361 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay, Tasmania. Postal: PO Box 217, Sandy Bay, 7006 p: 03 6216 7900 fax: 03 6216 7999 e: [email protected] w: www.mountcarmel.tas.edu.au Issue 1 5th Feb 2015 A WORD FROM THE PRINCIPAL It gives me pleasure to welcome you - both new and continuing families - to the 2015 academic year. I trust that all in the Mount Carmel community have had an energising and refreshing break and that you are looking forward to what is sure to be an exciting year in the life of our College. For those students and their families joining us this year, I am delighted to welcome you to this school and am confident that you will be warmly embraced and soon feel very much at home. I welcome new members of staff, as listed below: Mrs Robyn Bessell - (Director of Middle Years, Secondary Teacher of English and Theology & Spirituality) Miss Ashton Ferguson - (Art Education Assistant/ Trainee) Mr Kevin Lindorff - (Director of Teaching and Learning, Secondary teacher of Mathematics and Science, Year 9 Homeroom) Mrs Lindy Rahn - (Prep teacher) Mr Tim Ryan - (Bus Driver) Miss Sophie Roe - (Sports and Recreation Trainee) Miss Nikki Stuart - (Sports Administration Officer) Mr Scott Young - (Director of Senior Years, Secondary Teacher of Physical Education, Sports Science and Music). We also welcome the following returning staff members to new, revised or limited tenure positions: Mrs Elizabeth Di Venuto - (Grade 6 class teacher, 2 days per week) Mrs Lynda Moss - (Secondary Teacher of Mathematics and Science, Year 10 Homeroom) Mr Daryl Plumb - (Acting Head of English, Secondary Teacher of English, Theology & Spirituality, Year 10 Homeroom) Miss Jessie Rankin - (Teacher of Japanese and Chinese Mandarin) Ms Sarah Stockwin - (Teacher of History and English, Year 8 Homeroom). In 2014, my first year as Principal at Mount Carmel, I aimed to focus on learning as much as possible about the College’s culture - its history, traditions and climate, or ‘the way we do things around here.’ What was clearly evident was that staff, students and families hold dear the many values of this community: its inclusiveness, warmth, sense of belonging as well as its focus on academic opportunity and excellence. Over the holiday break, I have been considering the questions, “How can we strengthen our culture? What are the possibilities?” I know that much of what we achieve will be derived from our newly developed five year Strategic Direction plan which will be officially launched this term, however, much will also be achieved, no doubt, through strengthening our relationships with one another. UPCOMING DATES FEBRUARY Monday, 9th Tuesday, 10th Public Holiday Kindergarten and Prep Information Evening – 7.30pm – 8.15pm Thursday, 12th P&F Association Meeting 7pm Friday, 13th Year 7 Extended Day Excursion and Parent BBQ Monday 16th Grades 1 – 4/5 Information Evening – 6.15pm – 8pm Tuesday, 17th Years 7 – 10 Swimming Trials 7pm – 9pm Wednesday, 18th Board Meeting Thursday, 19th Opening Mass Friday, 20th Secondary House Beach Day Monday, 23rd Grade 4/5 Camp departs – Far South Wilderness th Tuesday, 24 Grade 4/5 Camp returns Secondary Photos Grade 6 Welcome and Information Evening – 6pm – 7pm Thursday, 26th Primary Photos Friday, 27th Year 9/10 Vinnies Retreat FROM THE PRINCIPAL Cont. TERMS AND CONDITIONS I read over the holidays the story of a village in Italy which was experiencing a growth in crime rates. The story goes that the business owners and residents were asked to leave their homes 15 minutes earlier than normal on their way to work. The instruction was to meet and talk to local neighbours! Villagers made an effort to get to know others and consequently the mood of fear and isolation changed to a willingness to reach out and support others. Guess what? The crime rate allegedly reduced by half within 6 months! Great story, I’m sure you will agree, but important too in highlighting that knowing one another builds connection and enhances wellbeing. Fortunately, we don’t have a crime problem at Mount Carmel, and our sense of community is already very strong, but perhaps there are members of our school or extended community who are not really sure how they fit in, and who have gifts and talents to share. I’d like us to work together to ensure that every community member feels safe, welcome and connected to this great school. My own personal challenge this year is to help increase connectivity within the College community and my invitation to families is to consider getting involved in any way you feel comfortable. While we are lucky to already have a great spirit of involvement, please know that you are always welcome here and we value your presence. I will look forward to saying hello and having a chat to you at the gate, in the school yard or perhaps in the canteen or classroom. Terms and Conditions of Enrolment We are introducing new Terms and Conditions of enrolment which take effect on 1st February, 2015. It is our policy that these Terms and Conditions will apply to all current enrolments as well as to new enrolments. This is part of a rollout of consistent Terms and Conditions to all Tasmanian Catholic schools. I take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank parents and carers for placing your children in our care. It is our shared commitment at Mount Carmel to provide an environment in which they can flourish and reach their full potential. God’s blessing for the year ahead, Susan Ryan Principal Condolences The prayers of the Mount Carmel community are with staff member, Lynda Reid and her family, who experienced the loss of Lynda’s mother, Lorraine Willis last week after a brave battle