UNIVERSITY of LOUISVILLE STAFF SENATE MEETING March 9, 2015 The Staff Senate of the University of Louisville met at 2:30pm on Monday, March 9, 2015 in the Dental School, Room 125, on HSC Campus, Chair Angela Lewis-Klein, presiding. VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: A&S: Marian Vasser, Cynthia Jeffery DENTAL SCHOOL: Laura McKinney, Jackie Wells, Vickie Tencer, Lisa Wade LIBRARIES: Rachel Hodge MEDICAL SCHOOL: Jessica Roth, Patricia EdwardsKesterson, Gary Southard, Jennifer Hall, Lana Metzler, Vicki Brzezinski, LeAnn Taylor, Bob Cochran, Carol Norton, William Armstrong, Ellie Fridell, James McCracken, Li Hua Zhang PROVOST OFFICE: Stephanie Reibert, Will Adamchik, Wes Partin, Erika DeSha, Valerie Casey SPEED SCHOOL: Wendy Metcalf VP-BA: Sally Molsberger, Sandy Russell, Jill Riede, David Schlaegel, Melissa Shuter, William Taylor, Kim Noltemeyer, Stephen Cotton, Anthony Logsdon, Steve Colston, Rhonda Gilliland VP-CE: Susan Jenkins VP-F: Martyna Warren VP-HR: Kathryn Doaty VP-IT: Kathy Brashear VP-R: Ann LaPerle, Angela Lewis-Klein VP-SA: John Smith VP-UA: Bonnie Dean VOTING MEMBERS ABSENT: A&S: Caroline Stephens, Ginger Brown BUSINESS: Karen Nalley EDUCATION: Alex McWilliams, Shannon Frey GRAD SCHOOL: Jackie Fryer KENT SCHOOL: Kim Rogers LAW SCHOOL: Angela Beverly MEDICAL SCHOOL: Skip Hurley, Kent Gardner, Tatyana Tarakanova, Sherry Gainous, Bret Hirsch, Amy Reid, Patty Moon, Janis Clayton MUSIC SCHOOL: Debby Kalbfleisch NURSING SCHOOL: Molly Hall PRESIDENT OFFICE: Tammy Lawson PUBLIC HEALTH: Vicki Lewis SPEED SCHOOL: Patti Williams VP-ATH: Meg Peavy, Sabrina Haug, Carla Meredith VP-BA: Aaron Graham VP-HA: Jennifer Knight-Steier VP-IT: Aaron Phillips, John Morgan VP-SA: Laurel Hajek OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Guests: Provost Shirley Willihnganz COO/CFO: Harlan Sands Faculty Senate Representative: Bob Staat SGA Representative: ULARP Representative: PRESS: Janet Cappiello (UofL Today) Staff Senate Coordinator: Gretchen Henry CALL TO ORDER – Lewis-Klein Determining the presence of a quorum, Chair Lewis-Klein called the meeting to order. ACTION ITEM: Approval of the December meeting Minutes – Lewis-Klein The minutes from the February 9, 2015 meeting were approved unanimously as distributed. UNIVERSITY of LOUISVILLE STAFF SENATE MEETING March 9, 2015 DISCUSSION: Q&A with the Provost – Willihnganz Provost Willihnganz started her report off stating that the salary increase disbursement recommendation that the Staff Senate presented to the administration last year was approved and will be followed if an increase is possible. She posed a question for the Staff Senate to contemplate and weigh in on: What do we want to do this year? She reported that there is about $2M this year in a reserve in a healthcare pool and some leftover VSP savings that could be used for a number of things. What would be the priority with this money? A raise? A smaller raise and address the pay equity issue? Invest in infrastructure? Other things? She asked for feedback over the next several weeks to help finalize the budget. The Provost then addressed the recent weather-related University closings. She thanked the Physical Plant workers for all their efforts in making the campuses safe. She is investigating how we could use technology to continue University business when the weather prohibits road travel. Asked about the pilot summer session in A&S, Dr. Willihnganz replied that nothing has been finalized, as they are still working out the flaws they found from last summer’s attempt. She mentioned the Floyd Street construction that is underway has been funded from state road funds designated for road improvements and not from any UofL funds. Asked about Foundation money to be used for a raise pool, the Provost explained that since we have not considered ourselves a statesupported school for several year, President Ramsey developed a plan to invest Foundation money into projects that consistently returns funds: developing the Shelby campus for future rent payments; and, the TIF (Tax Increment Financing) projects on HSC and Third Street have brought in about $4M over the past few years. These funds go directly into the Foundation for salary increases. President Ramsey designed it to work that way and it is successful. A salary increase of 1% increase would cost about $3M for UofL employees on CAR, not grant/soft money, and $6M for the rest. The Interim Provost will be Speed School Dean Neville Pinto. There will be a search next year for a permanent replacement. Dean Pinto is also searching for an interim dean for the Speed School. REPORT: Chief Financial Officer – Sands Mr. Sands reported that his strategy in restructuring the business model is by meeting with many different people across the campus and getting feedback for what works well and what doesn’t. He will ask a lot of questions and use that information to develop new procedures. He will announce the changes in a few weeks. He is very interested in the expense side of the University finances and the cost of doing business. He was very impressed with the work that Physical Plant did over the snow days. Asked about the snow closures, delayed openings and how to charge time off, Mr. Sands said: if you are on vacation and the University closes for a snow day, you still take vacation; if you are on vacation and return early and UofL closes for a snow day, you still take vacation; if you return early, and report back to work early, and UofL closes for a snow day, you are not charged for a vacation day. Asked how to handle the issue of Physical Plant employees have to be at work at 4 or 5a.m. and closure announcements aren’t made until 6a.m., he said that comp time is not used, but facilities will need to look at that. Asked about the fairness in holding Physical Plant employees to a different standard than other employees and the after-the-fact notification about policy changes, Mr. Sands responded that UNIVERSITY of LOUISVILLE STAFF SENATE MEETING March 9, 2015 Physical Plant is, in fact, different than other departments, so it is something for facilities to work out and he is looking at telecommuting for other positions. Asked about the changes in unit financials, he stated that there will be a Lead Fiscal Officer in the major units designated to lead and responsible for financial planning and reporting. Some units will not see