zooplankton grazing also may have limited phytoplankton populations. High densities of the cladoceran Diaphanosoma were found in the M+P treatment (Cuker unpubl. data). Further, much of the NCP in the M+P treatment can be attributed to periphyton on the enclosure walls (Burkholder and Cuker unpubl. data) and as such would not have contributed to planktonic populations. In keeping with the scale argument, community structure was partitioned by depth more so with montmorillonite than with kaolinite (Figs. 7 and 8). This pattern was well illustrated in the M+P treatment by Synedra, which developed a large population in the cool, dark habitat of the HYPO. This situation is analogous to winter dominance of Synedra in the turbid Cahora Bassa Reservoir (Gliwicz 1986). The scale argument is inconsistent, however, with the inability of the less turbid K+P treatment to support the Anabaena that thrived in the more turbid M+P treatment. Why is Anabaena able to grow with montmorillonite but not with kaolinite? Perhaps the larger particle size of kaolinite causes more rapid sinking of algal-clay floes; sinking rates are proportional to particle size squared (Chase 1979). This interpretation is consistent with the brief residence time of kaolinite inferred from short- and longterm Secchi depth studies. ‘But particle size alone may be insufficient, however, to predict clay behavior. Soballe and Threlkeld (198 8) found that although ground silica had a larger average particle size than bentonite, it was less likely to floc with Anabaena. In that case, aspects of particle surface chemistry may be more important than particle size. Cuker (1987) showed that P fertilization promoted clearing of kaolinite turbidity. In our study, this effect was evident for both clays, but primarily in the second half of summer when temperature and productivity increased (Fig. 1). Although the effect was proportionally greater for montmorillonite, this clay caused such high turbidity that the M+P treatment remained much murkier than the K and K+P treatments. Fertilization with P as a management practice to reduce mineral turbidity (Avnimelech and Menzel 1984) could work well for kaolinite, but for montmorillonite the clarification would be slow and likely accompanied by growth of Anabaena. Unlike Threlkeld and Soballe (1988), we were able to establish statistically significant links between suspensions of different minerals and limnological parameters beyond just turbidity. Their use of a single pulse of clay and their application of one of the clays in a different season than the other two, as well as the lack of replication in their study all may have contributed to the discrepancies between those results and what they predicted from the laboratory (Soballe and Threlkeld 1988) and what we observed in our field study. Although we have shown that montmorillonite and kaolinite affected various limnological parameters differently, these effects may not be solely due to differences in mineralogy. Suspended clays are coated by layers of ions, organic molecules, and microbes (Loder and Liss 1985). The nature of the coating could be more important than the underlying mineral in controlling limnological interactions. Further, we used natural soils as turbidity sources, and minerals other than the dominant ones may have contributed to the observed effects. Although this heterogeneity constrains generalization about the effects of montmorillonite and kaolinite, this research demonstrates that suspended sediments of differing mineralogies can produce distinct quantitative and qualitative effects. References AMEFUCANPUBLICHEALTHASSOCIATION. 1976. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 14th ed. APHA. ARR~DA, J. A., G. R. MARZOLF, AND R. T. FAULK. 1983. 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