OPTIMISING PERFORMANCE MARINE PRODUCTS MARINE CHEMICALS SAFETY MARITIME LOGISTICS SHIPS AGENCY ID No: 806030. Designed and produced by Dinamo. Printer: Erik Tanche Nilssen – Norway. 03.14. 7.5K. Country of origin Norway. NEXT GENERATION FUEL TREATMENT Wilhelmsen Ships Service Postal address PO Box 33 N-1324 Lysaker Norway Visiting address Strandveien 20 N-1366 Lysaker Norway T (+47) 67584550 F (+47) 67584570 E [email protected] www.wilhelmsen.com/shipsservice Part of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services, a Wilh. Wilhelmsen group company OPTIMISING PERFORMANCE New challenges demand new solutions WILHELMSEN SHIPS SERVICE MARINE CHEMICALS It’s a hard truth. The quality of the residual fuels used by the world’s international trading fleets has been deteriorating over many years. This has largely come about because of secondary refining, a process that concentrates the heavier constituents in the fuel, causing problems with handling and use, and adding costs through the extra maintenance required. There are other pressures. Environmental legislation designed to reduce emissions across the industry is placing higher demands for compliance upon ship owners, managers and operators. The introduction of Emission Control Areas dictates the zones where only reduced-sulphur fuels can be used. 2015 regulations are reducing traditional sulphur levels of 1% down to 0.1% in these areas. This reduction will bring further technical challenges as many low sulphur fuels must be blended to specification, reducing stability and causing problems in use. Many of the problems encountered on board are not related to operation of the engines, but to the fuels used. This clearly underlines the need for fuel treatment to be integrated into the vessel’s maintenance schedules. Here’s where Wilhelmsen Ships Service can help. Our Unitor FuelPower and DieselPower ranges of fuel treatments come as a direct response to the decline in fuel quality and the changes forced by tighter regulation. We’ve consulted closely with the industry to develop a new and advanced series of solutions, designed specifically for use with today’s fuels. These improve fuel performance and efficiency, reduce the risk of problems down the line, and do so more cost-effectively than ever before. As the demands on fuel continue to change, the Unitor FuelPower and DieselPower ranges help you to meet the challenges now and in the future. UNITOR FUELPOWER A newly-formulated range which directly addresses all common problems relating to heavy fuels. UNITOR DIESELPOWER PAGE 02 / 03 A newly-formulated range that responds to industry challenges regarding distillate fuels. WILHELMSEN SHIPS SERVICE MARINE CHEMICALS Fuel testing. It’s good to know Given the variable quality of residual fuels today, you need to be sure about the fuel you’re taking on board. And the only way to be sure is to test. Our range of fuel testing equipment allows crews to get an immediate insight into the state of the fuel – quickly, simply and accurately. Testing can be carried out during bunkering, or at any time where problems are suspected. Excess water in the fuel or increased density can be picked up early and steps taken to avoid the time and cost of remedial action later. Where problems are indicated, the appropriate fuel treatment can be applied immediately to prevent problems with stability, combustion or deposits occurring while at sea. UNITOR FUEL TEST KITS Used regularly, our easy-to-use test kits can quickly detect and help prevent a range of fuel problems. PAGE 04 / 05 WILHELMSEN SHIPS SERVICE MARINE CHEMICALS Advanced solutions for all fuel types HEAVY FUELS DISTILLATE FUELS Changes in the refining process and tougher legislation have both had an impact on the quality and consistency of marine fuels, and those changes are likely to continue over the next 10 to 15 years. To help our customers meet these challenges, we’ve invested heavily in the development of a new range of products. Building on 30 years of experience delivering fuel treatments to the maritime industry, our new Unitor FuelPower range applies the most advanced technologies to make certain you can continue to use today’s fuels with confidence. With environmental regulation demanding the use of lower-sulphur fuels, there has been a gradual increase in the use of distillates in place of heavy fuels in recent years. But the shift has brought its own challenges. Distillates behave differently to heavy fuels. They are prone to deterioration through temperature and oxidation, and exposure to UV light causes gum formation, sedimentation and colour changes. To help you manage your distillates effectively, we have developed a new product range – Unitor DieselPower – specifically for this fuel type. A series of advanced formulations helps to keep your fuels bright, stable and trouble-free, with fewer problems and lower costs in operation. As regulations become stricter in the future, and biofuels become an option