April 2015 - Meadowlakes POA, 78654

APRIL 2015
Your POA is finding itself very busy
these days. It appears that 2015 will
be a year in which several projects will
begin that we anticipate to be ongoing
year after year.
As you know, your Property Owners'
Association owns the streets in Meadowlakes. As a result, your POA is responsible for the upkeep of those
streets. Each year, during the spring
and summer, we spend a considerable
sum of money (around $150,000) making repairs to our streets with of the
intent of keeping them safe, free of
potholes, and, in general, smooth, attractive surfaces on which to navigate
around the city, whether in an automobile, golf cart, bicycle, or walking. The
POA Board has implemented a three
year plan for street maintenance that
will be a living document from year-toyear; i. e., each year we will assess and
keep three years ahead of our needed
street improvements. We feel that by
planning three years out and continually being aware of the upcoming needs
that we can be better stewards of financial resources, as well as stay well
ahead of the ravages of weather and
heavy traffic. In the coming months, we
will be discussing this plan in a
monthly meeting.
Additionally, your Board has begun
the operations of a Welcome to Meadowlakes Committee. This committee
has a goal to make a personal visit to
each new resident of our community,
welcome them, provide them information, answer questions, and provide a
welcoming packet with a variety of
information, as well as discount coupons from local merchants, etc. We
all know the value of a committee of
this nature and are thankful to the
individuals in our community committing their time and energies to this
endeavor. Additionally, the Welcoming Committee will be sponsoring
several community events each year
designed to help us get to know our
neighbors. A St. Patrick's Day dinner
and an Easter Egg Hunt have already
been enjoyed by many in the community. Although many people are involved in this Welcoming Committee
project, I would be remiss to not mention Sherry and Doc Staley as both
financial and inspirational leaders of
this endeavor, as well as Board member, Jerrial Wafer, who was charged
with the responsibility by the Board
to reintroduce a Welcoming Committee to the city of Meadowlakes.
We are in the middle of planning
some landscaping for three or four
'green space' areas in our city in
order to improve
their appearance. This project is in
the planning stage with the following ideas being discussed: xeriscaping and low water plants/vegetation,
benches, gazebos, and, possibly, a
memorial tribute of some type. This
project will take several months to
bring to fruition; however, I believe
that you would agree that a project
of this nature will add immensely to
the beauty and positive life-style of
our community. All of these projects
are in addition to the ongoing operation of our security gate, parks, and
recreational vehicle storage
area. So, as you can see your POA
is very busy working to make Meadowlakes an even better place to live!
Please join your POA Board at
our monthly meetings the third
Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm
at City Hall.
The Annual Memorial Day picnic will be
held at 5PM, Monday, May 25th at
Lakeside Park with Spyke's BBQ catering the event. Cost is $5.00 per
plate. The golf course might have a 9
hole scramble that afternoon.
Also Saturday 4th of July Parade will be
gathering at the Event Center (Hidden
Falls Restaurant) at 10AM. There will
be prizes for best decorated scooters,
bicycles, and golf carts. We will also
have a small program at Lakeside
Park for the kids.
The Welcoming Committee would like
to invite the Community to come meet
our new residents on Saturday May 2nd
at 6-8 PM at the Events Center for a
"Sock Hop down Memory Lane". Dinner,
fun games, and fellowship will be provided by Leo and Sherri Staley. A donation of $10.00 per head is requested
to fund needed upgrades to the Hidden
Falls Restaurant Facility. 1950's costumes are encouraged but optional,
however, prizes for best costumes will
be donated by Leo and Sherri Staley. Please RSVP @ 830-637-7745 by
Thursday April 23rd for dinner and
You will be seeing some very visible changes over the next few months as you enter Meadowlakes. The Association owns
the triangle of land to your left as you pass the cart crossing, between Meadowlakes Drive and Fairway. Since the inception of Meadowlakes, it has been open ground, periodically mowed to control the native grasses.
The Association Board has approved landscaping the vacant land, to install paths and a covered seating area, and to place
a monument honoring our military servicemen and women.
We are mindful that Central Texas continues in a drought and water restrictions are in place. With that perspective, we
are planning to xeriscape the grounds with low maintenance and low water consumption plants within a stone surrounding, centering the design to the monument and seating area. Already, we have offers of help from our neighbors with the
labor and materials for the project to help us keep our costs to a minimum.
We will ask for more help as the project begins so we can make it a real community project. With all our help, the finished
product will be a welcoming sight for our residents and our visitors.
Work crews will begin work this week
on needed repairs on Meadowlakes
Drive. This is the first of several repairs that will occur this spring and
summer. Please, be attentive to the
workers. We will try to make the repairs with as little inconvenience as
possible, but regrettably most of the
structural weaknesses in our roads and
thus most of the work need to be done
on Meadowlakes Drive – our busiest
roadway. Please, be careful.