a lot of change and others will. He has created and is meeting with large work groups to develop improved reporting lines, outside the unit, as another resource. Asked about rumored layoffs, he said he does not address rumors bit said that restructuring actually creates a larger institution. He said he could not guarantee that every position will remain intact, as is, but that most people are hungry for change and improvement. Asked about the new requirement that a performance evaluation be on file for each employee to be considered for a raise, Mr. Sands said, noting the importance of consistency, the required evaluations will be held in a central location. If it is not on file, it cannot be read. Units’ not completing employee evaluations is not acceptable. If a supervisor does not complete an evaluation, the employee should contact HR. The evaluations must be reviewed by the employee and completed by April 15, 2015. Regarding the Shared Services Centers, he was asked if he will look at position titles and the range of position and thinks this is a great opportunity to do that. Asked if merit would be considered in the salary increase, provost Willihnganz interjected that the Staff Senate’s salary disbursement recommendation from last year was approved and agreed upon by the Administration. The closing of the Kentucky Telco Credit Union was mentioned as a very big issue to many employees and he said he would look into it. REPORT: Secretary-Treasurer – Southard The General Fund has a balance of about $2500.00. There was a final retreat payment of $1800.00 The SHARE account has a balance of about $10,890. The Technology Fund remains at $2500.00. REPORT: Faculty Senate Representative - Staat No report was the meeting last week was canceled due to snow. Dr. Staat gave a brief update on the CPE. REPORT: Student Government Representative – Cooksey No report was made. REPORTS: Staff Senate Standing Committees – Armstrong Committees & Nominations (C&N) – Jeffrey o Will Adamchik is the new chair of the Staff Grievance Committee. Jessica Roth was added to the committee (due to Sandy Russell moving to Staff Grievance Officer). UNIVERSITY of LOUISVILLE STAFF SENATE MEETING March 9, 2015 Policy, Economics & Development (PED) – Metcalf o This committee did not meet. Meets on March 17th. Services & Facilities (S&F) – Hurley o This committee did not meet. Staff Grievance Committee (SGC) – Adamchik o No new grievances have been filed. Staff Help & Relief Effort (SHARE) – Norton o This committee is looking at revising both the application and the guidelines. It is looking at other universities. There is no scheduled meeting. Staff Morale & Community Outreach (SMCO) – Jenkins o The committee was scheduled to meet but it was canceled due to the snow. REPORT: Staff Senate Chair – Lewis-Klein Regarding Provost Willihnganz request for feedback on where we’d recommend spending the $2M, the Executive Committee was clear on the salary increase, as being our first priority. She would also like to know which strategic initiatives are involved in the options. More information is needed before a decision can be made. She and Will Armstrong met with the leadership team bout going forward with a salary recommendation and were asked to wait awhile as the budget is completed. REPORTS: University-Wide Committees UNIVERSITY POLICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE – The committee met and had a very good meeting. The report is below. HRAC – This committee met and Mr. Sands was in attendance to hear what the committee needed from him. OTHER BUSINESS – None ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:05. UPAC – University Police Advisory Committee – Stephen Cotton – 2015 Mar 9 Hello, my report will cover the last 2 meetings of UPAC (Feb 4 and Mar 4): UNIVERSITY of LOUISVILLE STAFF SENATE MEETING March 9, 2015 1. As of February 2 new officers had graduated. They will spend 6 weeks training with UL officers before taking assignments on their own. Question: Where do the officer graduate from? What school. I do not know and would forward the question. 2. “L Track or L Way” – Belknap campus. At this time the student association has funded their half of the $48,000. Now waiting on the University for the Remaining Portion. 3. Social Media – The university police have a new software, “Geofeedia” that has the ability to fence an area on a map and keep track of public messages that may use key phrases such as “suicide, murder and others”. Question: The concern is privacy. How much social media is being read? I said I was not familiar with the software or the filters used. I would ask. 4. Fairdale High School – A magnet program is being set up to help HS students see the good in a college degree as well as how important a college degree is to becoming a police officer. 5. Budget – We have all heard of cut backs these days. The University Police are looking at a reduction in their budget of $113,000 a year. 6. Escort Service – A. This is a program for staff and students who may be concerned of their walking path and request a ride especially from further distant parking areas at night. B. The request has been running about 60 per night. C. January count was over 1,100. D. Those involved are Officers, Parking and security staff. E. Interesting note. 4am is the largest need when student UPS workers come back to dorms after work. Question: Do these counts include HSC and Belknap. I said I did not know and would ask. 7. Dispatcher – One of the dispatcher is leaving the university. There will be an effort to hire more dispatchers as well as replace the one who has left. 8. Student and Staff cell phone app – “Rave Guardian” the basic idea is you apply and include your photo. Should you need help then by clicking the app the university can see where you are by GPS and your photo so officers can respond and know who they are seeking to help. Most in the room thought it was a good idea and looked forward to it being available. 9. Recent arrests- Although no details are shared at the meeting a quick summary of events said that the legal process is now between the administration and the lawyers for all sides. A. The student representative thanked Wayne and the officers for the recent communications on the events being open and available. The students were appreciative.
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