Northeast. Math. J., 19:2(2003), 133-138 47 F -Sobolev Inequality for General Symmetric Forms ∗ Wang Feng and Zhang Yuhui (Department of Mathematics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875) Abstract. Some sufficient conditions for the F -Sobolev inequality for symmetric forms are presented in terms of new Cheeger’s constants. Meanwhile, an estimate of the F -Sobolev constants is obtained. 1 Introduction The F -Sobolev inequality is a generalization of the logarithmic Sobolev inequality. The latter is initiated by [1] in 1976 and it has attracted a great deal of research in the past two decades. Refer to the survey articles [2] and [3]. Very recently, the inequality has been studied in [4] and [5] for general symmetric forms. The method used in the two papers is the Cheeger’s technique for unbounded operators developed in [6]. But the proofs are different and a detailed comparison about them is presented in [4]. The purpose of this paper is to study the F -Sobolev inequality for general symmetric forms by combining the proofs of [4] with some techniques in [5]. Let (E, E , π) be a measurable probability space satisfying {(x, x) : x ∈ E} ∈ E × E and denote by L2 (π) the usual real L2 -space with norm k · k. The symmetric form (D, D(D)) considered here on L2 (π) is as follows Z 1 D(f, g) = J(dx, dy)[f (x) − f (y)][g(x) − g(y)], (1.1) 2 f, g ∈ D(D) := {f ∈ L2 (π) : D(f, f ) < ∞}, where J is a symmetric measure on E × E: J(dx, dy) = J(dy, dx). Without loss of generality, assume that J({(x, x) : x ∈ E}) = 0. Let F ∈ C(0, ∞) be such that inf t≥0 tF (t) > −∞ and F (t) > 0 for large t. We say that the F -Sobolev inequality with dimension p ∈ (2, ∞] (denoted by F S(p)) holds for the symmetric form (D, D(D)) if there exist two constants C1 > 0, C2 ≥ 0 such that ¡ ¢(p−2)/p π |f |2p/(p−2) F (f 2 ) ≤ C1 D(f, f ) + C2 , f ∈ D(D), kf k = 1, (1.2) Z holds, where π(f ) = f dπ. In particular, we call the inequality tight (denoted by T F S(p)) if (1.2) holds for C2 = 0 and the reciprocal of the smallest possible C1 is denoted by σ which is called the F -Sobolev constant. The inequality is a general version of Sobolev inequality and logarithmic Sobolev inequality. When F = 1, (1.2) is just the classical Sobolev inequality with dimension p ¡ ¢(p−2)/p π |f |2p/(p−2) ≤ C1 D(f, f ) + C2 , f ∈ D(D), kf k = 1. (1.3) When F = log and p = ∞, (1.2) becomes the defective logarithmic Sobolev inequality π(f 2 log f 2 ) ≤ C1 D(f, f ) + C2 , f ∈ D(D), kf k = 1. which is equivalent to the usual logarithmic Sobolev inequality π(f 2 log f 2 ) ≤ CD(f, f ), ∗ Foundation f ∈ D(D), kf k = 1, item: 973 project, NNSFC (10121101, 10025105, 10101003) and RFDP (20010027007). (1.4) 48 whenever Poincar´e inequality π(f 2 ) − π(f )2 ≤ λ−1 1 D(f, f ), f ∈ D(D), holds where λ1 is the