Volume I, Issue I February/March 2015 The HAWKS’ Eye Newsletter Respected McNicol Family, I am so excited to begin this journey as the principal of McNicol Middle Magnet & STEM School. Although this is my fifth year serving this amazing school and community, it is my first as your proud principal. As we progress through this school year, I can guarantee you that it will be my utmost priority to continue a school environment, which places a laser focus of continuous improvement on both teaching and learning. We look forward to seeing you at our monthly PTSA/SAC meetings, which are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:00 P.M. in our school’s Media Center. Follow us on Twitter @McNicolHawks and continue to log on to our site in order to receive the most up to date information. Also, please register to volunteer and become an active member of our school community by signing up at www.getinvolvedineducation.com/pare nts. Words from our Principal… As we aim to educate the whole child at McNicol Middle Magnet & STEM School, we will continue to honor the four B’S; this includes developing our students to: Be Responsible, to Be Respectful, to Be Safe, and to Be Active Learners. I encourage you to join us on this exciting journey of encouraging our Hawks to fly as they become accountable learners. I look forward to working together in excellence as we create the highschool ready, college-bound McCool Hawk! Respectfully, Melissa M. Gurreonero 4 ESOL NJHS Policy 5006 Novel Study, “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fiztgerald National Junior Honor Society Updates... Discipline Policy: Suspension & Expulsion Page 2 Page 3 Page 5 ; Volume I, Issue I February/March 2015 2014-2015 SGA Officers: Jeremiah Thomas, President Preparing the high school ready, college-bound student… Ashkar Victor, 8th Grade Vice President Deborah Hough, 7th Grade Vice President Kiki Augustine, 6th Grade Vice President Ivy Brown, Secretary Nallely Cobos, Treasurer Jazmin Minter, Historian McNicol’s ESOL students started the year hard at work. The students challenged themselves by taking on a novel study, reading, “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Isaiah Erskine, a 7th grader at McNicol recently took the SAT, which is the academic, college admissions exam. We give a hearty, CONGRATULATIONS to Isaiah for passing the SAT. We are definitely preparing the highschool ready, college-bound student at McNicol! Congratulations again Isaiah; keep up the good work. The students recreated the cover of the book, which is on display. Students/Staff may find the cover on the outside of Ms. Shore’s door, room 205. 2 ; Volume I, Issue I February/March 2015 National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) Pictured from l to r: Ashkar Victor, Pres., Sydney Doughlin, V-Pres., Jeremiah Thomas, Treas., Indriani Sarju and Katherine Gonzales, Historians, and Leilani Sanchez, Secretary (not pictured) Greetings, from the NJHS. We are happy to introduce the officers: PresidentAshkar Victor, Vice President-Sydney Doughlin, Treasurer-Jeremiah Thomas, Secretary-Leilani Sanchez and HistoriansIndriani Sarju and Katherine Gonzales. The members of NJHS finished the month of February with their first ever SOUL (Student Organization United by Learning) Fest; it was a new start to something great! NJHS is grateful for all the different organizations that volunteered their time to help make Soul Fest 2015 a success! Our upcoming projects include preparing and donating peanut butter sandwiches for the Jubilee Center; Beach Clean up for Hollywood Beach; fundraising for the Wildlife Center and Doctors without Borders organization; and celebrate Secretary’s Day in April. We also look forward to projects for Mother's Day, Teacher Appreciation and we will close out with our End-of-the-Year Induction/Closing Ceremony. Submitted by: Mrs. M. Goulet, NJHS Sponsor 3 ; Volume I, Issue I February/March 2015 McNicol Recognized by Metis Associates Introducing CAPE The Broward County School Board authorized Metis Associates (New York) to review 54 magnet programs in the spring of 2014. McNicol’s Magnet Program received the highest tier rating from the comprehensive audit conducted by Metis Associates. Excellent job McNicol! McNicol is introducing Career and Professional Education to our students starting with the 2014-2015 school year. This 3-year program will take students through computer classes that will guide them to become experts at Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel. By the end of their 8th grade year, these students will have the opportunity to complete testing for Industry level Microsoft Certification. Victorious Again! The Florida Atlantic University Engineering Week was celebrated at the FAU Boca Raton Campus on February 24. McNicol had 20 magnet students on the trip to experience hands-on learning and teamwork by building solar cars and racing them. Without trying to bury the lead, our students also won First Place for the Banner Competition for the 5th time in 6 years. The McNicol Banner featured a full size brain that was modified and 3D printed by student, Micah Brown. The brain was supported with specially designed mounts (also printed at school) and rotated by