Appendix: Presentations for which papers were not submitted for these proceedings Invited Speakers Is There a Normal Fire Regime in an Always Changing Environment? Daniel Botkin, Research Professor, University of California Santa Barbara Restoring Fire as an Ecosystem Process Greg Aplet, The Wilderness Society Conference Summary and Closeout Jeff Jahnke, Colorado State Forester Panels Wildland Fire Use: It’s not just for wilderness anymore. Moderator: Carol Miller USDA Forest Service, Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute Panelists: Marcia Andre, Supervisor, Gila National Forest Dick Bahr, Fire Use Specialist, National Park Service-NIFC Tom Nichols, Deputy Fire Program Planning Leader, National Park Service-NIFC Mike Rieser, FMO, Craig/Routt Fire Management Unit, Bureau of Land Management George Weldon, Deputy Director - Fire, Aviation, and Air, Forest Service, Northern Region How do we define success in fuels management? Moderator: Jack Cohen, USDA Forest Service, Missoula Fire Laboratory Panelists: Greg Aplet, The Wilderness Society, Denver, CO Steve Arno, USDA Forest Service, Missoula Fire Laboratory, retired Howard Roose, Bureau of Land Management, NIFC Paul Langowski, USDA Forest Service, Region 2 Jon Keely, USGS Western Ecology Center, Sacramento, CA Rocky Barker, Idaho Statesman, journalist & author, Boise, ID USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-41. 2006. 797 Appendix: Presentations for which papers were not submitted for these proceedings Workshops Science Synthesis and Integration: FuelsTools Dave Peterson Using Fireshed Assessments to Measure Landscape Performance Bernie Bahro, K. Barber, L. Perrot, J. Sherlock, A. Taylor, K. Wright, and D. Yasuda Introduction to state-and-transition modeling of vegetation change using the Vegetation Dynamics Development Tool (VDDT) Leonardo Frid Spatially explicit landscape-level modeling of vegetation change using the Tool for Exploratory Landscape Spatial Analysis (TELSA) Leonardo Frid FIREMON fi re effects monitoring protocol Duncan Lutes Help with using the 40 new fi re behavior fuel models Joe H. Scott A Suite of Fuel Management Tools: Fuel Characteristic Classification System, Natural Fuels Photo Series, and Consume 3.0 Roger D. Ottmar, Cynthia L. Riccardi, Susan Prichard, Robert E. Vihnanek, and Clint S. Wright Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FFE-FVS) Stephanie Rebain Use of FlamMap for Fire and Fuels Planning Mark A. Finney, Rob Seli, and Chuck McHugh Fire Regime Condition Class: Concepts, Methods, and Applications (FRCC) Steve Barrett 798 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-41. 2006. Appendix: Presentations for which papers were not submitted for these proceedings Oral and Poster Presentations Modeling the Effects of Moderate Severity Burns on Fuel Loading in Northwest Wyoming Mixed Conifer Forests Diane C. Abendroth, Mohammed A. Kalkhan and Karl E. Brown Utilizing prescribed fi re to restore endangered species habitat while managing potential negative effects to non-target endangered species Russ Babiak Stanislaus Stewardship and Fireshed Assessment Case Study: Measuring Landscape Performance Bernie Bahro, K. Barber, J. Sherlock, A. Taylor, D. Yasuda, N. Amboy and T. Kohler The Effects of Fire Severity on the Regeneration of Douglas-fi r Jason Barker Successful Fuels Management at The Caribbean Islands National Wildlife Refuges Boyd Blihovde, James Padilla, Josh O’Connor and Jim Durrwachter Geospatial statistical modeling-mapping of fuel characteristics in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming: Integration of geospatial information and fi re behavior prediction Cory B. Bolen, Mohammed A. Kalkhan and Karl E. Brown 2003 Fires in Southern California: Impact of Fuel Age on Fire Severity and Vegetation Recovery Teresa Brennan and Jon E. Keeley Creating an Access-Based Database for Communities at Risk Paul Briggs, Dana Cohen, Brett Fay, Bruce Fields, Taiga Rohrer, John Schmidt, Cyndi Sidles, Scott Tobler, David Eaker and Anne Stanworth Right Place, Right Time—An