spectral gap. We now look for a new Cheeger’s constant which is hoped to best describe F S(p). Following [4] and [5], take and fix a non-negative and symmetric function r ∈ E × E such that J (1) (dx, E)/π(dx) ≤ 1, π-a.s., (1.5) (α) where J (dx, dy) = I{r(x,y)α >0} J(dx, dy)/r(x, y)α , α ≥ 0. We adopt the convention that r0 = 1 for all r ≥ 0. Replacing J with J (α) in (1.1), we have the symmetric forms (D(α) , D(D(α) )) generated by J (α) . Suppose that F satisfies the following conditions F ∈ C[0, ∞), increasing, F (0) = 1, F 0 is piecewise continuous tF 0 (t) (1.6) < ∞, and c1 := sup ± t≥0 F (t) where F±0 denote the right- and left-derivatives of F . Define J (1/2) (A × Ac ) + δπ(A) ξ δ = inf , δ > 0, π(A)>0 π(A)(p−1)/p F (π(A)−1 )(p−2)/(2p) J(A × Ac ) κ = inf , (p−2)/p π(A)>0 π(A) F (π(A)−1 )(p−2)/p ³ p − 1 ´2(p−1)/p ³ p − 1 p − 1 ´2/p ³ p ´2(p−1)/p C(p, c1 ) = + c1 + c1 . p p−2 p p−2 Put ξ 0 := limδ→0 ξ δ = inf δ>0 ξ δ . Some sufficient conditions are presented as follows. Theorem 1.1. Under (1.6). Then the following conclusions hold. (1) If there exists some δ > 0 such that ξ δ > 0, then F S(p) holds for C1 = 4C(p, c1 )(2 + δ)(ξ δ )−2 and C2 = C1 δ; (2) If ξ 0 > 0, then T F S(p) holds and κ ≥ σ ≥ (ξ 0 )2 /(8C(p, c1 )). Remark 1.1. In particular, if F (r) = 1 + log+ r = 1 + max{0, log r}, p = ∞ and ξ δ > 0 for some δ > 0 ±£ in Theorem 1.1, then the logarithmic Sobolev inequality (1.4) holds and κ ≥ σ ≥ λ1 1 + 16 inf δ>0 (2 + ¤ δ)(λ1 + δ)(ξ δ )−2 . See [4, Theorem 1.1]. To prove Theorem 1.1, consider the following general symmetric form as in [4] Z Z 1 J(dx, dy)[f (x) − f (y)][g(x) − g(y)] + K(dx)f (x)g(x), D(f, g) = (1.7) 2 f, g ∈ D(D) := {f ∈ L2 (π) : D(f, f ) < ∞}, where J is the same as before and K is a measure. Choose a non-negative, symmetric function r¯ ∈ E × E and a non-negative function s ∈ E such that [J¯(1) (dx, E) + K (1) (dx)]/π(dx) ≤ 1, π-a.s, (1.8) where J¯(α) (dx, dy) is defined as J (α) (dx, dy) but replacing r with r¯, and K (α) (dx) = I{s(x)α >0} K(dx)/s(x)α, (α) (α) α ≥ 0. As in (1.7), we have the symmetric forms (D , D(D )) generated by (J¯(α) , K (α) ). Define ∗(α) λ0 = inf{D (α) (f, f ) : kf k = 1}. Next, set J¯(1/2) (A × Ac ) + K (1/2) (A) . π(A)>0 π(A)(p−1)/p F (π(A)−1 )(p−2)/(2p) Now we can state another main result of the paper. ¡ ¢(p−2)/p Theorem 1.2. Set σ(F ) = inf{D(f, f )/π |f |2p/(p−2) F (f 2 ) : kf k = 1}. Then J(A × Ac ) + K(A) ξ ∗2 inf ≥ σ(F ) ≥ . ∗(1) π(A)>0 π(A)(p−2)/p F (π(A)−1 )(p−2)/p 4C(p, c1 )(2 − λ0 ) ξ∗ = inf (1.9) Remark 1.2. Theorem 1.2 is an extension of [4, Theorem 2.1] which is in the case of p = ∞. As pointed out in [4], Theorem 1.2 is true in the general case, i.e. π is a reference measure (See [5]). 