hvts O ur Lanry of er I'tmnt Carme* $Johxvtso*ot Stoy with us Lord, on our journeY. April lzthz}l5 SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER YEAR B LITURGY THIS WEEK Monday 13th No Service in Church Tuesday 14th 9.30am Eucharist Service Wednesday l5th l2.45pm Requiem John Bosco Mass Veronica Simmons Mount Carmel Thursday 16th 9.30am Eucharistic Service John Bosco Friday l7th 9.30am Eucharistic Service Mount Carrnel Saturday 18th No Confessions or Exposition this Evening Sunday lfth 6.30pm VIGIL MASS 9.30am MASS John Bosco 11.30am MASS Mount Carmel 1.00pm Baptisms Gnnrsr rHE LoRD |s RISEN' Mount Cannel ALLELUIAI Triduum' Easter THANK YOU once uguln to everyone involved in anyway over the as laid Resurrection, and Death Passion, Lord's the It was a beautiful cele#ation of for the many gifts and cards down in the rubrics of the Roman Missal Thanks also ,"""ir"d generostty by Fr Brady last weekend. May God bless all your efforts and LAMPSAtMountCarmelthisweektheSanctuaryLampandourLady'sLamp the Sanctuary. and our burns in memory of Dolly Geoghegarr, At St John Bosco Lady's Lamp burn in memory of Norman Lewis l5th April at MOTHERS PRAYERS The next meeting will be on wednesday and Grandmothers welcome' ? 30pm in Mount carmel Parish House. All Mothers Come and pray for your children in a special way' Wave the flag with Sterr Millington' saturday open John Bosco,s, charlestown Road. Tickets f,5, supper, doors sT GEORGE CELEBRATION iith npnl at st 7 30pm. pupils of N{ount carmel CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs Ganiey and the staff and primary school *tro ,ecenuy underwent a full R.E inspection (in accordance with report concluded that "Mount section 48 of the Education Act 2005). The inspection (speaking of the staff) goes carmel is an outstanoing catiroric school". The report you sign up to do your absolute best on a *y "when you ,igi up for Mount Carmel' .rife to the fuil' as they go through the school"- well to make sure each ctriid rras God continue to bless our school done to every one ,n-roto'ed and may Almighty communities at Mount Carmel & St John Bosco' WiII MOUNT CARMEL RESTORATION COMI{ITTEE Road Wilson House, Parish l4th April 2015 at7 30pm in the MCCI NCXI ON TUESdAY DIOCESANPILGRIMAGEToWALSINGHAMLEDBYBISHOPJOHN Pick up at St John ARNOLD May 2nd ZOG, lf e.OO for adults, l'14.00 for children. g.30pm. If you_w-ould like to attend the at 7.l0am *i i"to* approx Bosco,s back of Church or phone Ann pilgrimage please enter your aetaiti on the list at the Lucas on 74O 2129. czestochowa DIocEsAN PILGRIMACES 2015 "Auschwitz-Bi rkenau' Krakow' per person s850.00 *Jza.op*e,,, Sunday 24th May - Sunday 3l st May 2015, cost and Rome"' Friday 25th September and "The Missionary Jou,,,"y' oiSt Pat'l, Malta be led bv Bishop U-":t^t::]"-1":: will pilgrimage - S"t*a"y 3rd Octo[er 2OtS(tnis and booking forms please itinerary full u Brain) price per person ttizs.ob.}o. 0536 or e-mail contact Sharon Beech on 0161 761 so early booking is limited' are Places [email protected] recommended. APPEAL Next weekend l8/19 April 2015 Mr William Pilkiewicz will appeal on behalf of Aid of the Church in Need at all weekend Masses. ST. DUNSTAN'S A.O.D.S Presents 'The Wizard of Oz' Wednesdav 20th Mav to Saturday 23rd May 2015. 7 15pm, includrng ;;;;td;t M;;;;S,';;";;;; Parish Hall, Keyon Lane, Moston. Tickets for Oz are going fast already! Contact Craig at the box office Mon-Fri 6 00pm-9.00pm & Sat, Sun 10am-4pm on 0797691 9588, LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA Many people lament today about therr family members rnho have fallen away from the Church and wonder if there is anything they can do about it, Lighthouse Catholic Media have produced a CD detarling inspirational stories of conversion and teaching regarding the Catholic Faith. A J2.00 donation per CD will cover some of the basic costs of the program and will leave the listener with a feeling a deep appreciation for the gift of our Catholic faith. lf{OUNT CARMEL U C.M will meet on Monday l3th April at 7.30pm in the Parish House, Wilson Rd. LALLEY CENTRE Sr Rita Lee has written to thank both parishes for food and monies received during Lent. She writes: "Both the parishioners of Mount Carmel and St John Bosco and Mount Carmel School have been phenomenal in their support, Thank you". SCTIOENSTATT SHRINE MAY DAY 2015 Sunday 3rd May, I 00pm---4"30pm St John Fisher, Manchester Rd, Kearsley, BL4 8QQ Please see poster at the back of church for further details _ MASSES & PRAYERS RECEIVED THIS WEEK LATELY DEAI) Veronica Simmons. Dolly Geoghegan, William Johnson, John Kevm Prendergast, Greta Prendergast, Mary Witkowski, ANNIVERSARY Leo Cavanagh, Ulick Hatchell, Derek Curley. George Sutton, Martin Bradbury" Maureen Hughes, Joseph (Roy) Parkinson BIRTIIDAY MEMORIES ThomasWhelan, Margaret lvlallon, Norman Leu'is, Elizabeth Alice Crowe SICK Kevin Madden, Mike Do-vle, Tony Hesketh" Michael Morris OTHER Birthdav Intentions for David Sloan. Birthday Intentions for Gregory Sloan EASTERMASS INTENTIONS Harry Rowe, Nft & Mrs Jarnes Quinn and Family, Sloan Family, Atkins Family, Davies Familv. Haves Familv. Stollov Familv. Iris & Steve Critchlow li The Easter sacraments of initiation have called us to become a community of God's people. The program for this "community of believers is to be of one heart and one mind " The Second Reading deals with the one heart paft of being community. loving God and loving God's children. The Gospel deals with the one mindput of being community. belief in Jesus even among those who have not seen. What is such a community like? Look at the Reading from Acts. The early Church of Jerusalem respected the aposties and their witness to the resurrectioq and along with that they shared their possessions. Voluntarily surrendering their right to private ownership, they created a situation in which no one among them was needy. All members of the community had what they needed, or if they didn't have it, they got it from the community. The passage from Acts does not aftempt to impose on us a specific economic system. Rather, it tells us that whatever economic system the f;ollowers of Jesus Christ espouse, it had better be a system that provides for the needs ofall the people. "A well-ordered human society requires that men recognize and observe their rmttuql rights ond duties. It qlso demands that each contribute generously to the establishment of a civic order in which rights and duties are progressively more sincerely and ffi ctive ly acbrcwledged and fuffi lled. example, lo qcknowledge md respect every man's right to the means of subsistence. One must also strive to insare lhqt he actually has enough in the way offood and nourishment. " It is not enctugh, for Vatican Ll, Constitution on the Church (1964) The Parish House, Wilson Rd, Blackley, Manchester M9 8BG Rev Fr Philip J Brady. Telephone }LGL74A 207L Website http:/ / mcarmel -j bosco.co. u k l8
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