with illness. Our hearts go out to you all as we pray that God will welcome Lorraine into His loving arms and that precious memories will be of comfort to those left behind, knowing that her love will live on in their hearts forever. By continuing your child/ren’s enrolment in 2015, you will be taken to have accepted the new Terms and Conditions. For a full copy of the new Terms and Conditions of Enrolment, please visit our website www.mountcarmel.tas.edu.au or enquire at the school office. If you have any concerns about the Terms and Conditions, please contact the College Office on 62167900 before 1st March, 2015. PARISH CHAPLAIN At the conclusion of 2014, we were advised that our much loved College Chaplain, Father Michael Tate, was being transferred to the Cygnet parish. We wish Father Tate every blessing in his new parish, and thank him most generously for his caring support over many years. While Father Tate will be greatly missed, we have pleasure in welcoming Father Brian Nichols as our newly appointed Parish Priest and College Chaplain. Father Nichols will join our College Board and has shared his enthusiasm to be an active presence within our community. Sacramental Program Catholic children aged eight and upwards who live in the Sandy Bay-Taroona Parish, or who attend Mass there, will be prepared in the parish for First Holy Communion and Confirmation to be conferred by the Archbishop on Sunday, 13 September. First Reconciliation will take place earlier in the year, date to be determined. Preparation for First Reconciliation will commence soon. Parental support during the classes and in home exercises will be an important part of the program. Parents who wish to enrol their child should contact the parish secretary as soon as possible. Phone Claire on 6224 1423 between 9.30 am and 1 pm on weekdays or email [email protected] Fr Brian Nichols Mount Carmel College Priest Issue 1 5thParish February, 2015 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF PRIMARY Dear Parents, On behalf of the primary staff, I wish all the students a wonderful return to school for the commencement of the 2015 academic year. I would like to especially acknowledge the Kindergarten children as they begin their school journey at Mount Carmel College and to all the new students who are joining the Mount Carmel community. A very warm welcome is also extended to Mrs Lindy Rahn who will bring a range of skills and experience to the Preparatory class. 2015 is shaping up to be yet another very busy and exciting time for the students and staff. We look forward with optimism to a new school year full of opportunities for achievements, changes and development. Student Safety – Before and After School Routines Student safety is our primary concern. At the beginning of each year it is important to outline the arrangements for before and after school supervision and pick-up. Students should not be left unaccompanied on school grounds before 8:20am when playground duty commences. After school duty concludes at 3:20pm. Those students who are being collected immediately after school in Quorn Street will be escorted to the top gate where they will be supervised until 3:10pm. At this time they will be brought back to the playground for supervision. If you are collecting your child in Quorn Street, please ensure that you do not park on the Children’s Crossing. All students must cross at the Children’s Crossing and we ask all adults to model this behaviour as well. At 3.20pm a hand bell will be rung in the playground, indicating that students are to assemble near the infant classrooms to catch buses to the southern suburbs or the city. The duty teacher will walk the students across the road at the traffic lights. Students catching the Eastern Shore buses or the bus to the northern and western suburbs from Quorn Street are to gather outside the library until the secondary students are dismissed at 3.25pm. If there are any students remaining in the playground at 3:20pm, they are to wait at or just outside the library. If parents are with their children in the playground after 3:20pm, they will need to supervise them on the play equipment. Please note that the play equipment is not designed for toddlers, only school aged children. To avoid congestion and potential danger near the staff car park, we would appreciate it if parents collect children from the basketball court. Arrangements should be made with our office staff for After Hours Care if you are unable to collect your child by 3:20pm on a regular basis. Healthy Lunch Boxes – Nut Alert Recess is from 10:45am to 11:05am and lunch is from 12:35pm to 1:30pm. Classroom teachers supervise students for the first 10 minutes of lunch. We encourage as much healthy food in our students’ lunch boxes as possible. Establishing healthy eats is of primary importance and we remind families that nuts are not to be consumed at school. This includes foods such as peanut butter, Nutella, hazelnut spreads, health bars and biscuits that contain nuts. There are a number of students who experience severe and life-threatening allergic reactions to nuts. Ideally students should only bring water to school in their drink bottles. Uniform Students in Grades 1 to 6 are permitted to wear their full sports uniform to school on the day that they are scheduled to have PE. Grade 3 to 6 students will need to wear their College track suit and spray jacket with the gold polo shirt to and from school, not the navy and gold sports top. This procedure will be in place for the duration of the year. Sun protection All students are required to wear hats while undertaking outdoor activities during the first term. . Mount