among marine distillate fuels, it’s likely there will be further challenges ahead. We are already on it. Our development work continues to keep your vessels running efficiently with current fuels and those to come. SLOW STEAMING Across the maritime industry the pressure to increase efficiency, reduce costs and limit environmental impact is bringing vessel speeds down. It’s now widely understood that slow steaming can reduce the amount of fuel required for a voyage and at the same time reduce carbon emissions significantly. A speed reduction of 20% can lead to more than 30% cost saving on the fuel used and bring a similar reduction in the amount of CO2 produced. Yet against these positives, the primary disadvantage with slow steaming is poor combustion in the engine at low loads. This can reduce efficiency through a build-up of soot deposits in the engine and exhaust gas economiser. The Unitor FuelPower range includes a product package that can actively reduce the formation of soot and soot deposits. It works across three fronts: improved fuel atomisation and active combustion catalysts together with deposit modifying properties ensure the best fuel performance in the engine. PAGE 06 / 07 WILHELMSEN SHIPS SERVICE MARINE CHEMICALS Optimising performance from bunkering to emissions PRE-COMBUSTION COMBUSTION POST-COMBUSTION Heavier fuels emerging from the refineries and further pressure to reduce sulphur levels have led to an increase in the use of blended fuels. But blended fuels can be problematic. Unitor FuelPower conditioning treatment has been developed specifically to reduce sludge formation in blended and unstable residual fuels. It helps to keep bunker tanks, filters, strainers and fuel heaters clean, reducing sludge for less maintenance and less costly downtime. Combustion is the heartbeat of your vessel. Through this process energy is released from the fuel in the engine and converted into motion. It’s vital therefore that combustion is made as efficient as possible. To achieve this, the engine needs regular maintenance to prevent the build-up of soot and deposits. A Unitor FuelPower combustion catalyst added to the fuel improves combustion in a similar way to a catalytic converter reduces emissions from a car. It provides a more complete combustion and inhibits the formation of soot and deposits which tend to occur during slow steaming operations. The net result is cleaner, more efficient engine operation with less stress on machinery. Elements from fuel ash can cause melts that stick to hot surfaces in the boiler or engine. These compounds are often highly corrosive and can cause high temperature corrosion damage to exhaust valves and turbocharger nozzle rings. Unitor FuelPower post-combustion treatments increase the temperature of the melted ash so it no longer sticks to surfaces, reducing corrosion and preventing efficiency loss. In the changing fuel market more distillate fuel is used and problems like stability, sediment and contamination from microbes appear. Unitor DieselPower treatment can handle these problems keeping your fuel stable and operations efficient. PAGE 08 / 09 Another post combustion effect is cold end corrosion where exhaust gases condense to form acid on the metal surfaces. Acid deposition corrodes the metal rapidly, but by using a post combustion treatment the acid can be neutralised before it reaches the point of deposition. With WSS as your fuel partner, we not only offer you the most advanced range of fuel treatments available, we add a further vital component: our expertise. We have invested heavily in training and tools that make it easier to know when a fuel may cause problems. Many fuels on the market do not need any fuel FUEL TREATMENT DONE BETTER WILHELMSEN SHIPS SERVICE MARINE CHEMICALS Fuel treatments with added expertise treatment, and engines can handle the fuels well. It is the identification and understanding of these fuels that’s the key. It’s here we can help. Through our global service network, you have access to a team of trained marine engineers ready to help with your fuel challenges. Contact us now and put us to the test. ACCESS TO EXPERT COMPETENCE WHEREVER YOU ARE Through our global network of trained professionals, you have access to fuel treatment solutions with the added know-how. HIGH QUALITY SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR NEEDS All Unitor chemicals are produced at our own factory under strict quality controls according to ISO 9001/14001 standards. Safety data sheets and product data sheets are available together with the products. REDUCED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT A more concentrated product means less transport and waste, reducing the carbon footprint with about 350 tons annually. CONCENTRATED SOLUTIONS FOR EASE OF STORAGE Higher concentrations and lower dosages mean that up to a third less storage space is needed on board. PAGE 10 / 11
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