Interagency Approach to Prioritizing Fuel Treatments Paul Briggs, Dana Cohen, Brett Fay, Bruce Fields, Taiga Rohrer, John Schmidt, Cyndi Sidles, Scott Tobler, David Eaker and Anne Stanworth An Interagency Approach to Prioritizing Fuels Treatments Paul Briggs, Dana Cohen, Brett Fay, Bruce Fields, Taiga Rohrer, John Schmidt, Cyndi Sidles, Scott Tobler and David Eaker Social research and mitigation of wildland f ire risk: Success is about communication and relationship building Jeffrey J. Brooks, Hannah Brenkert, Judy E. Serby, Joseph G. Champ, Tony Simons and Daniel R. Williams USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-41. 2006. 799 Appendix: Presentations for which papers were not submitted for these proceedings CEFA Program Products for Fuels Management Timothy J. Brown, Beth L. Hall, Crystal A. Kolden and Hauss J. Reinbold Partnering to Increase Success: Getting the Public to Relate to Wildland Fire Mitigation Joseph G. Champ, Jeffrey J. Brooks and Daniel R. Williams Grid-based monitoring and gradient modeling to quantify cumulative effects of fuels treatments Samuel A. Cushman and Kevin S. McKelvey Canadian Community Wildfi re Protection Plans focus on Forest Inventory John Davies and Clark Woodward A Case Study: Using Fuel Reduction Techniques to Enhance the Military Mission Tamala DeFries Mapping Fire Regime Condition Class Using the FRCC Mapping Tool Tom DeMeo, Jeffrey L. Jones, Joseph D. Zeiler and Lee C. Hutter Cooperative fi re management in the Dandenong Ranges, Victoria, Australia Jack Dinkgreve British Columbia Fuel Management Program Chris D. Duffy and Sue Clark Tree-to-Sawlog Ratios for the FTM-West Model Dennis Dykstra The Wildland/Urban Interface: Cheatgrass and Fuel Breaks Heidi Esh Modeling equations to quantify coniferous forest litter in Californian National Forests Carol Ewell, John Stuart and Jo Ann Fites Measuring Effectiveness of Fuel Treatments Across National Forests in California: a Practical, Programmatic Approach Jo Ann Fites, Carol Ewell and Erin Noonan Evaluating Wildland Fire Use Fires: Beyond Ecological Benefits, Measuring Their Contribution to Fuel Hazard Reduction Jo Ann Fites, Erin Noonan and Carol Ewell A Method for Rapid Assessment of Historic Frequent-Fire Vegetation Communities Diane M. Gercke, Gary G. Blank, Thomas R. Wentworth and Cecil C. Frost 800 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-41. 2006. Appendix: Presentations for which papers were not submitted for these proceedings The Use of Fire Behavior Models in Reconstructing Presettlement Vegetation on a Frequent-Fire Landscape Diane M. Gercke, Gary B. Blank, Thomas R. Wentworth and Cecil C. Frost The Fire Research And Management Exchange System (FR AMES) and the USGS National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII): Developing Information Technology in Support of Wildland Fire Research and Management Greg E. Gollberg Project Vesta: fi re behaviour study of different age fuels in dry eucalypt forests Jim Gould, Lachie McCaw and Phil Cheney Tapping the forest inventory for spatially continuous estimates of fuels and fi re potential: the GNNfi re approach Jeremy S. Fried, Janet L. Ohmann, Michael C. Wimberly, Kenneth B. Pierce and Matthew J. Gregory Evaluation of Fuel Moisture Content Sampling Methods and Processes Sally M. Haase and Susan M. Zahn Impacts of thinning and prescribed burning treatments on predicted wildfi re behavior and tree health in an old-growth ponderosa pine and western larch stand Michael G. Harrington, Anna Sala and Carl Fiedler LANDFIRE Outreach and Technology Transfer Doug Havlina Integrating fuels mitigation and wildfi re planning in Skamania County, WA Ole T. Helgerson, Rob Thysell and Jeremy Boyer 20 Years of Prescribed Burning and Fire Effects Monitoring in the Big Creek Unit, Yosemite National Park Jennifer S. Hooke and Monica S. Buhler Real vs. simulated fi re effects at McDonald Ridge Susan S. Hummel and Gail Bouchard LANDFIRE Rapid Assessment: Data, Tools and Applications for Fire Regime Restoration and Planning Darren Johnson City of Kamloops Wildland/Urban Interface Forest Fuel Hazard Reduction Kelly P. Johnston and Willy Saari The Fire Behavior Assessment Tool – Integrating Multiple Fire Behavior Variables into a Stand-level Metric Characterizing Fire Behavior Jeffrey L. Jones and Dale A. Hamilton USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-41. 