Your Best Year Starts Now IntroducIng our new 5-10

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Your Best Year Starts Now
Introducing our new 5-10-15 promotion!
three deals in one!
five months
Dream to Reality
free upgrades
the first 15 new home contracts
additional free upgrades
Yo u r lot o r o u r s ? Yo u p i c k . W e B u i l d.
Stressed about selling your existing home? No Problem!
Loos Homes is proud to offer our Guaranteed Home Sale Program. We’ll write you
a reasonable offer on your existing home when you build or buy a new Loos Home.
Contact us today for more information on this Win/Win program!
Already sold your existing home? Check out our new
5-10-15 Promotion >>
designed specifically with you in mind!
Our New 5-10-15 Promotion* offers YOU flexibility and big savings!
This three-tiered program offers the impact and flexibility of stackable deals within one huge promotion, giving you
the serious savings by using up to all three at the same time! Solidify your schedule, as we turn your dream into reality in
5 months, guaranteed! Customize your new home with $10,000 in FREE upgrades! Be one of the first 15 customer
contracts of the year and enjoy an ADDITIONAL $15,000 in FREE upgrades your new home!
* Minimum new residential building contracts of $199,900 to qualify for promotion.
visit ou r website or call us today
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