Carmel College Issue 1 5th February, 2015 Primary Welcome and Information Evenings Children are most successful in a learning environment where teachers and parents work closely and cooperatively together. All parents are invited to the Welcome and Information Evenings as outlined below: Kindergarten and Prep, Tuesday 10th February from 7:30pm to 8:15pm. Grades 1 to 4/5, Monday 16th February from 6:15pm to 8pm Grade 6, Tuesday 24th February from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. During these sessions teachers will share with parents their expectations, routines and curriculum for the year. Class Teachers will send home a letter outlining the arrangements for the Information Evenings early next week. In closing, I would like to thank the primary staff for all of their tremendous work in preparing classrooms and designing engaging learning opportunities for the students. Similarly, I thank the parents for your hard work in getting the children back to school so well-prepared, fully equipped and ready to go. “What you can do, we cannot do, and what we can do, you cannot do, but together we can do something beautiful.” (Mother Teresa) Mrs Caroline Wilson-Haffenden Director of Primary FROM THE SPORTS COORDINATOR Welcome back to all parents and students, I hope you all had a wonderful break and are refreshed and ready for a full year of sporting pursuits. I have taken over the role of Sports Administration Officer at Mount Carmel College from Olivia Hogarth. I will now be the administrative contact for both Primary and Secondary School Sport and look forward to meeting students and families and supporting the myriad of school sports programs offered throughout the year. Information and Sports Sign-Up Information regarding carnival/roster dates, days and times for most sports, uniform requirements and other guidelines and Sign Up is available online for both Primary and Secondary sports, on the school website, http://mountcarmel.tas.edu.au/sport-activity-sign-up/ . If you haven’t already, please visit this page and download a copy of the Sports Information Booklet/s. By clicking on the “Sign Up” button you will be taken to an online form to nominate students to play sport. If you are able to help out with coaching, managing or umpiring, please note this on the sign up form or contact Nikki Stuart directly. Please Sign Up for Term One Sports by Tuesday, 10th February. Below is a snapshot of what is on offer: Secondary Cricket Futsal Sailing Series 1 Soccer (1st grade) Soccer (Y7-8) Soccer (Y9-10) Surf Lifesaving Swimming (Trials) Day / Time Thursdays 4:30 – 6:00pm Mon, Tues or Wed Tues or Wed Tuesdays 4:15 – 5:15pm Wednesdays 4:15 – 5:15pm Mondays 4:15 – 5:15pm Thursday 9:30am – 2:30pm Tuesday 7:30 – 9:00pm Dates 26 Feb – 26 Mar 23 – 25 Mar Feb - Apr 24 Feb – 19 May 25 Feb – 6 May 23 Feb – 11 May 26 Feb 17 Feb Primary Soccer (Y2-6 Girls) Tennis (Y5-6) Thursdays 4pm - 4:45pm Tuesdays 4pm - 5pm 26 Feb – 30 Apr 24 Feb – 31 Mar Mount Carmel College Note One day for each age div Day depends on division One day at Kingston Beach Training Mon & Wed 7am at Clarence Aquatic Centre Issue 1 5th February, 2015 FROM THE SPORTS COORDINATOR cont.s Volunteer Coaches / Managers / Supervisors All volunteers involved in coaching, managing or supervising sports teams will be required under new legislation to have a Working with Children Check in place by April 2015. I encourage all parents/carers to register as soon as possible if there is any chance you will be involved with a sporting team this year. Volunteers will not be able to take up their role until the WWCC has been cleared, and we do not want any students missing out on playing sport because we don’t have a registered volunteer. Please refer to http://www.justice.tas.gov.au/working_with_children for more details on how to apply. Secondary Swimming Trials The Year 7-10 Swimming Trials are on Tuesday February 17th from 7:30pm to approximately 9pm. Students wishing to be eligible for selection in the College Swimming Team must attend this trial event. Nominations are to be made via the Online Sport Sign Up Page before Tuesday, 10th February. From this trial event a College Swimming Team will be selected. Students will then attend a series of training sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays at Clarence Aquatic Centre at 7am in preparation for the two interschool carnivals. The Southern SATIS Carnival is on Wednesday 11th March and the State SATIS Carnival is on Wednesday 25th March, both at the Hobart Aquatic Centre. Parents are more than welcome to attend any of these swimming events. At least four parent helpers are required for the Trials to assist with timing. If you are able to help, please note this on the sign up form or contact Nikki Stuart directly (contact details below). Infant and Primary Swimming Carnivals On Monday, 2nd March, the Mount Carmel Infant and Primary Swimming Carnivals will be held at the Glenorchy Aquatic Centre. Students from Prep to Grade 6 will be involved in House events throughout the day. A letter outlining the expectations of the day and inviting parents and carers to assist on the day, will be sent home soon and need to be returned by Friday, 20th February. Contact Information If parents or carers need to contact me regarding anything related to School Sport, please feel free to do so via email at [email protected], or by phone on 6216 7926. Nikki Stuart Sports Administration Officer Photos in this edition of the Bulletin were taken during the Year 7 Familiarisation Day on Wednesday, 4th February. Mount Carmel College Issue 1 5th February, 2015
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