3.5.15_CC Exec Packet - Monterey County Children`s Council

Elliott Robinson, Director, Dept. of Social Services – Chair
Mary Adams, United Way Monterey County (Yuri Anderson,
Ray Bullick, Health Department (Dr. Edward Moreno, Health
Officer, Alternate)
Nancy Kotowski, Ph.D., Monterey County Office of Education
(Deneen Newman Ed. D, Alternate)
Marcia Parsons, Chief, Probation Department (Vice Chair)
(Todd Keating, Alternate)
Jayanti Addleman, Monterey County Free Libraries (Berenice
Astengo, Alternate)
Dan Baldwin, Community Foundation for Monterey County,
(Laurel Lee-Alexander, Alternate)
Valerie Barnes, M.D., Child Abuse Prevention Council (David
Maradei, Alternate)
Stephen Bernal, Sheriff (Jerry Teeter, Alternate)
Wayne Clark, Ph.D., Behavioral Health Dept., (Sid Smith,
Deputy Director Behavioral Health, Alternate)
James Collins, Special Kids Crusade
Margaret D’Arrigo-Martin, Community
Larry Drury, Child Care Planning Council (Mary Johnson,
United Way Monterey County
60 Garden Court, Suite 350, Monterey, CA
Thursday, March 5, 2015
7:30 – 8:30 am
1. Welcome & Introductions, Elliott Robinson, Chair
2. Administrative Items:
a. Approve the minutes of the February 5, 2015 Executive Committee
b. Accept alternate appointment – Jeannine Pacioni, Assistant
District Attorney for Dean Flippo, District Attorney (see
3. Information/Discussion:
a. Update on FY13-14 Annual Report Presentation to the Board
of Supervisors, Elliott
b. Update on Early Childhood Development Initiative, Francine
Rodd/Nina Alcaraz
James Egar, Public Defender
Dean Flippo, District Attorney
Jean Goebel, Housing Authority of Monterey County (Joni
Ruelaz, alternate)
Jody Hansen, Monterey Peninsula Chamber of Commerce
(Kathi Speller, Alternate)
Kristan Lundquist, City of Salinas
Robin McCrae, Community Human Services
Charles McKee, County Counsel (Annette Cutino, Alternate)
Elizabeth Modena, Superintendent, Gonzales Unified
Schools (Theresa Rouse, Alternate)
Eduardo Ochoa, Ph.D, CSUMB (Cynthia Holmsky, Alternate)
Supervisor Jane Parker (District 4) (Supervisor Simon Salinas
(District 3), Alternate)
4. General Assembly Agenda Setting
Action Items:
Approval of the minutes of the February 9, 2015 meeting
Initiative Updates:
All Kids, Our Kids, Ashley Powers Clark
Early Childhood Development Initiative, Nina Alcaraz
CalWORKs Homeless Services Program, Margarita
Timothy Roberts, Judge, Superior Court, Juvenile Division
Francine Rodd, Monterey County First 5 Commission (Sandra
Chapin, Alternate
Robert Taniguchi, Department of Social Services
Walter Tribley, Monterey Peninsula College
Kari Yeater, Superintendent, North Monterey County
(Marvin Biasotti, Alternate)
Staff Support
Arlene Boyd, Administrative Assistant, Dept. of Social Services
5. New Business/Announcements
Next Meeting: Thursday, April 2, 2015
The Children’s Council provides leadership and policy direction to
encourage the development of a comprehensive and collaborative
delivery system of services to children and youth in Monterey County.
Executive Committee
Children’s Council of Monterey County
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Conference Call Meeting
Members Present: Elliott Robinson- Chair (phone), Mary Adams, Nancy Kotowski, and Marcia Parsons Others Present: Yuri Anderson and Stephen Bernal
Parsons called the meeting to order 7:30am. All present introduced him/herself.
Administrative Items
Adams motioned to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2015 Executive Committee meeting.
Kotowski seconded. Motion passed.
Update on Early Childhood Development Initiative: Anderson shared an update on ECDI noting that:
 ECDI had two open RFP/Qs in the community. The first is due on February 11 th and seeks
facilitators to support Collaborative Action Teams (CATs). The second is due February 17th and
seeks an evaluator.
 CATs are moving forward at various paces. North County is progressing the most quickly, which
is likely due to facilitators currently supporting the collaborative that are funded by Community
Foundation. North County is hoping ECDI can support them by extending the engagement of
their facilitators. Pajaro will meet later in the month and focus on sharing data. Salinas held its
first meeting since the Engagement Opportunity Request was approved. The meeting focused
on how to establish a structure that would allow them to include the whole city. The next
Salinas meeting will focus on local indicators. Seaside and Greenfield are moving at a slower
pace. ECDI staff is having discussions with community leaders about next steps.
 The ECDI Program Manager and Backbone are developing a Strategic Work plan, which they
plan to bring to the next Exec meeting.
 The Policy Advocacy Network (PAN) is moving forward based on direction provided to it by the
MCCC Exec Committee in January. The PAN are developing advocacy guides and are also
working to draft a two-year framework for how it will implement its three goals: facilitating
systemic change, creating greater awareness and outreach; and promoting civic engagement.
The framework will be included in the Strategic Work plan.
Update on Parent Engagement/Involvement Research and Recommended Next Steps: Robinson
explained that a small work group, including Anderson, Francine Rodd, Sandra Jaramillo (MCOE) and
himself, had met to review research on the topic. They found no difference between “parent
engagement” and “parent involvement” per se, but would suggest the Council move forward with a
framework focused on “Family Engagement.” Anderson then previewed a website the work group is
suggesting we use to guide our understanding and discussion of this topic
(https://childrwelfare.gov/fei). The work group is also recommending a multi-disciplinary team be
formed to review the website and determine its fit for our community. The team would minimally
include representatives from DSS, Child Welfare Division; MCOE; Juvenile Justice; and Behavioral Health.
The website will be shared at the next General Assembly meeting with the recommendation from the
work group/Exec committee. Kotowski will appoint MCOE’s Director of Migrant Education to the multidisciplinary team.
General Assembly Agenda Setting
The committee approved the proposed agenda. It was agreed that time should be set aside to honor
Wayne Clark, who has been hired into a state-wide position.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05am.