a program on a robot designed by Bryant Sooy. In 8th grade, students will reach the capstone of the 3-year program by taking an Instructional Technology course and earning a high school credit in technology. This is one of many ways McNicol is preparing the high school ready, collegebound student. Submitted by: Mr. P. Shaver Magnet Coordinator 4 ; Volume I, Issue I February/March 2015 DISCIPLINE POLICY: SUSPENSION AND EXPULSION POLICY 5006 The intent of this Policy is to provide for the maintenance of a safe, orderly and peaceful educational environment for all students and to align with zero-tolerance legislation and statutory requirements. This Policy, its rules, and procedures shall apply to all activities occurring on school grounds, on other sites being used for school activities, and in any vehicle authorized for the transporting of students. Further, this Policy, its rules and procedures shall also apply to all schoolauthorized functions and/or activities, including, but not limited to, field trips, athletic events, and club activities. This Policy shall be applied equally to all students without discrimination based on economic status, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, ethnicity or disability (for students with disabilities eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or Section 504, there are additional rights that must be applied). The District will make every reasonable effort to correct student misbehavior through school-based resources at the lowest possible level, and to support students in learning the skills necessary to enhance a positive school environment and avoid negative behavior. The vast majority of disciplinary issues should be addressed at the classroom level by teachers. In all instances, school discipline should be reasonable, timely, fair, age-appropriate, and should match the severity of the student’s misbehavior. Any disciplinary or prosecutorial action taken against a student who violates this policy must be based on particular circumstances of the student’s misconduct. The Discipline Matrix attached as Appendix A to Policy 5.8, Code of Student Conduct, is hereby incorporated into and made part of this Policy. The Discipline Matrix sets forth the guidelines for assigning consequences for violations of School Board policies. School principals have the discretion to deviate from these guidelines by assessing an appropriate consequence other than stated in the Discipline Matrix if he or she determines in his or her sole discretion that there are mitigating or aggravating circumstances. PLEASE REVIEW THIS POLICY IN ITS ENTIRETY AT: http://www.broward.k12.fl.us/sbbcpolicie s/docs/Policy%205006.pdf REPORTERS WANTED! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A GRADE LEVEL REPORTER, SPORTS REPORTER, ACADEMIC/CLUB REPORTER, PLEASE STOP BY ROOM 206 (BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL) FOR MORE INFORMATION. e-Edition If you would like to receive the electronic version of The Hawks’ Eye Newsletter, please send an email with the subject header: ‘Please Add Me’ to: [email protected] and you will receive our next issue by email. 5 Volume I, Issue I Jobs for Graduates a.k.a. Just For Girls Ms. S. Pierre, Treasure Hunter (Advisor) Largest national demonstration of a school-based model for youth leading to a high school diploma, employment and/or postsecondary education leading to a career. The JAG MODEL has been highly successful for over two decades in delivering school-to-career transition services to targeted youth. The class consists of highly motivational, student-led organization such as the JAG National Career Association. Competency-based curriculum with pre- and post-tests, integrated math and reading skills building, and highly interactive and motivational activities that prepares our students to be 21st century life long learners. McNicol Middle Magnet & S.T.E.M. School Mrs. Melissa Gurreonero, Principal Mrs. Letia Gale, Assistant Principal Mr. David Martin, II, Assistant Principal 1602 South 27th Avenue Hollywood, Florida 33020 Telephone: 754-323-3400 Facsimile: 754-323-3485 mcnicolmiddleschool.org February/March 2015 RAISE the Bar Mrs. S. Mitchum (Advisor) RAISE the Bar students continue to excel; they were recently nominated for School Based Mentoring Program of the Year. RTB also won the Peace Pole prize for our sidewalk chalk art event during Peace Week. As our cultural excursion, RTB attended the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater performance at the Broward Center. On February 25th, parents came out to celebrate students as they were rewarded for their academic successes. Coming up: RTB will visit the campus of FAU to explore life as a college student; participate in the Cadet Fitness Challenge at Hallandale High; and participate in the FL AIDS Walk for which $400.00 has been raised to donate to the cause. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Patricia Good, Chair Donna P. Korn, Vice Chair Robin Bartleman Heather P. Brinkworth Abby M. Freedman Laurie Rich Levinson Ann Murray Dr. Rosalind Osgood Nora Rupert Robert W. Runcie, Superintendent of Schools Ms. Shandrea Robinson, Newsletter Coordinator
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