I want to stress how important it is that we all attend worship every chance we get. It means so very much for us all to be together in prayer, song listening, communion, and faith. Acts 2:42 talks about the commitment of the early church saying, “They devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. A church devoted to these Rev. Steve Digby Transitional Minister [email protected] Rev. David Finklea Assistant Minister Chain Reaction Ministries chainreactionministries @gmail.com Mirtha Robbins Custodian Teri Villoutreix Church Secretary [email protected] Janet Christman Dir. of Children’s Ministry [email protected] Delmarie Gilbreath Organist Rev. Chris Parrott Praise Band Leader Marilyn Duncan Choir Director [email protected] Deb Olsen-Busch Handbell Choir Director Candy Kepper Preschool Director [email protected] Church Office Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-4:30 pm things will move from striving to thriving. Next Sunday, March 22, I hope you will be present to worship with your church family as we attend to the importance of each member of the body to the body. Palm Sunday, March 29, we will celebrate Palm/Passion Sunday. We will attend to the triumphal entry to Jerusalem as we think about what a difference a good entry makes. On Maundy Thursday, April 2, we will come together to remember the events of Holy Week, hearing the scriptures detailing what Jesus did to conclude his ministry with his disciples. On Easter, April 5, we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with great music and a consideration of the short ending of Mark. Last Sunday I told the congregation about an upcoming worship service that is of great importance for the future of Memorial Drive Christian Church. This service, to be held on April 12, will be a time for discussion and answering questions that will help the Search Committee in their work of listening to God’s direction in calling a permanent Senior Minister to the church. You notice I used the word call. We do not hire ministers in the church. We call them. They in turn answer a call not only from a congregation, more important, they answer a call from God. When both the congregation and the pastor are listening carefully to God, beautiful things can happen. The service on April 12 will be held in the Fellowship Hall. Gathered in the name of Jesus, we will sit around tables and participate in small group discussions, as an important part of the worship of God. I’ll be talking about the worship service in greater detail in the coming weeks, so please be in worship and stay in the communication loop. I also want you to know you may call me either at the church or on my phone (512) 749-3700. I’ll be happy to talk with you about what we are trying to accomplish and to learn from you. Last Sunday in the sermon I talked briefly about the Life Cycle of a Congregation as described by George Bullard. If you are interested in learning more about the life cycle of a congregation, simply Google “Stages of Church Life by George Bullard.” You will be taken to an informative article. I also talked about Will Mancini’s book Church Unique in which he presents three aspects of the church’s mission, or Local Kingdom Concept. They are Apostolic Esprit, Collective Potential, and Local Predicament. Apostolic Esprit answers the question, “What particular focus most energizes and animates our leadership?” Collective Potential answers the question, “What are the unique resource capabilities that God brings together in us?” Local Predicament answers the question, “What are the unique needs and opportunities where God has placed us?” If you Google “Will Mancini Kingdom Concept,” you will be taken to a YouTube interview. I believe every one of us wants to see Memorial Drive Christian Church clarify its vision and to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ. Right now we have some problems to overcome. We lack the number of people that once were here. We don’t have the money to do things we once did. We have debt. Any of these problems, unaddressed, has the potential of doing us in. But these problems are not The Problem. The Problem has to do with clear Vision, and our mission of making disciples that are passionate about making disciples. I pray for God’s blessings on you and I hope to see you Sunday! Pastor Steve Contact: Terrie Cardwell [email protected] or 713-208-4923 On Sunday, April 12, we will have a unique worship experience that you don’t want to miss. We will sing hymns, pray together, share in communion, and share ideas and visions. As a part of our worship service, we will discern plans for the future and for the mission of Memorial Drive Christian Church. You do have a voice in the process of selecting a new minister and in the future plans for our church. You are an integral part of this process and this is the opportunity for you to share your vision for MDCC. We will worship in the Fellowship Hall where you will be encouraged to interact with other members in small groups, answering questions and sharing ideas. The information collected from your discussions will provide valuable input for the search committee to use in the process of selecting a new senior minister. As you leave the worship