49 2 Proofs In this section, the proofs of the two theorems are presented in details. ¡ ¢ Proof of Theorem 1.2. Put EF (f ) = π |f |2p/(p−2) F (f 2 ) . The first inequality is obtained directly p by computing D(f, f )/EF (f )(p−2)/p for f = IA / π(A) with π(A) > 0. a) To prove the second inequality, we need more notations (this is the part a) of the proof of [4, Theorem 2.1]). When K(dx) 6= 0, it is convenient to enlarge define f ∗ = f IE ∈ E ∗ . Next, define a symmetric (α) J (C), ∗(α) J (C) = K (α) (A), 0, the space E by letting E ∗ = E ∪ {∞}. For any f ∈ E , measure J ∗(α) on E ∗ × E ∗ by C ∈ E ×E, C = A × {∞} or {∞} × A, A ∈ E , C = {∞} × {∞}. Then, we have J ∗(α) (dx, dy) = J ∗(α) (dy, dx) and Z Z (α) 2 (α) 2 ¯ J ∗(α) (dx, E ∗ )f ∗ (x)2 , J (dx, E)f (x) + K (f ) = E E∗ Z 1 (α) D (f, f ) = J ∗(α) (dx, dy)[f ∗ (y) − f ∗ (x)]2 , 2 E ∗ ×E ∗ Z Z 1 J¯(α) (dx, dy)|f (y) − f (x)| + K (α) (dx)|f (x)| 2 E×E E Z 1 ∗(α) = J (dx, dy)|f ∗ (y) − f ∗ (x)|. 2 E ∗ ×E ∗ Note that if we set r∗ (x, y) = r¯(x, y), r∗ (x, ∞) = r∗ (∞, x) = s(x) for all x, y ∈ E and r∗ (∞, ∞) = 0, then J ∗(α) (dx, dy) can be also expressed by I{r∗ (x,y)α >0} J ∗ (dx, dy)/r∗ (x, y)α . p b) Following [4] and [5], take ϕ(t) = t(p−1)/(p−2) F (t) and η(t) = ϕ(t2 ). Note that ϕ is a strictly increasing function and so is η. Moreover, · ¸ · ¸ p p − 1 tF 0 (t) 2η(t) p − 1 t2 F 0 (t2 ) 0 0 1/(p−2) F (t) + , η (t) = + . ϕ (t) = t p−2 2F (t) t p−2 2F (t2 ) except a finite number of points on each finite interval. By (1.6), we have η 0 (t) ≤ c2 η(t)/t = c2 tp/(p−2) p · F (t2 ) where c2 := 2(p − 1)/(p − 2) + c1 . Given s < t, label the discontinuous points in [s, t] by s = t1 < · · · < tm = t. Then, by the Mean Value Theorem and the monotonicity of η(t)/t, there exist θi ∈ (ti , ti+1 ) such that 0 ≤ η(t) − η(s) = m−1 X [η(ti+1 ) − η(ti )] = i=1 ≤ c2 m−1 X i=1 η(θi ) η(t) (ti+1 − ti ) ≤ c2 θi t m−1 X η 0 (θi )(ti+1 − ti ) i=1 m−1 X i=1 (ti+1 − ti ) = c2 η(t) (t − s). t c) Let f ≥ 0, kf k = 1 and set g ∗ = ϕ(f ∗2 ). Then by b), we have |g ∗ (y) − g ∗ (x)| ≤ c2 |f ∗ (y) − η(f ∗ (x) ∨ f ∗ (y)) f ∗ (x)| ∗ . Thus, by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and (1.8), we have f (x) ∨ f ∗ (y) Z 1 I ∗ := J ∗(1/2) (dx, dy)|g ∗ (y) − g ∗ (x)| 2 Z i1/2 · Z h p c2 h ∗ ∗ ∗ 2 J ∗(1) (dx, dy) f ∗ (y)p/(p−2) F (f ∗ (y)2 ) ≤ J (dx, dy)|f (y) − f (x)| 2 i2 ¸1/2 p ∗ p/(p−2) ∗ 2 F (f (x) ) +f (x) 50 c2 =√ 2 q ·Z h D(f, f ) J ∗(1) (dx, dy) 2f ∗ (y)2p/(p−2) F (f ∗ (y)2 ) + 2f ∗ (x)2p/(p−2) F (f ∗ (x)2 ) ³ ´2 i¸1/2 p p ∗ p/(p−2) ∗ p/(p−2) ∗ 2 ∗ 2 − f (y) F (f (y) ) − f (x) F (f (x) ) q h i1/2 p p c2 (1) =√ D(f, f ) 4EF (f ) − 2D (f p/(p−2) F (f 2 ), f p/(p−2) F (f 2 )) 2 q ∗(1) ≤ c2 (2 − λ0 )D(f, f )EF (f ). (2.1) d) Define h(t) = π(f ∗2 > t), At = {g ∗ > t} = {ϕ(f ∗2 ) > t}. Then h(t) ≤ 1 ∧ t−1 , π(At ) = π(f ∗2 > ϕ−1 (t)) = h ◦ ϕ−1 (t), where ϕ−1 denotes the inverse function of ϕ. By definition of ξ ∗ , we have ·Z ∞ ¸p/(p−1) I ∗p/(p−1) = J ∗(1/2) (At × Act )dt 0 ≥ξ ·Z ∗p/(p−1) ¸p/(p−1) ∞ (p−1)/p π(At ) −1 (p−2)/(2p) F (π(At ) ) 0 ·Z =ξ ∗p/(p−1) ∞ (p−1)/p h(s) −1 (p−2)/(2p) F (h(s) ) dt ¸p/(p−1) ϕ (s)ds 0 0 ¸p/(p−1) h(t)(p−1)/p F (t)(p−2)/(2p) ϕ0 (t)dt 0 Z p ∗p/(p−1) ∞ = ξ h(t)(p−1)/p F (t)(p−2)/(2p) ϕ0 (t) p−1 0 ·Z t ¸1/(p−1) (p−1)/p (p−2)/(2p) 0 · h(s) F (s) ϕ (s)ds dt 0 Z ∞ p ∗p/(p−1) ξ h(t)(p−1)/p F (t)(p−2)/(2p) ϕ0 (t) ≥ p−1 0 · ¸1/(p−1) Z t · h(t)(p−1)/p F (s)(p−2)/(2p) ϕ0 (s)ds dt ·Z ≥ ξ ∗p/(p−1) ∞ 0 ·Z t ¸1/(p−1) p ∗p/(p−1) (p−2)/(2p) 0 (p−2)/(2p) 0 ξ = h(t)F (t) ϕ (t) F (s) ϕ (s)ds dt. p−1 0 0 Next, by (1.6) and the absolute continuity of F , we can obtain Z t F (s)(p−2)/(2p) ϕ0 (s)ds ≥ c3 t(p−1)(p−2) F (t)(p−1)/p , t ≥ 0, ³ p − 1 10 ´.³ p − 1 p − 1 ´ p + c1 + c1 > . Hence, where c3 = p−2 2 p−2 p 2(pZ− 1) p p 1/(p−1) ∗p/(p−1) ∞ I ∗p/(p−1) ≥ c3 ξ h(t)t1/(p−2) F (t)ϕ0 (t)dt p−1 0 Z Z f ∗2 p p 1/(p−1) ∗p/(p−1) dπ = c3 ξ t1/(p−2) F (t)ϕ0 (t)dt. p−1 0 By (1.6) and the absoluteZcontinuity of F once again, we can derive r p t1/(p−2) F (t)ϕ0 (t)dt ≥ c4 rp/(p−2) F (r), r ≥ 0, 0 ³ p − 1 1 ´.³ ´ p 1 where c4 = + c1 + c1 > . Thus, p−2 2 p−2 2 Z p 1/(p−1) ∗p/(p−1) ∗p/(p−1) I dπf ∗2p/(p−2) F (f ∗2 ) ≥ c c4 ξ p−1 3 p 1/(p−1) ∗p/(p−1) = c c4 ξ EF (f ). (2.2) p−1 3 e) Combining (2.1) with (2.2), we get q h p i(p−1)/p 1/(p−1) ∗(1) ∗p/(p−1) c c4 ξ EF (f ) ≤ c2 (2 − λ0 )D(f, f )EF (f ). p−1 3 Z ∞ 51 That is, ³ p ´2(p−1)/p c2/p c2(p−1)/p ξ ∗2 D(f, f ) ξ ∗2 ≥ · 3 4 = . (p−2)/p ∗(1) ∗(1) p−1 EF (f ) c22 (2 − λ0 ) 4C(p, c1 )(2 − λ0 ) So the second inequality of Theorem 1.2 holds. The proof is comleted. Proof of Theorem 1.1. Let (1.5) holds for some symmetric function r. Fix δ > 0 and take K(dx) = δπ(dx). Next, take r¯ = (1 + δ)r and s = 1 + δ so that (1.8) holds. Then δ ξδ ∗(α) , λ0 = ξ∗ = √ . (1 + δ)α 1+δ Therefore, for the symmetric form (D, D(D)) given in (1.1), by Theorem 1.2, we obtain D(f, f ) + δ (ξ δ )2 (ξ δ )2 /(1 + δ) σ(F ) = inf = , ≥ 4C(p, c1 )(2 − δ/(1 + δ)) cδ kf k=1 EF (f )(p−2)/p where cδ = 4C(p, c1 )(2 + δ). Then we have π(|f |2p/(p−2) F (f 2 ))(p−2)/p ≤ cδ (ξ δ )−2 [D(f, f ) + δ], f ∈ D(D), kf k = 1. (2.3) δ −2 By (2.3), it is easily seen that Theorem 1.1(i) holds and C1 = cδ (ξ ) , C2 = C1 δ. Let δ → 0 in (2.3). p Then it follows that T F S(p) holds and σ ≥ (ξ 0 )2 /(8C(p, c1 )). Take f = IA / π(A) (π(A) > 0) and compute D(f, f )/EF (f )(p−2)/p . We have σ ≤ κ. The proof is completed. By the way, the estimate for the F -Sobolev constant can be obtained by taking K be zero-measure in (1.9) directly. Remark 2.1. Note that it is easily proven that ξ0 = inf J (1/2) (A × Ac ) π(A)>0 π(A)(p−1)/p F (π(A)−1 )(p−2)/(2p) . So the qualitative conclusion of Theorem 1.1(ii) is obtained by [5, Theorem 1.1]. 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