This week’s work is to seal the cracks
on Meadowlakes Drive from the Clubhouse to the cart crossing near the
Meadowlakes entrance. That portion of
roadway was rebuilt in 1999, and the
road base and roadway remain in good
shape. However, cracks in the asphalt
have started to allow water into the
road base and it has started to deteriorate. The cracks need to be sealed to
stop water penetration. The sealing
should take about 3-4 days.
On13 April, work crews will start stabilizing the road base under Meadowlakes Drive from the Clubhouse to the
lake. The road base in this part of
Meadowlakes Drive has multiple structural problems that have developed
over the years as you can see from repeated patching, cracking, and depressions. Our plan is to remove the existing asphalt in areas of weakness and
remix the road base with cement to
stabilize each area. By the end of each
workday, the crews will resurface each
part of the stabilized road base so that
traffic will not be impeded. This work
will take several weeks for completion.
After the structural repairs are completed and the road base re-stabilized,
we will begin applying a new asphalt
cap over the existing roadway.
The largest repair will be at the entrance to Meadowlakes. Last year, the
entry to Meadowlakes was reworked
through the security gate. This year,
we will rework the exit side and the
roadway from the cart path to the security building and down the east side of
“N” Street to the medical offices. Meadowlakes owns the east side of N Street
from the gated area to Johnson Street.
Dates for these repairs are not yet specific – we need two weeks of weather
without forecast of rain to complete the
repairs. As soon as we have a planning
date to start the entrance repairs, we
will publish in the newsletter.
If you drive on Meadowlakes Drive, you
know this part of our roadway past the
entrance and into the orchard bears
about 70 percent of the traffic in our
community. This year’s inconvenience
is needed to assure that our busiest
roadway will serve our community for
years to come.
Six trapped skunks removed from the city
A dead deer was reported by a resident. It was removed from the city by Public Works
Five trapped raccoons removed from the
Three barking dog complaints were received
One stray dog was reported
One skunk, three raccoons, and one fox
were removed and tested for rabies. All
tests were negative!
A loose dog was dropped off at the gate by a resident. It was returned to its owner.
One loose dog was retrieved and returned
to owner
Numerous reports of skunks running around during the daytime
Assisted a resident remove a skunk from her garage
Numerous complaints of a dog running loose –
owner was issued a warning ticket
Robbie Galaway
Animal Control Officer
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A warm welcome to the new families who have moved into the community this last quarter.
Dustin and Courtney Wing have moved into 254 Carnoustie. Dustin is the co-owner of Wingman Oil Change and Wingman Car
Wash. Courtney is a real estate agent for Walker and Associates Real Estate. They have a 6 month old baby boy named Graham. They love being with family and friends. They actively spend time outside while walking their two dogs, Barkley and
Hans, but mostly enjoy the new baby.
A J and Lillie Baker are now living at 348 Meadowlakes Drive. They hail from Pontotoc, Texas in Mason County. A J retired
from 3M to raise prize winning pecans on a ranch in Mason County. Lillie is a retired teacher.
Dr. Paul Pearce is the new resident of 116 Marion. Paul and Susie were residents of Horseshoe Bay from 1980 to 2007. Paul, a
Doctor of Dental Surgery and Susie, a Dental Hygienist, practiced dentistry in Marble Falls from 1986 to 2001. They sold their
dental practice to the doctors Ritchie in 2001. Susie was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. A move was made to Sun City
in Georgetown to be closer to medical facilities. Susie passed away in May of 2014. Paul decided to move to Meadowlakes to be
closer to his daughter, Pam Pond, and her husband Bill, along with his granddaughter, Kelsey and her son, Riley. He enjoys
golf and visiting with the family.
Wendi and Brian Anderson will be living in 273 Quail. They maintain their primary residence in Austin. They have 3 children,
ages 7, 5, and 3. Brian is the COO of a technology company called Purewerx and Wendi is the owner and broker of Roots Real
Estate located in Austin. They are excited to spend time in Meadowlakes. Their down time is spent outdoors enjoying sports,
water activities, and friends.
Michael and Debra Ingalsbe are from Houston and have moved into 115 Pinehurst. Mike is the new Building Official for Marble Falls. Debbie worked as an activity director for seniors. Their interest is old cars.
Flip and Lisa DiPhillipo are the new residents of 303 Limestone. Flip is a retired firefighter from the Nashville, TN area. He
is now employed at Horseshoe Bay Resort as part of their management team. Lisa works in Lakeway in medical billing and
scheduling. They have one son who will graduate from Marble Falls HS this year and will be serving his country in the US
Army. They love outdoor activities.
William and Dorothy Holt will be living in 446 St Andrews. William is
a retired USAF officer and is also retired from Bayshore and Vista
medical centers. Dorothy is a retired teacher. They are active in community service, such as Rotary and volunteerism in the schools and
library. Gardening, flowers, and church are other activities.
Scott Gunnlaogsson is your new neighbor at 304 Meadowlakes Drive.
He has moved here from Roundrock.
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