service on Sunday April 12, you will also be given a survey to complete and return to the church. This survey will provide even more information to guide the search committee during the selection process. We thank you in advance for your attendance and participation in this wonderful opportunity to work together as a community of faith with a promising future ahead of us! Sincerely, Terrie Cardwell, Worship Chair Contact: Zoe Hunt, 713-467-7035 The Ladies Service Group is taking on another project and we will need the help of all church members. We have learned of a long-overdue need—luggage for foster children. When the children are sent to a new foster home, all of their clothes and personal possessions are sent in a plastic garbage bag! Our new project is to clean and repair old luggage. You can help us attain our goal, “A Suitcase For Every Child,” by donating old or unused luggage (any size or condition) so these children can walk into their new homes with a little dignity. The Choir, the Emmaus Sunday School class, and friends will be sponsoring a reception for Bill and Martha Welch following the 11:00am church service on March 22. Bill and Martha have been very generous with the sharing of the gifts God has given them with Memorial Drive Christian Church, and we wish to honor them as they move to Georgia to be near their son and his family. If you wish to bring them a card, it would be appreciated by them as they pack to know that we love them and they will certainly be missed. Please place your donations in the place provided in the Giving Center foyer of the Fellowship Hall. Contact: Susan Pain, 713-515-0616 Our church is hosting a quilting workday on Saturday, April 18, at 9:00am3:00pm, in the Fellowship Hall. Come for a while and sew or tie quilts already pieced or just help pin some together. Supplies will be provided. Houston Quilt Guild provides around 500 quilts yearly to agencies like Star of Hope and various women’s and children’s shelters. After much thought, prayers, and discussion, Pam and I have decided it is a time for us to step down from leadership of this group. Unfortunately, some things just run their course and then need to be re-evaluated. We have enjoyed our time of planning and going with you! Mary Williams and Pam Ellis We will be playing Chicken Foot dominoes in the Fellowship Hall at 10:00am on the third Thursday of each month, April 16. Single ladies are invited to join us for fellowship, games, and lunch. Bring a salad to share! We meet for bridge on the fourth Thursday of each month, March 26. We meet in the Delphi Room, at 10:00am. Bring a sack lunch. A call to Connie Ikard is needed to reserve your place. Community Joys & Concerns Our condolences to the family and friends of Margaret Oates, who died on March 9. A burial service was held in Sapulpa, OK on March 14. Property Committee would like to thank Ed Plummer for spending the day at the church fixing stuff. It was a long day with several frustrating moments. Thanks for the tenacity in getting the jobs done. Larry Neal Chair Property Contact: Janice Spradlin, sprad@@swbell.net or 281-380-0696 We have had our share of cold, gray, windy, and rainy Sundays so far in 2015. Thanks to all of you who have greeted and welcomed our members and guests with such warm and friendly smiles. The Lenten season is a very special time in the life of Christians. For many, it is a time of refocusing on our faith, renewal of our beliefs, and rebirth in the love of Christ. As each of us continues our journey through Lent culminating with our Easter Week activities, please be open to others who have not yet experienced these joys. Let’s share what we have as members of MDCC with others who are looking for a caring church family. We will have more visitors with us over the next month as we approach Easter. We will need a few more smiling faces to help with greeting, passing out bulletins, and helping visitors find their way around and feel a part of things. We would appreciate your help. We will need additional people for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and both Easter services. After church, on April 19th, we will be offering a training session for Ushers, Deacon Leaders, Building Closers, Elders, and anyone else who feels they might benefit from this meeting. We feel if you serve in one of these capacities, it would be helpful for you to know some routine and emergency procedures that are in place as well as some information concerning the building itself. We will be handing out an updated information sheet and Larry Neal will give us some specifics on the fire alarm system, etc. Please mark this date on your calendar and plan to attend. We hope to walk through the information in 30 minutes. These responsibilities have fallen to a few knowledgeable people and one designated usher each week. Under normal circumstances, this has worked well but if an emergency arises, such as a fire, the more people who know procedures and where things are, the safer we will be as a congregation. Lastly, we would like to thank Rev. Digby for the interesting and thoughtful sermons he has been giving each week and including the children in the worship service. Spring is just around the corner!! In