ST. SYLVESTER’S PARISH NEWSLETTER Very Rev. Kevin Moore, Moderator Tel. 01-‐5496615 PARISH OFFICE Tel: 01 8451244 email: [email protected]. Web: Mass Times: Sunday: 10.00am, 11.15am, 12.30pm & 5.30pm. Weekdays: 10.00am Exposition: Mon 10.30am -‐10.00 p.m. Tues. 10.30am – 3.00pm & 7 -‐9pm. Wed 10.30 -‐2.00pm & 7 -‐9pm. (N.B. At times during the coming two weeks Confirmation practices may have to take place during times of adoration) Malahide parish is clustered with the parishes of, Kinsealy, Portmarnock and Yellow Walls MALAHIDE PARISH CENTRE –Our Parish Centre is open for refreshments 9.00am -‐6.00pm – Please visit our Prayer Chapel. Information about the Centre/to book a room contact Sharon Tel: 086 0492369 or email [email protected] SERVICE OF THE WORD AND COMMUNION: It is planned that on th st next Thursday 16 April and again on Tuesday 21 April there will be a Service of the Word and Communion in St. Sylvester’s Church. **PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: The current term of the Parish Pastoral Council ends in June. Any parishioner who is interested in serving on the Council should hand their names into the Parish Office. A number of vacancies will arise and after a brief training programme a selection will be made. The Council meets monthly, except for July & August and has an advisory role to assist the Parish Priest. DAY OF REFLECTION on Saturday 25th April for those involved in any of the parish Ministries or Parish Groups in St. Sylvester's including those involved in the church of the Carmelite Sisters. It will take place from 10.00am – 4.00pm in the Carmelite Convent and will be led by Máire Boyle, a catechist and scripture scholar who has an inspirational way of making God’s Word relevant to our daily lives and our faith. We need to have an idea of numbers attending and would appreciate it if you could let us know by contacting the parish office. . IF THERE ARE PLACES STILL LEFT BY NEXT WEEKEND WE WILL NO LONGER HOLD THEM FOR THOSE INVOLVED IN PARISH MINISTRIES AND OPEN THOSE PLACES TO ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND. LEARNING ABOUT YOUR CATHOLIC FAITH: St. Sylvester’s Parish Centre, Malahide will show the ten one hour videos of the famous “THE CATHOLICISM SERIES” on successive Friday th evenings, starting on Friday April 24 from 7.15 pm to 9.15 pm (with the first two videos) and running through each Friday until nd the last session on Friday May 22 . A brief introduction to these videos is as follows: Journey around the world and deep into the Catholic Faith – for the first time, the truth, goodness, and beauty of Catholicism are illustrated on video. Journey with Fr. Robert Barron of the Chicago archdiocese to more than 50 locations throughout 16 countries (including Ireland). Be illuminated by the spiritual and artistic treasures of this global culture that claims more than one billion of the earth’s people. Learn what Catholics believe and why. Discover the full meaning of the faith. “The most important media project of the US Catholic Church” George Weigel, biographer of St. John Paul II. We hope that you can attend. th MALAHIDE LADIES CLUB Meet next Wednesday 15 April at 6.30pm at The Garden House "EXAM MASS: Our annual Mass for all those preparing to undertake 3rd level and professional exams and assessments over the coming weeks takes place on Sunday 26th April at the 5.30pm Mass in St. Sylvester's Church. All welcome." "CALLING BUDDING ARTISTS -‐ Myyam would love to hear from any young adults in their late teens, 20's or 30's who would be willing to design/create an A4 size picture on the theme of study/exams for use in our mini sacred space during exam Masses. If you're willing to help email us at: [email protected] " FATIMA: Parish Pilgrimage of Sacred Heart and St. Sylvester’s st th Churches is planned for 21 – 28 May, Cost €699 full board. Contact Jo Morris 087 6163648. A full agenda has been planned and we would love to have you with us. st COLLECTIONS: 1 Collection for the support of the priests of the Cluster and for sick and retired