CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Dr. Ir. NURAINI, MS Research Area Feed Technology, Fermentation, Poultry Nutrition I. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name Place/Date of Birth Occupation Position/Rank Professional Position NIP Institution Faculty Department/Study Program Expertise Office Address Home Address Mobile Phone Email Address Degree Sarjana (S1) Master of Science (S2) Doctor (S3) : : : : : : : : : : : Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuraini,MS Bukittinggi / 05 – 05 –1963 Teaching Staff Pembina Utama Tkt I/ IVc Professor 196305051989032002 University of Andalas Animal Science Animal Science Animal Nutrition Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Andalas Kampus Limau Manis, PADANG 25163 INDONESIA. Phone: +62(751)71474 : Mutiara Putih Blok S No 4 Kecamatan Koto Tangah, PADANG 25172 INDONESIA. Phone: +62(751)480872 : +6281267000198, +62812 : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Place Faculty of Animal Science Unand, Padang, Indonesia Agricultural Institute Bogor Pascasarjana, Andalas University Year of Graduate 1987 1993 2006 II. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES The Effect of Durian (Durio zibethinus) Seed Utilization as Corn Substitution at Broiler Performance. Funded by Andalas University Research Budget (Research Head) in 1997/1998. Influence of Lucilia illustris Breeding Product in Feces at Broiler Performance. Funded by BBI DIKTI Budget (Research Head) in 1997/1998. Utilization of the Mixture of Lucilia illustris and Broiler Feces for Broiler Ration. Funded by BBI DIKTI Research Budget (Research Member) in 1998/1999. Desmanthus virgathus Processing by Using Hot Steam Pressure as Alternative Plant Protein Feed Source for Poultry. Funded by Andalas University Research Budget (Research Member) in 1999/2000. Bioconvertion Sago Waste by Rizopus sp and the Utilization on Duck Period of Growth. Funded by BBI DIKTI Research Budget (Research Head) in 2001. Improving the quality of palm kernel cake through fermentation with different types of fungi. Funded by BBI DIKTI Research Budget (Research Member, year 1) in 2001. UtiIization palm kernel cake fermented in diet of local chick. Funded by BBI DIKTI Budget (Research Member, year 2) in 2002. Improving the quality of sago waste and water hyacinth through fermentation by using cellulolitic fungi as poultry feed. Funded by BBI DIKTI Research Budget (Research Head, year 1) in 2002. Utilization of sago waste and water hyacinth fermented in the diet of local chicken. Funded by BBI DIKTI Research Budget (Research Head, year 2) in 2003. Identification carotenogenic fungi to produce high B carotene fermented product as poultry feed. Funded by DIKTI Research Budget (Research Head) in 2005. Isolation and identification carotenogenic fungi in improving the quality of sago waste to produce high B carotene fermented feed and its aplication on performance of broiler and layer. Funded by myself (Research Head in Doctoral Programe ) in 2006. Potention of Neurospora crassa to produce high B-carotene fermented feed. Funded by Hibah Bersaing DIKTI Research Budget (Research Head, year 1) in 2007. Utilization of B-carotene fermented product in the diet of poultry to produce egg low of cholesterol. Funded by Hibah Bersaing DIKTI Research Budget (Research Head, year 2) in 2008. Potention Monascus purpureus to produce high monacolin fermented feed. Funded by National Strategic DIKTI Research Budget (Research Head, year 1) in 2009. Utilization monakolin fermented product in the diet of poultry to produce low-cholesterol of eggs. Funded by National Strategic DIKTI Research Budget (Research Head, year 2) in 2010. Ligninolitic and cellulolitic Potention of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and carotenoid monacolin from Monascus purpureus to increase the quality of cacao skin. Funded by National Strategic DIKTI Research Budget (Research Head, year 1) in 2012. The Utilization of Corn Wastes for Livestock and Poultry Feed in West Sumatra, Indonesia: Studying the corn wastes production and their nutrient contents in lower and upper land areas in West Sumatra. (Research Member). Research Collaboration with Deakin University, Australia. 