2006. 801 Appendix: Presentations for which papers were not submitted for these proceedings Changing Fuels Spatial Data using the Contextual Raster Editor Jeffrey L. Jones, Lee C. Hutter and Wendel J. Hann Developing Integrated Fuel Treatment Priorities at a Landscape Level Using the Multi-scale Resource Integration Tool Jeffrey L. Jones, Joseph D. Zeiler and Dale A. Hamilton Interagency Fire Effects Monitoring Across Diverse Landscapes Wendy Joslin, Amy Waltz and Geoff Babb Analysis of fuel variability within the landscape-scale of Rocky Mountain Region: Integration of Field Data, Geospatial Information, and Spatial Statistics Mohammed A. Kalkhan, Karl E. Brown, Cory B. Bolen and Diane C. Abendroth Costs and benefits of chaparral fuel modifications in southern California Jon E. Keeley and Richard W. Halsey The National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study - Effects of alternative fuel Jon E. Keeley and Dylan Schwilk Fire behavior and soil heating impacts with prescribed burning in masticated fuel beds Eric Knapp, Matt Busse and Carol Shestak The role of climate in successful fuels management Crystal A. Kolden and Timothy J. Brown A weighted, data-driven GIS model for assessing changes in fi re risk associated with fuels treatment Crystal A. Kolden and Timothy J. Weigel Measuring Success — A Historical Overview of Fuels Treatment Projects in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Region Peter W. Kubiak Fire in Wilderness--Managing for Resource Benefits in Alaska Mary Kwart and Brian Anderson Small Villages in Fire Prone Wilderness--Managing the Risk Mary Kwart and Brian Anderson An Integrated Approach to Fuels Treatment in the Southwestern U.S., The Harvest-Cost-Revenue Estimator Eini C. Lowell and Dennis R. Becker An Experimental Study on the Ignition of Fuel Beds by Firebrands in Wildland/Urban Interface (WUI) Fires Samuel L. Manzello, Thomas G. Cleary, John R. Shields, Alexander Maranghides, William Mell and Jiann Yang Whooping Crane use on Prescribed Fires Kristen Maxfield and Brent Woffinden 802 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-41. 2006. Appendix: Presentations for which papers were not submitted for these proceedings The Public and fuels management: Science fi ndings on social understanding, beliefs, and acceptability. Sarah McCaffrey Experiments and computer modeling of fi re spread in trees William Mell, Alex Maranghides, Samuel Manzello and Ronald Rehm A Rapid Assessment of Fire Regime Condition Class for the Conterminous United States James Menakis, Ayn Shlisky and Kelly Pohl Simulating fi re risk within a mixed-ownership, fi re-prone landscape of northeastern Wisconsin: Interactions between human ignitions and forest dynamics. Brian R. Miranda, Brian R. Sturtevant, Eric J. Gustafson and Hong S. He Climate drivers of fi re & fuel in the Northern Rocky Mountains: Past, Present & Future Penny Morgan, Emily K. Heyerdahl, Carol Miller, Lauren B. Shapiro, Carly E. Gibson and James P. Riser The Use of Landscale-Scale Ecological Units to Plan and Prioritize Vegetation and Fuel Treatments in the Umpqua Cascades Don Morrison Applying National Burn Severity Mapping methodology to National Wildlife Refuge Lands in Alaska: an assessment Karen A. Murphy and Joel H. Reynolds Fuel Variability in Seasonally Dry Evergreen Forests in Eastern Amazon Gustavo H. Negreiros, Kathryn Prengaman and Matthew Othmer Fire Forecasting with the MC1 model: Past and Future Forecasts Ronald P. Neilson, James M. Lenihan, Dominique Bachelet and Raymond J. Drapek CR AFT: A framework for predicting effects and measuring success Steven P. Norman, Danny C. Lee, Sandra L. Jacobson and Jeffrey G. Borchers The Northwest and Alaska Fire Research Clearinghouse (FIREHouse) Diana L. Olson, David L. Peterson, Jennifer Pollock and Jennifer L. Allen Mulching/Small Wood Utilization: Prevention, Supression, Rehab John W. Orban Roadside Thinning at Yosemite National Park: Monitoring effectiveness and other resource concerns Kara J. Paintner, Monica S. Buhler and Jennifer S. Hooke USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-41. 