priests of the diocese -‐-‐ €2,665. SHARE for the support of less well-‐off parishes and Diocesan administration -‐ €1,925. Thank you very much for your support of the Sunday collections and your support of the parish through standing orders and the envelope collection. ST. SYLVESTERS SENIORS SOCIAL GROUP meet in The Parish Centre EACH WEDNESDAY FROM 10.45-‐12.45PM Tea/Coffee-‐ Music & Sing-‐a-‐long, Poetry, Gentle Exercises, Chat etc. ALL WELCOME. MASS INTENTIONS: Monday: Paddy McCarthy (R.I.P.) Tuesday: Arthur Purnell (R.I.P.) Wednesday: Frank McCluskey (A) Thursday: Service of Word and Communion Friday: Richard Faries (R.I.P.) and Saturday: Intentions of Finnegan and King Families MALAHIDE YOUNG MUSICIAN OF THE YEAR: This competition th th will be held on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 April. Entry forms are now available. Enquiries www.malahide-‐young-‐ or phone 01 8454931. TROCAIRE BOXES: shoud be returned to the sacristy as soon as possible. We thank all who took a Trocaire box and we have been asked to let you know that your contributions are urgently needed at this time. LOURDES VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers needed to work at the th th Hospitalite Notre Dame de Lourdes from the 5 to the 12 July or th th from the 12 to the 19 July. No previous experience required, full training. Enquiries to Liz Byrne 087 1926346 or [email protected]. COFFEE AS GHAEILGE: We meet weekly in Malahide (Siopa Tae, Wed 10.30 am) and Skerries (Divino Tapas Tue 12 pm); Donabate (Cates Café Sat. 2 pm), Swords, (The Cottage Café Sat 12.30 pm), Contact Diarmuid 086 1755343. th M.A.R.A. Next meeting will be on Monday 13 April at 10.30 a.m. in Malahide Library. Speaker: John McMullen on Bees and Bee Keeping. CEASE DOUBTING AND BELIEVE While Jesus was alive When the oak fell he was defenceless. Thomas was as strong as an oak, All of us are shaken by the winds of doubt. but when Jesus was put to death, We need to look at the lord’s wounds he became a reed shaking in the winds of doubt. And hear His gentle voice saying to us: The truth was, though he didn’t realise it at the time, “Cease doubting and Believe” That it was the Master who was the oak. Then with Thomas we shall make bold to say: Thomas was a mere sapling growing in His shade. ‘My Lord and my God’ WORDS OF WISDOM: 1) How can anyone ever love you for who you are if you become someone else to be with them?; 2) You can only see others as clearly as you see yourself; 3) Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are; 4) Doubt asks who believes? Faith answers, "I". th MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND: The next weekend from 17 th to 19 April (8.00 pm Friday to 4.30 pm Sunday) at the Cork International Hotel. Details on the website or phone 01 832 4429. MALAHIDE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual Spring Show St. th Andrew’s Parish Centre, Church Road Sun 12 April 2-‐5pm. th Wed 15 April 8pm illustrated lecture by Paul Maher, Curator National Botanic Gardens Alpines, The Answer for the Modern Garden SILENT ONE-‐DAY RETREAT FOR MEN AND WOMEN With spiritual direction by Jesuit Fathers th Sunday 19 April 10am -‐ 6pm at Milltown Park. Meals provided. Suggested offering €30. Contact LRA Milltown Park 01.5577113 th MALAHIDE LIONS CLUB Coffee Morning Friday 17 April 10am – 1pm at Malahide Tennis Club to raise funds for Senior Citizens Events Tea Coffee and Fantastic Raffle Prizes. Your support will be greatly appreciated. JOHN MAIN MEDITATION GROUP: Meetings will resume on th Thurs 16 April at 6pm in Prayer Room in St. Sylvester’s Church.. REDISCOVER HISTORY: Come and enjoy going back in time to learn and explore about people and places in a fun and informal way. This course centres on key events both in Ireland and Europe that changed the lives of everyone. Visits to relevant th sites…….and much more. Eight weeks 75 euro, commencing 16 April Thursday 11.00 – 12.15. Phone Bernie 087 751830. ONLINE BANKING: a PRACTICAL ONE HOUR GUIDE. Dates st th Tuesday 21 April and Tuesday 28 April, 