April 2015 Main - Lovell United Church of Christ

The Circuit Rider
Lovell United Church of Christ PO Box 232 Lovell, ME 04051 www.lovellucc.org
April 2015
“18 I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to
be revealed to us. 19For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; . .
. in hope . . .24For in* hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes * for what
is seen? 25But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. 26 Likewise the Spirit
helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit
intercedes* with sighs too deep for words. . . . 28 We know that all things work together for good * for
those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:18-28
“Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths.” With these stark words author M. Scott
Peck opens his book, The Road Less Traveled. I have always appreciated this candidness and honesty, and
appreciate it even more at this time in my life.
At the Cabinet meeting on February 16th, I tendered my resignation as Pastor and
Teacher of the Lovell United Church of Christ. As I did so, I remembered with deep
sadness Dr. Peck’s poignant words. It is never easy to leave a church and community,
but it is especially hard when it is circumstances, not desire, that dictate the leaving.
On April 15th I will work my last day in the bright cheery office that has been created
in the last four years at the church. New carpet, new curtains, new blinds and a new
sense of purpose greet me each day as I walk into work. It is my hope that this sense
of excitement and purpose will greet first your Interim Pastor, and then, your new
Settled Pastor as the next months unfold.
Inside this Issue:
1 From the Pastor's desk
2 Lenten & Easter events
2 Mission News
2 Easter Bake Sale
3 Ladies Circle
3 Scouting
4 Birthdays
4 Celebration for
Pastor Alison
4 Christian Education
4 Ink cartridge collection
5 Calendar of events
6 Ongoing Programs
We have done much good work together. The ministry and mission of the LUCC is
flourishing, the young people are well served and the people of all generations work
and worship well together. I leave, knowing that if you all continue to “work together according to God’s
purpose,” you will be able to continue to so much good in the name of Jesus Christ in the greater Lovell
As Easter nears we are reminded that the season which we are entering calls us to “practice resurrection” *–
to work for rebirth in our lives. My prayer for you, and for me and Joe, is that new life will grow out of this
difficult time through the grace of God.
I hate goodbyes. So, I am just going to say “so long, until we meet again.” I cannot continue as your Pastor
or perform any of those duties after April 15th, but I can greet you with the love I will always feel for you
when I see you on my visits to this special part of God’s creation.
“So long” then. . . and “May God be with you until we meet again!”
Yours in Faith and Love,
Pastor Alison
*Wendell Berry from poem Manifesto
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Saturday, March 28: EGG-CITEMENT children’s program
at LUCC 10:00-11:30am
Sunday, March 29: Palm/Passion Sunday LUCC worship 10:30am
Wednesday, April 1: Seder Meal at Faith Community Church (on
5A) 5:30pm (RSVP to Pastor Chaz Reed at 240-6413)
Thursday, April 2: Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service with
7:00pm, Lovell UCC
Friday, April 3: Ecumenical Good Friday Service, Fryeburg New Church, 6:00pm
Saturday, April 4: LUCC Easter Bake Sale to support Camp Susan Curtis, 9:00-Noon
Sunday, April 5: EASTER SUNDAY at the Lovell UCC
Sunrise Service w/pot-luck breakfast, Hoss Hill, 6:30am
Family Worship at Lovell UCC at 10:30am.
Please join your community for any and all of these Lenten and Easter events.
Once again we will have a fabulous Easter Bake Sale to be held on Saturday, April 4th.
All proceeds will benefit Camp Susan Curtis in Stoneham, Maine. The vestry will be
ablaze with delicious homemade specialties, Easter baskets, and just maybe-a surprise
or two from a special guest. See more information about this event below.
Nancy Olmsted, Missions Committee
Camp Susan B. Curtis Benefit
Saturday, April 4, 2015
at the
Lovell United Church of Christ
The 5th annual Missions' Easter Bake Sale, held the day before Easter
contributes 100% of the proceeds directly to the Camp Susan B. Curtis in
Stoneham, Maine.
Fantastic treats will be available…baked goods suitable for your Easter table,
candies and Easter themed stuffed animals!