Christian Fellowship, Janice Spradlin, Linda Thompson, and Angela Bullock Contact: Janet Christman, 713-304-8707 or [email protected] We had a great time at our first Family Fellowship on Sunday, March 8. We enjoyed a pizza lunch, played some games, and visited with our church family. We are hoping to sponsor this type of event 4 or 5 times a year to give our families the opportunity to get to know each other and offer some time for old fashioned fun and fellowship! If you weren’t able to join us this time, we hope you can make the next one. The Youth and Children’s Ministry team has made some great plans for the next few months in the life of our church. Just to give you a heads up; here are some of our plans: Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast, Saturday, April 4 at 10:00am 2nd Annual “Breakfast in Bed” to honor all women of the church. The youth and children will be dressed in their pajamas and will pamper you and serve you a continental breakfast. You are welcome to come dressed in comfortable clothes and enjoy the special treatment on Saturday, May 9 at 9:00 a.m. Father’s Day Celebration, Sunday, June 21 immediately following the morning worship service. Come and enjoy a good old Texan Cook-Out and honor all the men of our church. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held August 3-7 from 9:00 a.m. to noon for all children Kindergarten through 5th grade. We would love to have as many youth as possible help us with this event. We are looking forward to spending SPRING BREAK with my parents in Iowa. Hope you enjoy spending some extra time with family. In love with the King’s Kids Janet I hope that all of you had the privilege of attending the February 22 worship service. Reverend Nathan Russell delivered an inspiring and challenging sermon and Cynthia Clawson provided wonderful music. There is indeed life in these bones! Steve Digby is now here and things are happening. I would like to highlight a couple of the people who make this a wonderful congregation. Elaine Cook served for several years as our board secretary. She kept us informed of upcoming events and ensured that our years were complete with minutes. Unknown to many, Larry Neal actually lives in the basement of the church. He is busy with roof leaks, stopped up restrooms, light bulbs, and various and sundry vermin. Tune in to the next newsletter for additional names of people who make me proud to be a member of MDCC. Stephen Robinson Ordination When you sing in the choir how will you know which part to sing? Are you an alto? A tenor? Voice placement can be quite specific, but in general, we divide the choir into four parts: bass, tenor, alto, and soprano. Although these parts are then sometimes subdivided, generally speaking a soprano is a female with a high voice. (Boys and girls with high voices are called Trebles.) Those women with rich, lower voices are contraltos, or altos. They sing a harmony part and are very important to those tricky chords we sometimes sing. Boys whose voices have not yet changed may also sing alto. The men who sing just a bit lower than the altos are called tenors. There are many different categories of tenors, but we just call them all tenors. It’s been my experience that church choir tenors just love a good joke. The basses have those low voices and really ground a good choir sound. Sometimes they get to sing a moving line of oohmpa sounds and sometimes they sing so low they almost disappear. Whatever part you sing, you are a valuable addition to the church choir and we would love to have you join us. Voice placement assistance is available if needed. If you are interested in singing in the choir, please call Marilyn Duncan at the church at 713.789.0060 or at 832.498.9397 to find out how to get started. Former MDCC member Stephen C. Robinson was ordained at Hyde Park Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Austin, Texas, on Sunday, March 8, 2015. Stephen is the son of Charles and Pam Robinson (also former MDCC members) and grandson of the late Carl S. and Dorothy Smith, former members of Bethany Christian Church. He became a member of Memorial Drive Christian Church in 1992 and was an active participant in Chi-Rho and CYF, serving as the representative to the Youth Ministry Council for three years. After graduating as salutatorian from Strake Jesuit High School, Stephen majored in religious studies at the University of Texas in the Plan II Honors program, earning his BA and a Phi Beta Kappa membership in 2004. Several years ago, Stephen found himself back in church and soon felt himself called to Christian ministry. Stephen graduated from Austin Theological Presbyterian Seminary with a Master of Divinity in 2013, served a year as a chaplain resident at Seton Healthcare Family. Currently, Stephen serves as a staff chaplain at Seton Medical Center Hays as well as the Associate Minister for Education and Evangelism at Hyde Park Christian Church. Stephen lives with his eleven-yearold son, Weston. Stephen still loves music and sings in the church choir as well as serving as leadership for his son's Cub Scout troop. Congratulations to Stephen and his family on this auspicious occasion.
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