10am to 11am in Malahide Library. Contact Bank of Ireland 01 8452666 or Malahide Library 01 8704430. If you have a device (smartphone/laptop/tablet) please bring it. COMPUTERS FOR THE TERRIFIED! CLASSES FOR THE OVER 55’S: Malahide Library in association with Age Action will be running beginners’ classes for older people who have little or no computer experience or for the absolutely terrified! Learn how to search the Internet, send and receive emails, shop and book flights. Small classes with one to one tuition, learn at your own pace. This free 2 hour course will run once a week for 4 weeks at the Malahide Library. For more information, or book a place, phone Age Action at 01 4756989. SENIOR HELP LINE Do you need someone to talk to? ‘Senior Help Line’ is a confidential listening service for older people provided by trained older people for the price of a local call anywhere in Ireland, LoCall 1850 440 444. Senior Help Line is open every day from 10.00am till 10.00pm 365 days a year LECTIO DIVINA If you would like to reflect and pray with the Sunday gospels in an informal setting please join our ecumenical group in the Prayer Chapel on Tuesdays 10.30 – 11.30am Contact Phil at 086.0638074 ENCHIRIADIS TREIS CHOIR with ST GEORGE’S SINGERS rd BELFAST St. Anne’s Church Portmarnock on Sat. 23 May at 8pm Beethoven Mass in C Major & Benedictus from Karl Jenkin’s The Armed Man. For tickets €15 phone 085.8498442 [email protected] MASS CARDS: Many people call to the parish office to get Masses said for various reasons and occasions. It is felt that it is important to let people know how the request they have made for a Mass intention is dealt with. The number of Mass cards that people get from the parish office far exceeds the number of Masses that are celebrated in the parish. Most of the Mass card intentions that are signed in the parish office are given to Missionary Religious Orders along with the stipend. The Religious Orders in turn pass them on to their priests working on the missions or to some retired priests back home from the missions. For many priests working in third world countries these Mass stipends are essential in enabling them to take on their work, provide for their needs and care for their parishes. Among the Missionary Religious Orders to whom we send these Mass intentions are the Spiritans (Holy Ghosts), African Missionaries (SMA), Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), Mill Hill Fathers, The Columbans and the Kiltegan Fathers. The Mass intentions are acknowledged and recorded by the Religious Orders and dealt with responsibly in ensuring that the Mass intentions are fulfilled. They wish to convey their sincere gratitude for these Mass intentions upon which they depend for so much of the good work they do in some of the poorest parts of the world SOUL FOOD Informal information evening for men interested in a th religious vocation 6.30pm Monday 13 April Presentation Brothers Glasthule, DunLaoghaire. Contact Anthony 01.2300824 MALAHIDE BETHANY BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP hold a Support Group Meeting for the bereaved on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre:-‐ next meeting, th tomorrow, Monday 13 April All Welcome. Support group meeting for the bereaved every Monday morning @ 10.30am GRANDCHILDREN: 1) The little boy greeted his grandmother with a hug and said “I’m so happy to see you grandma! Now daddy will do the trick he has been promising us”. The grandmother was curious and so was his mother. “What trick is that my dear” asked the grandmother. The little boy replied ”I heard daddy tell mammy that he would climb the walls if you came to visit us” 2) I didn’t know if my grandchild had learned her colours yet so I decided to test her. I would point out something and ask what colour it was. She would tell me and she was always correct. But it was fun for me so I continued. At last she headed for the door, saying sadly, “Gramdma, I think you should try to figure out some of these yourself!”
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