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April 14 Business Meeting 12:30
CWS Collection
The Ladies Circle is still working on their curtain project and are still collecting candles for the
“Holy Smokes” fundraiser. Kitchen clean-up volunteer for March is Linda Libby and Phyllis
Gregson is on for April. Volunteers are still needed for the months of July, August and
September. The Circle is also looking into a memorial in honor of Liz Rowe. There are no
membership requirements for Ladies Circle, so please feel free to join the group for business
meetings, work meetings or other activities as your time allows. Business meetings are
usually held on the second Tuesday of each month at 12:30. Work meetings will be
scheduled as needed, and notices will go out. Because most of the Circle members away on
the date of the March meeting, it was cancelled. The next regular meeting is scheduled for
April 14 at 12:30. Nancy Olmsted will be hostess, and the program will be to bring an item or
story to share. The March 21 Flea Market & Bake Sale went well. Thanks go to all who
baked, worked on or came to the sale to make it such a success. Thanks also to Junior Girl
Scout Troop 208 for serving a great lunch. Contact: Linda Libby [email protected] or 9253661.
Lovell Girl Scouts
Returnable Bottle
Collection to benefit
Girl Scouts.
Girl Scout cookies should have all been delivered by now. Thank
Please place empty
You to all who purchased cookies. The proceeds will go to good
bottles/cans in the container
use. All our troops are up and running and meet at New Suncook
available outside
at Lovell UCC.
School. The Brownies are now back to meeting on Tuesdays.
Leaders are still needed for Daisies, Brownies and Juniors. Pastor Alison Jacobs has been a
Brownie leader but is moving away as of April 15. She will be greatly missed by the girls and
adults involved in Girl Scouting. All the troops attended Thinking Day on March 1 at the
Sebago Town Hall and had a great time. Girls and leaders sampled foods from other
countries, collected swaps and had their passports signed at each station. Swimming at
Eastern Slope Inn on March 11 was enjoyed by 11 Junior Girl Scouts from Troop 208. A huge
“thank you” goes to Emma Jo Armington who served as life guard. These girls are making
final plans for their April 10 Boston Science Museum overnight. They also served a delicious
lunch at the March 21 Lovell UCC Flea Market & Bake Sale as well as sold cookies and flea
market items. The Scouts still continue their returnable bottle/can collection (please be sure
containers are returnable) at Lovell UCC, or donations may be left at Woitko’s Redemption
Center on McNeil Road. Just ask that the Girl Scout account be credited. Registrations for
girls and adults are still being accepted; however, because we already have 41 girls
registered, we may need to start waiting lists soon for the troops. Contact Linda Libby, Lovell
Consultant/ Recruiter, [email protected], 925-3661 for information.
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Celebrate the Ministry of
Kathy Feld
Liz Delmonico
Ruth Hodgkins
Angie Thomas
Jacob Morse
Alexandria Waterman
David Mason
Geneva Barker
Sandra Bell
Allison Thomas
Anna Tupaj
Carolyn Carter
Lyn Beliveau
Margrit Newman
Nick Nataluk
Sylvia Brown
Laura McCabe
Rev. William Gardner
Ashley Henschel
Sunday, April 12, 2015
5:30 p.m.
Lovell United Church of Christ
The Community is invited
There will be a potluck supper
Dessert and beverages will be provided
Christian Education News
Your used ink and toner
We would be glad to recycle them
for you at Staples. For each
cartridge we return the church
earns $2.00 towards office
supplies. Just drop them off any
time in the basket provided in the
Thank you for your help!
The Sunday school has a visitation field trip planned
for 3/29 to complete their Epiphany project. During
the month of April they will collaborate with the
Ladies Circle to collect items for Church World
Service. Our Youth Group participated in the
annual Cabin Fever Talent Show and volunteered
their time for Egg Citement. Next on their agenda is
a trip to visit the Heifer Farm in Rutland, MA with
members of the Fryeburg UCC Youth Group, mid
April. Vacation Bible School is scheduled for 6/226/26. Watch for more information to come about
our Sunday School Closing celebration and
Graduate Sunday.