SCULPTURE MUSEUM Saginaw Valley State University APPLICATION FOR STUDENT CREATIVITY EXPLOSION IN MUSEUM GALLERIES SEPTEMBER 8 – 25, 2015 All completed applications due to Melissa Ford, [email protected] By 5PM, Wednesday, April 15, 2015 The Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum will provide SVSU students with the opportunity for a creative explosion in the Museum's two temporary exhibition galleries to mount their own creations during a three-week period during the 2015 fall semester. Our goal is to have every SVSU student engage with their Museum at some point during this period, either as a participant or an observer. Registered Student Organization (RSO)/Club Name: Primary Contact: Email: Phone: Secondary Contact: Email: Phone: Advisor’s Name: Email: Phone: Is this program being co-sponsored/planned with another RSO, group or department? Yes No If yes, please list them: Program Type (Please check one): Car Build Construction of Monument Dance Performance Filmmaking Health & Fitness Demonstration Video Production Musical/Vocal Concert Visual Art Exhibition Poetry Reading/Slam Yoga/Zumba Other: Public Lecture Program Name: Preferred Program Date (Indicate Top Three Choices): Sept. 8 Sept. 12 Sept. 17 Sept. 22 Sept. 9 Sept. 14 Sept. 18 Sept. 23 Sept. 10 Sept. 15 Sept. 19 Sept. 24 Sept. 11 Sept. 16 Sept. 21 Sept. 25 If your program requires multiple dates, please explain why and indicate your preferred dates: Preferred Program Start Time: Preferred Program End Time: (Note: Time slots are available between 11am and 10pm Monday - Saturday) Anticipated attendance: Description of Program (Please attach additional sheet if necessary): How will this activity benefit your organization, other students and the SVSU community? Will your program require any special equipment? Yes No If yes, explain. (Please attach additional sheet if necessary): Is this program appropriate for all ages (age 5 – adult)? Yes No If no, explain. (Please attach additional sheet if necessary): Questions? Please contact Melissa Ford, Museum Archivist at ext. 2006 or [email protected] Applicants will be notified of the selection committee’s decision by April 24, 2015.
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