2011-2012. The Utilization of Palm Kernel Cake as a Feed Source for Acceleration of Poultry Industry Development. Funded by MP3EI DIKTI Research Budget (Research Member, year 1) in 2012 Ligninolitic and cellulolitic Potention of Phanerochaete chrysosporium and carotenoid monacolin from Monascus purpureus to increase the quality of cacao skin. Funded by National Strategic DIKTI Research Budget (Research Head, year 2) in 2013 The Utilization of Palm Kernel Cake as a Feed Source for Acceleration of Poultry Industry Development. Funded by MP3EI DIKTI Research Budget (Research Member, year 2) in 2013 Inconventional Feed Fermented by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa to Produce Egg Low of Cholesterol. Funded by Hibah Kompetensi DIKTI Research Budget (Research Head, year 1) in 2014 The Utilization of Palm Kernel Cake as a Feed Source for Acceleration of Poultry Industry Development. Funded by MP3EI DIKTI Research Budget (Research Member, year 3) in 2014 III. PUBLICATION in SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS Nuraini and Maria Endo Mahata. 1998. Response of Broiler to Lucilia illustris Larvae Mixture with Broiler Feces for Fish Meal Substitution in Ration. Jurnal Penelitian Andalas (Journal of Andalas Research), Number 25(Mai): 15-20. Maria Endo Mahata and Nuraini. 1998. The Influence of the Mixture of Lucilia illustris Larvae with Broiler Feces in Ration at Nitrogen Retention and Protein Efficiency Ratio of Broiler. Jurnal Penelitian Andalas (Journal of Andalas Research), Number 25 (Mai):1- 5. Nuraini and Maria Endo Mahata. 1998. Response of Broiler to Lucilia illustris Larvae Mixture with Broiler Feces for Fish Meal Substitution in Ration. Jurnal Penelitian Andalas (Journal of Andalas Research), Number 25(Mai): 15-20. Nuraini and Maria Endo Mahata. 1999. The Effect of Biji Durian (Durio zibethinus) Seed Utilization as Corn Substitution at Broiler Performance. Jurnal Penelitian Andalas (Journal of Andalas Research), Number 29(Mai): 25-29. Nuraini. 1999. Protein quality of broiler fed Peternakan Lingkungan (JPL) Vol.5 June(02):35-40 poultry slaughterhouse waste. Jurnal Nuraini. 2000. Effect of inoculum percentage and length of incubation with Trichoderma koningii on water content , crude protein and crude fibre of bengkoang leaf. Jurnal Penelitian Andalas (Journal of Andalas Research), Number 32(Mai):15-20. Nuraini and Maria Endo Mahata. 2000. Effect of using Leucaena mini leaves (Desmanthus virgatus) in diets on nitrogen retension and protein eficiency ratio of broiler. Jurnal Peternakan Lingkungan (JPL) Vol.6 No .02 (June). Nuraini. 2001. Performance and income over feed chick cost of broiler fed Bengkoang leaves fermented by Trichoderma koningii.. Jurnal Penelitian Andalas (Journal of Andalas Research), No.35 / Jan / ThXIII. Nuraini, H. Abbas , Rizal,Y. and Marlida,Y. 2005. Utilization of high B-carotene fermented product in diets on production and egg quality of layer. Journal of Animal Science Jambi Vol. VIII (3): 212-219 Rizal, Y., Nuraini, H. Abbas, Sabrina dan E. Martinelly. 2005. Response of local chickens at growing period to the diet containing sago waste and water hyacinth fermented with Trichoderma harzianum. J. Ilmiah Ilmu-ilmu Peternakan, Vol VIII (3):202-211. Nuraini, and Trisna,A. 2006. Response of broilers on diet containing palm kernel cake fermented with Penicillium sp. Journal of Agribusiness Farms (Agripet) USU Medan Vol.2 (1) April:16-20. Nuraini and Sabrina. 2008. Utilization high B-carotene fermented product as a partial substitute of corn in poultry diets at Anakan Sapan district Pesisir Selatan Regency. Journal Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol XIV no 20, Juni . Nuraini, Sabrina and Suslina A Latif. 2008. Performances and egg quality of layer fed cassava waste fermented with Neurospora crassa. Journal Media Peternakan 31 (3) Des 2008:195-202. Nuraini, Sabrina and Suslina A. Latif. 2009. Broiler response with diets containing a mixture of sago and tofu waste fermented with Neurospora crasssa . Journal Media Peternakan Vol 32(3) : 195-202 Nuraini, Sabrina and Suslina A.Latif. 2009. Improving the quality of tapioca by product through fermentation by Neurospora crassa to produce β carotene rich feed. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 8 (4): 487-490. Nuraini, Sabrina and Latif, S.A. 2011. Performance and Egg Quality of Quail Fed Fermented Product by Neurospora crassa in the Diet. Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia Vol 14(2):385-391. Nuraini, Sabrina and Latif,S.A. 2012. Fermented Product by Monascus purpureus in Poultry Diet: Effects on Laying Performance and Egg Quality. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 8 (4):487490. Nuraini, Mahata,M.E. and Nirwansyah. 2013. Respon of broiler Fed Cocoa Pod fermeted by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Monascus purpureus Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 12 (9): 886-888. Rizal., Y., Nuraini, Mirnawati and Mahata, M.E. 2013. Comparisons of nutrient contents and nutritional values of palm kernel cake fermented by using different fungi. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 12 (10):943-948. Nuraini, Djulardi,A. and Mahata,M.E. 2014. Feeding Fermented Product by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa in Broiler Diet. International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 1 (6): 2348 – 3997. IV. ORAL PRESENTATION in SEMINAR Nuraini, Sabrina and Suslina A Latif. 2011. The effect of feeding product fermented with Monascus purpureus on performances and quail egg quality. International Seminar Aini, Unpad Bandung, 6-7 Juli, 2011 (ORAL PRESENTATION). Nuraini, Sabrina and Suslina A Latif. Performance and egg quality of laying hen fed fermented product by Monascus purpureus. National Seminar ISAA ,Undip Semarang, 19-20 Oktober 2011 (ORAL PRESENTATION). Nuraini. Feeding fermented product by Neurospora crassa on production and egg quality. National Seminar, Semirata BKS PTN Medan 3-4 April 2012 (ORAL PRESENTATION). Nuraini, Sabrina and Suslina A Latif. Evaluation of Fermented Product by Monascus purpureus in the diet on Performance and Quality of Meat Broiler. International Seminar , The Second International Seminar on Animal Industry (ISAI) at JCC Jakarta, 5-6 Juli 2012 (ORAL PRESENTATION). Nuraini, Sabrina and Suslina A Latif. Effect on duckling performance and egg quality fed fermented product by Monascus purpureus in the diet. International Seminar The 15 th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Bangkok Thailand 26-30 November 2012 (ORAL PRESENTATION). Nuraini, Mahata,M.E. and Nirwansyah. Increasing the quality of Cocoa Pod by Phanerochaete chrysosporium dan Monascus purpureus as Poultry Feed. National Seminar, Semirata BKSBTN, Univ. of tanjung Pura Pontianak, 19-20 Maret 2013. (THE BEST ORAL PRESENTATION). Nuraini, Mahata,M.E. and Nirwansyah. Utilization cocoa pod fermented by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Monascus purpureus in the diet on quail performance and egg quality. International Seminar Aini, Padang, 25 September 2013 (ORAL PRESENTATION). Nuraini, Djulardi, A. and Mahata,M.E. Increasing the quality of Banana Peal through fermentation with Phanerochaete chrysosporium dan Neurospora crassa as Feedstuff. National Seminar, UIN SUSKA Riau, 12 Desember 2013 (ORAL PRESENTATION). Maria Endo Mahata, Ahadiyah Yuniza, Nuraini, and Yose Rizal. The profile of corn-cob nutrient as prospective poultry feed in upper land and lower land area in West Sumatra 3 rd AINI International seminar, In conjuction to 50 th Anniversary Faculty of Animal Science , Andalas University. The Role of Nutrition and Feed In Supporting Self Sufficient in Animal Products, Food safety and Human Welfare., Padang 24-25 September 2013. (ORAL PRESENTATION). Nuraini, Djulardi, A. and Mahata,M.E. Fermented product by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa in broiler diet. International Seminar Asian Conference Life Science Hiroshima Japan, 27-29 Agustus 2014 (ORAL PRESENTATION). Nuraini, Djulardi, A. and Mahata,M.E. Respon of Broiler Fed Fermented Product by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Neurospora crassa in the Diet. International Seminar 16 th Asian Australian Animal Production (AAAP) , Jogjakarta, 10-14 November 2014. (ORAL PRESENTATION). V. BOOKS Nuraini. 2015. Limbah Sagu Fermentasi Sebagai Pakan Alternatif Unggas. Suka Bina Press. Padang. ISBN: VI. EXPERIENCE AS DOCTOR PROMOTOR No Student Dissertation Thema University Graduated 1 Suslina A LAtif Product fermented high monacolin for quail layer Unand 2010 2 Ade Trisna B carotene extract as feed additive to produce egg low of cholesterol Unand In process 3 Muslim Mangostin extract from manggis peal as feed additive to produce egg low of cholesterol Unand In process Promotor / Co Promotor Co Promotor Promotor Promotor Padang, Januari 16, 2015 (Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuraini, MS)
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