2006. 803 Appendix: Presentations for which papers were not submitted for these proceedings Woody Biomass Utilization: One Measure of Success for Sustainable Fuels Management Marcia Patton-Mallory and Sue Stewart Main Boulder River Fuels Reduction Project Dick Rath, Bill Avey, Paula Rosenthal and Mike Dannenberg Making fuels data usable with maps Jennifer L. Rechel Fuel Treatment Success: What are the Metrics? Elizabeth Reinhardt Fuel Management Success on Private Land with Firewise Richard Reitz and Claudia Standish Decision support for evaluating wildland fi re danger and prioritizing vegetation and fuels treatments Keith M. Reynolds, Paul Hessburg, Robert Keane Performance Measures in Fuels Management Douglas B. Rideout, Andrew G. Kirsch and Stephen J. Botti Duff Moisture: A Key Factor For Staying Within The Prescription Window Peter Robichaud, Louise Ashmun and Lonnie Newton Australian Forest Fire Management — At the Crossroads Tony Scherl Incidental Hazardous Fuel Reduction Benefits from Biomass Removal for Endangered Species Management in Central Georgia – A Case Report Carl Schmidt A case study test of fuel management effectiveness against crown fi res Dave Schroeder and Stew Walkinshaw Best predictors for post-f ire mortality of ponderosa pine trees in the intermountain west Carolyn H. Sieg, Joel M. McMillin, James F. Fowler, Kurt K. Allen, Jose F. Negron, Linda L. Wadleigh, John A. Anhold and Ken E. Gibson Evaluation of Hazardous Fuel Reduction Treatments Using LIDAR Measurements in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey Nick Skowronski , Kenneth Clark , John Hom , Ross Nelson and Robert Somes How many fuels plots are needed to measure success? An in-depth look at sampling fuels in lodgepole pine for the Tenderfoot Research Project Helen Y. Smith and Colin C. Hardy The Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogate Fuel Treatments on the Abundance of Snags and Coarse Woody Debris in a Sierran Mixed Conifer Forest Scott L. Stephens and Jason J. Moghaddas 804 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-41. 2006. Appendix: Presentations for which papers were not submitted for these proceedings Comparing the cost effectiveness for three options of improving modeled home survival when wildfi re threatens structures in the wildland urban interface Keith D. Stockmann Guidance on Landscape Wildland Fire Analysis: Models, Tools, and Techniques Rick Stratton Fuel structures created by commercial forestry in Finland Heidi Tanskanen Fuel Management and Ecological Management - A Balance John Travers Assignment of New Fire Behavior Models in New Jersey Pine Barrens Steve Van Tuyl, Jason Cole, Kenneth Clark, John Hom, Nick Skowronski and Robert Somes Development of burn prescriptions to balance duff reduction and overstory tree survival J. M. Varner, J. K. Hiers, Roger Ottmar and James Furman Modeling of Smoldering Front Propagation With Improved Emissions Estimates Carlos A. Veras, Ernesto Alvarado, David Sandberg and Joao A. Carvalho Jr. Promotion of Fine Fuel Management – Western Wildfi re Impact Reduction Resource Center Jennifer Vollmer Fit for Success (Tailoring your custom Wildfi re Mitigation Program) Brad Wagner Reducing Hazardous Fuels And Restoring Desert Bighorn Sheep Habitat With Landscape-scale Prescribed Fire Mara Weisenberger, Mark Kaib, Don Kearney and Kevin Cobble Changes in fuelbed characteristics and resulting fi re potentials after fuel reduction and restoration treatments in dry forests of northeastern Oregon Andrew Youngblood, Roger D. Ottmar, Clint S. Wright and James D. McIver USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-41. 2006. 805
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